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{{Relic Weapons Heading}}
{{Relic Weapons Heading}}
{{See also|Anima Weapons|Eurekan Weapons|Resistance Weapons}}
[[Relic Weapons]] are special fabled weapons, some of which repeatedly appear in the Final Fantasy series. Relic weapons either play a significant part in the lore for that [[job]]; or are the most powerful weapons for that job in previous Final Fantasy games. Once obtained, relic weapons can be upgraded through a series of time-consuming tasks and quests to potentially become the most powerful weapons in the game ''at the time''.
Relic weapons are special fabled weapons that repeatedly appear in the Final Fantasy series. Each weapon is designed specifically and restricted to a certain [[job]]. Relic weapons either play a significant part in the lore for that [[job]]; or are the most powerful weapons for that [[job]] in previous Final Fantasy games. Once obtained, relic weapons can be upgraded through a series of difficult tasks, quests or rare items to potentially become the most powerful weapons in the game ''at the time''. The four stages between [[Atma Zodiac Weapons]] and [[Nexus Zodiac Weapons]] are labeled as "fabled relic weapons" officially in-game; however most players will refer to these as Zodiac Weapons. The last two stages (iLvl 125+) are referred to as "legendary Zodiac Braves weapons" in-game; but again are called Zodiac Weapons by players.

<big>'''Once an expansion is no longer current, all relic weapons are only for looks. If you need a weapon for stats, buy one with {{tomestone|Poetics}} [[Poetics]].'''</big>
There is a different series of relic weapons in each [[expansion]]. Other than at the beginning of the [[Anima Weapons]], there is no interaction between the different expansions' relics. Players can obtain them in any order.

Relic weapons from past expansions are not intended for combat use, with some exceptions:
{{Quote|[[Eorzea]] has witnessed a resurgence of the old ways in recent days, as adventurers the realm over take up the ancient trades of [[warrior]] and [[dragoon]], [[bard]] and [[Black Mage|black mage]], and [[Class|more]]. Now, it is the traditional weaponry of these old mantles that are sought, the means of their making long since lost to the ages. It would seem this longing for things past and old is not limited merely to the schools of war and magic. The reformation of [[Eorzea]]'s [[Grand Companies]] was born of a longing in the hearts of the free peoples of [[Eorzea]] — a longing for the days of old and the peace they knew. It is a sentiment that has since spread to the realm's adventurers, guiding them toward the rediscovery of trades from a former age that had all but died out. Small wonder, then, that those who have mastered these ancient ways of battle and sorcery now seek the weapons of eld which will enable them to realize the truest expression of their newfound powers. Thus have adventurers begun their quest for the relics.| [[http://lodestone.finalfantasyxiv.com/pl/topics/detail?id=1b3b1d90f6ba7a65d1660dc64461cf1bf68fa674 FFXIV Lodestone Archive]] }}
* The level 70 final stage weapons are best-in-slot for {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka}}.
* The level 80 weapons provide very marginal gains in level 80 and below [[ultimate raids]]. They are not necessary to obtain due to these raids being significantly outscaled with current job balance, making the DPS checks very lenient.
* The level 90 final stage weapons are recommended for players doing level 90 [[criterion dungeon]]s and ultimate raids. These weapons are very simple to obtain and can ease the DPS checks in level 90 ultimate raids to allow slightly more room for error.

