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{{See also|Brayflox's Longstop}}
{{other uses|the optional level 50 [[dungeon]]|the [[Main Scenario Quests|Main Scenario]] [[dungeon]]|Brayflox's Longstop}}
{{Duty infobox
| name = Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)
| description = Brayflox's Longstop is overrun with forces of the Illuminati; the furious goblin scholars are bent on recovering a secret recipe centuries in the making and a moment in the filching. Having been pressed into service as Brayflox's boon companion, you have no choice but to disregard the facts of her thievery and defend the Longstop from all those who would seize it from its rightful holder.
| image = Brayflox's_Longstop_(Hard).png
| type = dungeon
| level = 50
| level-sync = 50
| ilvl = 55
| ilvl-sync = 110
| difficulty = hard
| size = 4man
| time-limit = 90
| duty-finder = Dungeons (A Realm Reborn)
| roulette = High-level Dungeons
| tomestones = 40 Poetics
| entrance = Eastern La Noscea
| entrance-coordinates = 14,24
| req-quest = Curds and Slay
| modes = command, explorer
| patch = 2.2
| release = A Realm Reborn
}} {{TOC limit|3}}
#Clear Runstop Frontblock: 0/1
#Liberate captured goblins: 0/3
#Clear Brayflox's Drossdump: 0/1
#Open Swiftmake Checkgates: 0/2
#Defeat the [[gobmachine G-VI]]: 0/1
* [[Eoraptor]]
* [[Illuminati Soldier]]
* [[Deep Jungle Coeurl]]
* [[Raveled Raincatcher]]
* [[Gully Galago]]
* [[Illuminati Sniper]]
* [[Illuminati Glider]]
* [[Painted Colibri]]
* [[Illuminati Marksman]]
* [[Deep Jungle Torama]]
* [[Illuminati Footman]]
* [[Gobbie Beak]]
{{#ev:youtube|nQsx4dVcFvs|350|right|Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Video Guide}}
{{#ev:youtube|nQsx4dVcFvs|350|right|Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Video Guide}}
Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) is a level 50 [[dungeons|dungeon]] released in Patch 2.2. It is the hard mode of the dungeon [[Brayflox's Longstop]]. The dungeon requires a light party of 4 players with minimum iLvl (Item Level) of 55 or higher. To begin Curds and Slay, players can talk to [[Bloezoeng]] in [[Mor Dhona]] (x22,y8).
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r5.png|link=]] [[Illuminati Commander]]===
*Players must have completed the main storyline [[The Ultimate Weapon]] and the quest [[Curds and Slay]].
Illuminati Commander will spawn sniper add that will fixate on a player, does damage for around 600HP, through the battle, several vertical and horizontal AoE attacks will cover the arena, these will get harder as the battle progresses. Circular AoEs are '''{{Action icon|Bomb Toss}}'''.
*Time Restriction: ?? minutes
*Rewards: Allagan Tomestone of Mythology x50 (Added in Patch 2.2)
Vulnerabilities: Bind, Doom, Heavy, Launcher, Level 5 Death, Missile, Stun, Slow, Tail Screw
*Rewards: Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery x45 (Added in Patch 2.2)
Fully Resistant: Deep Freeze, Level 5 Petrify, Paralysis, Sleep
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r5.png|link=]] [[Magitek Vangob G-III]]===
====Illuminati Commander====
Throughout the fight ceruleum spills from the boss, creating vivid blue circles of liquid that start to cover larger and larger chunks of the arena. After several pools of ceruleum have spilled, the boss sets off a bomb of some kind that will explode and cause all of the ceruleum to ignite as well, doing a large chunk of damage to anyone still inside the blue zones when it goes off. Getting out of the blue areas all depends on your tank's ability to kite the boss (similar to [[Aiatar]]) and your own positioning around the walls to keep the ceruleum from covering too much ground.
Illuminati Commander will spawn sniper add that will fixate on a player, does damage for around 600HP, through the battle, several vertical and horizontal AoE attacks will cover the arena, these will get harder as the battle progresses.
From time to time, the boss will call out two Illuminati adds that must be DPS'd down in quick fashion. After a set amount of time, the boss will use a [[Halicarnassus]]-like aerial attack that does damage based on the health of the adds. They were always dead by the time the attack happened for my group, so the damage was pretty minimal (maybe 500 HP?) but I would imagine that it gets much worse if an add is still alive. Also uses '''{{action icon|Drill Cannons}}'''.
Vulnerabilities: Bind, Heavy, Poison, Slow
Fully Resistant: Deep Freeze, Doom, Launcher, Level 5 Death, Level 5 Petrify, Missile, Paralysis, Stun, Tail Screw
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Gobmachine G-VI]]===
The machine itself doesn't have many attacks, a straight forward {{action icon|Flame Thrower}} attack with no AoE cone, and a Bombardment Circle-AoE attack that'll target a random player.
At around 75% HP, the boss will start circling the room's outer perimeter and become un-targetable. The party needs to immediately gather in the center of the room to avoid the circling tank. Two Illuminati adds will spawn, one of which is tethered to a party member.A few seconds later, it will launch a massive amount of bombs that cover the entire area. These can be knocked away with attacks and should be moved away from the center with AoE attacks quickly before they explode. Afterwards the boss will stop and becomes targetable again.

