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See also: Housing

Aquariums, released in Patch 3.4, are a type of interior furnishing housing item that allows you to display fish caught from the various reaches of Eorzea in a free company house, personal house, private chamber, or apartment.


Your prized fish will go unnoticed no longer with an aquarium in the house! They're available in four sizes to accommodate aquatic creatures of all kinds. The tank can also be dressed up with one of several designs to show off your latest catch in style.

FFXIV Patch 3.4 Soul surrender Promotional Site

Customizing Aquariums


Before placing fish in an aquarium, players may choose to fill the tank with either freshwater or saltwater. This will dictate which types of fish can be placed in the aquarium. Please be advised that, in order to change the water type, any fish in the tank must be removed. Freshwater and saltwater fish cannot be placed in an aquarium together.

Aquariums per Estate

Starting with patch 4.3, multiple aquariums are now allowed per estate regardless of aquarium size:

Estate Size Max Aquariums
Private Chamber / Apartment 4
Cottage 6
House 8
Mansion 10

Aquarium Capacity

Fish have been categorized into four sizes: small, medium, large, and extra large. Larger fish will occupy more space capacity in an aquarium, leaving less room for other fish. There is no difference between normal quality and high quality fish.

Fish Size Space Capacity Occupied Minimum Tank Tier
Small (S) 1 Tier 1 aquarium icon1.png  Tier 1 Aquarium
Medium (M) 2 Tier 2 aquarium icon1.png  Tier 2 Aquarium
Large (L) 4 Tier 3 aquarium icon1.png  Tier 3 Aquarium
Extra Large (XL) 7 Tier 4 aquarium icon1.png  Tier 4 Aquarium

Aquariums are available in four sizes, the smallest holding only a single small fish, and the largest holding up to four. Because larger fish take up more room in the aquarium, one must choose carefully which fish they will put on display. Any fish removed from the aquarium will be lost / destroyed.

Aquarium Tier Max Capacity Max Number Fish
Tier 1 aquarium icon1.png  Tier 1 Aquarium 1 1 Fish
Tier 2 aquarium icon1.png  Tier 2 Aquarium 2 2 Fish
Tier 3 aquarium icon1.png  Tier 3 Aquarium 4 3 Fish
Tier 4 aquarium icon1.png  Tier 4 Aquarium 7 4 Fish
  • Example 1: The Euphotic pirarucu icon1.png  Euphotic Pirarucu, an extra large fish, will only fit into a Tier 4 Aquarium.
  • Example 2: You can only have a max of 4 Copperfish icon1.png  Copperfishs (small fish) in a Tier 4 Aquarium despite the tank having 7 capacity.


Accessories in the form of trimmings can be used to change the interior appearance of the water tank. Accessories will be destroyed when removed from the aquarium. Currently there are six trimmings available:

Players can purchase all tank trimmings except Moonlit tank trimmings icon1.png  Moonlit Tank Trimmings from the following NPCs:

Vendor Location / Coordinates Section Cost Unlock req.
Apartment Merchant Kobai Goten Apartment Lobby (6.1, 6) Purchase Items Gil 967
Apartment Merchant Lily Hills Apartment Lobby (6.1, 6) Purchase Items Gil 967
Apartment Merchant Sultana's Breath Apartment Lobby (6.1, 6) Purchase Items Gil 967
Apartment Merchant Topmast Apartment Lobby (6.1, 6) Purchase Items Gil 967
Junkmonger Ingleside Apartment Lobby (6.1, 5.9) Purchase Items Gil 967
Material Supplier Empyreum (10.2, 12.2) Purchase Items Gil 967
Material Supplier The Lavender Beds (11.9, 8.3) Purchase Items Gil 967
Material Supplier Mist (11, 11) Purchase Items Gil 967
Material Supplier Shirogane (10.2, 10.5) Purchase Items Gil 967
Material Supplier The Goblet (10.9, 8.9) Purchase Items Gil 967

Moonlit tank trimmings icon1.png  Moonlit Tank Trimmings are obtained through the duty Trial The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain. They can be also traded or purchased through the Market Board.

