Gobmachine G-VI

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Developed by the Illuminati, this war vehicle was originally designed for construction and repurposed for destruction. While it lacks the refinement of imperial machines, boasting stout plating and a powerful ceruleum engine, it is regarded as a feat of goblin engineering in its own right.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume II, p. 139

Gobmachine G-VI is a boss in Brayflox's Longstop (Hard).


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Heavy darklight armor icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Armor Body 70 CBlue 1
Protectors cuirass icon1.png  Protector's Cuirass Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight cuirass icon1.png  Darklight Cuirass Body 70 CBlue 1
Hussars jackcoat icon1.png  Hussar's Jackcoat Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight corselet of striking icon1.png  Darklight Corselet of Striking Body 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters jackcoat icon1.png  Fistfighter's Jackcoat Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight corselet of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Corselet of Aiming Body 70 CBlue 1
Shikarees doublet icon1.png  Shikaree's Doublet Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight cowl of casting icon1.png  Darklight Cowl of Casting Body 70 CBlue 1
Magicians robe icon1.png  Magician's Robe Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight cowl of healing icon1.png  Darklight Cowl of Healing Body 70 CBlue 1
Pilgrims robe icon1.png  Pilgrim's Robe Body 70 BGreen 1
Heavy darklight flanchard icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Flanchard Legs 70 CBlue 1
Protectors trousers icon1.png  Protector's Trousers Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight trousers icon1.png  Darklight Trousers Legs 70 CBlue 1
Hussars breeches icon1.png  Hussar's Breeches Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight subligar icon1.png  Darklight Subligar Legs 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters breeches icon1.png  Fistfighter's Breeches Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight kecks icon1.png  Darklight Kecks Legs 70 CBlue 1
Shikarees gaskin icon1.png  Shikaree's Gaskin Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight breeches of casting icon1.png  Darklight Breeches of Casting Legs 70 CBlue 1
Magicians slops icon1.png  Magician's Slops Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight breeches of healing icon1.png  Darklight Breeches of Healing Legs 70 CBlue 1
Pilgrims slops icon1.png  Pilgrim's Slops Legs 70 BGreen 1
Baby opo-opo icon2.png  Baby Opo-opo Minion N/A ABasic 1
Fury orchestrion roll icon1.png  Fury Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Unknown 50


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Curds and Slay Feature quest 50 Bloezoeng

Additional Information

Uses the Blue Mage spell Flame Thrower.png  Flame Thrower.


The design of the gobmachine replaces legs with sets of continuous tracks which serve to better distribute the vehicle’s weight evenly. This, in turn, allows for increased mobility in even the worst conditions, be them wet, muddy, rocky, or otherwise. The gobmachine’s forward cannons are highly adaptable and are capable of firing bombs and shells of almost any weight or diameter without having to replace them with ones of different caliber. The Illuminati have also created a slightly modified version of the selfsame forgekin known as the king gobtank.

Encyclopædia Eorzea vol 1, page 289