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{{Quest infobox
{{Quest infobox
| title = Into the Fire
| title = Into the Fire
| description = Gyoshin is staring at you in a way that suggests another doom-laden prophecy is forthcoming.
| description = [[Gyoshin]] is staring at you in a way that suggests another doom-laden prophecy is forthcoming.
| image = Into the Fire.png
| image = Into the Fire.png
| quest-giver = Gyoshin
| quest-giver = Gyoshin
Line 13: Line 13:
| job =  
| job =  
| level = 60
| level = 60
| requirements = [[Disciples of the Land]] or [[Disciples of the Hand|Hand]]
| requirements = [[Disciples of the Land]] or [[Disciples of the Hand|Hand]]<br>Honored [[Reputation]] maxed
| req-items = 1 Effigy Component Materials, 1 Squirming Sack (Into the Fire), 1 Invisible Catfish, 1 Effigy Components, 1 Lava Rock, 1 Steppe Sedge
| req-items = 1 Squirming Sack (Into the Fire), 1 Effigy Component Materials, 1 Effigy Components, 1 Lava Rock, 1 Steppe Sedge, 1 Invisible Catfish
| exp = 5625000
| exp = 5625000
| gil = 2938
| gil = 2938
Line 26: Line 26:
| patch = 4.3
| patch = 4.3
}} __NOTOC__
}} __NOTOC__
*Deliver [[Gyoshin]] to [[Matoya's Cave]].
*Deliver [[Gyoshin]] to [[Matoya's Cave (Zone)|Matoya's Cave]].
*Return [[Gyoshin]] to [[Dhoro Iloh]].
*Return [[Gyoshin]] to [[Dhoro Iloh]].
*Speak with [[Gyoshin]].
*Speak with [[Gyoshin]].
*(DoH)  Synthesize a [[Effigy Components|set of effigy components]] {{HQ}}. 0/1
**Deliver the [[Effigy Components|set of effigy components]] {{HQ}} to [[Gyorei]]. 1/1
*(MIN)  Mine a [[Lava Rock|lava rock]] east of [[Mol Iloh]]. 0/1
**Deliver the [[Lava Rock|lava rock]] to [[Gyorei]]. 1/1
*(BTN)  Gather a [[Steppe Sedge|bundle of steppe sedge]] east of [[Mol Iloh]]. 0/1
**Deliver the [[Steppe Sedge|bundle of steppe sedge]] to [[Gyorei]]. 1/1
*(FSH)  Catch an [[Invisible Catfish|invisible catfish]] in [[Fishing Log: Nem Khaal|Nem Khaal]]. 0/1
**Deliver the [[Invisible Catfish|invisible catfish]] to [[Gyorei]]. 1/1

