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{{see also|Fishing Collectables}}
:''See also [[Fishing Locations]], [[Heavensward Fishing Locations]], [[Shadowbringers Fishing Locations]], [[Endwalker Fishing Locations]], and [[Dawntrail Fishing Locations]].''
==Rhalgr's Reach==
As with other areas, bear in mind that certain fish may only be caught under certain conditions, such as during specific weather conditions, using special bait, or by using abilities such as '''{{action icon|Fish Eyes}}''', '''{{action icon|Snagging}}''' or '''{{action icon|Mooch}}ing'''.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
! Location
! Coordinates
! Type
! Fish
! Additional Info
|[[Upper Mirage Creek]] || (x11,y13) || Fresh || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[Gyr Abanian Trout]], [[Bloodsipper]] ||
|[[Rhalgr's Reach]] || (x11,y10) || Fresh || [[Golden Cichlid]], [[Temple Carp]], [[Gyr Abanian Trout]], [[Monk Betta]], [[Electric Catfish]], [[Pagan Pirarucu]] ||
|[[The Outer Fist]] || (x12,y5) || Fresh ||  [[Comet Minnow]], [[??]], [[??]], [[Bloodsipper]], [[??]] ||

==The Fringes==
==Relevant Fishing Lures==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
*{{bait used|Bream Lure}}
*{{bait used|Live Shrimp}}
! Location
*{{bait used|Metal Spinner}}
! Coordinates
*{{bait used|Blue Bobbit}}
! Type
*{{bait used|Nightcrawler}}
! Fish
*{{bait used|Stonefly Larva}}
! Additional Info
*{{bait used|Midge Larva}}
*{{bait used|Silkworm}}
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
*{{bait used|Suspending Minnow}}
*{{bait used|Salmon Roe}}
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
*{{bait used|Signature Skyball}}
*{{bait used|Versatile Lure}}
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]]||
|[[The Velodyna River]] || (x17,y9) || Fresh || [[Velodyna Grass Carp]], [[???]], [[Bloodsipper]], [[Black Velodyna Carp]] ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||

==The Peaks==
==Gyr Abania==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
===Rhalgr's Reach===
{{Fishing log list|Rhalgr's Reach}}
! Location
! Coordinates
! Type
! Fish
! Additional Info
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]]  ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]]  ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||

==The Lochs==
===The Fringes===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
{{Fishing log list|The Fringes}}
! Location
! Coordinates
! Type
! Fish
! Additional Info
|[[Loch Seld?]] || (x21,y18) || ?? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||

==The Ruby Sea==
===The Peaks===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
{{Fishing log list|The Peaks}}
! Location
! Coordinates
! Type
! Fish
! Additional Info
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
|[[Hells' Lid]] || (x25,y33) || Saltwater || [[Grinning Anchovy]], [[Hellyfish]], [[Ruby Shrimp]], [[Blockhead]], [[??-Folklore Othard]] ||
|[[The Isle of Bekko]] || (x34,y20) || Saltwater || [[Grinning Anchovy]], [[Hellyfish]], [[Ruby Shrimp]], [[Dafu]], [[???]], [[???]] ||
|[[Shoal Rock]] || (x32,y8) || Saltwater || [[Grinning Anchovy]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[BUtterfly Fish]], [[?? -Folklore Othard]] ||
|[[Onokoro]] || (x22,y11) || Saltwater || [[Ruby Shrimp]], [[Leaf Tatsunoko]], [[Glass Flounder]], [[??]], [[?? -Folklore Othard]] ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ?? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
|[[??]] || (x14,y35) || ?? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||

===The Lochs===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
{{Fishing log list|The Lochs}}
! Location
! Coordinates
! Type
! Fish
! Additional Info
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]]  ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]]  ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
|[[The One River (East)]] || (x20,y24) || Fresh || [[Yanxian Koi]], [[??]], [[Doman Trout]], [[Yanxian Barramundi]], [[??]] ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]]  ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]]  ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||