==Relic Weapons (iLvl 80)==
Generally, players acquire older relic weapons for cosmetic, [[achievements]], and collection purposes. For progression purposes when leveling, players should buy weapons of similar power for the same player level with  {{tomestone|Poetics}} '''[[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Allagan Tomestones of Poetics]].''' Newly released jobs do not have relic weapons from expansions prior to when they were released.
{{main|Relic Weapons/Quest}}
The original fabled relic weapons (item level 80). This is the starting block for all future Relic Weapons. To begin the quest for the first time speak with [[Nedrick Ironheart]] at [[Vesper Bay]], [[Western Thanalan]] and acquire the quest {{questlink|feature|The Weaponsmith of Legend}}. For every Relic Weapon or [[job]], you will need to complete the quest {{questlink|repfeature|A Relic Reborn}}. You can also repurchase any Relic Weapon you have already created from the [[Calamity Salvager]] in [[Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks]], [[Old Gridania]] and [[Ul'dah - Steps of Thal|Ul'dah Steps of Thal]] for [[File:gilicon.png|15px|link=|alt=Gil]] 49,896 gil: however you will need to repeat any steps/quests/tasks to upgrade your relic weapon again.
{| {{STDT|item align-left}}
! Relic Weapons (iLvl 80)
|width="42px"| [[File:curtana icon1.png|40px|link=Curtana|Curtana]]
|width="240px"| [[Curtana]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:holy shield icon1.png|40px|link=Holy Shield|Holy Shield]]
|width="240px"| [[Holy Shield]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:sphairai icon1.png|40px|link=Sphairai|Sphairai]]
|width="240px"| [[Sphairai]] ([[Monk|MNK]])
| [[File:bravura icon1.png|40px|link=Bravura|Bravura]]
| [[Bravura]] ([[Warrior|WAR]])
| [[File:gae bolg icon1.png|40px|link=Gae Bolg|Gae Bolg]]
| [[Gae Bolg]] ([[Dragoon|DRG]])
| [[File:artemis bow icon1.png|40px|link=Artemis Bow|Artemis Bow]]
| [[Artemis Bow]] ([[Bard|BRD]])
| [[File:stardust rod icon1.png|40px|link=Stardust Rod|Stardust Rod]]
| [[Stardust Rod]] ([[Black Mage|BLM]])
| [[File:the veil of wiyu icon1.png|40px|link=The Veil of Wiyu|The Veil of Wiyu]]
| [[The Veil of Wiyu]] ([[Summoner|SMN]])
| [[File:omnilex icon1.png|40px|link=Omnilex|Omnilex]]
| [[Omnilex]] ([[Scholar|SCH]])
| [[File:thyrus icon1.png|40px|link=Thyrus|Thyrus]]
| [[Thyrus]] ([[White Mage|WHM]])
| [[File:yoshimitsu icon1.png|40px|link=Yoshimitsu|Yoshimitsu]]
| [[Yoshimitsu]] ([[Ninja|NIN]])

==Zenith Relic Weapons (iLvl 90)==  
==Relic Weapon Series==
{{main|Zenith Relic Weapons/Quest}}
Lv 50: '''[[Zodiac Weapons]]'''
An upgraded version of the original fabled relic weapons (item level 90). Zenith Relic Weapons used to be called "Relic Weapon +1" (e.g. "Bravura +1") but the name was changed to "Relic Weapon Zenith" (e.g. "Bravura Zenith") in [[patch 2.1]]. Unlike all other upgrades, upgrading to a Zenith Relic Weapon is extremely easy and simply involves 3 [[File:thavnairian mist icon1.png|20px|link=|Thavnairian Mist]] [[Thavnairian Mist]]s. When upgraded at the furnace near Gerolt, Zenith Relic Weapons get a faint coloured glow (colour varies depending on weapon) when unsheathed.

