Lux Anima Weapons/Quest
Complete Anima <<< iLvl 270 |
- End - |
Before begin to create your Lux Anima Weapon, you must:
- Complete your Complete Anima Weapon from the quest
Born Again Anima.
- If this is your first weapon, you must also complete the one-time quest
Body and Soul.
Words of Wisdom

This is a simple, one-time quest that is unlocked after completing Body and Soul. Completing it is needed to proceed with the final weapon upgrade.
Best Friends Forever
You will need to complete 12 trials, which come in 4 groups. The groups have to completed in the listed order, but trials within a given group can be completed in any order. The trials are as follows:
- Step 1:
The Bowl of Embers (Hard),
The Howling Eye (Hard),
The Navel (Hard)
- Step 2:
Thornmarch (Hard),
The Whorleater (Hard),
The Striking Tree (Hard),
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard)
- Step 3:
Thok ast Thok (Hard),
The Limitless Blue (Hard)
- Step 4:
Containment Bay S1T7,
Containment Bay P1T6,
Containment Bay Z1T9
You will need your corresponding Complete Anima Weapon equipped to receive credit. These trials can be done unsynced.
Afterwards, you will need to purchase 1 bottle of Archaic Enchanted Ink from Sundry Splendors for 500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
Finally, turn in the quest to complete the final stage of your weapon!
Reallocate Stats
Stats may be reallocated the same way as Reconditioned Anima Weapons.