Fish List

See also: Category:Aquarium Fish

You can find a list of all the possible fish that can be placed in the aquarium in the Aquarium Settings interface. Any fish removed from the aquarium will be lost/destroyed. There is no difference between normal quality and HQ icon.png High Quality fish.[1]

Reminder: Freshwater and saltwater fish cannot be placed in an aquarium together.

Freshwater Fish
Name Size Water Type
Copperfish icon1.png  Copperfish S Freshwater
Chub icon1.png  Chub S Freshwater
Bubble eye icon1.png  Bubble Eye S Freshwater
Grip killifish icon1.png  Grip Killifish S Freshwater
Seraphim icon1.png  Seraphim S Freshwater
Doman bubble eye icon1.png  Doman Bubble Eye S Freshwater
Guppy icon1.png  Guppy S Freshwater
Armor fish icon1.png  Armor Fish S Freshwater
Rockfish icon1.png  Rockfish S Freshwater
Dravanian squeaker icon1.png  Dravanian Squeaker S Freshwater
Toadhead icon1.png  Toadhead S Freshwater
Eternal eye icon1.png  Eternal Eye S Freshwater
Poecilia icon1.png  Poecilia S Freshwater
The unconditional icon1.png  The Unconditional S Freshwater
Darkdweller icon1.png  Darkdweller S Freshwater
Indigo prismfish icon1.png  Indigo Prismfish S Freshwater
Green prismfish icon1.png  Green Prismfish S Freshwater
Loose pendant icon1.png  Loose Pendant S Freshwater
Sunken tome icon1.png  Sunken Tome S Freshwater
Spotted blue-eye icon1.png  Spotted Blue-eye S Freshwater
Black tri-star icon1.png  Black Tri-star S Freshwater
Moonlight guppy icon1.png  Moonlight Guppy S Freshwater
Dark crown icon1.png  Dark Crown S Freshwater
Dermogenys icon1.png  Dermogenys S Freshwater
Half-moon betta icon1.png  Half-moon Betta S Freshwater
Lemonfish icon1.png  Lemonfish S Freshwater
Handy hamsa icon1.png  Handy Hamsa S Freshwater
Blowgun icon1.png  Blowgun S Freshwater
Verdigris guppy icon1.png  Verdigris Guppy S Freshwater
Green swordtail icon1.png  Green Swordtail S Freshwater
Catastrophizer icon1.png  Catastrophizer S Freshwater
Rummy-nosed tetra icon1.png  Rummy-nosed Tetra S Freshwater
Furcacauda icon1.png  Furcacauda S Freshwater
Petticoat tetra icon1.png  Petticoat Tetra S Freshwater
Glittergill icon1.png  Glittergill S Freshwater
First feastfish icon1.png  First Feastfish S Freshwater
Oho hunu icon1.png  Oho Hunu S Freshwater
Iq rrax leaffish icon1.png  Iq Rrax Leaffish S Freshwater
Clown loach icon1.png  Clown Loach M Freshwater
Dark bass icon1.png  Dark Bass M Freshwater
Tri-colored carp icon1.png  Tricolored Carp M Freshwater
Mirrorscale icon1.png  Mirrorscale M Freshwater
Cupfish icon1.png  Cupfish M Freshwater
Goldfish icon1.png  Goldfish M Freshwater
Blue widow icon1.png  Blue Widow M Freshwater
Bonytongue icon1.png  Bonytongue M Freshwater
Raincaller icon1.png  Raincaller M Freshwater
Kissing fish icon1.png  Kissing Fish M Freshwater
Judgment staff icon1.png  Judgment Staff M Freshwater
Yellow prismfish icon1.png  Yellow Prismfish M Freshwater
Cherubfish icon1.png  Cherubfish M Freshwater
Dusk herald icon1.png  Dusk Herald M Freshwater
Paglthan discus icon1.png  Paglth'an Discus M Freshwater
