Weaver Recipes/Level 91 - 99

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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Snow cotton cloth icon1.png  Snow Cotton Cloth Weaver 91 Cloth 1 40 2000 8200
Map printing essentials icon1.png  Map Printing Essentials Weaver 91 Miscellany 1 60 4000 6560
Rarefied snow cotton beret icon1.png  Rarefied Snow Cotton Beret Weaver 91 Miscellany 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton bandana icon1.png  Snow Cotton Bandana Weaver 91 Head 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton beret icon1.png  Snow Cotton Beret Weaver 91 Head 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton bottoms of fending icon1.png  Snow Cotton Bottoms of Fending Weaver 91 Legs 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton bottoms of healing icon1.png  Snow Cotton Bottoms of Healing Weaver 91 Legs 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton bottoms of maiming icon1.png  Snow Cotton Bottoms of Maiming Weaver 91 Legs 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton bottoms of scouting icon1.png  Snow Cotton Bottoms of Scouting Weaver 91 Legs 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton bottoms of striking icon1.png  Snow Cotton Bottoms of Striking Weaver 91 Legs 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton breeches icon1.png  Snow Cotton Breeches Weaver 91 Legs 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton coat of aiming icon1.png  Snow Cotton Coat of Aiming Weaver 91 Body 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton coat of casting icon1.png  Snow Cotton Coat of Casting Weaver 91 Body 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton headband of striking icon1.png  Snow Cotton Headband of Striking Weaver 91 Head 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton jacket icon1.png  Snow Cotton Jacket Weaver 91 Body 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton jacket of striking icon1.png  Snow Cotton Jacket of Striking Weaver 91 Body 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton muffed met of casting icon1.png  Snow Cotton Muffed Met of Casting Weaver 91 Head 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton muffed met of healing icon1.png  Snow Cotton Muffed Met of Healing Weaver 91 Head 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton skirt of aiming icon1.png  Snow Cotton Skirt of Aiming Weaver 91 Legs 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton skirt of casting icon1.png  Snow Cotton Skirt of Casting Weaver 91 Legs 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton trousers icon1.png  Snow Cotton Trousers Weaver 91 Legs 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton tunic of healing icon1.png  Snow Cotton Tunic of Healing Weaver 91 Body 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton tunic of scouting icon1.png  Snow Cotton Tunic of Scouting Weaver 91 Body 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton ushanka of aiming icon1.png  Snow Cotton Ushanka of Aiming Weaver 91 Head 1 80 4000 8200
Snow cotton ushanka of scouting icon1.png  Snow Cotton Ushanka of Scouting Weaver 91 Head 1 80 4000 8200
Mountain linen icon1.png  Mountain Linen Weaver 92 Cloth 1 40 2125 8600
Engineers supply kit icon1.png  Engineer's Supply Kit Weaver 92 Miscellany 1 60 4250 6880
Mountain linen bandana of scouting icon1.png  Mountain Linen Bandana of Scouting Weaver 92 Head 1 80 4250 8600
Mountain linen bandana of striking icon1.png  Mountain Linen Bandana of Striking Weaver 92 Head 1 80 4250 8600
Mountain linen field dressing of aiming icon1.png  Mountain Linen Field Dressing of Aiming Weaver 92 Head 1 80 4250 8600
Mountain linen hat of casting icon1.png  Mountain Linen Hat of Casting Weaver 92 Head 1 80 4250 8600
Mountain linen hat of healing icon1.png  Mountain Linen Hat of Healing Weaver 92 Head 1 80 4250 8600
Railroad repair kit icon1.png  Railroad Repair Kit Weaver 93 Miscellany 1 60 4500 7200
Pelupelu cover components icon1.png  Pelupelu Cover Components Weaver 93 Other 1 80 3375 5400
Mountain linen cloak of aiming icon1.png  Mountain Linen Cloak of Aiming Weaver 93 Body 1 80 4500 9000
Mountain linen cloak of casting icon1.png  Mountain Linen Cloak of Casting Weaver 93 Body 1 80 4500 9000
Mountain linen cloak of healing icon1.png  Mountain Linen Cloak of Healing Weaver 93 Body 1 80 4500 9000
Mountain linen hose of fending icon1.png  Mountain Linen Hose of Fending Weaver 93 Legs 1 80 4500 9000
Mountain linen hose of maiming icon1.png  Mountain Linen Hose of Maiming Weaver 93 Legs 1 80 4500 9000
Mountain linen longkilt of aiming icon1.png  Mountain Linen Longkilt of Aiming Weaver 93 Legs 1 80 4500 9000
Mountain linen longkilt of casting icon1.png  Mountain Linen Longkilt of Casting Weaver 93 Legs 1 80 4500 9000
Mountain linen longkilt of healing icon1.png  Mountain Linen Longkilt of Healing Weaver 93 Legs 1 80 4500 9000
Mountain linen top of scouting icon1.png  Mountain Linen Top of Scouting Weaver 93 Body 1 80 4500 9000
Mountain linen top of striking icon1.png  Mountain Linen Top of Striking Weaver 93 Body 1 80 4500 9000
Rarefied mountain linen top icon1.png  Rarefied Mountain Linen Top Weaver 93 Miscellany 1 80 4500 9000
Sarcenet cloth icon1.png  Sarcenet Cloth Weaver 94 Cloth 1 40 2400 9400
