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Goldsmith Recipes/Level 50

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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Fake kupo nut icon1.png  Fake Kupo Nut Goldsmith 50 Other 1 40 90 2000
Gravel golem icon2.png  Gravel Golem Goldsmith 50 Minion 1 80 90 2000
Model vanguard icon2.png  Model Vanguard Goldsmith 50 Minion 1 80 90 2000
Amdapori beacon icon1.png  Amdapori Beacon Goldsmith 50 Outdoor Furnishing 1 80 180 1000
Amdapori wall lantern icon1.png  Amdapori Wall Lantern Goldsmith 50 Wall-mounted 1 80 180 1000
Checkered flooring icon1.png  Checkered Flooring Goldsmith 50 Flooring 1 80 180 1000
Mandragora floor lamp icon1.png  Mandragora Floor Lamp Goldsmith 50 Furnishing 1 80 180 1000
Oasis bathtub icon1.png  Oasis Bathtub Goldsmith 50 Furnishing 1 80 180 1000
Oasis ornate fence icon1.png  Oasis Ornate Fence Goldsmith 50 Fence 1 80 180 1000
Riviera bathtub icon1.png  Riviera Bathtub Goldsmith 50 Furnishing 1 80 180 1000
Riviera stone wall icon1.png  Riviera Stone Wall Goldsmith 50 Fence 1 80 180 1000
Tiled flooring icon1.png  Tiled Flooring Goldsmith 50 Flooring 1 80 180 1000
Tiled interior wall icon1.png  Tiled Interior Wall Goldsmith 50 Interior Wall 1 80 180 1000
Amber earrings icon1.png  Amber Earrings Goldsmith 50 Earrings 1 80 180 2000
Black pearl earrings icon1.png  Black Pearl Earrings Goldsmith 50 Earrings 1 80 180 2000
Ivory staff icon1.png  Ivory Staff Goldsmith 50 Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 80 180 2000
Rarefied mythrite goggles icon1.png  Rarefied Mythrite Goggles Goldsmith 50 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 180 2000
Rubellite earrings icon1.png  Rubellite Earrings Goldsmith 50 Earrings 1 80 180 2000
Spinel earrings icon1.png  Spinel Earrings Goldsmith 50 Earrings 1 80 180 2000
Tourmaline earrings icon1.png  Tourmaline Earrings Goldsmith 50 Earrings 1 80 180 2000
Training supplies icon1.png  Training Supplies Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 180 2000
Turquoise earrings icon1.png  Turquoise Earrings Goldsmith 50 Earrings 1 80 180 2000
Zircon earrings icon1.png  Zircon Earrings Goldsmith 50 Earrings 1 80 180 2000
Moogle mollifier icon1.png  Moogle Mollifier Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 216 740
Statue supplies icon1.png  Statue Supplies Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 216 740
Stonemasonry supplies icon1.png  Stonemasonry Supplies Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 216 740
Cloudfish lure icon1.png  Cloudfish Lure Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 259 500
Horn component icon1.png  Horn Component Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 259 500
Veneer component icon1.png  Veneer Component Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 259 500
Water filter component icon1.png  Water Filter Component Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 259 500
Basket component icon1.png  Basket Component Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 270 1500
Shearing machine component icon1.png  Shearing Machine Component Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 270 1500
Gathering tool component icon1.png  Gathering Tool Component Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 324 1000
Ishgardian cuisine miscellany icon1.png  Ishgardian Cuisine Miscellany Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 324 1000
Mogstew miscellany icon1.png  Mogstew Miscellany Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 324 1000
Repurposed construction component icon1.png  Repurposed Construction Component Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 324 1000
Austere offering icon1.png  Austere Offering Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 345 400
Exploding kupo nut icon1.png  Exploding Kupo Nut Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 345 400
Moogle statuette icon1.png  Moogle Statuette Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 345 400
Moogle tool component icon1.png  Moogle Tool Component Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 345 400
Dragonscale rasp icon1.png  Dragonscale Rasp Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 432 800
Foundation component icon1.png  Foundation Component Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 432 800