*Gyoshin is staring at you in a way that suggests another doom-laden prophecy is forthcoming.
* Gyoshin is staring at you in a way that suggests another doom-laden prophecy is forthcoming.
** ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Furthermore, you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.
* Gyoshin summons you to a meeting to discuss a matter of dire import. Though he never manages to explain, one can safely assume that, were he given the opportunity, he would say that the Namazu must improve their festival, lest they be annihilated in seven years. Seven years! With that in mind, Seigetsu the Enlightened suggests that they incorporate a bizarre ritual so the festival will be more like the “unforgettable spectacles” once held by the Namazu of yore. Having concluded that Master Matoya would be the best source of information on such rituals, you stow Gyoshin in your bag once again and prepare to make for the Dravanian hinterlands.
** ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Furthermore, you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.
* After some confusion on Gyoshin's part, you correctly identify Matoya and ask her about odd rituals. She recommends reviving the darkest of practices in order to create a spectacle memorable enough to avert the Namazu's prophesied demise, and swiftly prepares a reference tome on forbidden rituals for you. In the meantime, Gyoshin manages to drink too much tea for his own good, and will have to be carried back to Dhoro Iloh in your luggage.
* You arrive in Dhoro Iloh and release Gyoshin from his cloth prison only to find that he has befouled your bag. Alas, you have no time to process this sudden and unfortunate addition to your laundry pile, as a scuffle over Matoya's book ensues. Seigetsu the Enlightened sends the tome flying, and while Gyoshin manages to prevent it falling into the bonfire, he himself is not so lucky. The unique experience of being set ablaze inspires him to hold the Wicker Man ritual, and, seeing the fire in his eyes, none have the courage to stop him.
* Gyoshin puts you in charge of one of the components necessary for the Namazu to build an enormous effigy and hold a sacrificial burning. You are in no position to refuse, so all you can do is follow orders and hope for the best.
* You hand over your component and help the Namazu build the giant effigy, but Seigetsu the Enlightened points out that the ritual cannot be completed until a live sacrifice is burned. Thankfully, Gyorei is one step ahead of him, and prevents the squabble over who should be incinerated from escalating by offering cloth dolls as a substitute. The Namazu effigy can now continue burning merrily without any off-putting bloodshed.
===Accepting the quest===
'''Gyoshin:''' Attendees love our fins-on activities. Just look at that one over there, who seems most loath to let go of his horse! But we cannot afford to rest in our jars just yet. You see, our dramatic demise, our painful annihila─ Oh, I forgot to call Gyorei and Gyofun. One moment, please.
'''Gyoshin:''' I have summoned you all here for one reason. Yes, ye─
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' I assume this will again be some nonsense about dreams and prophecies? You must recall that I cautioned you against eating unidentified plant matter.
'''Gyoshin:''' If it comes from the ground, it is food! Yes, yes. Just because I was rendered violently ill, incapacitated for a fortnight by those green mushrooms does not mean... Wait, what were we talking about? Oh, yes, yes. I have continued to see our greatest grandsire in my dreams.
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' ...Though the dreams of your addled mind are immaterial to my goal of enlightening one and all, I have identified an aspect in which our festival is lacking compared to those of our ancestors.
'''Gyoshin:''' That is fantastic, Seigetsu the Enlightened. Yes, yes. Though I cannot help but worry that you are about to─
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' Allow me to elaborate in detail! Culture is an ever-evolving beast, you see. The radicalization of culture, in particular, results in unique cultural expressions that outsiders struggle to comprehend. When it is applied to ritual, festivals become true carnivals of the bizarre.
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' Given that our ancestors' festivals were known as “unforgettable spectacles,” should we not assume they had a fair few radical elements? In which case, our event must needs include at least one uniquely memorable ritual if we are to carry on their legacy.
'''Gyoshin:''' That actually sounds interesting! I am most intrigued. What happens in these rituals that everyone finds so strange?
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' I haven't the foggiest! Religious rituals are secretive by nature, my dear Gyoshin!
'''Gyoshin:''' Perhaps it is my own fault. Yes, yes. I neglected to remember Gyofun's unhelpfulness. I suppose we will put this matter to rest for now. Call it a day.
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' Now, hold on a moment! Your lack of intellectual curiosity is no fault of mine. The correct response would be to acknowledge our need to engage in further research.
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' ''Occidentalism'' makes mention of a Sharlayan society devoted to the pursuit of knowledge. One of their number might be privy to the information we seek.
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' One such as yourself must know Sharlayans of the intellectual persuasion we require. Preferably someone wizened. With arcane knowledge. Who is also an expert in rituals. Surely you know a few fitting that profile?
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' Master Matoya in Dravania, you say? Yes, she sounds ideal. It is so convenient that you foreigners all know each other.