Sarcenet headband of scouting icon1.png  Sarcenet Headband of Scouting Weaver 94 Head 1 80 4800 9400
Sarcenet trappers hat of gathering icon1.png  Sarcenet Trapper's Hat of Gathering Weaver 94 Head 1 80 4800 9400
Sarcenet work cap of crafting icon1.png  Sarcenet Work Cap of Crafting Weaver 94 Head 1 80 4800 9400
Moblin cover components icon1.png  Moblin Cover Components Weaver 95 Other 1 80 3825 5880
Yok huy cover icon1.png  Yok Huy Cover Weaver 95 Other 1 80 3825 5880
Rarefied sarcenet kecks icon1.png  Rarefied Sarcenet Kecks Weaver 95 Miscellany 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet chestwrap of aiming icon1.png  Sarcenet Chestwrap of Aiming Weaver 95 Body 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet chestwrap of casting icon1.png  Sarcenet Chestwrap of Casting Weaver 95 Body 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet chestwrap of healing icon1.png  Sarcenet Chestwrap of Healing Weaver 95 Body 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet chestwrap of scouting icon1.png  Sarcenet Chestwrap of Scouting Weaver 95 Body 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet chestwrap of striking icon1.png  Sarcenet Chestwrap of Striking Weaver 95 Body 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet culottes of gathering icon1.png  Sarcenet Culottes of Gathering Weaver 95 Legs 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet hose of crafting icon1.png  Sarcenet Hose of Crafting Weaver 95 Legs 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet jacket of gathering icon1.png  Sarcenet Jacket of Gathering Weaver 95 Body 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet kecks of fending icon1.png  Sarcenet Kecks of Fending Weaver 95 Legs 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet kecks of maiming icon1.png  Sarcenet Kecks of Maiming Weaver 95 Legs 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet slops of aiming icon1.png  Sarcenet Slops of Aiming Weaver 95 Legs 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet slops of casting icon1.png  Sarcenet Slops of Casting Weaver 95 Legs 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet slops of healing icon1.png  Sarcenet Slops of Healing Weaver 95 Legs 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet slops of scouting icon1.png  Sarcenet Slops of Scouting Weaver 95 Legs 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet slops of striking icon1.png  Sarcenet Slops of Striking Weaver 95 Legs 1 80 5100 9800
Sarcenet work shirt of crafting icon1.png  Sarcenet Work Shirt of Crafting Weaver 95 Body 1 80 5100 9800
Rroneek serge icon1.png  Rroneek Serge Weaver 96 Cloth 1 40 2700 10200
Rroneek serge halfgloves of aiming icon1.png  Rroneek Serge Halfgloves of Aiming Weaver 96 Hands 1 80 5400 10200
Rroneek serge halfgloves of casting icon1.png  Rroneek Serge Halfgloves of Casting Weaver 96 Hands 1 80 5400 10200
Rroneek serge halfgloves of healing icon1.png  Rroneek Serge Halfgloves of Healing Weaver 96 Hands 1 80 5400 10200
Tiled carpeting icon1.png  Tiled Carpeting Weaver 96 Flooring 1 80 5400 10200
Rarefied rroneek serge hat icon1.png  Rarefied Rroneek Serge Hat Weaver 97 Miscellany 1 80 5700 10600
Rroneek serge cap of crafting icon1.png  Rroneek Serge Cap of Crafting Weaver 97 Head 1 80 5700 10600
Rroneek serge doublet of crafting icon1.png  Rroneek Serge Doublet of Crafting Weaver 97 Body 1 80 5700 10600
Rroneek serge hat of gathering icon1.png  Rroneek Serge Hat of Gathering Weaver 97 Head 1 80 5700 10600
Rroneek serge trousers of crafting icon1.png  Rroneek Serge Trousers of Crafting Weaver 97 Legs 1 80 5700 10600
Rroneek serge trousers of gathering icon1.png  Rroneek Serge Trousers of Gathering Weaver 97 Legs 1 80 5700 10600
Thunderyards silk icon1.png  Thunderyards Silk Weaver 98 Cloth 1 40 3000 11000
Mamool ja cover components icon1.png  Mamool Ja Cover Components Weaver 98 Other 1 80 4500 6600
Thunderyards silk gloves of casting icon1.png  Thunderyards Silk Gloves of Casting Weaver 98 Hands 1 80 6000 11000
Thunderyards silk gloves of healing icon1.png  Thunderyards Silk Gloves of Healing Weaver 98 Hands 1 80 6000 11000
Thunderyards silk tabard of aiming icon1.png  Thunderyards Silk Tabard of Aiming Weaver 98 Body 1 80 6000 11000
Thunderyards silk tabard of scouting icon1.png  Thunderyards Silk Tabard of Scouting Weaver 98 Body 1 80 6000 11000
Thunderyards silk trousers of aiming icon1.png  Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Aiming Weaver 98 Legs 1 80 6000 11000
Thunderyards silk trousers of scouting icon1.png  Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Scouting Weaver 98 Legs 1 80 6000 11000
Rarefied thunderyards silk gloves icon1.png  Rarefied Thunderyards Silk Gloves Weaver 99 Miscellany 1 80 6300 11400
Thunderyards silk coat of casting icon1.png  Thunderyards Silk Coat of Casting Weaver 99 Body 1 80 6300 11400
Thunderyards silk coat of healing icon1.png  Thunderyards Silk Coat of Healing Weaver 99 Body 1 80 6300 11400
Thunderyards silk trousers of casting icon1.png  Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Casting Weaver 99 Legs 1 80 6300 11400
Thunderyards silk trousers of healing icon1.png  Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Healing Weaver 99 Legs 1 80 6300 11400