==The Azim Steppe==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
{{Fishing log list|Kugane}}
! Location
! Coordinates
! Type
! Fish
! Additional Info
|[[Nem Khaal]] || (x32,y30) || Fresh || [[??]], [[Othardian Trout]], [[Zagas Khaal]], [[??]], [[Dawn Crayfish]]  ||
|[[Hak Khaal]] || (x28,y20) || Fresh || [[Zagas]], [[??]], [[??]], [[Dusk Crayfish]], [[?? -Folklore Othard]]  ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
|[[Azim Khaat]] || (x21,y22) || Fresh || [[Othardian Trout]], [[Zagas Khaal]], [[Sun Bass]], [[Hardscale]], [[?? -Folklore Othard]] ||
|[[Tao Khaal]] || (x16,y14) || Fresh || [[Zagas Khaal]], [[??]], [[Dusk Crayfish]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
|[[Lower Yat Khaal]] || (x22,y28) || Fresh || [[Othardian Trout]], [[??]], [[Dawn Crayfish]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
|[[Dotharl Khaa]] || (x12,y33) || Fresh || [[Brassfish]], [[??]]  ||

{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
{{Fishing log list|Shirogane}}
! Location
! Coordinates
! Type
! Fish
! Additional Info
|[[Kugane Piers]] || (x10,y11) || SaltWater || [[Grinning Anchovy]], [[Ruby Shrimp]], [[??]], [[??]], [[?? -Folklore Othard]] ||

{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
===The Azim Steppe===
{{Fishing log list|The Azim Steppe}}
! Location
! Coordinates
===The Ruby Sea===
! Type
{{Fishing log list|The Ruby Sea}}
! Fish
! Additional Info
{{Fishing log list|Yanxia}}
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ?? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||
|[[??]] || (x?,y?) || ?? || [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]], [[??]] ||

Latest revision as of 10:21, 4 July 2024

See also Fishing Locations, Heavensward Fishing Locations, Shadowbringers Fishing Locations, Endwalker Fishing Locations, and Dawntrail Fishing Locations.

As with other areas, bear in mind that certain fish may only be caught under certain conditions, such as during specific weather conditions, using special bait, or by using abilities such as Fish Eyes.png  Fish Eyes, Snagging.png  Snagging or Mooch.png  Mooching.

Relevant Fishing Lures

Gyr Abania

Rhalgr's Reach

Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Upper Mirage Creek
61 Freshwater fishing Rhalgr's Reach (X:11, Y:14) Hookstealer, Abalathian Bitterling, Bloodsipper, Broken Crab, Gyr Abanian Trout, Miounnefish Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Rhalgr's Reach
62 Freshwater fishing Rhalgr's Reach (X:11, Y:10) Watcher Catfish, Electric Catfish, Golden Cichlid, Gyr Abanian Trout, Monk Betta, Pagan Pirarucu, Temple Carp Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Outer Fist
62 Freshwater fishing Rhalgr's Reach (X:12, Y:6) Bloodtail Zombie, Redtail, Balloon Frog, Bloodsipper, Comet Minnow, Gilfish, Lantern Marimo Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure

The Fringes

Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Velodyna River
61 Freshwater fishing The Fringes (X:19.1, Y:4.3) Downstream Loach, Black Velodyna Carp, Bloodsipper, Deep Velodyna Carp, Greenstream Loach, Velodyna Grass Carp, Velodyna Salmon Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Timmon Beck
61 Freshwater fishing The Fringes (X:11.4, Y:18) Hardhead Trout, Xenacanthus, Balloon Frog, Death Loach, Miounnefish, Steelhead Trout, Stonefly Larva, Gyr Abanian Chub Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Dimwold
62 Freshwater fishing The Fringes (X:9.6, Y:29) Sapphire Fan, Wraithfish, Bone Melter, Cave Killifish, Fallen Leaf, Miounnefish, Padjali Loach, Chakrafish Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Mirage Creek
62 Freshwater fishing The Fringes (X:27.5, Y:16.5) Corpse Chub, Mirage Mahi, Gravel Gudgeon, Highland Perch, Mirage Chub, Rhalgr's Bolt, Scarlet Frog Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Comet's Tail
62 Freshwater fishing The Fringes (X:13, Y:31) Cardinalfish, The Archbishop, Bone Melter, Capsized Squeaker, Falling Star, Nirvana Crab, Lake Sphairai Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure

