Difference between revisions of "Seeking Sanctuary"
Bunistalri (talk | contribs) (Added dialogue) |
Bunistalri (talk | contribs) (Added dialogue) |
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You learn a new sanctuary crafting recipe! | You learn a new sanctuary crafting recipe! | ||
Creature Comforter: We can't offer much help without the proper equipment, however, so please let me know when you've crafted a set of mammet-sized pastureworker's tools. The recipe should be in your sanctuary crafting log. | |||
Deliver the newly crafted tool to the creature comforter. | |||
Creature Comforter: I'm sure you're reluctant to part with having a direct and intimate relationship with the animals, but since you do have a set of mammet-sized tools for us to work with, the choice is always there. | |||
Creature Comforter: We can't give them the same level of love and care that you would, but we'll do our darndest. I'm sorry to say our services will also require a small daily fee for each animal you entrust to us. Please keep that in mind. | |||
You may now entrust the creature comforter and its team of mammets to take care of animals in the pasture. | |||
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You learn a new sanctuary crafting recipe! | You learn a new sanctuary crafting recipe! | ||
Deliver the newly crafted tool to the produce producer. | |||
Produce Producer: And is that a set of mammet-sized cropworker's tools I see there? You've come prepared, but know this: just because you have the tools, it doesn't mean you need to use them. And that is absolutely ''not'' a phrase I learned to avoid doing work. | |||
Produce Producer: When you consider that you have to actually pay us for our labor, does it really seem worth it in the end? I mean, we certainly can't take care of crops as well as you can with our tiny mammet hands. Hells, we could probably fit in an empty plot if you stuck us in one. | |||
You may now entrust the produce producer and its team of mammets to take care of crops in the cropland. | |||
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Revision as of 01:25, 6 September 2022
Seeking Sanctuary
- Quest giver
- Clueless Crier
- Location
- Old Sharlayan (X:11.9, Y:11.0)
- Quest line
- Island Sanctuary Quests
- Level
- 1
- Required quest
- Gil
- Next quest
The Land, Wind, and Sea
- Patch
- 6.2
“The clueless crier employed by Tataru Taru's Boutique inexplicably does not recognize you...
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Baldin at the Moraby Drydocks.
- Journey to your island sanctuary.
- Speak with Tataru.
- Speak with Tataru again.
- The clueless crier employed by Tataru Taru's Boutique inexplicably does not recognize you...
- You once again find yourself face-to-face with Tataru, who has been busy indeed. The industrious Lalafell offers you an unanticipated, but not unwelcome, gift─your own private island in the Cieldalaes. You can hardly say no to that, can you?
- You make your way to the Moraby Drydocks and acquaint yourself with Baldin, a pirate-turned-ferry skipper, ere Tataru arrives dressed in her finest summer wear. With preparations now in order, you need only say the word to be whisked away to your island sanctuary.
- After a journey south across cerulean seas, your ship arrives safely at the unnamed island that is to be your haven. Neither you nor Tataru waste time in disembarking to skip across the sands.
- Tataru's high spirits are contagious as ever, and you cannot help but smile at her sheer jubilation. After offering a brief background of the isle, she mentions having procured assistance in the monumental task of making the island habitable through the use of local resources alone─though you must follow her further inland to discover the who and the how of it.
- Tataru introduces you to the felicitous furball─the latest, though perhaps not greatest, in Sharlayan mammet technology. Despite the questionable nature of your new ally, Tataru's impassioned speech emboldens you to journey onward into a paradise all your own. With a team of mammets at your service, the possibilities are endless.
Baldin: [Forename], are ye? The little mistress told me to expect ye.
Baldin: Said she'd be along shortly 'erself, but... Ah, speak o' the devil.
Orchestrion: Now playing None.
Orchestrion: Now playing Bliss.
Tataru: Bunne! I thought I'd dress light for our voyage, given the notorious humidity of the southern isles.
Tataru: I trust everything is in order, Baldin?
Baldin: Aye. Jus' give me an 'oller when yer ready to set sail.
Baldin: Ye've nothin' to fear where we're goin'─not since any marauder with an onze o' sense in 'em 'ung up their axe.
Baldin: This 'ole “island sanctuary” business came about from the Admiral reckonin' we need somethin' to do now piracy's off the table, matter o' fact. Just look at me─a bloody stand-up citizen ferryin' folks around.
Baldin: ...Anyroad, yer packed rather light for a venture o' this sort. Ye do realize yer responsible for bringing yer own tools and supplies?
Tataru: Not to worry. We'll procure everything there!
Baldin: Ye'll what now? How in the hells d'ye plan to do that?
Tataru: Oh, I have a little something in mind... Let's just say the idea was good enough to land us our permit.
Baldin: Is that so? Well, best o' luck to ye both.
Tataru: I'm sure you're just itching to see your new domain, so I'll fill you in on all the juicy details once we arrive!
Baldin: Make yer preparations. We leave port the moment ye give the word.
Tataru: I'll be waiting for you on the ferry!
“Seeking Sanctuary” objective fulfilled!