Makeshift toy airship icon1.png  Makeshift Toy Airship Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 432 800
Wall repair supplies icon1.png  Wall Repair Supplies Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 432 800
Tablet supplies icon1.png  Tablet Supplies Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 460 500
Aetheric shielding icon1.png  Aetheric Shielding Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 576 1000
Treadwheel crane components icon1.png  Treadwheel Crane Components Goldsmith 50 Other 1 80 576 1000
Astral eye icon1.png  Astral Eye Goldsmith 50 ★ Stone 1 40 105 1760
Rose gold nugget icon1.png  Rose Gold Nugget Goldsmith 50 ★ Metal 1 40 105 1760
Cragsoul lamp icon1.png  Cragsoul Lamp Goldsmith 50 ★ Furnishing 1 80 210 1100
Glade mansion wall (stone) icon1.png  Glade Mansion Wall (Stone) Goldsmith 50 ★ Exterior Wall 1 80 210 1100
Inferno wall lamp icon1.png  Inferno Wall Lamp Goldsmith 50 ★ Furnishing 1 80 210 1100
Ivy pillar icon1.png  Ivy Pillar Goldsmith 50 ★ Furnishing 1 80 210 1100
Oasis fence icon1.png  Oasis Fence Goldsmith 50 ★ Fence 1 80 210 1100
Oasis mansion roof (composite) icon1.png  Oasis Mansion Roof (Composite) Goldsmith 50 ★ Roof 1 80 210 1100
Oasis mansion roof (stone) icon1.png  Oasis Mansion Roof (Stone) Goldsmith 50 ★ Roof 1 80 210 1100
Oasis mansion wall (composite) icon1.png  Oasis Mansion Wall (Composite) Goldsmith 50 ★ Exterior Wall 1 80 210 1100
Oasis mansion wall (stone) icon1.png  Oasis Mansion Wall (Stone) Goldsmith 50 ★ Exterior Wall 1 80 210 1100
Personal astroscope icon1.png  Personal Astroscope Goldsmith 50 ★ Outdoor Furnishing 1 80 210 1100
Riviera mansion wall (composite) icon1.png  Riviera Mansion Wall (Composite) Goldsmith 50 ★ Exterior Wall 1 80 210 1100
Riviera mansion wall (stone) icon1.png  Riviera Mansion Wall (Stone) Goldsmith 50 ★ Exterior Wall 1 80 210 1100
Star chandelier icon1.png  Star Chandelier Goldsmith 50 ★ Ceiling Light 1 80 210 1100
Vodoriga sculpture icon1.png  Vodoriga Sculpture Goldsmith 50 ★ Furnishing 1 80 210 1100
Vortex couch icon1.png  Vortex Couch Goldsmith 50 ★ Furnishing 1 80 210 1100
Aetheryte ring icon1.png  Aetheryte Ring Goldsmith 50 ★ Ring 1 80 210 2200
Alchemists monocle icon1.png  Alchemist's Monocle Goldsmith 50 ★ Head 1 80 210 2200
Blacksmiths goggles icon1.png  Blacksmith's Goggles Goldsmith 50 ★ Head 1 80 210 2200
Goldsmiths turban icon1.png  Goldsmith's Turban Goldsmith 50 ★ Head 1 80 210 2200
Imperial operative choker icon1.png  Imperial Operative Choker Goldsmith 50 ★ Necklace 1 80 210 2200
Imperial operative wristlets icon1.png  Imperial Operative Wristlets Goldsmith 50 ★ Bracelets 1 80 210 2200
Militia bracelets icon1.png  Militia Bracelets Goldsmith 50 ★ Bracelets 1 80 210 2200
Militia earrings icon1.png  Militia Earrings Goldsmith 50 ★ Earrings 1 80 210 2200
Militia wristlets icon1.png  Militia Wristlets Goldsmith 50 ★ Bracelets 1 80 210 2200
Minstrels spectacles icon1.png  Minstrel's Spectacles Goldsmith 50 ★ Head 1 80 210 2200
Mosshorn earrings icon1.png  Mosshorn Earrings
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★ Earrings 1 80 210 2200
Rose gold choker icon1.png  Rose Gold Choker
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★ Necklace 1 80 210 2200
Rose gold earrings of gathering icon1.png  Rose Gold Earrings of Gathering
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★ Earrings 1 80 210 2200
Sanguine scepter icon1.png  Sanguine Scepter Goldsmith 50 ★ One-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 80 210 2200
Shaded spectacles icon1.png  Shaded Spectacles Goldsmith 50 ★ Head 1 80 210 2200
Radiant astral eye icon1.png  Radiant Astral Eye Goldsmith 50 ★★ Stone 1 40 125 2000
Rose gold ingot icon1.png  Rose Gold Ingot Goldsmith 50 ★★ Metal 1 40 125 2000
Amigo cactus floor lamp icon1.png  Amigo Cactus Floor Lamp Goldsmith 50 ★★ Furnishing 1 80 250 1250
Blazing inferno wall lamp icon1.png  Blazing Inferno Wall Lamp Goldsmith 50 ★★ Wall-mounted 1 80 250 1250
Demon wall sculpture icon1.png  Demon Wall Sculpture Goldsmith 50 ★★ Wall-mounted 1 80 250 1250
Gargoyle sculpture icon1.png  Gargoyle Sculpture Goldsmith 50 ★★ Furnishing 1 80 250 1250
Illumination module icon1.png  Illumination Module Goldsmith 50 ★★ Furnishing 1 80 250 1250
Marble flooring icon1.png  Marble Flooring Goldsmith 50 ★★ Flooring 1 80 250 1250
