Aged Mortar Pieces |
Perfect Mortar
Aged Pestle Pieces |
Perfect Pestle
Aged Spear Shaft |
Perfect Firewood
Allagan Aetherstone - Body Gear |
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5 |
Replica Heavy Allagan Armor, Replica Allagan Cuirass of Maiming, Replica Allagan Cuirass of Striking, Replica Allagan Cuirass of Aiming, Replica Allagan Tunic of Casting, Replica Allagan Tunic of Healing
Allagan Aetherstone - Foot Gear |
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1, The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 |
Replica Heavy Allagan Sollerets, Replica Allagan Sollerets of Maiming, Replica Allagan Sollerets of Striking, Replica Allagan Sollerets of Aiming, Replica Allagan Boots of Healing, Replica Allagan Boots of Casting
Allagan Aetherstone - Hand Gear |
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1, The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 |
Replica Heavy Allagan Gauntlets, Replica Allagan Gauntlets of Maiming, Replica Allagan Gauntlets of Striking, Replica Allagan Gauntlets of Aiming, Replica Allagan Gloves of Casting, Replica Allagan Gloves of Healing
Allagan Aetherstone - Head Gear |
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1, The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 |
Replica Allagan Helm, Replica Allagan Visor of Maiming, Replica Allagan Visor of Striking, Replica Allagan Visor of Aiming, Replica Allagan Circlet of Casting, Replica Allagan Circlet of Healing
Allagan Aetherstone - Headgear |
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1, The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 |
Replica Allagan Helm, Replica Allagan Visor of Maiming, Replica Allagan Visor of Striking, Replica Allagan Visor of Aiming, Replica Allagan Circlet of Casting, Replica Allagan Circlet of Healing
Allagan Aetherstone - Leg Gear |
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 |
Replica Heavy Allagan Cuisses, Replica Allagan Trousers of Maiming, Replica Allagan Trousers of Striking, Replica Allagan Trousers of Aiming, Replica Allagan Breeches of Casting, Replica Allagan Breeches of Healing
Allagan Aetherstone - Weaponry |
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5 |
Replica Allagan Blade, Replica Allagan Baghnakhs, Replica Allagan Battleaxe, Replica Allagan Spear, Replica Allagan Composite Bow, Replica Allagan Daggers, Replica Allagan Guillotine, Replica Allagan Pistol, Replica Allagan Round Shield, Replica Allagan Cane, Replica Allagan Scepter, Replica Allagan Star Globe, Replica Allagan Rod, Replica Allagan Grimoire of Casting, Replica Allagan Grimoire of Healing
Astrolabe Clinometer |
Level 50★★ Goldsmith |
Aurum Regis Cylinder |
Level 59 Goldsmith |
Star Sapphire Music Box, Star Ruby Music Box
Avenger Grips |
Level 50★★ Blacksmith |
Black Odoshi Cord |
Bloody Bardiche Head |
The Wanderer's Palace |
Barbarian's Bardiche
Bloody Bow Rim |
The Wanderer's Palace |
Longarm's Composite Bow
Bloody Cesti Covers |
The Wanderer's Palace |
Wildling's Cesti
Bloody Grimoire Binding |
The Wanderer's Palace |
Erudite's Picatrix of Casting, Erudite's Picatrix of Healing
Bloody Knife Blades |
The Wanderer's Palace |
Vamper's Knives
Bloody Lance Head |
The Wanderer's Palace |
Champion's Lance
Blue Odoshi Cord |
Brooklet Tank Trimmings |
Material Supplier, Apartment Merchant |
Choral Attire Augmentation |
Level 50★★★ Alchemist |
Coelacanth-class Bow Frame |
Material Supplier |
Coelacanth-class Bridge Frame |
Material Supplier |
Coelacanth-class Pressure Hull Frame |
Material Supplier |
Coelacanth-class Stern Frame |
Material Supplier |
Damaged Side Table |
Vintage Side Table
Darksteel Breastplate |
Level 50★★ Armorer |
Heavy Darksteel Armor
Darksteel Couters |
Level 50★★ Armorer |
Heavy Darksteel Flanchard
Darksteel Gauntlet Plates |
Level 50★★ Armorer |
Heavy Darksteel Gauntlets
Dimension Blade Fragment |
The Labyrinth of the Ancients |
Savage Arc of Triumph
Drachen Armor Augmentation |
Level 50★★★ Alchemist |
Eternal Queensguard |
The Minstrel's Ballad: Sphene's Burden |
Eternal Cenotaph, Eternal Barding
Evoker's Attire Augmentation |
Level 50★★★ Alchemist |
Faded Tome |
Medica Thavnaria
Fighter's Armor Augmentation |
Level 50★★★ Alchemist |
Gallant Armor Augmentation |
Level 50★★★ Alchemist |