'''Gyoshin:''' Yes, yes. She sounds most convenient. Much more useful than Gyofun.
'''Gyoshin:''' I hate─really hate─to ask, but could you convey me to Master Matoya's in your bag?
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' If the prospect did not involve sharing a sack with Gyoshin, I would travel to the Dravanian hinterlands myself. I should most like to visit the Great Gubal Library.
'''Gyorei:''' I realize that looking after Gyoshin can be exhausting. Yes, yes. In a variety of ways.
'''Matoya:''' ...I don't suppose you've a reason for lugging that thing around?
===Delivering Gyoshin to Matoya (cutscene)===
'''Gyoshin:''' Is this the place? Please tell me this is the place.
'''Gyoshin:''' Hello, hello! Are you Master Matoya? I am relieved to see you so moist, so slimy. From [Forename]'s description, you sounded most dry and intimidating!
'''Matoya:''' Eager to get off on the wrong foot, aren't we?
'''Gyoshin:''' ...Oh. Oh no. The scary lady is Master Matoya?
'''Gyoshin:''' I am so sorry. Most apologetic! I was confused.
'''Matoya:''' Well, since you and your bumbling companion have already disrupted my routine, I suppose I'll hear you out. I presume you've a reason for coming here other than to annoy me?
'''Matoya:''' Oh, the world is hardly short on carnivals of the bizarre.
'''Matoya:''' Competitive cheese-rolling, fertility rituals where the bride gets whacked with a stick─I tell you if someone tried that with me, they'd be out an eye─whatever nonsense you can imagine, someone's getting up to it.
'''Matoya:''' But if you seek to avert a calamitous fate, I trust you'll want to do better than those half-baked traditions.
'''Matoya:''' For a truly memorable spectacle, you'll want to revive a ceremony so terrible, so horrible that few would dare to even whisper of it. One so steeped in evil that men swore never again to perform it!
'''Gyoshin:''' Oooh, evil! Darkness! Tell me more! Tell me more!
'''Matoya:''' If you shrink not from these horrors, I assume you are prepared to not only sully your hands, but your very soul.
'''Gyoshin:''' Yes, yes! I will save the Namazu, even if I must endure a never-ending celebration. Even if I must work my fins to the bone.
'''Matoya:''' Color me impressed. Confused, but impressed.
'''Matoya:''' I'll prepare a simple manuscript on forbidden rituals for you. Just stay put. Have some tea. Do whatever it is you Namazu do.
'''Matoya:''' Here we are. Only three hundred pages, but it should serve.
'''Gyoshin:''' Thank you─<hic>─thank you!
'''Matoya:''' Ah, right. Tea makes Namazu tipsy. Lucky you.
'''Matoya:''' It's a miracle they've survived this long. Well, back in the sack with him!
'''Matoya:''' Had anyone else shown up on my doorstep with a Namazu in tow, I would've had my poroggos deal with them. I'm still not quite sure what you're about, but if it gets you to stop fighting every other god or dragon for a spell, it can't be all that bad.
'''Gyorei:''' Welco─ What is that smell?
===Returning Gyoshin to Dhoro Iloh (cutscene)===
'''Gyoshin:''' ...Fresh air at last. <groan> You might want to wash that. It smells like vomit in there.
'''Gyoshin:''' A-Anyway, we should focus on this tome Matoya so kindly, most generously gave us.
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' A manuscript penned by the Sharlayan scholar herself? I must peruse it without delay!
'''Gyoshin:''' Yes, yes. It is most illuminating. So full of information on fascinating rituals that I can hardly decide which we should attempt!
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' Relinquish that this instant! I must read it!
'''Gyoshin:''' Just a moment, please, please. This one is just so... Oh, but this one is also...
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' Give it here, I say. Now. NOW!
'''Gyoshin:''' Whoa! Wait, wait!
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' ...Fascinating.
'''Gyoshin:''' > Owowowowowowowowow! <
'''Gyorei:''' Are you...all right?
'''Gyoshin:''' ...
'''Gyoshin:''' Yes, yes! There can be only one! No other!
'''Gyoshin:''' This “Wicker Man” is the perfect choice. We must incinerate a live sacrifice inside a massive effigy!
'''Gyoshin:''' It is the only way to avert total Namazu annihilation! Yes...yes...
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' I...daresay he ought to be stopped, but it may be unwise to anger him just now.
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' Remind me never to mention the bizarre again.
'''Gyorei:''' I cannot say I expected us to go the “live sacrifice” route. No, no.
===Speaking to Gyoshin===
'''Gyoshin:''' To work! We require a large Namazu effigy. You must help me build it. You will not defy me, no, no?
'''(If Blacksmith)'''
'''Gyoshin:''' You will find materials to create a [metal clamp] in the crate. I expect you to bring me the finest you have ever made, yes, yes.
'''Gyoshin:''' Gyorei will be the one collecting the components─all one hundred and seven of them. So speak to her when you are ready.
'''Gyoshin:''' And how it shall burn... Oh, you are still here? Right, right. Try the crate for more materials.
'''Gyoshin:''' You brought what I requested? That is a wise choice. An excellent decision!
===Delivering [Item] to Gyorei===
'''Gyorei:''' Gyoshin seems a bit odd. Though I suppose he is always odd...
'''''<Hand Over [Item]>'''''
'''Gyorei:''' Ah, the final component! Thank you, thank you. Now let us see what comes of this.
'''Gyoshin:''' Wow, it is like looking into a stream. A reflection staring back at me! Most imposing. Quite impressive.
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' Gyoshin, are you not forgetting something? Yet again?
'''Gyoshin:''' ...
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' The live sacrifice, you imbecile!
'''Gyoshin:''' Oh! Thank you so much for volunteering!
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' I most certainly am not volunteering! Should it not be the artist who sees his work through to the end?