Orchestrion: Now playing Salt Swept.
Baldin: Ahoy there, [GENDER]/lass. Where can I take ye?
You have left the sanctuary.
You have entered a sanctuary.
You discover a new location!
Orchestrion: Now playing The Isle of Endless Summer.
Tataru: [Forename], look towards the horizon!
Tataru: Beautiful, isn't it?
Tataru: Ahhh... There's nothing like a sea voyage to rekindle the adventuring spirit!
Tataru: So, what do you think? This untamed isle is yours to cultivate as you see fit. Or not, as it were.
Tataru: If nothing else, think of it as your personal hideaway─a not-so-secret one.
“Seeking Sanctuary” objective fulfilled!
Orchestrion: Now playing None.
Tataru: The refreshing caress of the wind, the soothing whisper of the waves...how liberating! I admit, I've been looking forward to joining you here.
Tataru: Now, this may come as a bit of a surprise, but the isle was once commandeered by a band of pirates and used as a supply base. Fortunately for us, the group disbanded years ago, and the isle has since largely returned to its natural state.
Tataru: As you know all too well, Merlwyb's never been one to sit around idly. She's had her eyes on the Cieldalaes, formulating plans for island settlements for years. Now that a sense of peace has settled throughout the realm, she finally decided to put those plans in motion.
Tataru: A chosen few have been permitted to become keepers of private islands in this vast archipelago─and you're one of them!
Tataru: My industrious idea of procuring all materials needed to settle here locally struck a chord with the Admiral when she read my proposal─so much so that she was happy to grant me a deed.
What will you say?
> You'll be handling said procurement, I hope?
> This is not exactly a one-[GENDER]/woman job...
Tataru: Oh, I could show you a thing or two about starting an enterprise of this magnitude─but I have something better in mind!
Tataru: I shall happily introduce you in just a moment, but you'll need to follow me toward the charming little clearing I've designated as your base of operations.
Tataru: If we simply clamber up that slope ahead and proceed along the path, we should soon bump into...well, you'll see.
“Seeking Sanctuary” objective fulfilled!
Felicitous Furball: ShOuLd YoU hAvE aNy QuEsTiOnS rEgArDiNg ThE dEvElOpMeNt Of ThE iSlE, pLeAsE kEeP tHeM tO yOuRsElF uNtIl PlEaSaNtRy ReQuIrEmEnTs ArE fUlFiLlEd.
Orchestrion: Now playing Nature's Bounty.
Tataru: Allow me to introduce you to the felicitous furball, the leader of your team of helpers!
Felicitous Furball: WeLl, WeLl, WeLl, If It IsN't ThE oWnEr HeRsElF. iT sHaLl Be My PlEaSuRe To AdViSe YoU, wHeThEr YoU dEsIrE iT oR nOt. Oh YeS, i ThInK wE'lL gEt AlOnG jUsT fInE.
Tataru: In addition to our feline friend here, I took the liberty of preparing a variety of other mammets to assist with construction and development of the isle. You'll be pleased to know they are the latest and greatest models developed by one of the most brilliant minds in Sharlayan!
Tataru: I heard that a professor of the Studium was searching for a means to make use of his advanced automata. To make a long story short, I made him an offer he couldn't refuse─and managed to acquire all of them for the unbeatable price of “free”!
Tataru: As I understand, the mammets were produced in secret whilst the Forum formulated plans for the mass exodus.
Tataru: Intended to be used as laborers on distant stars to help in constructing a new home for the people of Etheirys, it seems all reason for their existence vanished when the threat to our star was erased.
Tataru: As you can imagine, the professor was quite conflicted over what to do with the remains of what may well have been his life's work. But, after some negotiation, I convinced him to entrust them to us─on the condition we share the data retrieved from development on the isle.
Tataru: Further, while I know it sounds like an ordeal and a half to procure all necessities from the land itself, there is ample practical justification for such experimentation.
Tataru: You see, the Admiral's vision is for people from all walks of life to have access to these island sanctuaries─and my idea might just be the most effective way to accomplish that.
Tataru: If one has the capital at hand to purchase the materials and equipment needed for such a bold endeavor, it is a simple matter to subsist safely and comfortably in a remote location. But that limits potential islekeeps to a paltry few.
Tataru: What of those without such funds, who simply wish to enjoy nature and live off the land? We can─we must─prove that such a feat is possible, and assist in providing these would-be islekeeps with the knowledge they need to succeed.
Tataru: Only then will these islands truly be sanctuaries.
Felicitous Furball: FrEt NoT, mIsTrEsS tAtArU. wItH aUtHeNtIc ShArLaYaN iNgEnUiTy AnD kNoW-hOw At My ClAwTiPs, ThIs SiMpLe-MiNdEd InDiViDuAl─ <thunk> Ahem! Excuse me. Despite the enhancements in vocal organ design, the mechanism still gets stuck from time to time.
Tataru: ...Goodness, that's a relief. But I should leave you to get properly acquainted! I'll return to see the fruits of your partnership when they're ripe for the picking. Tataru: For now, enjoy your own personal paradise!