The Peaks

Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Grymm & Enid
61 Freshwater fishing The Peaks (X:6.5, Y:15.6) Bondsplitter, Death Loach, Enid Shrimp, Grymm Crab, Curefish, Drepanaspis Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Slow Wash
61 Freshwater fishing The Peaks (X:23.5, Y:9) Heather Charr, The Undecided, Death Loach, Gyr Abanian Trout, Idle Goby, Invisible Crayfish, Rapids Jumper Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Heather Falls
65 Freshwater fishing The Peaks (X:31.8, Y:7.1) The Last Tear, Abalathian Salamander, Adamantite Bichir, Death Loach, Steelshark, Purple Buckler Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Bull's Bath
68 Freshwater fishing The Peaks (X:25, Y:32.7) Alligator Snapping Turtle, Hemon, Bull's Bite, Death Loach, Invisible Crayfish, Meditator, Peeping Pisces Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Arms of Meed
70 Freshwater fishing The Peaks (X:9.3, Y:37.5) Lily of the Veil, Rockfish, Ala Mhigan Ribbon, Eastern Pike, Gigant Bass, Gyr Abanian Trout, Scimitarfish Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Ephor
70 Freshwater fishing The Peaks (X:31, Y:17) Heather Charr, Moksha, Deemster, Meditator, Stonytongue Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure

The Lochs

Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Loch Seld
70 Saltfishing The Lochs (X:21, Y:21) Diamond-eye, Saltmill, Sculptor, Pearl-eye, Rock Saltfish, Saltshield Snapper, Whitehorse, Stethacanthus Silkworm, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Loch Seld Deep Lakebed
70 Spearfishing (Swimming Shadow) The Lochs (X:22, Y:24) Ivory Sole, Abalathian Pipira, Mercenary Crab, Mosasaur, Salt Cellar, Silken Sunfish, Steel Loach
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Loch Seld Central Lakebed
70 Spearfishing The Lochs (X:20, Y:23) Bleached Bonytongue, Mercenary Crab, Rock Oyster, Salt Shark, Steel Loach, White Sturgeon
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Loch Seld Northwestern Lakebed
70 Spearfishing The Lochs (X:13, Y:18) Abalathian Pipira, Bleached Bonytongue, Flood Tuna, Moondisc, Salt Cellar, Typhoon Shrimp
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Loch Seld Southeastern Lakebed
70 Spearfishing The Lochs (X:25, Y:28) Ivory Sole, Ashfish, Carpenter Crab, King's Mantle, Salt Urchin, Tithe Collector
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Southwestern Loch Seld
85 Spearfishing The Lochs (X:20, Y:29) Carpenter Crab, King's Mantle, Moondisc, Inksquid
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Loch Seld Southwestern Lakebed
85 Spearfishing The Lochs (X:20, Y:29) Carpenter Crab, King's Mantle, Moondisc, Inksquid
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Loch Seld Northeastern Lakebed
90 Spearfishing The Lochs (X:22, Y:17) Diamond Dagger, Natron Puffer, Pale Panther, Platinum Hammerhead, Queenly Fan, Saltsquid



Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Kugane Piers
63 Ocean fishing Kugane (X:11, Y:11) Grinning Anchovy, Striped Fugu, Hanatatsu, Rising Dragon, Ruby Shrimp, Glass Tuna, Ribbon Eel Bream Lure, Live Shrimp, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure, Blue Bobbit


Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Shirogane
63 Ocean fishing Shirogane (X:8, Y:14) The Gambler, Glass Tuna, Grinning Anchovy, Ruby Shrimp, Striped Fugu Bream Lure, Live Shrimp, Blue Bobbit, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Silver Canal
65 Freshwater fishing Shirogane (X:10, Y:11) Bonsai Fish, Princess Killifish, Brassfish, Doman Trout, Killifish, Nogoi Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure


The Azim Steppe

Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Nem Khaal
60 Freshwater fishing The Azim Steppe (X:31, Y:26) Garden Skipper, Dawn Crayfish, Killifish, Othardian Trout, Steppe Skipper, Zagas Khaal, Invisible Catfish, Grass Shrimp, Rainbow Killifish, Nhaama's Claw Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Hak Khaal
60 Freshwater fishing The Azim Steppe (X:29, Y:20) Banderole, Hak Bitterling, Curtain Pleco, Dry Steppe Skipper, Dusk Crayfish, Zagas Khaal, Khaal Crab, Flagon Clam, Spearhead Snail Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Azim Khaat
60 Freshwater fishing The Azim Steppe (X:23, Y:23) Timeworn Gazelleskin Map, Duskfish, Guppy, Sweatfish, Hardscale, Othardian Trout, Sun Bass, Zagas Khaal, Greasy Strangler, Water Fan, Gigas Catfish, Spikefish Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Tao Khaal
60 Freshwater fishing The Azim Steppe (X:16, Y:14) Elder Gourami, The Word of God, Bowfish, Dry Steppe Skipper, Dusk Crayfish, Tao Bitterling, Zagas Khaal, Steppe Sweetfish, Fish Offering, Moon Oyster, Zagas A'khaal Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Lower Yat Khaal
60 Freshwater fishing The Azim Steppe (X:22, Y:28) Yat Khan, Dawn Crayfish, Jade Sculpin, Othardian Trout, Steppe Skipper, Yat Goby, Granite Hardscale, Dusk Scallop, Fishy Fish, Crimson Copperfish, Fragrant Sweetfish Midge Larva, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Upper Yat Khaal
60 Freshwater fishing The Azim Steppe (X:17, Y:18) Blade Skipper, Dry Steppe Skipper, Dusk Crayfish, Skytear, Tail Mountains Minnow, Zagas Khaal, Sunshell, Fatty Eel, Appleseed, Leatherscale Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Dotharl Khaa
60 Freshwater fishing The Azim Steppe (X:12.4, Y:33.1) Nhaama's Treasure, The Unconditional, Brassfish, Nhaama's Boon, Arrowhead Snail, Plump Trout, Crawling Cog, Steppe Barramundi Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Salmon Roe, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Azim Khaat Southern Lakebed
70 Spearfishing (Swimming Shadow) The Azim Steppe (X:21, Y:25) Dusk Herald, Eternal Eye, Fickle Krait, Flamefish, Glaring Perch, Soul of the Stallion
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Azim Khaat Eastern Lakebed
70 Spearfishing The Azim Steppe (X:23, Y:23) River Clam, Dawn Herald, Fickle Krait, Glaring Perch, Grass Shark, Redfin
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Azim Khaat Western Lakebed
70 Spearfishing The Azim Steppe (X:19, Y:23) Timeworn Gazelleskin Map, Cavalry Catfish, Dawn Herald, Dotharli Gudgeon, Dusk Herald, Flamefish, Steppe Bullfrog