*Gyoshin summons you to a meeting to discuss a matter of dire import. Though he never manages to explain, one can safely assume that, were he given the opportunity, he would say that the Namazu must improve their festival, lest they be annihilated in seven years. Seven years! With that in mind, Seigetsu the Enlightened suggests that they incorporate a bizarre ritual so the festival will be more like the “unforgettable spectacles” once held by the Namazu of yore. Having concluded that Master Matoya would be the best source of information on such rituals, you stow Gyoshin in your bag once again and prepare to make for the Dravanian Hinterlands.
'''Gyoshin:''' Hm. Well, I am quite sure, indeed confident that [Forename] provided the most important parts...

*After some confusion on Gyoshin's part, you correctly identify Matoya and ask her about odd rituals. She recommends reviving the darkest of practices in order to create a spectacle memorable enough to avert the Namazu's prophesied demise, and swiftly prepares a reference tome on forbidden rituals for you. In the meantime, Gyoshin manages to drink too much tea for his own good, and will have to be carried back to Dhoro Iloh in your luggage.
'''Gyorei:''' Oh, for the Big One's sake! You need not be in such a hurry to set each other aflame. According to Matoya's manuscript, a cloth doll is a perfectly acceptable substitute for the sacrifice. Yes, yes.
'''Gyorei:''' I set my fins to sewing a few some time ago. And I followed the instructions to the letter, so they should be more than sufficient.

*You arrive in Dhoro Iloh and release Gyoshin from his cloth prison only to find that he has befouled your bag. Alas, you have no time to process this sudden and unfortunate addition to your laundry pile, as a scuffle over Matoya's book ensues. Seigetsu the Enlightened sends the tome flying, and while Gyoshin manages to prevent it falling into the bonfire, he himself is not so lucky. The unique experience of being set ablaze inspires him to hold the Wicker Man ritual, and, seeing the fire in his eyes, none have the courage to stop him.
'''Gyoshin:''' Gyorei! You are a lifesaver!
'''Gyoshin:''' Let us get this fire started!

*Gyoshin puts you in charge of one of the components necessary for the Namazu to build an enormous effigy and hold a sacrificial burning. You are in no position to refuse, so all you can do is follow orders and hope for the best.
'''System:''' In seven years, the Namazu were fated to fall deeply in debt, and be doomed to work ceaselessly as slaves for the sinister soy sauce mogul, Kageyama. Many would have died.
'''System:''' However, the oversized Namazu effigy will, over the course of seven years, come to be known far and wide as a uniquely bizarre spectacle, and generate significant revenue from tourism.
'''System:''' Unbeknownst to all, the Namazu will be spared the grievous tragedy that could have consumed them, and their fate continues to change for the better.

*You hand over your component and help the Namazu build the giant effigy, but Seigetsu the Enlightened points out that the ritual cannot be completed until a live sacrifice is burned. Thankfully, Gyorei is one step ahead of him, and prevents the squabble over who should be incinerated from escalating by offering cloth dolls as a substitute. The Namazu effigy can now continue burning merrily without any off-putting bloodshed.
'''Seigetsu the Enlightened:''' I daresay it is impossible to discern the meaning or purpose behind this peculiar ritual. Indeed, it is nothing less than the epitome of enlightenment!

'''System:''' Your reputation has increased to Sworn.
'''System:''' You have achieved Sworn reputation with the Namazu.
'''System:''' New Namazu society daily quests are now available from Seigetsu the Enlightened at Dhoro Iloh.
'''System:''' Furthermore, you will be able to undertake three additional quests from Seigetsu the Enlightened as a reputation bonus. This bonus is available until the daily reset time for allied society quests.
'''System:''' These additional quests will become available after accepting all current daily quests from Seigetsu the Enlightened. Please be advised that you cannot undertake these quests if you have no remaining allowances.
'''System:''' You now have access to a wider selection of wares from Gyosho.

