Blacksmith Recipes/Level 90

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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Rail grindstone icon1.png  Rail Grindstone Blacksmith 90 Miscellany 1 60 3500 5760
Gold connector icon1.png  Gold Connector Blacksmith 90 Other 1 80 2625 4320
Reed scythe icon1.png  Reed Scythe Blacksmith 90 Other 1 80 2625 4320
Amaurotine spire chandelier icon1.png  Amaurotine Spire Chandelier Blacksmith 90 Ceiling Light 1 80 3500 7200
Celestial screen icon1.png  Celestial Screen Blacksmith 90 Furnishing 1 80 3500 7200
Chondrite cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Chondrite Cross-pein Hammer Blacksmith 90 Blacksmith's Primary Tool 1 80 3500 7200
Chondrite hatchet icon1.png  Chondrite Hatchet Blacksmith 90 Botanist's Primary Tool 1 80 3500 7200
Chondrite lapidary hammer icon1.png  Chondrite Lapidary Hammer Blacksmith 90 Goldsmith's Primary Tool 1 80 3500 7200
Chondrite pickaxe icon1.png  Chondrite Pickaxe Blacksmith 90 Miner's Primary Tool 1 80 3500 7200
Chondrite raising hammer icon1.png  Chondrite Raising Hammer Blacksmith 90 Armorer's Primary Tool 1 80 3500 7200
Chondrite round knife icon1.png  Chondrite Round Knife Blacksmith 90 Leatherworker's Primary Tool 1 80 3500 7200
Chondrite saw icon1.png  Chondrite Saw Blacksmith 90 Carpenter's Primary Tool 1 80 3500 7200
Classic table lamp icon1.png  Classic Table Lamp Blacksmith 90 Tabletop 1 80 3500 7200
Classic umbrella stand icon1.png  Classic Umbrella Stand Blacksmith 90 Furnishing 1 80 3500 7200
Enigma partition icon1.png  Enigma Partition Blacksmith 90 Furnishing 1 80 3500 7200
Enigma wall chronometer icon1.png  Enigma Wall Chronometer Blacksmith 90 Wall-mounted 1 80 3500 7200
Factory pillar icon1.png  Factory Pillar Blacksmith 90 Furnishing 1 80 3500 7200
Garden gate icon1.png  Garden Gate Blacksmith 90 Outdoor Furnishing 1 80 3500 7200
Hannish ceiling lamp icon1.png  Hannish Ceiling Lamp Blacksmith 90 Ceiling Light 1 80 3500 7200
House fortemps fireplace icon1.png  House Fortemps Fireplace Blacksmith 90 Table 1 80 3500 7200
Iron chair icon1.png  Iron Chair Blacksmith 90 Furnishing 1 80 3500 7200
Ironworks tool set icon1.png  Ironworks Tool Set Blacksmith 90 Wall-mounted 1 80 3500 7200
Jinrikisha icon1.png  Jinrikisha Blacksmith 90 Outdoor Furnishing 1 80 3500 7200
Leveilleur estate chandelier icon1.png  Leveilleur Estate Chandelier Blacksmith 90 Ceiling Light 1 80 3500 7200
Log rack icon1.png  Log Rack Blacksmith 90 Furnishing 1 80 3500 7200
Rarefied chondrite lapidary hammer icon1.png  Rarefied Chondrite Lapidary Hammer Blacksmith 90 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 3500 7200
Rousing chronometer icon1.png  Rousing Chronometer Blacksmith 90 Tabletop 1 80 3500 7200
Toy cooking set icon1.png  Toy Cooking Set Blacksmith 90 Tabletop 1 80 3500 7200
Watchers palace ceiling lamp icon1.png  Watcher's Palace Ceiling Lamp Blacksmith 90 Ceiling Light 1 80 3500 7200
Plush carriage seating icon1.png  Plush Carriage Seating Blacksmith 90 ★ Miscellany 1 60 3700 5920
Connoisseurs wall lantern icon1.png  Connoisseur's Wall Lantern Blacksmith 90 ★ Collectable recipe icon.pngSplendorous cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Miscellany 1 60 3700 9028
Bluefeather astrolabos icon1.png  Bluefeather Astrolabos
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★ Tabletop 1 80 3700 7400
Lunar adamantite ingot icon1.png  Lunar Adamantite Ingot
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Metal 1 35 2925 7800
Connoisseurs coffee brewer icon1.png  Connoisseur's Coffee Brewer Blacksmith 90 ★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngAugmented splendorous cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Miscellany 1 60 3900 11154
Classical battleaxe icon1.png  Classical Battleaxe
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Marauder's Arm 1 70 3900 10920
Classical chakrams icon1.png  Classical Chakrams
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Dancer's Arm 1 70 3900 10920
Classical daggers icon1.png  Classical Daggers
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Rogue's Arm 1 70 3900 10920
Classical greatsword icon1.png  Classical Greatsword
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Dark Knight's Arm 1 70 3900 10920
Classical gunblade icon1.png  Classical Gunblade
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Gunbreaker's Arm 1 70 3900 10920
Classical handgonne icon1.png  Classical Handgonne
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Machinist's Arm 1 70 3900 10920
Classical longsword icon1.png  Classical Longsword
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Gladiator's Arm 1 70 3900 10920
Classical samurai blade icon1.png  Classical Samurai Blade
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Samurai's Arm 1 70 3900 10920
Classical tonfa icon1.png  Classical Tonfa
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Pugilist's Arm 1 70 3900 10920
Classical war scythe icon1.png  Classical War Scythe
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Reaper's Arm 1 70 3900 10920
Island prism icon1.png  Island Prism
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Catalyst 3 70 4300 8000
