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Leatherworker Recipes/Level 30 - 39

From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Abyssal blue dye icon1.png  Abyssal Blue Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Celeste green dye icon1.png  Celeste Green Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Colibri pink dye icon1.png  Colibri Pink Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Dalamud red dye icon1.png  Dalamud Red Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Deepwood green dye icon1.png  Deepwood Green Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Honey yellow dye icon1.png  Honey Yellow Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Hunter green dye icon1.png  Hunter Green Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Kobold brown dye icon1.png  Kobold Brown Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Loam brown dye icon1.png  Loam Brown Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Lotus pink dye icon1.png  Lotus Pink Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Millioncorn yellow dye icon1.png  Millioncorn Yellow Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Morbol green dye icon1.png  Morbol Green Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Ochu green dye icon1.png  Ochu Green Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Othard blue dye icon1.png  Othard Blue Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Plum purple dye icon1.png  Plum Purple Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Pumpkin orange dye icon1.png  Pumpkin Orange Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Regal purple dye icon1.png  Regal Purple Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Royal blue dye icon1.png  Royal Blue Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Snow white dye icon1.png  Snow White Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Soot black dye icon1.png  Soot Black Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Storm blue dye icon1.png  Storm Blue Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Sunset orange dye icon1.png  Sunset Orange Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Void blue dye icon1.png  Void Blue Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Wine red dye icon1.png  Wine Red Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Woad blue dye icon1.png  Woad Blue Dye Leatherworker 30 Dye 1 70 51 850
Arbor flooring icon1.png  Arbor Flooring Leatherworker 30 Flooring 1 70 102 425
Toadskin armguards icon1.png  Toadskin Armguards Leatherworker 30 Hands 1 70 102 850
Toadskin boots icon1.png  Toadskin Boots Leatherworker 30 Feet 1 70 102 850
Toadskin jacket icon1.png  Toadskin Jacket Leatherworker 30 Body 1 70 102 850
Toadskin jerkin icon1.png  Toadskin Jerkin Leatherworker 30 Body 1 70 102 850
Toadskin culottes icon1.png  Toadskin Culottes Leatherworker 31 Legs 1 80 106 900
Toadskin leg guards icon1.png  Toadskin Leg Guards Leatherworker 31 Feet 1 80 106 900
Toadskin workboots icon1.png  Toadskin Workboots Leatherworker 31 Feet 1 80 106 900
Toadskin breeches icon1.png  Toadskin Breeches Leatherworker 32 Legs 1 80 110 950
Toadskin ring icon1.png  Toadskin Ring Leatherworker 32 Ring 1 80 110 950
Boar leather icon1.png  Boar Leather Leatherworker 33 Leather 1 40 55 800
Boarskin himantes icon1.png  Boarskin Himantes Leatherworker 33 Pugilist's Arm 1 80 111 1000
Fingerless boarskin gloves icon1.png  Fingerless Boarskin Gloves Leatherworker 33 Hands 1 80 111 1000
Skull eyepatch icon1.png  Skull Eyepatch Leatherworker 33 Head 1 80 111 1000
Boarskin choker icon1.png  Boarskin Choker Leatherworker 34 Necklace 1 80 115 1050
Fingerless boarskin gloves of gathering icon1.png  Fingerless Boarskin Gloves of Gathering Leatherworker 34 Hands 1 80 115 1050
Ahriman chair icon1.png  Ahriman Chair Leatherworker 35 Furnishing 1 80 123 555
Altered boarskin thighboots icon1.png  Altered Boarskin Thighboots Leatherworker 35 Feet 1 80 123 1110
Boarskin crakows icon1.png  Boarskin Crakows Leatherworker 35 Feet 1 80 123 1110
Boarskin crakows of gathering icon1.png  Boarskin Crakows of Gathering Leatherworker 35 Feet 1 80 123 1110
Boarskin survival boots icon1.png  Boarskin Survival Boots Leatherworker 35 Feet 1 80 123 1110
Boarskin survival hat icon1.png  Boarskin Survival Hat Leatherworker 35 Head 1 80 123 1110
Toadskin duckbills icon1.png  Toadskin Duckbills Leatherworker 35 Feet 1 80 123 1110
Oasis banner icon1.png  Oasis Banner Leatherworker 36 Placard 1 80 124 580
Boarskin ringbands icon1.png  Boarskin Ringbands Leatherworker 36 Hands 1 80 124 1160
Boarskin wristbands icon1.png  Boarskin Wristbands Leatherworker 36 Bracelets 1 80 124 1160
Boarskin wristbands of gathering icon1.png  Boarskin Wristbands of Gathering Leatherworker 36 Bracelets 1 80 124 1160
Altered boarskin pot helm icon1.png  Altered Boarskin Pot Helm Leatherworker 37 Head 1 80 128 1220
Boarskin harness icon1.png  Boarskin Harness Leatherworker 37 Body 1 80 128 1220
Boarskin pot helm icon1.png  Boarskin Pot Helm Leatherworker 37 Head 1 80 128 1220
Boarskin subligar icon1.png  Boarskin Subligar Leatherworker 37 Legs 1 80 128 1220
Peiste leather icon1.png  Peiste Leather Leatherworker 38 Leather 1 40 64 1024
Glade counter icon1.png  Glade Counter Leatherworker 38 Table 1 80 129 640
Boarskin breeches icon1.png  Boarskin Breeches Leatherworker 38 Legs 1 80 129 1280
Fingerless peisteskin gloves icon1.png  Fingerless Peisteskin Gloves Leatherworker 38 Hands 1 80 129 1280
Peisteskin crakows icon1.png  Peisteskin Crakows Leatherworker 38 Feet 1 80 129 1280
Peisteskin crakows of gathering icon1.png  Peisteskin Crakows of Gathering Leatherworker 38 Feet 1 80 129 1280
Retainer counter icon1.png  Retainer Counter Leatherworker 39 Outdoor Furnishing 1 80 137 670
Boarskin ring icon1.png  Boarskin Ring Leatherworker 39 Ring 1 80 137 1340
Boarskin thighboots icon1.png  Boarskin Thighboots Leatherworker 39 Feet 1 80 137 1340
Fingerless peisteskin gloves of gathering icon1.png  Fingerless Peisteskin Gloves of Gathering Leatherworker 39 Hands 1 80 137 1340
Peisteskin harness icon1.png  Peisteskin Harness Leatherworker 39 Body Armor 1 80 137 1340
Vintage smithys gloves icon1.png  Vintage Smithy's Gloves Leatherworker 39 Hands 1 80 137 1340