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Revision as of 07:02, 18 February 2023

Feature Quest icon.png

The Boy from Gridania

The Boy from Gridania.png
Quest giver
North Shroud (X:24, Y:23)
Quest line
Ixali Main Quests
Required items
1 Engine jointing component icon1.png  Engine Jointing Component
1 Engine jointing component materials icon1.png  Engine Jointing Component Materials
Recognized Reputation maxed
Disciples of the Hand
Experience ????? "?????" is not a number.
Gil 952
Previous quest
Feature QuestA Designer Job
Next quest
Feature QuestLathe to the Party

Tataramu has encountered a bump in the road towards completing the Dezul Qualan.

※The crafting portion of this quest is recommended for Disciples of the Hand level 6 and above.

— In-game description




Make sure you've equipped Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Ehcatl Wristgloves before attempting to craft the quest items.



  • Tataramu has encountered a bump in the road towards completing the Dezul Qualan.
    • ※The crafting portion of this quest is recommended for Disciples of the Hand level 6 and above.
  • After explaining the need for certain notoriously difficult-to-acquire materials, Tataramu reluctantly asks that you deliver a letter to an acquaintance of his. Visit the airship ticket counter in Gridania, and ask Hida where you might find a gentleman by the name of Colson.
  • Upon hearing of your wish to deliver a letter from "Master Tataramu," an obviously shocked Hida demands that you make haste to the headquarters of the Gods' Quiver and submit a report. Speak with Chansteloup at his post outside of Quiver's Hold.
  • Chansteloup brushes aside your attempt to speak with him, claiming to be fully occupied with solving an important missing persons case. The agitated Quiverman does, however, confirm Colson's presence within Quiver's Hold. Head inside, and deliver the letter to Tataramu's acquaintance.
  • After delivering the letter to Advisor Colson, you learn that Tataramu is actually the "missing" son of Highwind Skyways chairman Tatabaru. Though vexed by the unapologetic nature of Tataramu's brief missive, Colson nevertheless agrees to cover the costs for the young Lalafell's requested materials. Take the promissory note and hand it to Hildeyerd at the Fallgourd Float crafting facility.
  • You hand the promissory note to Hildeyerd, and receive what the workshop supervisor describes as a set of lavishly expensive materials. Use the facility to craft a high-quality engine jointing component, then deliver your handiwork to Tataramu.
    • ※ In the evvent that the status Facility Access: Detailing wears off or the synthesis ends in failure, you may try again by speaking with Hildeyerd.
  • You have delivered the engine jointing component to Tataramu. Realizing that you are now aware of his true identity, the young man explains his desire to pursue an honest career outside of the suffocating cocoon of his privileged position. Sezul assures Tataramu that crafting is its own reward, and urges the airship designer to funnel his passion into the completion of the Dezul Qualan.