Storms crown sword stand icon1.png  Storm's Crown Sword Stand
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Tabletop 1 70 4300 8000
Pactmakers awl icon1.png  Pactmaker's Awl
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Leatherworker's Secondary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers claw hammer icon1.png  Pactmaker's Claw Hammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Carpenter's Secondary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers creasing knife icon1.png  Pactmaker's Creasing Knife
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Leatherworker's Primary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Pactmaker's Cross-pein Hammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Blacksmith's Primary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers culinary knife icon1.png  Pactmaker's Culinary Knife
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Culinarian's Secondary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers file icon1.png  Pactmaker's File
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Blacksmith's Secondary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers garden scythe icon1.png  Pactmaker's Garden Scythe
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Botanist's Secondary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers halfheart saw icon1.png  Pactmaker's Halfheart Saw
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Carpenter's Primary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers hatchet icon1.png  Pactmaker's Hatchet
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Botanist's Primary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers lapidary hammer icon1.png  Pactmaker's Lapidary Hammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Goldsmith's Primary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers mortar icon1.png  Pactmaker's Mortar
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Alchemist's Secondary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers pickaxe icon1.png  Pactmaker's Pickaxe
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Miner's Primary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers pliers icon1.png  Pactmaker's Pliers
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Armorer's Secondary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers raising hammer icon1.png  Pactmaker's Raising Hammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Armorer's Primary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Pactmakers sledgehammer icon1.png  Pactmaker's Sledgehammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith ix icon1.png  Master Blacksmith IX)
Blacksmith 90 ★★ Miner's Secondary Tool 1 70 4300 12800
Ilmenite ingot icon1.png  Ilmenite Ingot
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Metal 1 35 3696 8200
Connoisseurs samurai blade icon1.png  Connoisseur's Samurai Blade Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngCrystalline cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Miscellany 1 60 4620 12040
Connoisseurs chandelier icon1.png  Connoisseur's Chandelier Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngChora-zoi's cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Miscellany 1 60 5280 13050
Water otter fountain hardware icon1.png  Water Otter Fountain Hardware
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Expert recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 7480 13620
Smaller water otter fountain hardware icon1.png  Smaller Water Otter Fountain Hardware
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Expert recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 7920 17240
Blighted earth sword stand icon1.png  Blighted Earth Sword Stand
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Tabletop 1 70 4400 8200
Eventide sword stand icon1.png  Eventide Sword Stand
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Tabletop 1 70 4400 8200
Infernal archfiend cloak icon1.png  Infernal Archfiend Cloak
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Wall-mounted 1 70 4400 8200
Rinascita culverin icon1.png  Rinascita Culverin
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Machinist's Arm 1 70 5060 12628
Rinascita daggers icon1.png  Rinascita Daggers
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Rogue's Arm 1 70 5060 12628
Rinascita greatsword icon1.png  Rinascita Greatsword
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Dark Knight's Arm 1 70 5060 12628
Rinascita knuckles icon1.png  Rinascita Knuckles
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Pugilist's Arm 1 70 5060 12628
Rinascita labrys icon1.png  Rinascita Labrys
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Marauder's Arm 1 70 5060 12628
Rinascita manatrigger icon1.png  Rinascita Manatrigger
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Gunbreaker's Arm 1 70 5060 12628
Rinascita samurai blade icon1.png  Rinascita Samurai Blade
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Samurai's Arm 1 70 5060 12628
Rinascita sword icon1.png  Rinascita Sword
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Gladiator's Arm 1 70 5060 12628
