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'''J'olhmyn:''' The “down with the castellum” mob came to cause a fuss, but they soon shut their traps when they saw the griffin statues! | '''J'olhmyn:''' The “down with the castellum” mob came to cause a fuss, but they soon shut their traps when they saw the griffin statues! | ||
'''Eshana:''' I cannot help but envy the ssstriders who sssoar through the ssskies on the backs of griffins. Unfortunately, it ssseems that griffins have a natural aversion to the Ananta and will not allow us to ride them. | |||
{{Beast Tribe Quests}} | {{Beast Tribe Quests}} |
Latest revision as of 05:53, 9 December 2024
Griffins Rampant
- Quest giver
- Alpa
- Location
- The Fringes (X:21.7, Y:26.2)
- Quest line
- Ananta Main Quests
- Level
- 60
- Requirements
- Friendly Reputation maxed
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Brooding Broodmother
- Next quest
Chance of Gales
- Patch
- 4.2
“Alpa's plans for Castellum Velodyna are facing opposition.
※The difficulty of this quest will be synced to your current level.— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Tahla Molkoh at Castrum Oriens.
- Speak with Giff in Rhalgr's Reach.
- Speak with Alpa at Castellum Velodyna.
- Speak with Giff.
- Use the griffin's Buffet ability on Alpa.
- Use the griffin's Buffet ability on Alpa again.
- Use the griffin's Buffet ability on Alpa yet again.
- Speak with Alpa.
- Alpa's plans for Castellum Velodyna are facing opposition.
- ※The difficulty of this quest will be synced to your current level.
- Castellum Velodyna looms large over Ala Mhigo, and it is a constant reminder of years of suffering at the hands of the Garleans that many citizens would rather see destroyed. Alpa seeks to placate those who oppose her project by introducing traditional Ala Mhigan designs, but she lacks the knowledge required to make informed choices. You suggest speaking to Tahla Molkoh stationed at Castrum Oriens, who is a wellspring of information on local history.
- ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Furthermore, you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.
- Tahla Molkoh recommends the traditional motif of a pair of griffins, which symbolizes everlasting loyalty. This gives Alpa the idea of crafting a pair of metal griffin statues to decorate the castellum. Feeling that it would be best to base the sculptures on a real griffin, J'olhmyn suggests consulting Giff the beast trainer at Rhalgr's Reach.
- Giff expresses his opposition to the Gatekeepers and their plans for the castellum, but promises to supply a griffin as thanks for your commitment to the Resistance. He will meet with you and the others in Castellum Velodyna.
- Giff reaches the castellum as promised, but is displeased when he hears that his griffin will be used as a basis for Alpa's statues. Although he is reluctant to help with what he considers to be a pointless endeavor, he agrees all the same. According to Giff, a griffin is at its most dynamic when creating its characteristic gusts of wind, with which they subdue their prey. Much to his surprise, Alpa expresses a desire to experience this powerful attack for herself to better understand the true nature of the winged beast. As Giff refuses to have any further part in this absurd plan, Alpa nominates you to ride the griffin.
- You climb atop the griffin and find that it responds well to your commands. Next, you head in Alpa's direction and prepare to unleash a buffet of wind.
- Though struck with the full force of the blast, Alpa appears to be unscathed. Unfortunately, she instinctively closed her eyes due to the power of the blast. She asks you to make another attempt.
- The griffin whips a second gust of air towards Alpa. Despite making a concerted effort to keep her eyes open, she is only able to catch a glimpse of the creature. She steels herself for one more blast.
- This time, Alpa is able to witness the awe-inspiring spectacle of the griffin as it summons forth a buffet of wind. Her study of the fearsome creature is now complete and she prepares to capture its majesty in metallic form.
- Alpa's skill as a metalworker is something to behold and Giff is quick to shower her with praise. Despite once being vehemently opposed to her plans for Velodyna, he offers the services of the Resistance's griffin riders. The young captain has succeeded in protecting the castellum from demolition and bolstered the ranks of the Gatekeepers in one deft move.
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Alpa: Oh, there you are, [Forename]. We've just received a report from Eshana.