Megalodon jaws icon1.png  Megalodon Jaws Goldsmith 50 ★★ Wall-mounted 1 80 250 1250
Monochrome flooring icon1.png  Monochrome Flooring Goldsmith 50 ★★ Flooring 1 80 250 1250
Pendant lamp planter icon1.png  Pendant Lamp Planter Goldsmith 50 ★★ Ceiling Light 1 80 250 1250
Raging vortex couch icon1.png  Raging Vortex Couch Goldsmith 50 ★★ Furnishing 1 80 250 1250
Savage arc of triumph icon1.png  Savage Arc of Triumph Goldsmith 50 ★★ Furnishing 1 80 250 1250
Sharlayan flooring icon1.png  Sharlayan Flooring Goldsmith 50 ★★ Flooring 1 80 250 1250
Titanic cragsoul lamp icon1.png  Titanic Cragsoul Lamp Goldsmith 50 ★★ Outdoor Furnishing 1 80 250 1250
Astral bracelet icon1.png  Astral Bracelet Goldsmith 50 ★★ Bracelets 1 80 250 2500
Astral choker icon1.png  Astral Choker Goldsmith 50 ★★ Necklace 1 80 250 2500
Astral ring icon1.png  Astral Ring Goldsmith 50 ★★ Ring 1 80 250 2500
Astrolabe icon1.png  Astrolabe Goldsmith 50 ★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 80 250 2500
Astrolabe clinometer icon1.png  Astrolabe Clinometer Goldsmith 50 ★★ Part 1 80 250 2500
Coeurl eyeglasses icon1.png  Coeurl Eyeglasses Goldsmith 50 ★★ Head 1 80 250 2500
Elegant rimless glasses icon1.png  Elegant Rimless Glasses Goldsmith 50 ★★ Head 1 80 250 2500
Magitek repair materials icon1.png  Magitek Repair Materials
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★ Miscellany 1 80 250 2500
Reading glasses icon1.png  Reading Glasses Goldsmith 50 ★★ Head 1 80 250 2500
Rimless glasses icon1.png  Rimless Glasses Goldsmith 50 ★★ Head 1 80 250 2500
Rose gold bracelets icon1.png  Rose Gold Bracelets Goldsmith 50 ★★ Bracelets 1 80 250 2500
Rose gold circlet icon1.png  Rose Gold Circlet Goldsmith 50 ★★ Body 1 80 250 2500
Rose gold clasps icon1.png  Rose Gold Clasps Goldsmith 50 ★★ Part 1 80 250 2500
Rose gold cog icon1.png  Rose Gold Cog
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★ Metal 1 80 250 2500
Rose gold ear cuffs icon1.png  Rose Gold Ear Cuffs Goldsmith 50 ★★ Earrings 1 80 250 2500
Rose gold ear screws icon1.png  Rose Gold Ear Screws Goldsmith 50 ★★ Earrings 1 80 250 2500
Rose gold earrings icon1.png  Rose Gold Earrings Goldsmith 50 ★★ Earrings 1 80 250 2500
Rose gold gorget icon1.png  Rose Gold Gorget Goldsmith 50 ★★ Necklace 1 80 250 2500
Rose gold ring icon1.png  Rose Gold Ring Goldsmith 50 ★★ Ring 1 80 250 2500
The evening star icon1.png  The Evening Star Goldsmith 50 ★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 80 250 2500
Thick-rimmed glasses icon1.png  Thick-rimmed Glasses
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★ Head 1 80 250 2500
Fluorite lens icon1.png  Fluorite Lens
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Stone 1 40 210 2750
Armorcraft forge icon1.png  Armorcraft Forge Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Furnishing 1 80 420 1375
Carbuncle chronometer icon1.png  Carbuncle Chronometer Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Wall-mounted 1 80 420 1375
Carbuncle lantern icon1.png  Carbuncle Lantern Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Tabletop 1 80 420 1375
Emperors throne icon1.png  Emperor's Throne Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Furnishing 1 80 420 1375
Garden pond icon1.png  Garden Pond Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Outdoor Furnishing 1 80 420 1375
Ice chandelier icon1.png  Ice Chandelier Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Ceiling Light 1 80 420 1375
Large garden pond icon1.png  Large Garden Pond
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Outdoor Furnishing 1 80 420 1375
Regal letter box icon1.png  Regal Letter Box Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Outdoor Furnishing 1 80 420 1375
Calibrated rose gold cog icon1.png  Calibrated Rose Gold Cog
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Metal 1 80 420 2750
Diamond icon1.png  Diamond
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Stone 1 80 420 2750
Diamond bracelet icon1.png  Diamond Bracelet
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Bracelets 1 80 420 2750
Diamond choker icon1.png  Diamond Choker
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Necklace 1 80 420 2750
Diamond earrings icon1.png  Diamond Earrings
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Earrings 1 80 420 2750
Diamond ring icon1.png  Diamond Ring