Tataru: Cultivate the land or explore─the choice is yours!
Felicitous Furball: Yes, yes, welcome to the island. Give the word when you've finished ogling the surroundings. I'd prefer to get on with this sordid business sooner than later. I should also very much like to discuss the matter of my payment.
You may now visit the island sanctuary of a party member, free company member, or friend who has unlocked the feature by speaking with Baldin in the Moraby Drydocks.
You will be unable to visit an island sanctuary if the owner has forbidden access to their island, there is no one on the isle in question, or if the isle in question has already reached its maximum capacity.
Furthermore, you must be on an acquaintance's Home World if you wish to visit their island sanctuary.
You may invite party members, free company members, and friends to visit your island sanctuary once it has reached a sufficient stage of development.
Orchestrion: Now playing None.
“Seeking Sanctuary” complete!
A new challenge log entry has been added.
Felicitous Furball: Now listen, [Forename]─may I call you [Forename]? Well, I will anyway. Before we get started, I want to make it very clear that while you may be the owner, I command the mammets, and as such I demand a considerable sum. I would hate for us to get off on the wrong foot.
Felicitous Furball: With that settled, beyond this slope lies a clearing that Mistress Tataru believed would serve well as a base of operations. Let us give it a look, shall we?
You took a step toward realizing the vision “The Coziest of Cabins”!
Orchestrion: Now playing A Quiet Moment.
Felicitous Furball: A fine place to set up shop, would you not agree? Yes, I think it will do nicely.
Felicitous Furball: Now, while it has much potential, this clearing is currently as bare as a white baboon's buttocks. We'll need some form of shelter from the elements if we're to truly make something of the place.
Felicitous Furball: Mistress Tataru has told me of your exploits, but I think it safe to assume chopping down a tree with your bare hands is outside of your repertoire. Not that I'd ask you to even if you could. We need tools for delicate work of this nature.
Felicitous Furball: As such, the first order of business will be to craft yourself a hatchet. You'll need three palm leaves, and two stones and branches each.
Felicitous Furball: Follow east along the path and make your first foray into the wilderness to procure them. Should you get any funny ideas about exploring the isle and opt to leave me out here to waste in the rain, you will find my twin, the furious furball, waiting here for you instead.
Felicitous Furball: Before you go, I have something for you. It's called the islekeep's index. It's to help you keep track of your projects here on the island─can't have you running about watering mammets instead of plants...
Felicitous Furball: That should be all for now. Safe travels! I'll be waiting here should you need me. If I've disappeared, it's because I've been mauled by a wild animal, I assure you.
The islekeep's index is now available! Access this interface for crucial information regarding the isle.
You can now collect materials and more with the Gather mode, which may be enabled by selecting the appropriate icon from the mode section of the islekeep's index.
For additional information regarding gathering on the isle, access the guide from the islekeep's index.
You may perform all the actions necessary to develop your island sanctuary by utilizing the modes available in the islekeep's index.
Finally, make use of duty actions, mounts, and modes to become the master of your new domain!
You took a step toward realizing the vision “The Coziest of Cabins”!
Speaking to all present NPCs immediately after:
Felicitous Furball: Let me guess: you missed me. That's very sweet, but let's see about getting a roof over our heads, hmmm? You can start by getting palm leaves, stones, and branches to make a hatchet.
Materials can be collected by selecting the Gather mode from the islekeep's index.
Orchestrion: Now playing None.
Orchestrion: Now playing A Quiet Moment.
Felicitous Furball: Excellent, you've collected everything. We can move on to crafting your very first tool, then: a hatchet.
Felicitous Furball: While you were out there gathering, you could do little more than scavenge the odd branch here and there from trees, yes? Well, that will all change in just a moment.
Felicitous Furball: With the hatchet in hand, you may hack away at as many trees as you like to secure raw timber and tree sap.
Felicitous Furball: The brilliance of the hatchet's design─a design of my own making, mind you─is that even a non-mammet like yourself can craft it with your own two non-mammet hands. Isn't that wonderful?
Felicitous Furball: I've uploaded the blueprints for the design to your index. Go on, make the hatchet!
The craft feature is now available. Access the sanctuary crafting log from the islekeep's index to review the materials necessary to craft an item, and collect said materials to begin.
The islekeep's stone hatchet recipe has been added to the sanctuary crafting log. Crafting this tool will allow you to gather logs from trees by cutting them down.
You learn a new sanctuary crafting recipe!
You took a step toward realizing the vision “The Coziest of Cabins”!
Speaking to all present NPCs immediately after:
Felicitous Furball: What? You expect me to make the hatchet for you? I have bad news: I'm allergic to exertion.
You are now able to gather new materials from trees in the island sanctuary.
Felicitous Furball: Yes, that is indeed a hatchet. With it, you can now collect all the logs you could ever want or need.
Felicitous Furball: Let's move on to the next phase: shelter.
Felicitous Furball: That hatchet of yours should be able to cut through even the thick bark of a palm tree. Meaning you can now collect palm logs, a material vital to our soon-to-be-built haven.