Lv 60: '''[[Anima Weapons]]'''
{| {{STDT|item align-left}}
! Zenith Relic Weapons (iLvl 90)
|width="42px"| [[File:curtana zenith icon1.png|link=Curtana Zenith|Curtana Zenith]]
|width="240px"| [[Curtana Zenith]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:holy shield zenith icon1.png|link=Holy Shield Zenith|Holy Shield Zenith]]
|width="240px"| [[Holy Shield Zenith]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:sphairai zenith icon1.png|link=Sphairai Zenith|Sphairai Zenith]]
|width="240px"| [[Sphairai Zenith]] ([[Monk|MNK]])
| [[File:bravura zenith icon1.png|link=Bravura Zenith|Bravura Zenith]]
| [[Bravura Zenith]] ([[Warrior|WAR]])
| [[File:gae bolg zenith icon1.png|link=Gae Bolg Zenith|Gae Bolg Zenith]]
| [[Gae Bolg Zenith]] ([[Dragoon|DRG]])
| [[File:artemis bow zenith icon1.png|link=Artemis Bow Zenith|Artemis Bow Zenith]]
| [[Artemis Bow Zenith]] ([[Bard|BRD]])
| [[File:stardust rod zenith icon1.png|link=Stardust Rod Zenith|Stardust Rod Zenith]]
| [[Stardust Rod Zenith]] ([[Black Mage|BLM]])
| [[File:the veil of wiyu zenith icon1.png|link=The Veil of Wiyu Zenith|The Veil of Wiyu Zenith]]
| [[The Veil of Wiyu Zenith]] ([[Summoner|SMN]])
| [[File:omnilex zenith icon1.png|link=Omnilex Zenith|Omnilex Zenith]]
| [[Omnilex Zenith]] ([[Scholar|SCH]])
| [[File:thyrus zenith icon1.png|link=Thyrus Zenith|Thyrus Zenith]]
| [[Thyrus Zenith]] ([[White Mage|WHM]])
| [[File:yoshimitsu zenith icon1.png|link=Yoshimitsu Zenith|Yoshimitsu Zenith]]
| [[Yoshimitsu Zenith]] ([[Ninja|NIN]])

==Atma Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 100)==
Lv 70: '''[[Eurekan Weapons]]''' (''See also: [[Eurekan Armor]]'')
{{See also|Atma Zodiac Weapons/Quest}}
Introduced in [[Patch 2.28]], the Atma Zodiac Weapons (item level 100) are the first of the Zodiac Weapons. Atma Zodiac Weapons share exactly the same stats as [[Zenith Relic Weapons]]; however it prepares the weapon and the player for the challenging tasks ahead. [[Jalzahn]] takes over from [[Gerolt]] as your new guide and weaponsmith. Your task for the quest [[File:Sidequest.png|15px|link=|Side Quest]] [[Up in Arms]] is to grind [[FATE]]s in various zones of [[Eorzea]] for items known as Atmas - which drop randomly upon successful completion of a [[FATE]]. When upgraded, Atma Zodiac Weapons will no longer glow when unsheathed and will have a minor color change.
{| {{STDT|item align-left}}
! Atma Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 100)
|width="42px"| [[File:zodiac curtana icon1.png|link=Curtana Atma|Curtana Atma]]
|width="240px"| [[Curtana Atma]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:zodiac holy shield icon1.png|link=Holy Shield Atma|Holy Shield Atma]]
|width="240px"| [[Holy Shield Atma]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:zodiac sphairai icon1.png|link=Sphairai Atma|Sphairai Atma]]
|width="240px"| [[Sphairai Atma]] ([[Monk|MNK]])
| [[File:zodiac bravura icon1.png|link=Bravura Atma|Bravura Atma]]
| [[Bravura Atma]] ([[Warrior|WAR]])
| [[File:zodiac gae bolg icon1.png|link=Gae Bolg Atma|Gae Bolg Atma]]
| [[Gae Bolg Atma]] ([[Dragoon|DRG]])
| [[File:zodiac artemis bow icon1.png|link=Artemis Bow Atma|Artemis Bow Atma]]
| [[Artemis Bow Atma]] ([[Bard|BRD]])
| [[File:zodiac stardust rod icon1.png|link=Stardust Rod Atma|Stardust Rod Atma]]
| [[Stardust Rod Atma]] ([[Black Mage|BLM]])
| [[File:zodiac the veil of wiyu icon1.png|link=The Veil of Wiyu Atma|The Veil of Wiyu Atma]]
| [[The Veil of Wiyu Atma]] ([[Summoner|SMN]])
| [[File:zodiac omnilex icon1.png|link=Omnilex Atma|Omnilex Atma]]
| [[Omnilex Atma]] ([[Scholar|SCH]])
| [[File:zodiac thyrus icon1.png|link=Thyrus Atma|Thyrus Atma]]
| [[Thyrus Atma]] ([[White Mage|WHM]])
| [[File:Yoshimitsu atma icon1.png|link=Yoshimitsu Atma|Yoshimitsu Atma]]
| [[Yoshimitsu Atma]] ([[Ninja|NIN]])