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Ring 1 80 420 2750
Emerald icon1.png  Emerald
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Stone 1 80 420 2750
Emerald bracelet icon1.png  Emerald Bracelet
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Bracelets 1 80 420 2750
Emerald choker icon1.png  Emerald Choker
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Necklace 1 80 420 2750
Emerald earrings icon1.png  Emerald Earrings
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Earrings 1 80 420 2750
Emerald ring icon1.png  Emerald Ring
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Ring 1 80 420 2750
Furnace ring icon1.png  Furnace Ring
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Miscellany 1 80 420 2750
Gold ingot icon1.png  Gold Ingot
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Metal 1 80 420 2750
Gold spectacles icon1.png  Gold Spectacles
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Head 1 80 420 2750
Heart of the vortex icon1.png  Heart of the Vortex
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 1 80 420 2750
Honor of the vortex icon1.png  Honor of the Vortex
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 80 420 2750
Inferno cudgel icon1.png  Inferno Cudgel
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ One-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 80 420 2750
Inferno rapier icon1.png  Inferno Rapier
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 80 420 2750
Inferno rod icon1.png  Inferno Rod
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 80 420 2750
Inferno star globe icon1.png  Inferno Star Globe
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 80 420 2750
Iolite icon1.png  Iolite
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Stone 1 80 420 2750
Iolite bracelet icon1.png  Iolite Bracelet
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Bracelets 1 80 420 2750
Iolite choker icon1.png  Iolite Choker
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Necklace 1 80 420 2750
Iolite earrings icon1.png  Iolite Earrings
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Earrings 1 80 420 2750
Iolite ring icon1.png  Iolite Ring
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Ring 1 80 420 2750
Lift of the vortex icon1.png  Lift of the Vortex
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 80 420 2750
Manipulative moggle mogfoil icon1.png  Manipulative Moggle Mogfoil
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 80 420 2750
Moonlit moggle moglobe icon1.png  Moonlit Moggle Moglobe
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 80 420 2750
Platinum nugget icon1.png  Platinum Nugget
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Metal 1 80 420 2750
Plumes of the vortex icon1.png  Plumes of the Vortex
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Rogue's Arm 1 80 420 2750
Ruby icon1.png  Ruby
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Stone 1 80 420 2750
Ruby bracelet icon1.png  Ruby Bracelet
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Bracelets 1 80 420 2750
Ruby choker icon1.png  Ruby Choker
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Necklace 1 80 420 2750
Ruby earrings icon1.png  Ruby Earrings
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Earrings 1 80 420 2750
Ruby ring icon1.png  Ruby Ring
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Ring 1 80 420 2750
Sapphire icon1.png  Sapphire
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Stone 1 80 420 2750
Sapphire bracelet icon1.png  Sapphire Bracelet
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Bracelets 1 80 420 2750
Sapphire choker icon1.png  Sapphire Choker
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Necklace 1 80 420 2750
Sapphire earrings icon1.png  Sapphire Earrings
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Earrings 1 80 420 2750
Sapphire ring icon1.png  Sapphire Ring
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Ring 1 80 420 2750
Topaz icon1.png  Topaz
(Learned from: Master goldsmith i icon1.png  Master Goldsmith I)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Stone 1 80 420 2750
Topaz bracelet icon1.png  Topaz Bracelet
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Bracelets 1 80 420 2750
Topaz choker icon1.png  Topaz Choker
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Necklace 1 80 420 2750