Silken koi icon1.png  Silken Koi M Freshwater
Blue prismfish icon1.png  Blue Prismfish M Freshwater
Common bitterling icon1.png  Common Bitterling M Freshwater
Redfin icon1.png  Redfin M Freshwater
Violet prismfish icon1.png  Violet Prismfish M Freshwater
Crimson trout icon1.png  Crimson Trout M Freshwater
Marble oscar icon1.png  Marble Oscar M Freshwater
Noontide oscar icon1.png  Noontide Oscar M Freshwater
Dragonhead icon1.png  Dragonhead M Freshwater
Pipira pira icon1.png  Pipira Pira M Freshwater
Nagxian mullet icon1.png  Nagxian Mullet M Freshwater
High perch icon1.png  High Perch M Freshwater
Wandering sculpin icon1.png  Wandering Sculpin M Freshwater
Yanxian barramundi icon1.png  Yanxian Barramundi M Freshwater
Highland perch icon1.png  Highland Perch M Freshwater
Archerfish icon1.png  Archerfish M Freshwater
Orn butterfly icon1.png  Orn Butterfly M Freshwater
Discus icon1.png  Discus M Freshwater
Sailfin icon1.png  Sailfin M Freshwater
Red prismfish icon1.png  Red Prismfish M Freshwater
Elder gourami icon1.png  Elder Gourami M Freshwater
The archbishop icon1.png  The Archbishop M Freshwater
Sinspitter icon1.png  Sinspitter M Freshwater
Noblefish icon1.png  Noblefish M Freshwater
Wimple carp icon1.png  Wimple Carp M Freshwater
Clown tetra icon1.png  Clown Tetra M Freshwater
Xanthic bass icon1.png  Xanthic Bass M Freshwater
Big-eye icon1.png  Big-eye M Freshwater
Geayi icon1.png  Geayi M Freshwater
River bream icon1.png  River Bream M Freshwater
Mirrorfish icon1.png  Mirrorfish M Freshwater
Queensgown icon1.png  Queensgown M Freshwater
Blue mountain bubble icon1.png  Blue Mountain Bubble M Freshwater
Jester fish icon1.png  Jester Fish M Freshwater
Platinum bream icon1.png  Platinum Bream M Freshwater
Yellow pipira icon1.png  Yellow Pipira M Freshwater
White ronso icon1.png  White Ronso M Freshwater
Idle goby icon1.png  Idle Goby M Freshwater
Everdark bass icon1.png  Everdark Bass M Freshwater
Radzbalik icon1.png  Radzbalik M Freshwater
Longear sunfish icon1.png  Longear Sunfish M Freshwater
Flowerhorn icon1.png  Flowerhorn M Freshwater
Katoptron icon1.png  Katoptron M Freshwater
Tessera icon1.png  Tessera M Freshwater
Forgeflame icon1.png  Forgeflame M Freshwater
Imperial pleco icon1.png  Imperial Pleco M Freshwater
Atamra cichlid icon1.png  Atamra Cichlid M Freshwater
Raiamas icon1.png  Raiamas M Freshwater
Bluegill icon1.png  Bluegill M Freshwater
Peacock bass icon1.png  Peacock Bass M Freshwater
Greengill salmon icon1.png  Greengill Salmon M Freshwater
Xenocypris icon1.png  Xenocypris M Freshwater
Ka puyhu icon1.png  Ka Puyhu M Freshwater
Trailtrout icon1.png  Trailtrout M Freshwater
Yellow peacock bass icon1.png  Yellow Peacock Bass M Freshwater
Welkin catfish icon1.png  Welkin Catfish M Freshwater
Windspath eel icon1.png  Windspath Eel M Freshwater
Whilom catfish icon1.png  Whilom Catfish L Freshwater
Blood red bonytongue icon1.png  Blood Red Bonytongue L Freshwater
Goblin perch icon1.png  Goblin Perch L Freshwater
Vanuhead icon1.png  Vanuhead L Freshwater