J'olhmyn: I'll read it out. J'olhmyn: "At present, the broodmother's skin is smooth.“ Wait─What in Rhalgr's name is this?
Alpa: Good news, that's what. While it's sssmooth, we still have time before she needs to molt. Once it starts to dry, we'll know the day of the inspection is approaching.
J'olhmyn: Well, I'll take your word for it! As much as I'd love to spend all day talking about your mother's skin, isn't there something else we were going to discuss?
Alpa: Yesss, there is. A problem's come up and I could use your advice. The castellum is under threat of demolition!
J'olhmyn: Hold your chocobos─nothing's been decided yet. Perhaps you should start from the beginning for [Forename]'s sake.
Alpa: As you know, this was originally an imperial sssupply depot. That great big tower in the middle was built as an airship dock, which we now use for surveying the surrounding area. You can see for malms from up there!
J'olhmyn: The trouble is, some of the Resistance members think we should blow the whole thing up! “It's a constant reminder of the days of imperial rule!” they say, but they're letting sentiment cloud their judgment─it's too important to lose.
J'olhmyn: They're also forgetting that we don't have the time or resources to build a new bridge. And while we mull things over, there's no telling what those lunatics will do!
J'olhmyn: Suffice it to say, we're in a bit of a bind.
Alpa: We can't let anyone tear it down. If the castellum is destroyed, it would mean the end of the Gatekeepers. I'd have no choice but to return to Vira Nilya. Alpa: Luckily, I have an idea. We Vira decorate our villages differently to the Qalyana's, which makes them easy to tell apart. Alpa: We should be able to do the same thing with this place. If we make something to symbolize that the castellum is part of Ala Mhigo, we won't need to do anything drastic like rebuilding it from scratch.
J'olhmyn: You know, that's not such a bad idea! But what exactly did you have in mind?
Alpa: It needs to be traditional─something distinctly Ala Mhigan. To be honest, I don't know much about ssstriders and their culture. Do you have any suggestions, J'olhmyn?
J'olhmyn: I suppose the most obvious thing would be the griffin on the Ala Mhigan flag, but that's no good. J'olhmyn: It was also the symbol of the royal family, which includes the mad king Theodoric, of course. I don't think people would appreciate being reminded of him. Sorry Alpa, nothing else springs to mind.
Alpa: Hmmm... Many peoples live throughout Gyr Abania, and we'll struggle to please them all. We would benefit from an outsider's opinion, sssomeone unbiased towards the needs of any particular group. Alpa: They'd need to know a lot about local hissstory too. [Forename], can you think of anyone?
< What will you say? > < There's an Adder officer at Castrum Oriens who springs to mind. > < Sssorry, no one I know fitsss the bill. >
'< There's an Adder officer at Castrum Oriens who springs to mind. >' Alpa: Tahla Molkoh? Right! It's decided. We'll meet you there.
'< Sssorry, no one I know fitsss the bill. >' ???
Speak with Tahla Molkoh at Castrum Oriens (Cutscene)
Tahla Molkoh: The mighty Griffin's Bane has descended upon Castrum Oriens once more! Tahla Molkoh: We really appreciate your help with that whole Black Rose debacle. We've only just finished cleaning up the mess left behind by the Qalyana.
Alpa: Did she just say “Griffin's Bane”? What does that mean?
J'olhmyn: A title, I'd wager. Maybe we ought to call him/her that too?
( Warrior of Light emotes /deny )
Tahla Molkoh: Really now! There's no need to be so coy about it. I can think of no better tribute to your remarkable feats of heroism!
Alpa: I think we'll stick to just “[Forename]” for now. Anyway, I'm Alpa, captain of the Velodyna Gatekeepers. You might be wondering what brings us here. We'd like to asssk your opinion.
Tahla Molkoh: While I cannot guarantee I'll be able to provide the assistance you seek, I'll do my utmost to help nevertheless.
Alpa: I heard you know a lot about Ala Mhigan hissstory...
(The screen fades to dark while long hours pass by in conversation.)
Tahla Molkoh: I see your point. Visitors to Ala Mhigo probably won't think highly of being ushered through a former imperial stronghold upon arrival. I agree that it should celebrate Ala Mhigo's unique culture. Tahla Molkoh: A griffin design should meet your requirements.