==Animus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 100)==
Lv 80: '''[[Resistance Weapons]]''' (''See also: [[Resistance Armor]]'')
{{See also|Animus Zodiac Weapons/Quest}}
Introduced in [[Patch 2.28]], the Animus Zodiac Weapons (also item level 100) are the second of the Zodiac Weapons and the first with upgraded stats from [[Zenith Relic Weapons]]. [[Jalzahn]] wants you must recreate the valorous deeds of the Zodiac Braves, revered heroes in Thavnairian legend. This involves the quest [[File:Sidequest.png|15px|link=|Side Quest]] [[Trials of the Braves]] and has you completing specific [[dungeons]], [[FATE]]s and [[levequests]] and killing specific monsters from nine "Trials of the Braves" Books. When upgraded, Animus Zodiac Weapons will get a bright coloured glow (colour varies depending on weapon) when unsheathed.
{| {{STDT|item align-left}}
! Animus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 100)
|width="42px"| [[File:zodiac curtana icon1.png|link=Curtana Animus|Curtana Animus]]
|width="240px"| [[Curtana Animus]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:zodiac holy shield icon1.png|link=Holy Shield Animus|Holy Shield Animus]]
|width="240px"| [[Holy Shield Animus]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:zodiac sphairai icon1.png|link=Sphairai Animus|Sphairai Animus]]
|width="240px"| [[Sphairai Animus]] ([[Monk|MNK]])
| [[File:zodiac bravura icon1.png|link=Bravura Animus|Bravura Animus]]
| [[Bravura Animus]] ([[Warrior|WAR]])
| [[File:zodiac gae bolg icon1.png|link=Gae Bolg Animus|Gae Bolg Animus]]
| [[Gae Bolg Animus]] ([[Dragoon|DRG]])
| [[File:zodiac artemis bow icon1.png|link=Artemis Bow Animus|Artemis Bow Animus]]
| [[Artemis Bow Animus]] ([[Bard|BRD]])
| [[File:zodiac stardust rod icon1.png|link=Stardust Rod Animus|Stardust Rod Animus]]
| [[Stardust Rod Animus]] ([[Black Mage|BLM]])
| [[File:zodiac the veil of wiyu icon1.png|link=The Veil of Wiyu Animus|The Veil of Wiyu Animus]]
| [[The Veil of Wiyu Animus]] ([[Summoner|SMN]])
| [[File:zodiac omnilex icon1.png|link=Omnilex Animus|Omnilex Animus]]
| [[Omnilex Animus]] ([[Scholar|SCH]])
| [[File:zodiac thyrus icon1.png|link=Thyrus Animus|Thyrus Animus]]
| [[Thyrus Animus]] ([[White Mage|WHM]])
| [[File:Yoshimitsu animus icon1.png|link=Yoshimitsu Animus|Yoshimitsu Animus]]
| [[Yoshimitsu Animus]] ([[Ninja|NIN]])