====Magitek vangob G-III====
This will repeat twice more at 50% and 25%, but in the latter case it will be followed up with a Big Bomb, which must be killed quickly. The boss will also try to ram into players at this point.
Throughout the fight ceruleum spills from the boss, creating vivid blue circles of liquid that start to cover larger and larger chunks of the arena. After several pools of ceruleum have spilled, the boss sets off a bomb of some kind that will explode and cause all of the ceruleum to ignite as well, doing a large chunk of damage to anyone still inside the blue zones when it goes off. Getting out of the blue areas all depends on your tank's ability to kite the boss (similar to Aiatar) and your own positioning around the walls to keep the ceruleum from covering too much ground.
From time to time, the boss will call out two Illuminati adds that must be DPS'd down in quick fashion. After a set amount of time, the boss will use a Halicarnassus-like aerial attack that does damage based on the health of the adds. They were always dead by the time the attack happened for my group, so the damage was pretty minimal (maybe 500 HP?) but I would imagine that it gets much worse if an add is still alive.

====Gobmachine G-VI====
Vulnerabilities: Heavy, Poison, Slow
The machine itself doesn't have many attacks, a straight forward flamethrower attack with no AoE cone, a Bombardment Circle-AoE attack that'll target a random player. At around 3/4 HP,  the boss will start circling the room's outer perimeter and become un-targetable. The party needs to immediately gather in the center of the room to avoid the circling tank. Two Illuminati adds will spawn, one of which is tethered to a party member. Obviously, just kill both adds fast to avoid whatever effect they may cause if they're left alive too long (not sure what it is). A few seconds later, it will launch a massive amount of bombs that cover the entire area. At first this looks hopeless, but there's a trick to it. If you target a bomb and hit it, the bomb will be knocked far away from your current location. By standing in the middle, all the bombs will be knocked towards the walls of the arena, making the center safe to stand in. Obviously, all party members should use AOE abilities to clear out the very center and the single-target the bombs in the mid-range area so that everything is pushed up against the edge of the arena. This should give you just enough room to survive without taking any damage.