Felicitous Furball: The first building we make shall naturally be the most important, as it will be the very foundation of our base of operations. And, seeing as I have a gift for naming things, I think it best we leave matters of nomenclature to myself. I hereby dub this essential facility...the cozy cabin!
Felicitous Furball: Ugh, my poor back...
Felicitous Furball: Goodness, I'm due for a healthy amount of grease after that ordeal. Anyway, I've prepared the land─you'll need to prepare the rest. Check the logboard beside me to review the materials you'll need for the cabin.
Felicitous Furball: As we're building a cabin this time, and not a tool, the amount of materials required are a magnitude above what was needed before. Take your time collecting them, if you must...but not too much.
Felicitous Furball: In the meanwhile, I'll round up the other mammets in preparation for constructing the cabin, and begin ordering them around. You know, what I do best.
The construct feature is now available. Access a logboard to review the materials necessary to construct a facility, and collect said materials to build it.
You took a step toward realizing the vision “The Coziest of Cabins”!
You may now construct the cozy cabin.
Speaking to all present NPCs immediately after:
Felicitous Furball: If you think I remember all the materials required to make the cabin, you're absolutely correct. But I wrote them all down so I wouldn't have to go through the trouble of listing them. Now, if you'd leave me to rub some grease into my joints...unless you're offering?
You took a step toward realizing the vision “The Coziest of Cabins”!
Construction of Cozy Cabin I has finished.
In order to renovate the cozy cabin, you must continue to develop your island and increase your sanctuary rank.
Curious Courier: Hello there! I have the proud duty of handling communications on the isle─particularly those from Mistress Tataru. I shall inform you the moment I have tidings to share.
Felicitous Furball: Finally, a place to escape the occasional downpour. It's a bit rough around the edges, I'll give you, but it's home. It's technically your home, but why get fussy about the details? Rest your head on the cot, or call your friends over, you're free to use it as you wish.
Felicitous Furball: I've taken the liberty of calling a few of my own friends over, in fact, and I think you'll find them most charming. They can provide services you will undoubtedly come to find valuable.
You may access the orchestrion to play your favorite tunes, and exchange various items with the merchants stationed inside the cozy cabin.
As development of your island sanctuary progresses, you will earn two types of cowries.
Seafarer's cowries may be earned by realizing visions, developing the isle, and performing various activities within your island sanctuary.
Islander's cowries may be earned by selling materials in your isleventory to the enterprising exporter in the cozy cabin.
Friends, free company members, and party members may now visit your island. Decide who may or may not enter your sanctuary by accessing Sanctuary Settings from the islekeep's index.
With no further ado, go and see the cozy cabin for yourself!
You attain sanctuary rank 2!
You obtain 500 seafarer's cowries.
You realized the vision “The Coziest of Cabins."
The orchestrion may only be accessed and heard by the owner of an island.
In order to renovate the cozy cabin, you must continue to develop your island and increase your sanctuary rank.
Felicitous Furball: As you may have noticed for yourself already, this island receives a dreadful amount of sunlight. I expect that's desirable for growing crops.
Felicitous Furball: If cultivation is your sort of thing, I suggest you speak with my subordinate, the produce producer. You'll find the indolent oaf no doubt loitering about north of here, finding some excuse not to do any sort of work. A privilege reserved solely for myself.
The cropland may now be unlocked! Speak with the produce producer in the north of the hideaway to begin your aspirations as a farmer.
You took a step toward realizing the vision “Top Crops”!
Produce Producer: Hmmm? I'm sort of busy here, um, looking at the, uh...the grass. It's quite green, I've noticed, and...ugh, you're gonna ask me to clear the area, aren't you?
Clear the ridge to build a cropland?
> Clear the ridge!
Produce Producer: Oh well all right then, let's get this over with.
> Not right now.
Produce Producer: Oh, that's a relief. I am not in the mood to clear an entire ridge right now. Or ever, really.
You took a step toward realizing the vision “Top Crops”!
Produce Producer: Look at me, jumping with excitement. A fault in the programming, to be sure. Anyway, are you happy now? There's the cropland. I've even got some seeds for you to sow. Once they've been planted, make sure to water them.
Produce Producer: Oh─if you have any questions, I suppose I can answer them.
You can now plant seeds in empty plots by using the Sow mode, which may be enabled by selecting the appropriate icon from the mode section of the islekeep's index.
You can now water crops by using the Water mode, which may be enabled by selecting the appropriate icon from the mode section of the islekeep's index.
You took a step toward realizing the vision “Top Crops”!
Produce Producer: Still haven't planted the seeds? That's fine by me, I'm certainly not in any rush.
Enable the Sow mode from the islekeep's index, select the island pumpkin seeds, and access an empty plot to begin planting.
You took a step toward realizing the vision “Top Crops”!
You took a step toward realizing the vision “Top Crops”!
Produce Producer: Shhh... Can you hear that? The sound of burgeoning life, budding in the soil? Me neither, but I thought I'd ask. Anyway, you're welcome to plant more seeds here whenever you like.
