Category:Feature quests
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Feature Quests, first added as a separate category in Patch 3.3, unlock most game mechanics and duties.
This category has the following 19 subcategories, out of 19 total.
Pages in category "Feature quests"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 923 total.
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- A Bad Bladder
- A Bad Case of the Blue Devils
- A Budding Adventure
- A Burst of Inspiration
- A Carpenter in Need
- A Case of Indecency
- A Catastrophe Waiting
- A Chilling Fate
- A City Fallen
- A Crisis of Corruption
- A Cry from the Ashes
- A Crystalline Solution
- A Deific Simulacrum
- A Demonic Duplicate
- A Designer Job
- A Disagreeable Dwarf
- A Divine Dilemma
- A Done Deal
- A Faerie Tale Come True
- A Feast to Remember
- A Fiendish Likeness
- A Fond Memory
- A Gazebo to Call Our Own
- A Gentleman Falls, Rather than Flies
- A Gift from House Leveilleur
- A Gob in the Machine
- A Guest From Across the Salt
- A Hingan Tale: Nashu Goes East
- A Home in the Firmament
- A Hunger for Trade
- A Hunt for the Ages
- A Jobb Well Done
- A Key to the Past
- A Keyward's Gaol
- A Labor of Leaf
- A Lesson in Humility
- A Million Malms Away
- A Mission in Mor Dhona
- A Monumental Task
- A Most Stimulating Discussion
- A Mother's Love
- A Mother's Touch
- A New Amaro
- A New Challenger Appears
- A New Contender
- A New Dawn, a New Hunt
- A New Fishing Ex-spear-ience
- A New Gold Standard
- A New Playing Field
- A Pachyderm's Promptitude
- A Parley with Pirates
- A Part of Your World
- A Performance for the Ages
- A Piss-up in a Brewery
- A Place to Train
- A Plankless Task
- A Practiced Greeting
- A Pup No Longer (Immortal Flames)
- A Pup No Longer (Maelstrom)
- A Pup No Longer (Twin Adder)
- A Recurring Problem
- A Redbill Farewell
- A Refrain for the Undaunted
- A Relic Reborn (Artemis Bow)
- A Relic Reborn (Bravura)
- A Relic Reborn (Curtana)
- A Relic Reborn (Gae Bolg)
- A Relic Reborn (Omnilex)
- A Relic Reborn (Sphairai)
- A Relic Reborn (Stardust Rod)
- A Relic Reborn (The Veil of Wiyu)
- A Relic Reborn (Thyrus)
- A Relic Reborn (Yoshimitsu)
- A Request of One's Own
- A Rite to Rest
- A Scandal in Komra
- A Seaside Story
- A Seat at the Feast
- A Self-improving Man
- A Ship on His Shoulder
- A Sight to Behold
- A Sign of What's to Come
- A Sober Proposal
- A Song of Steam and Steel
- A Soulful Reunion
- A Spirited Reforging
- A Striking Opportunity
- A Symbiotic Friendship
- A Tentative First Tour
- A Test of Courage
- A Thousand and One Farewells
- A Traveler to the Rescue
- A Tribal Reunion
- A Vein Pursuit
- A Void at All Costs
- A Way to Make a Living
- Absolutely Glamourous
- Adventurers Don't Get Cold Feet
- After Her Own Heart
- Aiming High
- Akadaemia Anyder (Quest)
- Alchemist or Dancer
- Alisaie's Path
- Alisaie's Pledge
- Alisaie's Resolve
- All Good Potpacts Must Come to an End
- All of Your Beeswax
- All the Fish in the Sea
- All You Wanted to Know about Odin
- Alluring Allag
- Almost a Friend
- Amber Alert
- An Academic Dispute
- An Acquired Taste
- An Auspicious Encounter
- An Egi by Any Other Name
- An Expected Engagement
- An Expected Guest
- An Eye on the Inside
- An Ill-conceived Venture (Gridania)
- An Ill-conceived Venture (Limsa Lominsa)
- An Ill-conceived Venture (Ul'dah)
- An Illuminating Ritual
- An Intrepid New Enterprise
- An Odd Job
- An Ode to Unity
- An Original Improvement
- An Otherworldly Encounter
- An Overgrown Ambition
- An Unexpected Proposal
- An Unexpected Symphony
- An Unfinished Masterpiece
- An Unreasonable Request
- An Unwanted Truth
- An Unwelcome Visitor
- And Another Question...
- And Like Fire Was His Mane
- And the Crowd Goes Mild
- And We Shall Call It Eureka
- And We Shall Call It Hydatos
- And We Shall Call It Pagos
- And We Shall Call It Pyros
- Annihilation
- Another Striking Opportunity
- Another Turn in the Coil
- Are They Ill-tempered
- Arms Wide Open
- As the Heart Bids
- Ascending to Empyreum
- Aunty Knows Best
- Away with the Faerie
- Baby Steps
- Back in the Saddle
- Balance unto All
- Baleful Brews
- Beast of the Heartlands
- Beauty Is Only Scalp Deep
- Beloved of the Builder
- Beneath the Mask
- Beruru's Clues
- Best Delivered Cold
- Better Bill Hunting
- Between a Rock and the Hard Place
- Big, Big Fish
- Biggs and Wedge's Excellent Adventure
- Bird in Hand
- Blame It on My Juice
- Blood and Thunder
- Blood for Stone
- Blood of Emerald
- Blueprint Protocol
- Body and Soul
- Bottled Fantasy
- Brave New World
- Braving New Depths
- Bridge Over Frozen Water
- Broadening Horizons
- Brooding Broodmother
- Brotherhood of Ash (Quest)
- Burden of Proof
- But I Hardly Noah
- By Agents Unknown
- By the Time You Hear This
- Carnivals and Confrontations
- Carrots: It's What's for Dinner
- Cease and Assist
- Celebratory Smorgasbord
- Celestial Radiance
- Chance of Gales
- Charmless Man
- Cherished Memories
- Chief Concerns
- Children Are Our Future
- Clipped Wings
- Closing Up Shop
- Clutch and Kin
- Color Your World
- Combat Evolved
- Commercially Flyable
- Community Cohesion