Around at 1/4 HP, it will spawn 2~3 adds and will start circling the arena, getting hit by it will result in a 2000HP attack. After the adds are dealt with, the boss will spawn a large amount of bombs, players must clear a safe area for themselves or it will result in a wipe. This will repeat two more times.
Fully Resistant: Bind, Deep Freeze, Doom, Launcher, Level 5 Death, Level 5 Petrify, Missile, Paralysis, Stun, Tail Screw
<br style="clear:both;">

Finally, the boss will spawn a Big Bomb, players must burn it quickly or wipe. Be careful, the machine will drive around the arena and will attack for 2000HP. After the bomb is dealt with, the boss will do a few passes around the arena before players can attack and beat it.
Players can use {{action icon|Comfort}} [[emotes|emote]] to dispel the {{status effect|misery}} '''[[Misery]]''' debuff used by [[Gremlin]].
<br style="clear:both;">

{{see also|Ilvl 70 Dungeon Armor|Darklight Armor|Darklight Accessories}}
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Illuminati Commander]]===
*{{Item reward|7|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
{{Drops list|Illuminati Commander}}
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Magitek Vangob G-III]]===
*{{Item reward|13|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
{{Drops list|Magitek Vangob G-III}}
===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Gobmachine G-VI]]===
*{{Item reward|20|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
{{Drops list|Gobmachine G-VI}}
===Other Loot===
====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 12.5 Y: 11.0)====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Protector's Sollerets}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Sollerets}}
{{Drops table row|Hussar's Jackboots}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Caligae of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Fistfighter's Jackboots}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Caligae of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Shikaree's Boots}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Boots of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Magician's Shoes}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Boots of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Pilgrim's Shoes}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracelet of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracelet of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracelet of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracelet of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracelet of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracelet of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Band of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Band of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Band of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Band of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Band of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Band of Healing}}
{{Table footer}}

====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 12.5 Y: 10.1)====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Protector's Barbut}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Helm}}
{{Drops table row|Hussar's Goggles}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Eyepatch of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Fistfighter's Goggles}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Eyepatch of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Shikaree's Mask}}
{{Drops table row|Magician's Hat}}
{{Drops table row|Pilgrim's Eyepatch}}
{{Drops table row|Heavy Darklight Gauntlets}}
{{Drops table row|Protector's Gauntlets}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Gauntlets}}
{{Drops table row|Hussar's Gloves}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracers of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Fistfighter's Gloves}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracers of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Shikaree's Gloves}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Gloves of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Magician's Gloves}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Gloves of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Pilgrim's Gloves}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Earrings of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Earrings of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Earrings of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Earrings of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Earrings of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Earrings of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Choker of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Choker of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Choker of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Choker of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Choker of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Choker of Healing}}
{{Table footer}}

====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 12.5 Y: 9.5)====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Heavy Darklight Armor}}
{{Drops table row|Protector's Cuirass}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Cuirass}}
{{Drops table row|Hussar's Jackcoat}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Corselet of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Fistfighter's Jackcoat}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Corselet of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Shikaree's Doublet}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Cowl of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Magician's Robe}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Cowl of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Pilgrim's Robe}}
{{Drops table row|Heavy Darklight Flanchard}}
{{Drops table row|Protector's Trousers}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Trousers}}
{{Drops table row|Hussar's Breeches}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Subligar}}
{{Drops table row|Fistfighter's Breeches}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Kecks}}
{{Drops table row|Shikaree's Gaskin}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Breeches of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Magician's Slops}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Breeches of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Pilgrim's Slops}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracelet of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracelet of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracelet of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracelet of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracelet of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Bracelet of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Band of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Band of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Band of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Band of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Band of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Band of Healing}}
{{Table footer}}

====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 10.3 Y: 8.8)====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Earrings of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Earrings of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Earrings of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Earrings of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Earrings of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Earrings of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Choker of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Choker of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Choker of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Choker of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Choker of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Darklight Choker of Healing}}
{{Table footer}}

Lime Sulphur
This duty is associated with the following achievements:

{| {{STDT| mech1 sortable align-left}}
{{achievement table header}}
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Brayflox's Longstop}}