Crops require time and water to flourish into produce. Bereft of moisture, they will cease to grow. Crops will be considered watered after it has rained.
You may harvest the produce yielded by fully developed crops with the Gather mode, or alternatively dispose of undesired crops with the Cull mode.
You obtain 700 seafarer's cowries.
You realized the vision “Top Crops”!
What will you do?
> Review status of crops.
[This opens the Cropland Management window.]
> Learn about the gardening services.
Produce Producer: Oh, you wouldn't be interested in the gardening services. I'm sure you love tending to crops yourself. But, if you would for some reason deny yourself of such an enriching experience, my team and I can─if we must─help you look after the crops.
Produce Producer: That said, the cropland has hardly reached a size you're unable to handle. And I hardly have a so-called team. Therefore, I can hardly offer such services at this time.
> Small talk.
Produce Producer: Say, do you ever feel like you're being watched? I can't seem to shake the sensation, lately. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm in need of a recalibration...
> Nothing.
Felicitous Furball: It's been all of five minutes and you've already had your fill of tilling the land? What a productive little bee you are. Would that I had you under my employ. Anyway, let me think of another way to make, erm, constructive use of your time... Say, do you like animals?
Felicitous Furball: Why did I bother to ask? Of course you do. You'll surely make fast friends with the creature comforter, another subordinate of mine, and one who prefers the company of animals more than its own kind. You'll find the curious fellow standing across from the produce producer.
The pasture may now be unlocked! Speak with the creature comforter in the north of the hideaway to advance your aspirations as a farmer.
You took a step toward realizing the vision “Adorable Animals”!
Creature Comforter: Hey there, friend. Are you ready to build a little home for some adorable animals?
Clear the field to build a pasture?
> Build a little home for animals!
Creature Comforter: I'll take care of getting this pasture nice and ready for you. You just breathe in the fresh air and relax, okay?
> Not right now.
Creature Comforter: That's totally fine, friend. Totally fine. I've got all day, month, year, or however long you need.
You took a step toward realizing the vision “Adorable Animals”!
Creature Comforter: Good to see you, friend. Good to see you. We've built a nice little pasture here, but as you've undoubtedly noticed, we've got no animals to put in it.
Creature Comforter: That's why I've prepared some small nets for you here, which'll let you catch smaller critters. A word of advice: be gentle with the animals out there, and they'll treat you the same in return.
Creature Comforter: Before you go, if you have any questions concerning the pasture, I'm always here to answer them. If I've learned one thing during my brief time in this world, it's that you should never be embarrassed to ask questions, friend. Never.
You can now capture animals by using the Capture mode, which may be enabled by selecting the appropriate icon from the mode section of the islekeep's index.
The makeshift net recipe has been added to the sanctuary crafting log. Use this restraint to capture small animals.
You took a step toward realizing the vision “Adorable Animals”!
Creature Comforter: If you're struggling to decide which animal to capture, I say think from the heart. Only you know what will make you happy. And if you run out of nets, you can always make more.
Enable the Capture mode from the islekeep's index interface and select the makeshift net to capture small animals.
Creature Comforter: Excellent work there, friend! Just excellent. The pasture's really come to life. Here, take this. It's some feed I prepared myself. I want you to have it. Try offering it to an animal in the pasture.
You can now feed animals by using the Feed mode, which may be enabled by selecting the appropriate icon from the mode section of the islekeep's index.
You took a step toward realizing the vision “Adorable Animals”!
You took a step toward realizing the vision “Adorable Animals”!
The lost lamb feels pleasantly stuffed.
The lost lamb feels pleasantly stuffed.
Creature Comforter: You did it! I'm proud of you. When an animal has been fed and looked after by its master, it will feel loved. And when an animal feels loved, it leaves a little something born from pure happiness. Leavings, I call it.
Enable the Gather mode from the islekeep's index to collect leavings from animals in the pasture.
You can now interact with animals inside the pasture by using the Pet and Beckon modes!
The island sweetfeed recipe has been added to the sanctuary crafting log. Made from apples found in the island sanctuary, this feed will fill an animal's stomach, but only slightly improve its mood due to its high sugar content.
The island greenfeed and premium island greenfeed recipes have been added to the sanctuary crafting log. Made from vegetables grown in your very own cropland, these feeds will not only fill an animal's stomach, but noticeably improve its mood.
You learn a new sanctuary crafting recipe!
You attain sanctuary rank 3!
You obtain 1,000 seafarer's cowries.
You realized the vision “Adorable Animals”!
What will you do?
> Review status of animals in the pasture.
[Opens the Pasture Management window.]
> Learn about the caretaking services.
Creature Comforter: Ah, you wish to learn about the caretaking services? Well, they're about what you'd expect. You entrust an animal─as many as you like─to my team and I, and we care for them to the best of our ability.
Creature Comforter: Unfortunately, we don't currently have enough field hands available to feasibly offer it. Once the pasture has expanded a bit, and we've added more heads to the team, maybe we can give it a try.
> Small talk.