Gobwalker Shielding |
Steam-powered Gobwalker G-VII
Gordian Gear |
Gordian Bureau, Gordian Chair
Gryphonskin Elbow Pads |
Level 50★★ Leatherworker |
Gryphonskin Gloves
Gryphonskin Knee Pads |
Level 50★★ Leatherworker |
Gryphonskin Thighboots
Gryphonskin Shin Guards |
Level 50★★ Leatherworker |
Gryphonskin Trousers
Gryphonskin Shoulder Guards |
Level 50★★ Leatherworker |
Gryphonskin Jerkin
Healer's Attire Augmentation |
Level 50★★★ Alchemist |
High Allagan Aetherstone - Body Gear |
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4, The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 (Savage) |
Replica Heavy High Allagan Coat, Replica High Allagan Cuirass of Maiming, Replica High Allagan Cuirass of Striking, Replica High Allagan Coat of Aiming, Replica High Allagan Coat of Casting, Replica High Allagan Coat of Healing
High Allagan Aetherstone - Foot Gear |
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1, The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3, The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 (Savage), The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 (Savage) |
Replica High Allagan Sabatons of Fending, Replica High Allagan Sabatons of Maiming, Replica High Allagan Sabatons of Striking, Replica High Allagan Boots of Aiming, Replica High Allagan Boots of Casting, Replica High Allagan Thighboots of Healing
High Allagan Aetherstone - Hand Gear |
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2, The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3, The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 (Savage), The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 (Savage) |
Replica High Allagan Gauntlets of Fending, Replica High Allagan Gauntlets of Maiming, Replica High Allagan Gauntlets of Striking, Replica High Allagan Gloves of Aiming, Replica High Allagan Gloves of Casting, Replica High Allagan Gloves of Healing
High Allagan Aetherstone - Head Gear |
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1, The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3, The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 (Savage), The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 (Savage) |
Replica High Allagan Headgear of Maiming, Replica High Allagan Headgear of Striking, Replica High Allagan Circlet of Fending, Replica High Allagan Circlet of Healing, Replica High Allagan Mask of Aiming, Replica High Allagan Mask of Casting
High Allagan Aetherstone - Headgear |
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1, The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3, The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 (Savage), The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 (Savage) |
Replica High Allagan Headgear of Maiming, Replica High Allagan Headgear of Striking, Replica High Allagan Circlet of Fending, Replica High Allagan Circlet of Healing, Replica High Allagan Mask of Aiming, Replica High Allagan Mask of Casting
High Allagan Aetherstone - Leg Gear |
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2, The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 (Savage) |
Replica High Allagan Trousers of Fending, Replica High Allagan Trousers of Maiming, Replica High Allagan Trousers of Striking, Replica High Allagan Breeches of Aiming, Replica High Allagan Breeches of Casting, Replica High Allagan Pantaloons of Healing
High Allagan Aetherstone - Weaponry |
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4, The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 (Savage) |
Replica High Allagan Blade, Replica High Allagan Baghnakhs, Replica High Allagan Battleaxe, Replica High Allagan Spear, Replica High Allagan Composite Bow, Replica High Allagan Cleavers, Replica High Allagan Guillotine, Replica High Allagan Pistol, Replica High Allagan Kite Shield, Replica High Allagan Crook, Replica High Allagan Staff, Replica High Allagan Star Globe, Replica High Allagan Grimoire of Casting, Replica High Allagan Grimoire of Healing
Iron Giant Core |
Iron Dwarf
Iron Giant Scrap |
Iron Dwarf
Kabuto Mask |
Kingly Whisker |
Good King Moggle Mog XII |