[[File:brayfloxs longstop1.jpg|350px]] [[File:brayfloxs longstop2.jpg|350px]] [[File:brayfloxs longstop3.jpg|350px]]
===Dungeon Images===
<gallery mode="packed">
Brayflox's Longstop is overrun with forces of the Illuminati; the furious goblin scholars are bent on recovering a secret recipe centuries in the making and a moment in the filching. Having been pressed into service as Brayflox's boon companion, you have no choice but to disregard the facts of her thievery and defend the Longstop from all those who would seize it from its rightful holder.  
File:brayfloxs longstop1.jpg
File:brayfloxs longstop2.jpg
File:brayfloxs longstop3.jpg
File:Gobmachine G-VI.jpg
File:brayfloxs longstop4.png
File:Brayflox&#39;s Longstop (Hard) Map.webp|Locations map

{{Duties nav|dungeon}}

Latest revision as of 20:04, 15 December 2024

Disambig icon.png This article is about the optional level 50 dungeon. For the Main Scenario dungeon, see Brayflox's Longstop.

Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)

Brayflox's Longstop (Hard).png
50 (Sync: 50)
Item Level
55 (Sync: 110)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Dungeons (A Realm Reborn)
High-level Dungeons
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 40 
Req. quest
Feature quest Curds and Slay
Eastern La Noscea (X:14, Y:24)
Command Mission, Explorer

Brayflox's Longstop is overrun with forces of the Illuminati; the furious goblin scholars are bent on recovering a secret recipe centuries in the making and a moment in the filching. Having been pressed into service as Brayflox's boon companion, you have no choice but to disregard the facts of her thievery and defend the Longstop from all those who would seize it from its rightful holder.

— In-game description

Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) is a level 50 dungeon introduced in patch 2.2.


  1. Clear Runstop Frontblock: 0/1
  2. Liberate captured goblins: 0/3
  3. Clear Brayflox's Drossdump: 0/1
  4. Open Swiftmake Checkgates: 0/2
  5. Defeat the gobmachine G-VI: 0/1



Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Video Guide

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Illuminati Commander

Illuminati Commander will spawn sniper add that will fixate on a player, does damage for around 600HP, through the battle, several vertical and horizontal AoE attacks will cover the arena, these will get harder as the battle progresses. Circular AoEs are Bomb Toss.png  Bomb Toss.

Vulnerabilities: Bind, Doom, Heavy, Launcher, Level 5 Death, Missile, Stun, Slow, Tail Screw

Fully Resistant: Deep Freeze, Level 5 Petrify, Paralysis, Sleep

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Magitek Vangob G-III

Throughout the fight ceruleum spills from the boss, creating vivid blue circles of liquid that start to cover larger and larger chunks of the arena. After several pools of ceruleum have spilled, the boss sets off a bomb of some kind that will explode and cause all of the ceruleum to ignite as well, doing a large chunk of damage to anyone still inside the blue zones when it goes off. Getting out of the blue areas all depends on your tank's ability to kite the boss (similar to Aiatar) and your own positioning around the walls to keep the ceruleum from covering too much ground. From time to time, the boss will call out two Illuminati adds that must be DPS'd down in quick fashion. After a set amount of time, the boss will use a Halicarnassus-like aerial attack that does damage based on the health of the adds. They were always dead by the time the attack happened for my group, so the damage was pretty minimal (maybe 500 HP?) but I would imagine that it gets much worse if an add is still alive. Also uses Drill Cannons.png  Drill Cannons.

Vulnerabilities: Bind, Heavy, Poison, Slow

Fully Resistant: Deep Freeze, Doom, Launcher, Level 5 Death, Level 5 Petrify, Missile, Paralysis, Stun, Tail Screw

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Gobmachine G-VI

The machine itself doesn't have many attacks, a straight forward Flame Thrower.png  Flame Thrower attack with no AoE cone, and a Bombardment Circle-AoE attack that'll target a random player.