Creature Comforter: Are you having a nice day, friend? I hope you're having a nice day. As for me, it's been peaceful here in the pasture. Sometimes I enjoy watching the produce producer tend to the crops yonder, humming to itself as it does. Do you think it watches us too, sometimes?
> Nothing.
Felicitous Furball: You've finished with the pasture already!? V-Very good, very good! Let's see, perhaps next you can find a use for all the materials you'll be getting from the animals and cropland? We could make a workshop, and craft...um, isleworks handicrafts! That's a fine name as any!
Felicitous Furball: Lest you worry, you need not concern yourself with the crafting. Nay, I'll make my subordinates do it. I enjoy watching them suffer.
Felicitous Furball: We're awfully pressed for space as it is, so we'll need to clear away the trees around here in order to build a workshop.
Felicitous Furball: For all matters concerning the wanton destruction of plant life and vegetation, the pathological pathfinders are the mammets for the job.
The hideaway may now be expanded! Speak with the pathological pathfinder mk. I to get started.
Speaking to all present NPCs immediately afterwards:
Felicitous Furball: Pardon me, afraid I'm on a break. Yes. A break. Someone else around here can give you something to do for a change, damn it.
You took a step toward realizing the vision “A Workshop of Wonders”!
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. I: Ah, you must be the owner. Our felicitous friend told me today is the day I can finally do the job I was created to do. Will you let me do that job?
Expand Home Sweet Hideaway?
> Cut away this vexatious vegetation!
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. I: Take a seat. You're about to see something real special.
> Not right now.
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. I: Oh... Okay. No, that's fine. That's perfectly all right. It's not like I was looking forward to this or anything.
You took a step toward realizing the vision “A Workshop of Wonders”!
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. I: And that's how you do it. Good-bye irksome trees and plants, hello vegetationless land. If you like what you saw today, I'm always happy to do more. I'll just need the shells to get the necessary help.
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. I: You can use these two plots to build a workshop, or at least that's what the furball told me to say. You can leave it as is or play around in it for all I care.
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. I: If you do decide to build a workshop, you'll be needing plenty of limestone. And you'll break your hatchet if you try to chop a rock with it, so you should probably make a hammer. There's nothing better than a hammer for smashing things!
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. I: As for the materials you'll need to build the workshop... Beats me. The felicitous furball said something about writing them all on the logboards, though.
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. I: Oh. I suppose there's enough space for you to release your minions now, but I can't see why you'd want to do that. Are we, your loyal, hardworking mammets, not enough for you? Because by releasing them, you're saying we're not enough for you.
New plots of land are now available. Further expansion appears possible, but you will need a sizable amount of seafarer's cowries to cover the necessary expenses.
The islekeep's stone hammer recipe has been added to the sanctuary crafting log. Crafting this new tool will allow you to gather various stones from rocks by smashing them.
You may now release your minions and allow them to roam around various locations within your hideaway. Access Manage Minions from the islekeep's index to begin.
You learn a new sanctuary crafting recipe!
You may now construct a workshop.
You took a step toward realizing the vision “A Workshop of Wonders”!
Speaking to all present NPCs immediately after:
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. I: The hammer? Check your crafting log, you just need to follow the instructions.
Felicitous Furball: Look, I completely understand if you're alarmed by our utterly deranged pathfinding friend here. But? There is no but. That's all I wanted to say.
Construction of Workshop I has finished.
You took a step toward realizing the vision “A Workshop of Wonders”!
Felicitous Furball: I'm pretty sure the pathfinder's looking for you. I would appreciate it if you see what the lunatic wants before it topples the cabin out of sheer bloody-mindedness.
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. I: I see you've built a workshop. Shame, I liked how the place looked before. Anyway, I suppose you can have a team of mammets craft stuff now.
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. I: If you have them sell the items they craft, it should become a valuable source of seafarer's cowries...cowries which you can then give to myself and other like-minded models so we can keep doing what we do best.
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. I: Oh, and before I forget, don't expect any buildings to be constructed as quickly as this one going forward. The team worked extra hard since there were no functioning facilities to speak of, but now that there are, there's hardly any rush.
The workshop is now available. Speak with the tactful taskmaster near the cozy cabin to set up a production schedule.
Constructing a building will now require a set amount of hours (Earth time) to pass before it is fully constructed.
All buildings aside from the cozy cabin may be moved to a different location by accessing the appropriate logboard and selecting “Move facility.” from the menu.
For additional information regarding the above features, access the guide from the islekeep's index.
The maximum sanctuary rank has been increased. Raise your sanctuary rank to unlock new sanctuary crafting recipes and types of buildings.
You attain sanctuary rank 4!
You learn a new sanctuary crafting recipe!
You may now renovate the cozy cabin.
“Customization” has been added to “The Hideaway” in the Island Sanctuary Guide.
“Renovating” and “Customization” have been added to “Construction” in the Island Sanctuary Guide.
You obtain 1,500 seafarer's cowries.
You realized the vision “A Workshop of Wonders”!
Felicitous Furball: Ah, this once-lush land has at last begun to look like proper civilization. Away with the trees, the bugs, the sunlight, and the sights I say! Let there be bricks and buildings and subjects to be exploited!