Mischievous Moggle Mogbow, Maleficent Moggle Mogstaff, Morbid Moggle Mogblade, Malignant Moggle Mogaxe, Melancholy Moggle Mogfork, Mortal Moggle Mogknives, Monstrous Moggle Mogsword, Menacing Moggle Mog Gun, Regal Letter Box, Moonlit Moggle Moglobe, Murderous Moggle Mogfists, Malevolent Moggle Mogwand, Majestic Moggle Mogtome, Munificent Moggle Mogtome
Large Gordian Gear |
Savage Gordian Bureau, Savage Gordian Chair
Mailbreaker Blade |
Level 50★★ Blacksmith |
Misericorde Blades |
Level 50★★ Blacksmith |
Moggle Mog XII's Whisker |
Good King Moggle Mog XII |
Moogle Letter Box, Moogle Interior Wall, Moogle Flooring
Mossy Stone Axe |
Giantsgall War Axe
Mossy Stone Bow |
Giantsgall Longbow
Mossy Stone Cannon |
Giantsgall Knifelock
Mossy Stone Claws |
Giantsgall Claws
Mossy Stone Daggers |
Giantsgall Cleavers
Mossy Stone Globe |
Giantsgall Star Globe
Mossy Stone Greatsword |
Giantsgall Guillotine
Mossy Stone Rod |
Giantsgall Cane
Mossy Stone Spear |
Giantsgall Trident
Mossy Stone Staff |
Giantsgall Longstaff
Mossy Stone Sword |
Giantsgall Longsword
Neo Aetherstone - Body Gear |
Replica Dreadwyrm Armor of Fending, Replica Dreadwyrm Mail of Maiming, Replica Dreadwyrm Cyclas of Striking, Replica Dreadwyrm Tabard of Aiming, Replica Dreadwyrm Robe of Casting, Replica Dreadwyrm Cyclas of Scouting, Replica Dreadwyrm Robe of Healing
Neo Aetherstone - Foot Gear |
Replica Dreadwyrm Sabatons of Fending, Replica Dreadwyrm Greaves of Maiming, Replica Dreadwyrm Greaves of Aiming, Replica Dreadwyrm Boots of Striking, Replica Dreadwyrm Shoes of Casting, Replica Dreadwyrm Shoes of Healing, Replica Dreadwyrm Boots of Scouting
Neo Aetherstone - Hand Gear |
Replica Dreadwyrm Gauntlets of Fending, Replica Dreadwyrm Vambraces of Maiming, Replica Dreadwyrm Bracers of Striking, Replica Dreadwyrm Bracers of Aiming, Replica Dreadwyrm Gloves of Casting, Replica Dreadwyrm Gloves of Healing, Replica Dreadwyrm Bracers of Scouting
Neo Aetherstone - Headgear |
Replica Dreadwyrm Barbut of Maiming, Replica Dreadwyrm Coronet of Fending, Replica Dreadwyrm Circlet of Striking, Replica Dreadwyrm Circlet of Scouting, Replica Dreadwyrm Chapeau of Aiming, Replica Dreadwyrm Petasos of Casting, Replica Dreadwyrm Hood of Healing
Neo Aetherstone - Leg Gear |
Replica Dreadwyrm Breeches of Maiming, Replica Dreadwyrm Breeches of Aiming, Replica Dreadwyrm Sarouel of Fending, Replica Dreadwyrm Slops of Striking, Replica Dreadwyrm Tonban of Casting, Replica Dreadwyrm Tonban of Healing, Replica Dreadwyrm Slops of Scouting
Ninja Garb Augmentation |
Level 50★★★ Alchemist |
Obelisk Head |
Level 50★★ Blacksmith |
Rampager Head |
Level 50★★ Blacksmith |
Rose Gold Clasps |
Level 50★★ Goldsmith |
Rose Gold Ear Screws, Rose Gold Earrings
Rubber Sole |
Sarnga Limb |
Level 50★★ Carpenter |
Scholar's Attire Augmentation |
Level 50★★★ Alchemist |
Shark-class Bow Frame |
Material Supplier |
Shark-class Bridge Frame |
Material Supplier |
Shark-class Pressure Hull Frame |
Material Supplier |
Shark-class Stern Frame |
Material Supplier |
Southern Sea Tank Trimmings |
Material Supplier, Apartment Merchant |
Steel Mainspring |
Clockwork Barrow
Steel Wheel Bearing |
Clockwork Barrow
Suspended Trillium Flower |
Level 50★★ Alchemist |
Syldra-class Bow Frame |
Material Supplier |
Syldra-class Bridge Frame |
Material Supplier |
Syldra-class Pressure Hull Frame |
Material Supplier |
Syldra-class Stern Frame |
Material Supplier |
Temple Attire Augmentation |
Level 50★★★ Alchemist |
Tiny Crown |
Jossy |
Crowned Pie
Unkiu-class Bow Frame |
Material Supplier |
Unkiu-class Bridge Frame |
Material Supplier |
Unkiu-class Pressure Hull Frame |
Material Supplier |
Unkiu-class Stern Frame |
Material Supplier |
Vanya Silk Crakow Lining |
Level 50★★ Weaver |
Vanya Crakows
Vanya Silk Glove Lining |
Level 50★★ Weaver |
Vanya Gloves of Casting, Vanya Gloves of Healing
Vanya Silk Hat Lining |
Level 50★★ Weaver |
Vanya Hat of Casting, Vanya Hat of Healing
Vanya Silk Robe Lining |
Level 50★★ Weaver |
Vanya Robe of Casting, Vanya Robe of Healing
Weathered Tome |
Cantamina Thavnaria
Whale-class Bow Frame |
Material Supplier |
Whale-class Bridge Frame |
Material Supplier |
Whale-class Pressure Hull Frame |
Material Supplier |
Whale-class Stern Frame |
Material Supplier |
White Raven Armor Fragment |
Nael deus Darnus |
Projection Module, Purification Module
Wizard's Attire Augmentation |
Level 50★★★ Alchemist |