At around 75% HP, the boss will start circling the room's outer perimeter and become un-targetable. The party needs to immediately gather in the center of the room to avoid the circling tank. Two Illuminati adds will spawn, one of which is tethered to a party member.A few seconds later, it will launch a massive amount of bombs that cover the entire area. These can be knocked away with attacks and should be moved away from the center with AoE attacks quickly before they explode. Afterwards the boss will stop and becomes targetable again.

This will repeat twice more at 50% and 25%, but in the latter case it will be followed up with a Big Bomb, which must be killed quickly. The boss will also try to ram into players at this point.

Vulnerabilities: Heavy, Poison, Slow

Fully Resistant: Bind, Deep Freeze, Doom, Launcher, Level 5 Death, Level 5 Petrify, Missile, Paralysis, Stun, Tail Screw


Players can use Comfort.png  Comfort emote to dispel the Misery icon1.png Misery debuff used by Gremlin.


See also: Ilvl 70 Dungeon Armor, Darklight Armor and Darklight Accessories

Silver Coffer (small).png Illuminati Commander

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Darklight band of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Aiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of casting icon1.png  Darklight Band of Casting Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of fending icon1.png  Darklight Band of Fending Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of healing icon1.png  Darklight Band of Healing Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Maiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of striking icon1.png  Darklight Band of Striking Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight boots of casting icon1.png  Darklight Boots of Casting Feet 70 CBlue 1
Darklight boots of healing icon1.png  Darklight Boots of Healing Feet 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of casting icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of fending icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of healing icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Maiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of striking icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Striking Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight caligae of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Caligae of Aiming Feet 70 CBlue 1
Darklight caligae of striking icon1.png  Darklight Caligae of Striking Feet 70 CBlue 1
Darklight sollerets icon1.png  Darklight Sollerets Feet 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters jackboots icon1.png  Fistfighter's Jackboots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Hussars jackboots icon1.png  Hussar's Jackboots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Magicians shoes icon1.png  Magician's Shoes Feet 70 BGreen 1
Pilgrims shoes icon1.png  Pilgrim's Shoes Feet 70 BGreen 1
Protectors sollerets icon1.png  Protector's Sollerets Feet 70 BGreen 1
Shikarees boots icon1.png  Shikaree's Boots Feet 70 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Magitek Vangob G-III

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Darklight band of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Aiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of casting icon1.png  Darklight Band of Casting Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of fending icon1.png  Darklight Band of Fending Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of healing icon1.png  Darklight Band of Healing Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Maiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of striking icon1.png  Darklight Band of Striking Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight boots of casting icon1.png  Darklight Boots of Casting Feet 70 CBlue 1
Darklight boots of healing icon1.png  Darklight Boots of Healing Feet 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of casting icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of fending icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of healing icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Maiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of striking icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Striking Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight caligae of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Caligae of Aiming Feet 70 CBlue 1
Darklight caligae of striking icon1.png  Darklight Caligae of Striking Feet 70 CBlue 1
Darklight sollerets icon1.png  Darklight Sollerets Feet 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters jackboots icon1.png  Fistfighter's Jackboots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Hussars jackboots icon1.png  Hussar's Jackboots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Magicians shoes icon1.png  Magician's Shoes Feet 70 BGreen 1
Pilgrims shoes icon1.png  Pilgrim's Shoes Feet 70 BGreen 1
Protectors sollerets icon1.png  Protector's Sollerets Feet 70 BGreen 1
Shikarees boots icon1.png  Shikaree's Boots Feet 70 BGreen 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Gobmachine G-VI