[[Category:Beast Tribe Quests]]
{{Beast Tribe Quests}}
{{Beast Tribe Quests}}

Latest revision as of 18:42, 10 January 2025

Feature Quest icon.png

Into the Fire

Into the Fire.png
Quest giver
The Azim Steppe (X:6.1, Y:23.3)
Quest line
Namazu Main Quests
Required items
1 Squirming sack (Into the Fire) icon1.png  Squirming Sack
1 Effigy component materials icon1.png  Effigy Component Materials
1 Effigy components icon1.png  Effigy Components
1 Lava rock icon1.png  Lava Rock
1 Steppe sedge icon1.png  Steppe Sedge
1 Invisible catfish icon1.png  Invisible Catfish
Disciples of the Land or Hand
Honored Reputation maxed
Experience 5,625,000
Gil 2,938
Previous quest
Feature QuestOut of the Frypan
Next quest
Feature QuestDisciples of Creation

Gyoshin is staring at you in a way that suggests another doom-laden prophecy is forthcoming.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Gyoshin is staring at you in a way that suggests another doom-laden prophecy is forthcoming.
    • ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Furthermore, you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.
  • Gyoshin summons you to a meeting to discuss a matter of dire import. Though he never manages to explain, one can safely assume that, were he given the opportunity, he would say that the Namazu must improve their festival, lest they be annihilated in seven years. Seven years! With that in mind, Seigetsu the Enlightened suggests that they incorporate a bizarre ritual so the festival will be more like the “unforgettable spectacles” once held by the Namazu of yore. Having concluded that Master Matoya would be the best source of information on such rituals, you stow Gyoshin in your bag once again and prepare to make for the Dravanian hinterlands.
    • ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Furthermore, you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.
  • After some confusion on Gyoshin's part, you correctly identify Matoya and ask her about odd rituals. She recommends reviving the darkest of practices in order to create a spectacle memorable enough to avert the Namazu's prophesied demise, and swiftly prepares a reference tome on forbidden rituals for you. In the meantime, Gyoshin manages to drink too much tea for his own good, and will have to be carried back to Dhoro Iloh in your luggage.
  • You arrive in Dhoro Iloh and release Gyoshin from his cloth prison only to find that he has befouled your bag. Alas, you have no time to process this sudden and unfortunate addition to your laundry pile, as a scuffle over Matoya's book ensues. Seigetsu the Enlightened sends the tome flying, and while Gyoshin manages to prevent it falling into the bonfire, he himself is not so lucky. The unique experience of being set ablaze inspires him to hold the Wicker Man ritual, and, seeing the fire in his eyes, none have the courage to stop him.
  • Gyoshin puts you in charge of one of the components necessary for the Namazu to build an enormous effigy and hold a sacrificial burning. You are in no position to refuse, so all you can do is follow orders and hope for the best.
  • You hand over your component and help the Namazu build the giant effigy, but Seigetsu the Enlightened points out that the ritual cannot be completed until a live sacrifice is burned. Thankfully, Gyorei is one step ahead of him, and prevents the squabble over who should be incinerated from escalating by offering cloth dolls as a substitute. The Namazu effigy can now continue burning merrily without any off-putting bloodshed.


Accepting the quest

Gyoshin: Attendees love our fins-on activities. Just look at that one over there, who seems most loath to let go of his horse! But we cannot afford to rest in our jars just yet. You see, our dramatic demise, our painful annihila─ Oh, I forgot to call Gyorei and Gyofun. One moment, please.