Rinascita war quoits icon1.png  Rinascita War Quoits
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Dancer's Arm 1 70 5060 12628
Rinascita zaghnal icon1.png  Rinascita Zaghnal
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Reaper's Arm 1 70 5060 12628
Indagators awl icon1.png  Indagator's Awl
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Leatherworker's Secondary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators claw hammer icon1.png  Indagator's Claw Hammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Carpenter's Secondary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Indagator's Cross-pein Hammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Blacksmith's Primary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators culinary knife icon1.png  Indagator's Culinary Knife
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Culinarian's Secondary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators file icon1.png  Indagator's File
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Blacksmith's Secondary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators garden scythe icon1.png  Indagator's Garden Scythe
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Botanist's Secondary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators hatchet icon1.png  Indagator's Hatchet
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Botanist's Primary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators knife icon1.png  Indagator's Knife
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Leatherworker's Primary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators lapidary hammer icon1.png  Indagator's Lapidary Hammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Goldsmith's Primary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators mortar icon1.png  Indagator's Mortar
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Alchemist's Secondary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators pickaxe icon1.png  Indagator's Pickaxe
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Miner's Primary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators pliers icon1.png  Indagator's Pliers
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Armorer's Secondary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators raising hammer icon1.png  Indagator's Raising Hammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Armorer's Primary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators saw icon1.png  Indagator's Saw
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Carpenter's Primary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Indagators sledgehammer icon1.png  Indagator's Sledgehammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★ Miner's Secondary Tool 1 70 5720 12900
Softsilver ingot icon1.png  Softsilver Ingot
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Metal 1 35 4488 9090
Connoisseurs rousing chronometer icon1.png  Connoisseur's Rousing Chronometer Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngExpert recipe icon.pngBrilliant cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Miscellany 1 60 6600 15368
Connoisseurs retainer bell icon1.png  Connoisseur's Retainer Bell Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngExpert recipe icon.pngVrandtic visionary's cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Miscellany 1 60 7040 16308
Uncharted course hardware icon1.png  Uncharted Course Hardware
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Expert recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 8800 18040
Diadochos blade icon1.png  Diadochos Blade
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Samurai's Arm 1 70 6600 14040
Diadochos chakrams icon1.png  Diadochos Chakrams
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Dancer's Arm 1 70 6600 14040
Diadochos greatsword icon1.png  Diadochos Greatsword
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Dark Knight's Arm 1 70 6600 14040
Diadochos gunblade icon1.png  Diadochos Gunblade
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Gunbreaker's Arm 1 70 6600 14040
Diadochos knuckles icon1.png  Diadochos Knuckles
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Pugilist's Arm 1 70 6600 14040
Diadochos main gauches icon1.png  Diadochos Main Gauches
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Rogue's Arm 1 70 6600 14040
Diadochos revolver icon1.png  Diadochos Revolver
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Machinist's Arm 1 70 6600 14040
Diadochos sword icon1.png  Diadochos Sword
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Gladiator's Arm 1 70 6600 14040
Diadochos war axe icon1.png  Diadochos War Axe
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Marauder's Arm 1 70 6600 14040
Diadochos zaghnal icon1.png  Diadochos Zaghnal
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★★ Reaper's Arm 1 70 6600 14040
Aetherial arbor hardware icon1.png  Aetherial Arbor Hardware
(Learned from: Master blacksmith x icon1.png  Master Blacksmith X)
Blacksmith 90 ★★★★★ Expert recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 70 9240 20066