J'olhmyn: That was our one and only idea. We were worried that using the crest of the old royal family would dredge up a lot of unpleasant memories.
Tahla Molkoh: If it were a single griffin, that may be the case. However, I propose using a pair of griffins. Tahla Molkoh: Once they find a mate they become inseparable. In Gyr Abanian heraldry, a pair of griffins rampant has represented undying loyalty since time immemorial.
Alpa: In that case, I should use my metalworking skills to craft two griffin sculptures! Alpa: Thanks for your advice, Tahla! Come and visit us at the castellum sssometime!
Tahla Molkoh: It would be my pleasure! I wish you the best of luck.
J'olhmyn: I'll start gathering metal for the statues. It might take me a while, especially if we're making two of them. Alpa, you go and find other Ananta to help with the crafting. J'olhmyn: [Forename], would you be able to bring us a griffin? I imagine it would be hard to sculpt one without seeing the real thing from up close. Probably best to use a tamed one though. J'olhmyn: Giff the griffin handler over at the Reach ought to be able to sort something out. If I were you, I'd start by having a word with him.
(Optional) Tahla Molkoh: So Griffin's Bane is tasked with procuring an actual griffin? I hope you'll treat this one better than the last!
Speak with Giff in Rhalgr's Reach
Giff: What can I do for you? Giff: Eh? You've got a friend who wants to “borrow” a griffin? Who do you want me to take it to? Giff: Alpa? The leader of those damn fools hells-bent on preserving Velodyna? Hmph. You ask me, they ought to blow the bloody thing to smithereens and be done with it! Giff: But, well...since it's you that's asking, I suppose I can oblige. Go on ahead─I'll meet you there with the griffin.
Speak with Alpa at Castellum Velodyna
Alpa: How did it go?
Giff: Sorry to keep you waiting, [Forename]─I got a bit delayed on the way over. Anyway, here's the griffin as requested.
Alpa: It's beautiful! The statues should turn out wonderfully if I fashion them in the image of this fine ssspecimen.
Giff: Statues? What are you talking about? [Forename] didn't mention that!
Alpa: I want to decorate the entrance with a pair of griffin sssculptures to welcome travelers into Ala Mhigo. They'll be based on your griffin!
Giff: You mean to say me and my griffin came all the way here for some bloody statues? You snot-nosed little gobshite─sod off back to Vira Nilya so we can smash this bridge down!
Eshana: Show sssome respect! She is our captain. We will not allow you to ssspeak to her like that.
Giff: Captain, eh? I don't see how anyone could take orders from her─she's just a child!
Eshana: Listen well, ssstrider. When I first volunteered for the Resissstance, every unit I tried to join rejected me. For all my determination, I simply lack the ssstrength needed for frontline warfare. I had no purpose, nowhere to go but back to my village. Eshana: That was until Alpa asked me to work as a weaponsssmith. She showed me that I do not need to be a fighter to contribute. Eshana: She may be young, but she has earned our loyalty.
Alpa: Eshana, I─
Giff: I couldn't give a Qiqirn's arse! I'm only here because [Forename] asked me. <sigh> Let's just get this over with.
Alpa: You'll help? I won't forget this!
Giff: If you're going to make a statue of a griffin, you'd better do a good job of it. They look impressive enough when they're standing still, but have you ever seen one buffet its prey with a blast of wind? Now that's something special.
Alpa: No, I haven't! I'd like to experience these buffeting winds for myself.
Giff: Is...is this some sort of joke?
Alpa: Do I look like I'm joking?
Giff: The girl's gone stark raving mad! If she wants to have this griffin attack her with the force of a hurricane, that's her business─just leave me out of it!
Alpa: Fine. You're not the only one around here capable of riding a griffin! [Forename], I hear you're quite experienced with chocobos and whatnot. Why don't you give it a try? Hit me with a buffet of wind! Alpa: We should probably find somewhere else to do this. Our comrades might find being asssaulted by bellowing winds a bit distracting, to put it mildly. I'll be waiting by the gates.
Eshana: Ha ha ha! She never ceassses to amaze me.