Gyoshin: I have summoned you all here for one reason. Yes, ye─
Seigetsu the Enlightened: I assume this will again be some nonsense about dreams and prophecies? You must recall that I cautioned you against eating unidentified plant matter.
Gyoshin: If it comes from the ground, it is food! Yes, yes. Just because I was rendered violently ill, incapacitated for a fortnight by those green mushrooms does not mean... Wait, what were we talking about? Oh, yes, yes. I have continued to see our greatest grandsire in my dreams.
Seigetsu the Enlightened: ...Though the dreams of your addled mind are immaterial to my goal of enlightening one and all, I have identified an aspect in which our festival is lacking compared to those of our ancestors.
Gyoshin: That is fantastic, Seigetsu the Enlightened. Yes, yes. Though I cannot help but worry that you are about to─
Seigetsu the Enlightened: Allow me to elaborate in detail! Culture is an ever-evolving beast, you see. The radicalization of culture, in particular, results in unique cultural expressions that outsiders struggle to comprehend. When it is applied to ritual, festivals become true carnivals of the bizarre.
Seigetsu the Enlightened: Given that our ancestors' festivals were known as “unforgettable spectacles,” should we not assume they had a fair few radical elements? In which case, our event must needs include at least one uniquely memorable ritual if we are to carry on their legacy.
Gyoshin: That actually sounds interesting! I am most intrigued. What happens in these rituals that everyone finds so strange?
Seigetsu the Enlightened: I haven't the foggiest! Religious rituals are secretive by nature, my dear Gyoshin!
Gyoshin: Perhaps it is my own fault. Yes, yes. I neglected to remember Gyofun's unhelpfulness. I suppose we will put this matter to rest for now. Call it a day.
Seigetsu the Enlightened: Now, hold on a moment! Your lack of intellectual curiosity is no fault of mine. The correct response would be to acknowledge our need to engage in further research.
Seigetsu the Enlightened: Occidentalism makes mention of a Sharlayan society devoted to the pursuit of knowledge. One of their number might be privy to the information we seek.
Seigetsu the Enlightened: One such as yourself must know Sharlayans of the intellectual persuasion we require. Preferably someone wizened. With arcane knowledge. Who is also an expert in rituals. Surely you know a few fitting that profile?
Seigetsu the Enlightened: Master Matoya in Dravania, you say? Yes, she sounds ideal. It is so convenient that you foreigners all know each other.
Gyoshin: Yes, yes. She sounds most convenient. Much more useful than Gyofun.
Gyoshin: I hate─really hate─to ask, but could you convey me to Master Matoya's in your bag?
Seigetsu the Enlightened: If the prospect did not involve sharing a sack with Gyoshin, I would travel to the Dravanian hinterlands myself. I should most like to visit the Great Gubal Library.
Gyorei: I realize that looking after Gyoshin can be exhausting. Yes, yes. In a variety of ways.
Matoya: ...I don't suppose you've a reason for lugging that thing around?

Delivering Gyoshin to Matoya (cutscene)

Gyoshin: Is this the place? Please tell me this is the place.
Gyoshin: Hello, hello! Are you Master Matoya? I am relieved to see you so moist, so slimy. From [Forename]'s description, you sounded most dry and intimidating!
Matoya: Eager to get off on the wrong foot, aren't we?
Gyoshin: ...Oh. Oh no. The scary lady is Master Matoya?
Gyoshin: I am so sorry. Most apologetic! I was confused.
Matoya: Well, since you and your bumbling companion have already disrupted my routine, I suppose I'll hear you out. I presume you've a reason for coming here other than to annoy me?
Matoya: Oh, the world is hardly short on carnivals of the bizarre.
Matoya: Competitive cheese-rolling, fertility rituals where the bride gets whacked with a stick─I tell you if someone tried that with me, they'd be out an eye─whatever nonsense you can imagine, someone's getting up to it.
Matoya: But if you seek to avert a calamitous fate, I trust you'll want to do better than those half-baked traditions.
Matoya: For a truly memorable spectacle, you'll want to revive a ceremony so terrible, so horrible that few would dare to even whisper of it. One so steeped in evil that men swore never again to perform it!
Gyoshin: Oooh, evil! Darkness! Tell me more! Tell me more!
Matoya: If you shrink not from these horrors, I assume you are prepared to not only sully your hands, but your very soul.
Gyoshin: Yes, yes! I will save the Namazu, even if I must endure a never-ending celebration. Even if I must work my fins to the bone.
Matoya: Color me impressed. Confused, but impressed.
Matoya: I'll prepare a simple manuscript on forbidden rituals for you. Just stay put. Have some tea. Do whatever it is you Namazu do.
Matoya: Here we are. Only three hundred pages, but it should serve.
Gyoshin: Thank you─<hic>─thank you!
Matoya: Ah, right. Tea makes Namazu tipsy. Lucky you.
Matoya: It's a miracle they've survived this long. Well, back in the sack with him!
Matoya: Had anyone else shown up on my doorstep with a Namazu in tow, I would've had my poroggos deal with them. I'm still not quite sure what you're about, but if it gets you to stop fighting every other god or dragon for a spell, it can't be all that bad.
Gyorei: Welco─ What is that smell?