Topaz earrings icon1.png  Topaz Earrings
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Earrings 1 80 420 2750
Topaz ring icon1.png  Topaz Ring
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Ring 1 80 420 2750
Van of the vortex icon1.png  Van of the Vortex
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 80 420 2750
Wile of the vortex icon1.png  Wile of the Vortex
(Learned from: Master goldsmith demimateria icon1.png  Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★ One-handed Conjurer's Arm 1 80 420 2750
Diamond chandelier icon1.png  Diamond Chandelier Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Ceiling Light 1 80 480 1450
Syrcus tower icon1.png  Syrcus Tower Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Furnishing 1 80 480 1450
High adjudicators staff icon1.png  High Adjudicator's Staff
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 80 480 2900
Mighty thunderdome icon1.png  Mighty Thunderdome
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 80 480 2900
Mighty thunderstone icon1.png  Mighty Thunderstone
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 80 480 2900
Platinum bangles of aiming icon1.png  Platinum Bangles of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Bracelets 1 80 480 2900
Platinum bangles of casting icon1.png  Platinum Bangles of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Bracelets 1 80 480 2900
Platinum bangles of fending icon1.png  Platinum Bangles of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Bracelets 1 80 480 2900
Platinum bangles of healing icon1.png  Platinum Bangles of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Bracelets 1 80 480 2900
Platinum bangles of slaying icon1.png  Platinum Bangles of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Bracelets 1 80 480 2900
Platinum circlet of casting icon1.png  Platinum Circlet of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Head 1 80 480 2900
Platinum circlet of healing icon1.png  Platinum Circlet of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Head 1 80 480 2900
Platinum earrings of aiming icon1.png  Platinum Earrings of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Earrings 1 80 480 2900
Platinum earrings of casting icon1.png  Platinum Earrings of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Earrings 1 80 480 2900
Platinum earrings of fending icon1.png  Platinum Earrings of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Earrings 1 80 480 2900
Platinum earrings of healing icon1.png  Platinum Earrings of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Earrings 1 80 480 2900
Platinum earrings of slaying icon1.png  Platinum Earrings of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Earrings 1 80 480 2900
Platinum ingot icon1.png  Platinum Ingot
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Metal 1 80 480 2900
Platinum planisphere icon1.png  Platinum Planisphere
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 80 480 2900
Platinum ring of aiming icon1.png  Platinum Ring of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Ring 1 80 480 2900
Platinum ring of casting icon1.png  Platinum Ring of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Ring 1 80 480 2900
Platinum ring of fending icon1.png  Platinum Ring of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Ring 1 80 480 2900
Platinum ring of healing icon1.png  Platinum Ring of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Ring 1 80 480 2900
Platinum ring of slaying icon1.png  Platinum Ring of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Ring 1 80 480 2900
Platinum scarf of aiming icon1.png  Platinum Scarf of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Necklace 1 80 480 2900
Platinum scarf of casting icon1.png  Platinum Scarf of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Necklace 1 80 480 2900
Platinum scarf of fending icon1.png  Platinum Scarf of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Necklace 1 80 480 2900
Platinum scarf of healing icon1.png  Platinum Scarf of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Necklace 1 80 480 2900
Platinum scarf of slaying icon1.png  Platinum Scarf of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith ii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith II)
Goldsmith 50 ★★★★ Necklace 1 80 480 2900