Emperor fish icon1.png  Emperor Fish L Freshwater
Ichthyosaur icon1.png  Ichthyosaur L Freshwater
Hannibal icon1.png  Hannibal L Freshwater
Grass shark icon1.png  Grass Shark L Freshwater
Fifty-summer cod icon1.png  Fifty-summer Cod L Freshwater
Cavalry catfish icon1.png  Cavalry Catfish L Freshwater
Mirage mahi icon1.png  Mirage Mahi L Freshwater
Ghoulfish icon1.png  Ghoulfish L Freshwater
Little bismarck icon1.png  Little Bismarck L Freshwater
Measan deala icon1.png  Measan Deala L Freshwater
Albino garfish icon1.png  Albino Garfish L Freshwater
Anpas handmaid icon1.png  Anpa's Handmaid L Freshwater
Giant taimen icon1.png  Giant Taimen L Freshwater
Misteye icon1.png  Misteye L Freshwater
Greatsword snook icon1.png  Greatsword Snook L Freshwater
Colossoma icon1.png  Colossoma L Freshwater
Giant snakehead icon1.png  Giant Snakehead L Freshwater
Karvarichthys icon1.png  Karvarichthys L Freshwater
Spectral kotsu zetsu icon1.png  Spectral Kotsu Zetsu L Freshwater
Euphotic pirarucu icon1.png  Euphotic Pirarucu XL Freshwater
Giant takitaro icon1.png  Giant Takitaro XL Freshwater
Canavan icon1.png  Canavan XL Freshwater
Tigerfish icon1.png  Tigerfish XL Freshwater
Paikiller icon1.png  Paikiller XL Freshwater
Warden of the seven hues icon1.png  Warden of the Seven Hues XL Freshwater
Vicejaw icon1.png  Vicejaw XL Freshwater
Xenacanthus icon1.png  Xenacanthus XL Freshwater
Loosetongue icon1.png  Loosetongue XL Freshwater
Saltwater Fish
Name Size Water Type
Coral butterfly icon1.png  Coral Butterfly S Saltwater
Harbor herring icon1.png  Harbor Herring S Saltwater
Harutsuge icon1.png  Harutsuge S Saltwater
Tiger cod icon1.png  Tiger Cod S Saltwater
Hatchetfish icon1.png  Hatchetfish S Saltwater
Eulmore butterfly icon1.png  Eulmore Butterfly S Saltwater
Fiery goby icon1.png  Fiery Goby S Saltwater
Dog-faced puffer icon1.png  Dog-faced Puffer S Saltwater
Tebqeyiq smelt icon1.png  Tebqeyiq Smelt S Saltwater
Onihige icon1.png  Onihige S Saltwater
Mini yasha icon1.png  Mini Yasha S Saltwater
Meyhane reveler icon1.png  Meyhane Reveler S Saltwater
Bubble angler icon1.png  Bubble Angler S Saltwater
Shallows sot icon1.png  Shallows Sot S Saltwater
Iris wrasse icon1.png  Iris Wrasse S Saltwater
Spectral butterfly icon1.png  Spectral Butterfly S Saltwater
Spectral wrasse icon1.png  Spectral Wrasse S Saltwater
Blowfish icon1.png  Blowfish M Saltwater
Angelfish icon1.png  Angelfish M Saltwater
Fullmoon sardine icon1.png  Fullmoon Sardine M Saltwater
Black boxfish icon1.png  Black Boxfish M Saltwater
Redcoat icon1.png  Redcoat M Saltwater
Zekki grouper icon1.png  Zekki Grouper M Saltwater
Swordfish icon1.png  Swordfish M Saltwater
Goldenfin icon1.png  Goldenfin M Saltwater
False scad icon1.png  False Scad M Saltwater
Navigators brand icon1.png  Navigator's Brand M Saltwater
Indigo herring icon1.png  Indigo Herring M Saltwater
Glass tuna icon1.png  Glass Tuna M Saltwater
Kholusian wrasse icon1.png  Kholusian Wrasse M Saltwater
Bonefish icon1.png  Bonefish M Saltwater
Deepbody boarfish icon1.png  Deepbody Boarfish M Saltwater