==Novus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 110)==
Lv 90: '''[[Manderville Weapons]]'''
{{See also|Novus Zodiac Weapons/Quest}}
Introduced in [[Patch 2.28]], the Novus Zodiac Weapons (item level 110) are the third stage of the Zodiac Weapons and is unique for allowing players to customize their weapon. [[Jalzahn]] believes that your weapon may yet grow stronger through the power of [[materia]] but that that conventional melding will not work due to the preclusive presence of soul energy. [[Hubairtin]] is able to overcome this in the [[Side Quests|Side Quest]] {{questlink|feature|Celestial Radiance}} by converting the power of [[materia]] into a form of light energy. This leads you to the [[Side Quests|Side Quest]] {{questlink|feature|Star Light, Star Bright}} where you are able to customize your weapon by melding 75 different [[materia]]s with [[File:alexandrite icon1.png|20px|link=|Alexandrite]] [[Alexandrite]] onto a [[Sphere Scroll]]. When upgraded, Novus Zodiac Weapons will glow bright yellow / gold when unsheathed.

==Relic Tools Series==
{| {{STDT|item align-left}}
Lv 50: '''[[Mastercraft Tools]]'''
! Novus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 110)
|width="42px"| [[File:zodiac curtana icon1.png|link=Curtana Novus|Curtana Novus]]
|width="240px"| [[Curtana Novus]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:zodiac holy shield icon1.png|link=Holy Shield Novus|Holy Shield Novus]]
|width="240px"| [[Holy Shield Novus]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:zodiac sphairai icon1.png|link=Sphairai Novus|Sphairai Novus]]
|width="240px"| [[Sphairai Novus]] ([[Monk|MNK]])
| [[File:zodiac bravura icon1.png|link=Bravura Novus|Bravura Novus]]
| [[Bravura Novus]] ([[Warrior|WAR]])
| [[File:zodiac gae bolg icon1.png|link=Gae Bolg Novus|Gae Bolg Novus]]
| [[Gae Bolg Novus]] ([[Dragoon|DRG]])
| [[File:zodiac artemis bow icon1.png|link=Artemis Bow Animus|Artemis Bow Novus]]
| [[Artemis Bow Novus]] ([[Bard|BRD]])
| [[File:zodiac stardust rod icon1.png|link=Stardust Rod Novus|Stardust Rod Novus]]
| [[Stardust Rod Novus]] ([[Black Mage|BLM]])
| [[File:zodiac the veil of wiyu icon1.png|link=The Veil of Wiyu Novus|The Veil of Wiyu Novus]]
| [[The Veil of Wiyu Novus]] ([[Summoner|SMN]])
| [[File:zodiac omnilex icon1.png|link=Omnilex Novus|Omnilex Novus]]
| [[Omnilex Novus]] ([[Scholar|SCH]])
| [[File:zodiac thyrus icon1.png|link=Thyrus Novus|Thyrus Novus]]
| [[Thyrus Novus]] ([[White Mage|WHM]])
| [[File:Yoshimitsu novus icon1.png|link=Yoshimitsu Novus|Yoshimitsu Novus]]
| [[Yoshimitsu Novus]] ([[Ninja|NIN]])