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Baby opo-opo icon2.png  Baby Opo-opo Minion N/A ABasic 1
Darklight breeches of casting icon1.png  Darklight Breeches of Casting Legs 70 CBlue 1
Darklight breeches of healing icon1.png  Darklight Breeches of Healing Legs 70 CBlue 1
Darklight corselet of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Corselet of Aiming Body 70 CBlue 1
Darklight corselet of striking icon1.png  Darklight Corselet of Striking Body 70 CBlue 1
Darklight cowl of casting icon1.png  Darklight Cowl of Casting Body 70 CBlue 1
Darklight cowl of healing icon1.png  Darklight Cowl of Healing Body 70 CBlue 1
Darklight cuirass icon1.png  Darklight Cuirass Body 70 CBlue 1
Darklight kecks icon1.png  Darklight Kecks Legs 70 CBlue 1
Darklight subligar icon1.png  Darklight Subligar Legs 70 CBlue 1
Darklight trousers icon1.png  Darklight Trousers Legs 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters breeches icon1.png  Fistfighter's Breeches Legs 70 BGreen 1
Fistfighters jackcoat icon1.png  Fistfighter's Jackcoat Body 70 BGreen 1
Fury orchestrion roll icon1.png  Fury Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
Heavy darklight armor icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Armor Body 70 CBlue 1
Heavy darklight flanchard icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Flanchard Legs 70 CBlue 1
Hussars breeches icon1.png  Hussar's Breeches Legs 70 BGreen 1
Hussars jackcoat icon1.png  Hussar's Jackcoat Body 70 BGreen 1
Magicians robe icon1.png  Magician's Robe Body 70 BGreen 1
Magicians slops icon1.png  Magician's Slops Legs 70 BGreen 1
Pilgrims robe icon1.png  Pilgrim's Robe Body 70 BGreen 1
Pilgrims slops icon1.png  Pilgrim's Slops Legs 70 BGreen 1
Protectors cuirass icon1.png  Protector's Cuirass Body 70 BGreen 1
Protectors trousers icon1.png  Protector's Trousers Legs 70 BGreen 1
Shikarees doublet icon1.png  Shikaree's Doublet Body 70 BGreen 1
Shikarees gaskin icon1.png  Shikaree's Gaskin Legs 70 BGreen 1