The Ruby Sea

Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Ruby Price
62 Ocean fishing The Ruby Sea (X:38, Y:38) Ku'er, The Ruby Dragon, Coeurl Snake Eel, Glass Herring, Grinning Anchovy, Blue Bobbit, Coral Horse Bream Lure, Live Shrimp, Blue Bobbit, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Hells' Lid
62 Ocean fishing The Ruby Sea (X:25, Y:33) Liopleurodon, Shrieker, The Vegetarian, Ukiki, Blockhead, Grinning Anchovy, Hellyfish, Ruby Shrimp, Wicked Wartfish, Metal Spinner Bream Lure, Live Shrimp, Blue Bobbit, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Shoal Rock
63 Ocean fishing The Ruby Sea (X:32.5, Y:8.3) Harutsuge, The Winter Queen, Bone Coral, Butterfly Fish, Grinning Anchovy, Harutsuge Sprag, Ruby Coral, Sapphire Coral, Blue Bobbit, Ruby Laver Bream Lure, Live Shrimp, Blue Bobbit, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Onokoro
64 Ocean fishing The Ruby Sea (X:22.1, Y:11) Argonautica, Swordfish, Blackfin Snake Eel, Giant Plesiosaur, Glass Flounder, Leaf Tatsunoko, Ruby Shrimp, Hook Fish Bream Lure, Live Shrimp, Blue Bobbit, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Isari
64 Ocean fishing The Ruby Sea (X:8, Y:11) Pinhead, Triplespine, Fan Clam, Glass Herring, Gliding Fish, Globefish, Ruby Meagre, Live Shrimp, Blue Bobbit, Shirogane Clam Bream Lure, Live Shrimp, Blue Bobbit, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Isle of Bekko
65 Ocean fishing The Ruby Sea (X:34, Y:20) Seven Stars, Usuginu Octopus, Dafu, Glass Tuna, Grinning Anchovy, Hellyfish, Ruby Shrimp, Tawny Wench Shark, Bream Lure, Live Shrimp, Blue Bobbit, Metal Spinner, Fatty Herring Bream Lure, Live Shrimp, Blue Bobbit, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Adventure
65 Spearfishing The Ruby Sea (X:17, Y:25) Horned Turban, Black Boxfish, Brindlebass, Regal Silverside, Snow Crab, Zebra Shark
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Tamamizu
65 Spearfishing The Ruby Sea (X:28, Y:11) Swordtip, Garden Eel, Glass Manta, Little Dragonfish, Ronin Trevally, Wentletrap
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Sui-no-Sato
65 Spearfishing The Ruby Sea (X:16, Y:20) Black Fanfish, False Scad, Little Dragonfish, Regal Silverside, Toothsome Grouper, Eastern Sea Pickle
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Ruby Price Depths
65 Spearfishing The Ruby Sea (X:33, Y:30) Corpse-eater, Black Boxfish, Hatchetfish, Spider Crab, Threadfish, Wentletrap
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Shisui of the Violet Tides
65 Spearfishing The Ruby Sea (X:4.8, Y:37) Black Fanfish, Demon Stonefish, Nophica's Comb, Red-eyed Lates, Ruby Sea Star, Snowflake Moray
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Isle of Zekki
70 Ocean fishing The Ruby Sea (X:8.3, Y:26.6) Rakshasa, Daio Squid, Koromo Octopus, Ruby Shrimp, Zekki Gator, Zekki Grouper, Bream Lure Bream Lure, Live Shrimp, Blue Bobbit, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Eastern Ruby Sea
70 Spearfishing (Swimming Shadow) The Ruby Sea (X:40, Y:9) Horned Turban, Swordtip, Tiny Tatsunoko, Bashful Batfish, Mitsukuri Shark, Spiny Lobster, Thousandfang
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Kobayashi Maru's Northern Wake
70 Spearfishing (Swimming Shadow) The Ruby Sea (X:39, Y:2) Corpse-eater, Horned Turban, Motley Beakfish, Spiny Lobster, Eastern Sea Pickle, Ichimonji, Snailfish
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Kobayashi Maru
70 Spearfishing The Ruby Sea (X:39, Y:6) Motley Beakfish, Amberjack, Bashful Batfish, Redcoat, Sea Lamp, Spiny Lobster, Ichimonji
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Exile
85 Spearfishing The Ruby Sea (X:28, Y:21) Barb of Exile, Eastern Seerfish, False Fusilier, Hells' Cap, Keeled Fugu, Othardian Wrasse, Smooth Lumpfish
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Northwestern Onokoro
85 Spearfishing (Swimming Shadow) The Ruby Sea (X:23.2, Y:3.6) Blue Shark, Crown Fish, Dream Pickle, Ruby-spotted Crab, Pipefish, Shogun's Kabuto
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Northeastern Bekko
85 Spearfishing The Ruby Sea (X:37, Y:12) Grey Mullet, Prayer Cushion, Red-spotted Blenny, Skipping Stone, Deepbody Boarfish, Kitefin Shark, Uzumaki
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Northern Onokoro
85 Spearfishing The Ruby Sea (X:28, Y:3) Coffer Shell, Marrow-eater, Onihige, Onokoro Carp, Ruby-spotted Crab, Cloudy Cat Shark
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Isari Slope
85 Spearfishing The Ruby Sea (X:11, Y:13) Blue Shark, Crown Fish, Dream Pickle, Red Gurnard, Ruby Haddock, Sword of Isari
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Anemone Gardens
85 Spearfishing The Ruby Sea (X:23, Y:27) Eastern Seerfish, Red Gurnard, Ruby Haddock, Auroral Clam
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Saibai Cavern
85 Spearfishing The Ruby Sea (X:19, Y:13) Coffer Shell, Eastern Seerfish, Ruby Haddock, Empyreal Spiral
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Eastern Barrier Isle
90 Spearfishing The Ruby Sea (X:39, Y:31) Bluefin Trevally, Mini Yasha, Othardian Lumpsucker, Righteye Flounder, Sawshark, Jointed Razorfish


Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Namai
64 Freshwater fishing Yanxia (X:29.5, Y:15.5) Hermit's End, Nogoi Nightcrawler, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Heron's Nest
64 Freshwater fishing Yanxia (X:34, Y:14) Pomegranate Trout, Doman Crayfish, Doman Trout, Maiden's Heart Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Heron's Way
64 Freshwater fishing Yanxia (X:35, Y:16) Doman Crayfish, Doman Trout, River Barramundi, Glarramundi Nightcrawler, Suspending Minnow, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The One River (East)
65 Freshwater fishing Yanxia (X:20, Y:24) Axelrod, Doman Trout, Kotsu Zetsu, Longhair Catfish, Yanxian Barramundi, Yanxian Koi, Othardian Salmon Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
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Fishing Log: Imperial Hypersonic Assault Craft L-XXIII
65 Spearfishing Yanxia (X:34.7, Y:36.7) Grass Fugu, Hairless Barb, Kamina Crab, Nagxian Mullet, Skythorn, Zeni Clam
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Fishing Log: The One River Southern Riverbeds
65 Spearfishing Yanxia (X:21.5, Y:36.6) Armored Crayfish, Bighead Carp, Common Whelk, Giant Eel, Grass Fugu, Hermit Goby
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Fishing Log: The One River Southwestern Riverbeds
65 Spearfishing Yanxia (X:15, Y:37) Common Bitterling, Fifty-summer Cod, Gauntlet Crab, Hoppfish, Lightscale, Warty Wartfish
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Fishing Log: Doma Castle
67 Freshwater fishing Yanxia (X:13, Y:6) Bokuden, Blank Oscar, Doman Trout, Dragonfish, Raitonfish, Samurai Fish Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure
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Fishing Log: Mercantile Docks
67 Freshwater fishing Yanxia (X:11, Y:14) Suiten Ippeki, Doman Grass Carp, Doman Trout, Kotsu Zetsu, Lordly Salmon, White Clam Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
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Fishing Log: Prism Canyon
67 Freshwater fishing Yanxia (X:31, Y:7) The Unraveled Bow, Doman Crayfish, Doman Eel, Doman Trout Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Suspending Minnow, Metal Spinner, Versatile Lure
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Fishing Log: Prism Lake
67 Freshwater fishing Yanxia (X:28, Y:6) Firelight Goldfish, Green Prismfish, Indigo Prismfish, Red Prismfish, Violet Prismfish, Warden of the Seven Hues, White Goldfish, Blue Prismfish, Yellow Prismfish Midge Larva, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure
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Fishing Log: The One River (West)
70 Freshwater fishing Yanxia (X:11, Y:33) Hagoromo Bijin, Doman Trout, Kotsu Zetsu, Longhair Catfish, Seraphim Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure
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Fishing Log: Plum Spring
70 Freshwater fishing Yanxia (X:36, Y:23) Timeworn Gazelleskin Map, Hagoromo Koi, Silken Koi, Doman Trout, Kotsu Zetsu, Pandamoth, Plum Gazer, Petal Shell Midge Larva, Nightcrawler, Suspending Minnow, Stonefly Larva, Versatile Lure, Signature Skyball
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Fishing Log: The Sunken Junk's South Side
70 Spearfishing (Swimming Shadow) Yanxia (X:12, Y:37) Cherubfish, Dafangshi, Doman Bubble Eye, Dragon Squeaker, Fangshi, Ichthyosaur, Snipe Eel
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Fishing Log: The Dragon's Struggle
70 Spearfishing Yanxia (X:12, Y:10) Blue-fish, Dragon Squeaker, Sailfin, Snipe Eel, Star Turban, Yu-no-hana Crab
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Fishing Log: The Sunken Junk
70 Spearfishing Yanxia (X:10, Y:34) River Bream, Yanxian Tiger Prawn, Cherry Salmon, Doman Bubble Eye, Ichthyosaur, Tengu Fan