==Nexus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 115)==
Lv 80: '''[[Skysteel Tools]]'''
{{See also|Nexus Zodiac Weapons/Quest}}
Introduced in [[Patch 2.38]], the Nexus Zodiac Weapons (item level 115) are the fourth stage of the Zodiac Weapons. [[Jalzahn]] believes that the unattuned state of soul energy in your weapon is holding back its full potential. This time [[Jalzahn]] teams up with [[Gerolt]] to guide on your next step. In the [[Side Quests|Side Quest]] [[File:Sidequest.png|15px|link=|Side Quest]] [[Mmmmmm, Soulglazed Relics]] you must seal aethertight your weapon and attune its soul energy through normal use in [[dungeon]]s, [[trial]]s, [[FATE]]s, [[Treasure Hunt]]s, [[Mysterious Map]]s, [[The Wolves' Den]] and [[Frontlines]]. When upgraded, Nexus Zodiac Weapons will glow bright white when unsheathed.
{| {{STDT|item align-left}}
! Nexus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 115)
|width="42px"| [[File:curtana nexus icon1.png|link=Curtana Nexus|Curtana Nexus]]
|width="240px"| [[Curtana Nexus]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:holy shield nexus icon1.png|link=Holy Shield Nexus|Holy Shield Nexus]]
|width="240px"| [[Holy Shield Nexus]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:sphairai nexus icon1.png|link=Sphairai Nexus|Sphairai Nexus]]
|width="240px"| [[Sphairai Nexus]] ([[Monk|MNK]])
| [[File:bravura nexus icon1.png|link=Bravura Nexus|Bravura Nexus]]
| [[Bravura Nexus]] ([[Warrior|WAR]])
| [[File:gae bolg nexus icon1.png|link=Gae Bolg Nexus|Gae Bolg Nexus]]
| [[Gae Bolg Nexus]] ([[Dragoon|DRG]])
| [[File:artemis bow nexus icon1.png|link=Artemis Bow Nexus|Artemis Bow Nexus]]
| [[Artemis Bow Nexus]] ([[Bard|BRD]])
| [[File:stardust rod nexus icon1.png|link=Stardust Rod Nexus|Stardust Rod Nexus]]
| [[Stardust Rod Nexus]] ([[Black Mage|BLM]])
| [[File:the veil of wiyu nexus icon1.png|link=The Veil of Wiyu Nexus|The Veil of Wiyu Nexus]]
| [[The Veil of Wiyu Nexus]] ([[Summoner|SMN]])
| [[File:omnilex nexus icon1.png|link=Omnilex Nexus|Omnilex Nexus]]
| [[Omnilex Nexus]] ([[Scholar|SCH]])
| [[File:thyrus nexus icon1.png|link=Thyrus Nexus|Thyrus Nexus]]
| [[Thyrus Nexus]] ([[White Mage|WHM]])
| [[File:Yoshimitsu nexus icon1.png|link=Yoshimitsu Nexus|Yoshimitsu Nexus]]
| [[Yoshimitsu Nexus]] ([[Ninja|NIN]])
==Zodiac Braves Weapons (iLvl 125)==
{{See also|Zodiac Braves Weapons/Quest}}
Introduced in [[Patch 2.45]], the Zodiac Braves Weapons (item level 125) are the fifth stage of the Zodiac Weapons and the first to be referred to in game as "legendary Zodiac Braves weapons". When upgraded, Zodiac Braves Weapons will change in looks and no longer glow.
{| {{STDT|item align-left}}
! Zodiac Braves Weapons (iLvl 125)
|width="42px"| [[File:excalibur icon1.png|link=Excalibur|Excalibur]]
|width="240px"| [[Excalibur]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:aegis shield icon1.png|link=Aegis Shield|Aegis Shield]]
|width="240px"| [[Aegis Shield]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:kaiser knuckles icon1.png|link=Kaiser Knuckles|Kaiser Knuckles]]
|width="240px"| [[Kaiser Knuckles]] ([[Monk|MNK]])
| [[File:ragnarok icon1.png|link=Ragnarok|Ragnarok]]