Returning Gyoshin to Dhoro Iloh (cutscene)

Gyoshin: ...Fresh air at last. <groan> You might want to wash that. It smells like vomit in there.
Gyoshin: A-Anyway, we should focus on this tome Matoya so kindly, most generously gave us.
Seigetsu the Enlightened: A manuscript penned by the Sharlayan scholar herself? I must peruse it without delay!
Gyoshin: Yes, yes. It is most illuminating. So full of information on fascinating rituals that I can hardly decide which we should attempt!
Seigetsu the Enlightened: Relinquish that this instant! I must read it!
Gyoshin: Just a moment, please, please. This one is just so... Oh, but this one is also...
Seigetsu the Enlightened: Give it here, I say. Now. NOW!
Gyoshin: Whoa! Wait, wait!
Seigetsu the Enlightened: ...Fascinating.
Gyoshin: > Owowowowowowowowow! <
Gyorei: Are you...all right?
Gyoshin: ...
Gyoshin: Yes, yes! There can be only one! No other!
Gyoshin: This “Wicker Man” is the perfect choice. We must incinerate a live sacrifice inside a massive effigy!
Gyoshin: It is the only way to avert total Namazu annihilation! Yes...yes...
Seigetsu the Enlightened: I...daresay he ought to be stopped, but it may be unwise to anger him just now.
Seigetsu the Enlightened: Remind me never to mention the bizarre again.
Gyorei: I cannot say I expected us to go the “live sacrifice” route. No, no.

Speaking to Gyoshin

Gyoshin: To work! We require a large Namazu effigy. You must help me build it. You will not defy me, no, no?
(If Blacksmith)
Gyoshin: You will find materials to create a [metal clamp] in the crate. I expect you to bring me the finest you have ever made, yes, yes.
Gyoshin: Gyorei will be the one collecting the components─all one hundred and seven of them. So speak to her when you are ready.
Gyoshin: And how it shall burn... Oh, you are still here? Right, right. Try the crate for more materials.
Gyoshin: You brought what I requested? That is a wise choice. An excellent decision!

Delivering [Item] to Gyorei

Gyorei: Gyoshin seems a bit odd. Though I suppose he is always odd...
<Hand Over [Item]>
Gyorei: Ah, the final component! Thank you, thank you. Now let us see what comes of this.


Gyoshin: Wow, it is like looking into a stream. A reflection staring back at me! Most imposing. Quite impressive.
Seigetsu the Enlightened: Gyoshin, are you not forgetting something? Yet again?
Gyoshin: ...
Seigetsu the Enlightened: The live sacrifice, you imbecile!
Gyoshin: Oh! Thank you so much for volunteering!
Seigetsu the Enlightened: I most certainly am not volunteering! Should it not be the artist who sees his work through to the end?
Gyoshin: Hm. Well, I am quite sure, indeed confident that [Forename] provided the most important parts...
Gyorei: Oh, for the Big One's sake! You need not be in such a hurry to set each other aflame. According to Matoya's manuscript, a cloth doll is a perfectly acceptable substitute for the sacrifice. Yes, yes.
Gyorei: I set my fins to sewing a few some time ago. And I followed the instructions to the letter, so they should be more than sufficient.
Gyoshin: Gyorei! You are a lifesaver!
Gyoshin: Let us get this fire started!
System: In seven years, the Namazu were fated to fall deeply in debt, and be doomed to work ceaselessly as slaves for the sinister soy sauce mogul, Kageyama. Many would have died.
System: However, the oversized Namazu effigy will, over the course of seven years, come to be known far and wide as a uniquely bizarre spectacle, and generate significant revenue from tourism.
System: Unbeknownst to all, the Namazu will be spared the grievous tragedy that could have consumed them, and their fate continues to change for the better.
Seigetsu the Enlightened: I daresay it is impossible to discern the meaning or purpose behind this peculiar ritual. Indeed, it is nothing less than the epitome of enlightenment!
System: Your reputation has increased to Sworn.
System: You have achieved Sworn reputation with the Namazu.
System: New Namazu society daily quests are now available from Seigetsu the Enlightened at Dhoro Iloh.
System: Furthermore, you will be able to undertake three additional quests from Seigetsu the Enlightened as a reputation bonus. This bonus is available until the daily reset time for allied society quests.
System: These additional quests will become available after accepting all current daily quests from Seigetsu the Enlightened. Please be advised that you cannot undertake these quests if you have no remaining allowances.
System: You now have access to a wider selection of wares from Gyosho.