Zebra Shark
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Zebra Shark
“Unlike those of the mystical zebra, the pronounced "stripes" upon this wavekin's back are more accurately compared to a tiger's spots.
[Suitable for display in aquariums tier 3 and higher.]
[Suitable for printing on large canvases.]
— In-game description
Basic Information
- Recommended Fishing Level: 65
- Fish Type: Spearfishing
- Aquarium Type: Saltwater (L)
- Sizes: Smallest - ??im, Largest - ??im
The vertical black and white striping that identifies these sharks disappears as the pups mature, and for a long time, youth and adult specimens were considered altogether separate species.
Fishing Log: The Adventure
- Location: The Ruby Sea (X:16.3 Y:24.7 Z:1.8)
- Hole Level: 65
- Baits: Spearfishing
- Mooched From:
- Condition:
- Weather:
Used For
Class: Culinarian (210.00)
Potential Results:
- Fine Sand x 1
- Water Cluster x 1-2