| [[Ragnarok]] ([[Warrior|WAR]])
| [[File:longinus icon1.png|link=Longinus|Longinus]]
| [[Longinus]] ([[Dragoon|DRG]])
| [[File:yoichi bow icon1.png|link=Yoichi Bow|Yoichi Bow]]
| [[Yoichi Bow]] ([[Bard|BRD]])
| [[File:lilith rod icon1.png|link=Lilith Rod|Lilith Rod]]
| [[Lilith Rod]] ([[Black Mage|BLM]])
| [[File:apocalypse icon1.png|link=Apocalypse|Apocalypse]]
| [[Apocalypse]] ([[Summoner|SMN]])
| [[File:last resort icon1.png|link=Last Resort|Last Resort]]
| [[Last Resort]] ([[Scholar|SCH]])
| [[File:nirvana icon1.png|link=Nirvana|Nirvana]]
| [[Nirvana]] ([[White Mage|WHM]])
| [[File:Sasukes blades icon1.png|link=Sasuke's Blades|Sasuke's Blades]]
| [[Sasuke's Blades]] ([[Ninja|NIN]])
==Zodiac Zeta Weapons (iLvl 135)==
{{See also|Zodiac Zeta Weapons/Quest}}
Introduced in [[Patch 2.51]], the Zodiac Zeta Weapons (item level 135) are the sixth stage of the Zodiac Weapons. When upgraded, Zodiac Braves Weapons will have a special medium sized  coloured glow pattern which differs with each weapon.
{| {{STDT|item align-left}}
! Zodiac Zeta Weapons (iLvl 135)
|width="42px"| [[File:excalibur zeta icon1.png|link=Excalibur Zeta|Excalibur Zeta]]
|width="240px"| [[Excalibur Zeta]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:aegis shield zeta icon1.png|link=Aegis Shield Zeta|Aegis Shield Zeta]]
|width="240px"| [[Aegis Shield Zeta]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
|width="42px"| [[File:kaiser knuckles zeta icon1.png|link=Kaiser Knuckles Zeta|Kaiser Knuckles Zeta]]
|width="240px"| [[Kaiser Knuckles Zeta]] ([[Monk|MNK]])
| [[File:ragnarok zeta icon1.png|link=Ragnarok Zeta|Ragnarok Zeta]]
| [[Ragnarok Zeta]] ([[Warrior|WAR]])
| [[File:longinus zeta icon1.png|link=Longinus Zeta|Longinus Zeta]]
| [[Longinus Zeta]] ([[Dragoon|DRG]])
| [[File:yoichi bow zeta icon1.png|link=Yoichi Bow Zeta|Yoichi Bow Zeta]]
| [[Yoichi Bow Zeta]] ([[Bard|BRD]])
| [[File:lilith rod zeta icon1.png|link=Lilith Rod Zeta|Lilith Rod Zeta]]
| [[Lilith Rod Zeta]] ([[Black Mage|BLM]])
| [[File:apocalypse zeta icon1.png|link=Apocalypse Zeta|Apocalypse Zeta]]
| [[Apocalypse Zeta]] ([[Summoner|SMN]])
| [[File:last resort zeta icon1.png|link=Last Resort Zeta|Last Resort Zeta]]
| [[Last Resort Zeta]] ([[Scholar|SCH]])
| [[File:nirvana zeta icon1.png|link=Nirvana Zeta|Nirvana Zeta]]
| [[Nirvana Zeta]] ([[White Mage|WHM]])
| [[File:Sasukes blades zeta icon1.png|link=Sasuke's Blades Zeta|Sasuke's Blades Zeta]]
| [[Sasuke's Blades Zeta]] ([[Ninja|NIN]])
==Relic Weapon Types==
{{Relic Weapons Table|arr}}
<gallery heights=200px mode=packed>
File:Paladin Sword.png|[[Curtana]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
File:Paladin Shield.png|[[Holy Shield]] ([[Paladin|PLD]])
File:Warrior.png|[[Bravura]] ([[Warrior|WAR]])
File:Dragoon.png|[[Gae Bolg]] ([[Dragoon|DRG]])
File:Monk.png|[[Sphairai]] ([[Monk|MNK]])
File:Yoshimitsu Atmas.png|[[Yoshimitsu]] ([[Ninja|NIN]])
File:Bard.png|[[Artemis Bow]] ([[Bard|BRD]])
File:Black Mage.png|[[Stardust Rod]] ([[Black Mage|BLM]])
File:Summoner.png|[[The Veil of Wiyu]] ([[Summoner|SMN]])
File:White Mage.png|[[Thyrus]] ([[White Mage|WHM]])
File:Scholar 2.png|[[Omnilex]] ([[Scholar|SCH]])