Keeled fugu icon1.png  Keeled Fugu M Saltwater
Fates design icon1.png  Fate's Design M Saltwater
Aquamaton icon1.png  Aquamaton M Saltwater
Aetherolectric guitarfish icon1.png  Aetherolectric Guitarfish M Saltwater
Crown fish icon1.png  Crown Fish M Saltwater
Cobalt chromis icon1.png  Cobalt Chromis M Saltwater
Rasa fish icon1.png  Rasa Fish M Saltwater
Othardian wrasse icon1.png  Othardian Wrasse M Saltwater
Vidyutvat wrasse icon1.png  Vidyutvat Wrasse M Saltwater
Shadowdart sardine icon1.png  Shadowdart Sardine M Saltwater
Gilled topknot icon1.png  Gilled Topknot M Saltwater
Othardian lumpsucker icon1.png  Othardian Lumpsucker M Saltwater
Floating fife icon1.png  Floating Fife M Saltwater
Forgotten one icon1.png  Forgotten One M Saltwater
Jasperhead icon1.png  Jasperhead M Saltwater
Tripod fish icon1.png  Tripod Fish M Saltwater
Sirensong mullet icon1.png  Sirensong Mullet M Saltwater
Lansquenet icon1.png  Lansquenet M Saltwater
Heavensent shark icon1.png  Heavensent Shark M Saltwater
Spectral discus icon1.png  Spectral Discus M Saltwater
Mythril sovereign icon1.png  Mythril Sovereign M Saltwater
Coelacanth icon1.png  Coelacanth L Saltwater
Mummer wrasse icon1.png  Mummer Wrasse L Saltwater
Bombardfish icon1.png  Bombardfish L Saltwater
Hanatatsu icon1.png  Hanatatsu L Saltwater
Corpse-eater icon1.png  Corpse-eater L Saltwater
Hammerhead shark icon1.png  Hammerhead Shark L Saltwater
Ukiki icon1.png  Ukiki L Saltwater
Zebra shark icon1.png  Zebra Shark L Saltwater
Motley beakfish icon1.png  Motley Beakfish L Saltwater
Roosterfish icon1.png  Roosterfish L Saltwater
Blue marlin icon1.png  Blue Marlin L Saltwater
Kitefin shark icon1.png  Kitefin Shark L Saltwater
Spectral bass icon1.png  Spectral Bass L Saltwater
Silver shark icon1.png  Silver Shark XL Saltwater
Mazlaya marlin icon1.png  Mazlaya Marlin XL Saltwater
Helmsmans hand icon1.png  Helmsman's Hand XL Saltwater
Dinichthys icon1.png  Dinichthys XL Saltwater
Titanic sawfish icon1.png  Titanic Sawfish XL Saltwater
Liopleurodon icon1.png  Liopleurodon XL Saltwater
Megalodon icon1.png  Megalodon XL Saltwater
Shrieker icon1.png  Shrieker XL Saltwater
Silver sovereign icon1.png  Silver Sovereign XL Saltwater
Ondobane icon1.png  Ondobane XL Saltwater
Red hammerhead icon1.png  Red Hammerhead XL Saltwater
Lancetfish icon1.png  Lancetfish XL Saltwater
Basilosaurus icon1.png  Basilosaurus XL Saltwater
Junkmonger seafood icon1.png  Junkmonger XL Saltwater
Gharlichthys icon1.png  Gharlichthys XL Saltwater
Copper shark icon1.png  Copper Shark XL Saltwater
Hydro louvar icon1.png  Hydro Louvar XL Saltwater
Spectral megalodon icon1.png  Spectral Megalodon XL Saltwater
Funnel shark icon1.png  Funnel Shark XL Saltwater
Stonescale icon1.png  Stonescale XL Saltwater
Coral manta icon1.png  Coral Manta XL Saltwater
Sothis icon1.png  Sothis XL Saltwater
Taniwha icon1.png  Taniwha XL Saltwater


  1. HQ icon.png HQ Fish were only possible to catch prior to the release of Endwalker.

External Links

Feesh Seeing - preview aquarium fish