(Optional) Alpa: I'll be fine! It takes more than a little wind to rattle an Ananta.
Speak with Giff
Giff: Once you're on the griffin, coax it into sending a gust of wind in the direction of that youngling. Just try not to overdo it, all right? Giff: If you dismount at any point, come back here. I'll get you back in the saddle.
(Optional) Giff: You want to get back on? The griffin's ready.
(Optional) Alpa: That's it! Make it send a blassst this way!
Use the griffin's Buffet ability on Alpa
Alpa: Nnnggghhhhhh! Alpa: <pant> That was a lot stronger than I was expecting! Unfortunately, I couldn't help closing my eyes right at the vital moment. Alpa: Could you do that again?
Use the griffin's Buffet ability on Alpa again
Alpa: Hrrrnnngggh! Alpa: It was only a glimpse but I definitely saw it! Alpa: I think one more time should be enough!
Use the griffin's Buffet ability on Alpa yet again
Alpa: Nnnaaagggh! Alpa: I saw it as clear as day! Now I know how its prey must feel! Alpa: That will do nicely! All right, [Forename], you can get down now!
(Optional) Giff: I was keeping an eye on things from a safe distance. But Thal's balls─I didn't think you'd actually go through with it!
Speak with Alpa
Alpa: I'd better get to work while it's ssstill fresh in my mind.
Giff: I can't believe my eyes... Giff: With this incredible statue, no one will doubt that Ala Mhigo is on the path to regaining its former glory. Giff: You've achieved what I thought was impossible. You've transformed this imperial fortress into something our countrymen can be proud of.
Alpa: Heh heh! I'm quite pleased with the results myself!
Giff: To say I'm impressed would be an understatement. I'd heard the Ananta used magic to shape metal, but to see it for myself... It was breathtaking.
Alpa: If you think that's impressive, wait until we finish the other one! Alpa: I'm sure you know better than most what a pair of griffins represents.
Giff: Everlasting friendship... By Rhalgr, that's perfect! And to think I was going around saying we should tear this place down! Now I realize what a waste that would've been.
Alpa: Well, I'm glad you sssee things our way. Besides, we couldn't have done this without your griffin! Alpa: Such a majestic creature... If the Gatekeepers had one of these, we could sssoar through the sky, casting a watchful eye over the highways and canyons below.
Giff: I was just about to suggest the same thing. Alpa─would you allow us to station a unit of griffin riders here at the castellum? Giff: Now that the Garleans have been driven out, we've been at something of a loose end. You Gatekeepers have been working hard to keep the border safe, so we should do our bit too. You have our full cooperation!
Alpa: Are you ssserious? Alpa: The griffin riders are always welcome here!
J'olhmyn: That all turned out rather well, wouldn't you say? Now that Giff has changed his tune about the bridge, the rest are sure to follow.
Alpa: Yesss, but we've still got a lot of work ahead of us. [Forename], I'm sure there'll be more chances for you to help in days to come!
System: A pair of griffin statues have been added to Castellum Velodyna. System: Your reputation has increased to Trusted. System: You have achieved Trusted reputation with the Vira. System: New Vira society daily quests are now available from Eshana at Castellum Velodyna. System: Furthermore, you will be able to undertake three additional quests from Eshana as a reputation bonus. This bonus is available until the daily reset time for allied society quests. System: These additional quests will become available after accepting all current daily quests from Eshana. Please be advised that you cannot undertake these quests if you have no remaining allowances. System: You now have access to a wider selection of wares from Madhura.
Giff: Full glad am I that us griffin riders can help keep the Velodyna region safe. It's not the easiest place to patrol on foot, so I'm sure we can make a difference.
Knotted Pine: These statues look just like the real thing─apart from being all golden and shiny, of course.
Alpa: With the help of the griffin riders, we'll be able to patrol much farther afield.
J'olhmyn: The “down with the castellum” mob came to cause a fuss, but they soon shut their traps when they saw the griffin statues!
Eshana: I cannot help but envy the ssstriders who sssoar through the ssskies on the backs of griffins. Unfortunately, it ssseems that griffins have a natural aversion to the Ananta and will not allow us to ride them.