Other Loot

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 12.5 Y: 11.0)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Protectors sollerets icon1.png  Protector's Sollerets Feet 70 BGreen 1
Darklight sollerets icon1.png  Darklight Sollerets Feet 70 CBlue 1
Hussars jackboots icon1.png  Hussar's Jackboots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Darklight caligae of striking icon1.png  Darklight Caligae of Striking Feet 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters jackboots icon1.png  Fistfighter's Jackboots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Darklight caligae of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Caligae of Aiming Feet 70 CBlue 1
Shikarees boots icon1.png  Shikaree's Boots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Darklight boots of casting icon1.png  Darklight Boots of Casting Feet 70 CBlue 1
Magicians shoes icon1.png  Magician's Shoes Feet 70 BGreen 1
Darklight boots of healing icon1.png  Darklight Boots of Healing Feet 70 CBlue 1
Pilgrims shoes icon1.png  Pilgrim's Shoes Feet 70 BGreen 1
Darklight bracelet of fending icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Maiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of striking icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Striking Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of casting icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of healing icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of fending icon1.png  Darklight Band of Fending Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Maiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of striking icon1.png  Darklight Band of Striking Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Aiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of casting icon1.png  Darklight Band of Casting Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of healing icon1.png  Darklight Band of Healing Ring 70 CBlue 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 12.5 Y: 10.1)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Protectors barbut icon1.png  Protector's Barbut Head 70 BGreen 1
Darklight helm icon1.png  Darklight Helm Head 70 CBlue 1
Hussars goggles icon1.png  Hussar's Goggles Head 70 BGreen 1
Darklight eyepatch of striking icon1.png  Darklight Eyepatch of Striking Head 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters goggles icon1.png  Fistfighter's Goggles Head 70 BGreen 1
Darklight eyepatch of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Eyepatch of Aiming Head 70 CBlue 1
Shikarees mask icon1.png  Shikaree's Mask Head 70 BGreen 1
Magicians hat icon1.png  Magician's Hat Head 70 BGreen 1
Pilgrims eyepatch icon1.png  Pilgrim's Eyepatch Head 70 BGreen 1
Heavy darklight gauntlets icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Gauntlets Hands 70 CBlue 1
Protectors gauntlets icon1.png  Protector's Gauntlets Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight gauntlets icon1.png  Darklight Gauntlets Hands 70 CBlue 1
Hussars gloves icon1.png  Hussar's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight bracers of striking icon1.png  Darklight Bracers of Striking Hands 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters gloves icon1.png  Fistfighter's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight bracers of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracers of Aiming Hands 70 CBlue 1
Shikarees gloves icon1.png  Shikaree's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight gloves of casting icon1.png  Darklight Gloves of Casting Hands 70 CBlue 1
Magicians gloves icon1.png  Magician's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight gloves of healing icon1.png  Darklight Gloves of Healing Hands 70 CBlue 1
Pilgrims gloves icon1.png  Pilgrim's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight earrings of fending icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Fending Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Maiming Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of striking icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Striking Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Aiming Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of casting icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Casting Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of healing icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Healing Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of fending icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Fending Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Maiming Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of striking icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Striking Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Aiming Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of casting icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Casting Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of healing icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Healing Necklace 70 CBlue 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 12.5 Y: 9.5)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Heavy darklight armor icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Armor Body 70 CBlue 1
Protectors cuirass icon1.png  Protector's Cuirass Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight cuirass icon1.png  Darklight Cuirass Body 70 CBlue 1
Hussars jackcoat icon1.png  Hussar's Jackcoat Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight corselet of striking icon1.png  Darklight Corselet of Striking Body 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters jackcoat icon1.png  Fistfighter's Jackcoat Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight corselet of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Corselet of Aiming Body 70 CBlue 1
Shikarees doublet icon1.png  Shikaree's Doublet Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight cowl of casting icon1.png  Darklight Cowl of Casting Body 70 CBlue 1
Magicians robe icon1.png  Magician's Robe Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight cowl of healing icon1.png  Darklight Cowl of Healing Body 70 CBlue 1
Pilgrims robe icon1.png  Pilgrim's Robe Body 70 BGreen 1
Heavy darklight flanchard icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Flanchard Legs 70 CBlue 1
Protectors trousers icon1.png  Protector's Trousers Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight trousers icon1.png  Darklight Trousers Legs 70 CBlue 1
Hussars breeches icon1.png  Hussar's Breeches Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight subligar icon1.png  Darklight Subligar Legs 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters breeches icon1.png  Fistfighter's Breeches Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight kecks icon1.png  Darklight Kecks Legs 70 CBlue 1
Shikarees gaskin icon1.png  Shikaree's Gaskin Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight breeches of casting icon1.png  Darklight Breeches of Casting Legs 70 CBlue 1
Magicians slops icon1.png  Magician's Slops Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight breeches of healing icon1.png  Darklight Breeches of Healing Legs 70 CBlue 1
Pilgrims slops icon1.png  Pilgrim's Slops Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight bracelet of fending icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Maiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of striking icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Striking Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of casting icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of healing icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of fending icon1.png  Darklight Band of Fending Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Maiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of striking icon1.png  Darklight Band of Striking Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Aiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of casting icon1.png  Darklight Band of Casting Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of healing icon1.png  Darklight Band of Healing Ring 70 CBlue 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 10.3 Y: 8.8)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Darklight earrings of fending icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Fending Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Maiming Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of striking icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Striking Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Aiming Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of casting icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Casting Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of healing icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Healing Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of fending icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Fending Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Maiming Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of striking icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Striking Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Aiming Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of casting icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Casting Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of healing icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Healing Necklace 70 CBlue 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Remapping the realm brayflox's longstop icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Brayflox's Longstop 10 Discover every location within Brayflox's Longstop (Hard). - 2.2


Dungeon Images