Felicitous Furball: ...Ahem. I think it is about time I retired to the cabin. Now, you may capture wild animals, sow seeds, and remove what vegetation abides on this isle to build wondrous mammet-made edifices in its stead.
Felicitous Furball: Since I trust each one of those pathfinder units just about as far as I can throw them, I will tell you this myself just in case: should you wish to begin production of craftworks, speak with the tactful taskmaster.
Felicitous Furball: If you have any further questions or experience any trouble, I encourage you to review the islekeep's index. I made it for precisely such occasions, after all.
Congratulations! You have unlocked all of the key features available in the island sanctuary. Now, you are free to cultivate the land as you see fit, and create the island paradise of your dreams!
You took a step toward realizing the vision “The Perfect Paradise”!
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. II: Are those t-t-tools you have there? Beautiful, d-dangerous tools for cutting things and smashing them up? Give them here, nice and easy... Pathological Pathfinder Mk. II: And, while you're at it, please also give me 500 seafarer's cowries. They're not for me, mind you─I need the funds to hire a team. Some mammets want to be paid for their work, but me? The thrill is payment enough.
Spend 500 seafarer's cowries to clear the land?
> Cut down the trees!
> Not right now.
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. II: Oh, all right. I've only waited my entire life, what's a few more minutes.
You have completed development of your hideaway.
You may now construct landmarks within your hideaway. Landmarks boost the morale of the island mammets, and increase their productivity at the workshop and other facilities.
Speaking to the Pathological Pathfinder Mk. III in between the two workshops:
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. III: What a travesty. Just look at it. A bunch of sediment, in our very own home. I can get rid of it for you. We can build a path, maybe─find a place for more buildings. But I'll need the right set of tools...and a team.
You must unlock the Islekeep's Shovel at Sanctuary Rank 5 to craft the Better Mammet-sized Builder's Tools in order to complete this quest.
The hideaway may now be expanded with the tools you crafted!
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. III: Are those t-t-tools you have there? Beautiful, d-dangerous tools for cutting things and smashing them up? Give them here, nice and easy...
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. III: And, while you're at it, please also give me 1,000 seafarer's cowries. They're not for me, mind you─I need the funds to hire a team. Some mammets want to be paid for their work, but me? The thrill is payment enough.
Spend 1,000 seafarer's cowries to clear the land?
> Level the land!
You have completed development of your hideaway.
This unlocks three new plots.
> Not right now.
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. III: Oh, all right. I've only waited my entire life, what's a few more minutes.
Completed renovations towards Cozy Cabin II.
Speaking to the Creature Caretaker:
What will you do?
> Review status of animals in the pasture.
[Opens the Pasture Management window.]
> Expand the pasture.
Creature Comforter: Recently, my team and I got to thinking. It'd be nice to have a bigger pasture. With a larger home for the animals, they'd have more space to graze, and there'd be more capacity too. Most of all, I think we'd all have bigger smiles.
Creature Comforter: My team can get started right away, but we'll need time, and about 1,000 seafarer's cowries.
> Learn about the caretaking services.
Creature Comforter: Ah, you wish to learn about the caretaking services? Well, they're about what you'd expect. You entrust an animal─as many as you like─to my team and I, and we care for them to the best of our ability.
Creature Comforter: Unfortunately, we don't currently have enough field hands available to feasibly offer it. Once the pasture has expanded a bit, and we've added more heads to the team, maybe we can give it a try.
> Small talk.
Creature Comforter: Are you having a nice day, friend? I hope you're having a nice day. As for me, it's been peaceful here in the pasture. Sometimes I enjoy watching the produce producer tend to the crops yonder, humming to itself as it does. Do you think it watches us too, sometimes?
> Nothing.
From selecting "Expand the pasture":
Spend 1,000 seafarer's cowries to expand the pasture? This will take roughly 2 hours, but the pasture will still be accessible.
> Build a bigger home for the animals!
Creature Comforter: Now then, please enjoy a nice walk in the wilds, or perhaps a cool dip in the sea, and we'll have a bigger pasture ready for you in no time.
>> Complete expansion of the pasture.
Creature Comforter: We've just about finished work on expanding the pasture. Why don't you sit down and watch while we make the final adjustments?
Creature Comforter: All done! Go ahead and capture some more animals, if you like. Seeing them grazing here peacefully really soothes my mammet heart.
> Not right now.
Creature Comforter: Okay, you just let me know when you're ready. The animals would love a larger home, but maybe they'll appreciate it more if they have to wait for it.
What will you do? > Review status of crops.
[This opens the Cropland Management window.]
> Expand the cropland.
Produce Producer: You're giving me that look. That look where you want me to do something. Let me guess, you want more space for crops? Fine, I'll do it, but only because I have to.
Produce Producer: Know that my team and I will need plenty of time, and at least 1,000 seafarer's cowries.
>> Complete expansion of the cropland.
Produce Producer: Hmmm? What? Oh yes, yes we're working quite hard. Nearly finished with the expansion, we are. We were going to leave the last bit until tomorrow, but now that you're here, we might as well work ourselves to the bone.