Lv 90: '''[[Splendorous Tools]]'''

{{End Game Progression}}
{{End Game Progression}}
[[Category:Zodiac Weapons]]
[[Category:Relic Weapons]]
[[Category:Item Level 80]]
[[Category:Item Level 80 Weapon]]
[[Category:Item Level 80 Shield]]
[[Category:Zenith Relic Weapons]]
[[Category:Item Level 90]]
[[Category:Item Level 90 Weapon]]
[[Category:Item Level 90 Shield]]

Revision as of 08:20, 9 September 2024

(Lv. 50) Zodiac Weapons: Base (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zenith (Feature Quest icon.png) → Atma (Feature Quest icon.png) → Animus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Novus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Nexus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zodiac (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zeta (Feature Quest icon.png)
(Lv. 60) Anima Weapons: HW.png Animated (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Awoken (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Anima (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Hyperconductive (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Reconditioned (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Sharpened (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Complete (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lux (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 70) Eurekan Weapons: SB.png AntiquatedBase (Otherquest.png) → Base +1Base +2AnemosPagos (Otherquest.png) → Pagos +1ElementalElemental +1 (Otherquest.png) → Elemental +2PyrosHydatos (Otherquest.png) → Hydatos +1Base EurekaEurekaPhyseos (Otherquest.png)
(Lv. 80) Resistance Weapons: SHB.png Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Recollection (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Blade's (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Manderville Weapons: EW.png Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Amazing Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Majestic Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Mandervillous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Phantom Weapons: DT.png

(Lv. 70) Eurekan Armor: SB.png Antiquated ArtifactBase RelicBase +1Base +2AnemosElementalElemental +1Elemental +2
(Lv. 80) Resistance Armor: SHB.png ResistanceAugmented ResistanceLaw's OrderAugmented Law's OrderBlade's

(Lv. 50) Mastercraft Tools: Mastercraft (Feature Quest icon.png) → Supra ToolsLucis Tools
(Lv. 80) Skysteel Tools: SHB.png Skysteel (Feature Quest icon.png) → Skysteel +1 (Feature Quest icon.png) → Dragonsung (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skysung (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skybuilders' (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Splendorous Tools: EW.png Splendorous (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented Splendorous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Chora-Zoi's Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Brilliant (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Vrandtic Visionary's (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lodestar (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Cosmic Tools: DT.png

Relic Weapons are special fabled weapons, some of which repeatedly appear in the Final Fantasy series. Relic weapons either play a significant part in the lore for that job; or are the most powerful weapons for that job in previous Final Fantasy games. Once obtained, relic weapons can be upgraded through a series of time-consuming tasks and quests to potentially become the most powerful weapons in the game at the time.

There is a different series of relic weapons in each expansion. Other than at the beginning of the Anima Weapons, there is no interaction between the different expansions' relics. Players can obtain them in any order.

Relic weapons from past expansions are not intended for combat use, with some exceptions:

  • The level 70 final stage weapons are best-in-slot for The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka.
  • The level 80 weapons provide very marginal gains in level 80 and below ultimate raids. They are not necessary to obtain due to these raids being significantly outscaled with current job balance, making the DPS checks very lenient.
  • The level 90 final stage weapons are recommended for players doing level 90 criterion dungeons and ultimate raids. These weapons are very simple to obtain and can ease the DPS checks in level 90 ultimate raids to allow slightly more room for error.

Generally, players acquire older relic weapons for cosmetic, achievements, and collection purposes. For progression purposes when leveling, players should buy weapons of similar power for the same player level with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Allagan Tomestones of Poetics. Newly released jobs do not have relic weapons from expansions prior to when they were released.

Relic Weapon Series

Lv 50: Zodiac Weapons

Lv 60: Anima Weapons

Lv 70: Eurekan Weapons (See also: Eurekan Armor)

Lv 80: Resistance Weapons (See also: Resistance Armor)

Lv 90: Manderville Weapons

Relic Tools Series

Lv 50: Mastercraft Tools

Lv 80: Skysteel Tools

Lv 90: Splendorous Tools