Produce Producer: There you are, an expanded cropland. More plots for more crops. Surely you'll never need more space than this, right? Please tell me I'm right.
> Learn about the gardening services.
Produce Producer: Oh, you wouldn't be interested in the gardening services. I'm sure you love tending to crops yourself. But, if you would for some reason deny yourself of such an enriching experience, my team and I can─if we must─help you look after the crops.
Produce Producer: That said, the cropland has hardly reached a size you're unable to handle. And I hardly have a so-called team. Therefore, I can hardly offer such services at this time.
> Small talk.
Produce Producer: Say, do you ever feel like you're being watched? I can't seem to shake the sensation, lately. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm in need of a recalibration...
> Nothing.
Upon selecting "Expand the cropland":
Spend 1,000 seafarer's cowries to expand the cropland? This will take roughly 2 hours, but the cropland will remain accessible.
> Expand the cropland! Make it bigger, make it better.
Produce Producer: No point in postponing the inevitable. We'll get started. Come back in a bit.
> Not right now.
Produce Producer: Not right now? So that means later? Well, isn't that just lovely.
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. IV: <whistle> We've got ourselves one nasty briar patch here. Thorny enough to scratch off my whiskers, I'd wager. I can cut it up nice and good, but you know the drill. I need the proper tools, and the cowries to hire a team.
Pathological Pathfinder Mk. V: Look at all these big, ugly rocks. Wouldn't you like me to smash them? I'd love to smash them for you. Just give me the tools. And a bunch of mammets.
After fully expanding the pasture:
Creature Comforter: We've just about finished work on expanding the pasture. Why don't you sit down and watch while we make the final adjustments?
Creature Comforter: What a day. What a day indeed. One of the animals seemed to think my legs would look good in its stomach, so we had an impromptu play session. I tried to scold it, but I didn't have a leg to stand on. Anyhow, our work on the pasture's all done. See for yourself.
Creature Comforter: Given how large the pasture's become, I reckon it'd be mighty difficult─mayhaps even stressful─for you to take care of each animal individually. With the amount of field hands I have on my team now, I think we can help. We'll just need a set of mammet-sized pastureworker's tools.
Creature Comforter: If you're not sure how to make 'em, don't worry, I'll teach you. Once it's been crafted, just give me a tap on the shoulder, and my team and I can get to work.
The mammet-sized pastureworker's tools recipe has been added to the sanctuary crafting log. Deliver this set of tools to the creature comforter once it has been crafted.
You learn a new sanctuary crafting recipe! Creature Comforter: We can't offer much help without the proper equipment, however, so please let me know when you've crafted a set of mammet-sized pastureworker's tools. The recipe should be in your sanctuary crafting log.
Deliver the newly crafted tool to the creature comforter.
Creature Comforter: I'm sure you're reluctant to part with having a direct and intimate relationship with the animals, but since you do have a set of mammet-sized tools for us to work with, the choice is always there.
Creature Comforter: We can't give them the same level of love and care that you would, but we'll do our darndest. I'm sorry to say our services will also require a small daily fee for each animal you entrust to us. Please keep that in mind.
You may now entrust the creature comforter and its team of mammets to take care of animals in the pasture.
After fully upgrading the cropland:
Produce Producer: Hmmm? What? Oh yes, yes we're working quite hard. Nearly finished with the expansion, we are. We were going to leave the last bit until tomorrow, but now that you're here, we might as well work ourselves to the bone.
Produce Producer: Well, I hope you don't regret making the cropland larger, because there's no going back now. It's reached a size where you could build another one inside of it. That is not a suggestion, by the way.
Produce Producer: With the size the cropland's become, I'm sure even you are loath to deal with it. As am I. But, as long as you pay me─and my team─I suppose we can help you look after it. We'll need a set of mammet-sized cropworker's tools to do so, though.
Produce Producer: Here, I'll give you the recipe. Just let me know when you've finished crafting the tools.
Produce Producer: Wait, I feel like there was something else... Oh, right! I've decided to start selling the seeds I've collected. You're welcome to purchase them, if you like.
Produce Producer: Anyway, I'll be here if you need me.
The mammet-sized cropworker's tools recipe has been added to the sanctuary crafting log. Deliver this set of tools to the produce producer once it has been crafted.
The produce producer's shop is now available. Seeds that cannot be gathered in the wild may be purchased in exchange for seafarer's cowries.
You learn a new sanctuary crafting recipe!
Deliver the newly crafted tool to the produce producer.
Produce Producer: And is that a set of mammet-sized cropworker's tools I see there? You've come prepared, but know this: just because you have the tools, it doesn't mean you need to use them. And that is absolutely not a phrase I learned to avoid doing work.
Produce Producer: When you consider that you have to actually pay us for our labor, does it really seem worth it in the end? I mean, we certainly can't take care of crops as well as you can with our tiny mammet hands. Hells, we could probably fit in an empty plot if you stuck us in one.
You may now entrust the produce producer and its team of mammets to take care of crops in the cropland.