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==Upgrading Zodiac Braves to Zodiac Zeta==
==Upgrading Zodiac Braves to Zodiac Zeta==
(From the 4.51 Patch Notes)<br />
Once your Zodiac weapon has been affixed with mahatma, you may increase its soul resonance level by equipping it and completing certain activities. Once you have achieved full soul resonance and your Zodiac weapon has sufficiently awakened, present it to Jalzahn, and you will be rewarded with a Zodiac weapon zeta of item level 135 that retains all the upgrades made to the original Zodiac weapon.
A weapon’s soul resonance level will rise by a set value determined by the activity being undertaken. There may be times when a bonus is applied to the soul resonance value ordinarily granted. By sharing information with other players, you will be able to level up your Zodiac Weapon more efficiently.
Resonance progress can be verified through the use of the Zodiac glass. (Appears to function almost exactly in nature as the Light Farming from Novus to Nexus phase.)

==Weapon Types==
==Weapon Types==

Revision as of 15:44, 24 February 2015

(Lv. 50) Zodiac Weapons: Base (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zenith (Feature Quest icon.png) → Atma (Feature Quest icon.png) → Animus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Novus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Nexus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zodiac (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zeta (Feature Quest icon.png)
(Lv. 60) Anima Weapons: HW.png Animated (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Awoken (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Anima (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Hyperconductive (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Reconditioned (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Sharpened (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Complete (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lux (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 70) Eurekan Weapons: SB.png AntiquatedBase (Otherquest.png) → Base +1Base +2AnemosPagos (Otherquest.png) → Pagos +1ElementalElemental +1 (Otherquest.png) → Elemental +2PyrosHydatos (Otherquest.png) → Hydatos +1Base EurekaEurekaPhyseos (Otherquest.png)
(Lv. 80) Resistance Weapons: SHB.png Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Recollection (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Blade's (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Manderville Weapons: EW.png Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Amazing Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Majestic Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Mandervillous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Phantom Weapons: DT.png

(Lv. 70) Eurekan Armor: SB.png Antiquated ArtifactBase RelicBase +1Base +2AnemosElementalElemental +1Elemental +2
(Lv. 80) Resistance Armor: SHB.png ResistanceAugmented ResistanceLaw's OrderAugmented Law's OrderBlade's

(Lv. 50) Mastercraft Tools: Mastercraft (Feature Quest icon.png) → Supra ToolsLucis Tools
(Lv. 80) Skysteel Tools: SHB.png Skysteel (Feature Quest icon.png) → Skysteel +1 (Feature Quest icon.png) → Dragonsung (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skysung (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skybuilders' (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Splendorous Tools: EW.png Splendorous (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented Splendorous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Chora-Zoi's Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Brilliant (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Vrandtic Visionary's (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lodestar (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Cosmic Tools: DT.png
See also: Relic Weapons

Zodiac weapons are the upgraded versions of your Relic Weapons obtained from A Relic Reborn. These weapons have the item level of 100. Players can start the Zodiac weapon questline by speaking to Gerolt in North Shroud (X 30,Y 20) and starting the quest Up in Arms.

  • You need to have your Zenith Relic Weapon equipped when you speak to Gerolt to receive the quest.

After upgrading your Atma Zodiac Weapon into Animus Zodiac Weapon. Players can further upgrade Item level 100 Animus Weapon into Item level 110 Novus Weapon.

  • Atma --> Animus --> Novus --> Nexus --> Zodiac Braves --> Zodiac Zeta

Upgrading Atma to Animus

After upgrading your Zenith Relic Weapon into Atma. Players can slowly upgrade Atma Weapon into Animus Weapon by purchasing and completing 9 Books sold by G'jusana for 500 Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery each. Each book has various tasks such as kill monsters and completing dungeons, FATEs and levequests.

Upgrading Animus to Novus

Complete the quests Celestial Radiance and Star Light, Star Bright. Players will need to purchase 3 Superior Enchanted Ink at the cost of 250 Soldiery Tomestones each (750 total) from Auriana. Players will then give the 3 inks to Hubairtin in Central Thanalan (x23,y13) for a Sphere Scroll.

Players will need to Infuse the Sphere Scroll 75 times to complete the it.

Each infusion requires 2 items: Materia and Alexandrite. Players can obtain Alexandrites by completing FATEs with animus weapons equipped (similar to Atma farming). Players can also obtain alexandrites with Mysterious Maps. Players can acquire mysterious maps by purchasing them with 800 Mythology Tomestones each from the Auriana. Players can also acquire them by completing the quest Morbid Motivation that asks the player to complete Expert Duty Roulette. Quest resets daily and each completion awards the player with one Mysterious Map.

  • When the player fails mysterious map, the map disappears and no alexandrite is awarded.

Melding Materia

To infuse and upgrade the weapon's stats, players will use alexandrites as the catalyst to meld materia. Each successful meld infuses the stat of materia into the scroll, granting the it 1 point in the corresponding stat. Higher tier of materia will increase the likelihood of successful infusion. It will not give more than 1 stat point. While the player will likely lose the materia for unsuccessful melds, the player will not lose alexandrite. As the specific stats of the weapon increases, higher materia tier is needed for sucessful melds/upgrades.

  • To complete the scroll, players will need 75 successful melds with 75 alexandrites total.
  • Players will not need crafting skills to meld materia.


The weapons' 5 main stats (Vitality, Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Mind) upgrade automatically.

Players can upgrade additional stats such as Piety, Determination, Accuracy, Spell Speed, Skill Speed, Critical Hit Rate and Parry up to a total of 75 points. Accuracy, Spell Speed, Skill Speed, Critical Hit Rate and Parry cap at 44 points each. Piety caps at 33 points and Determination caps at 31 points.

Upgrading Novus to Nexus

Player needs to speak to Jalzahn in North Shroud (x29,y19) with her Novus Weapon equipped. After completing the Mmmmmm, Soulglazed Relics quest, player can speak to Jalzahn to choose the weapon to soulglaze. With the soulglazed Novus weapon equipped, player will earn "light" by completing dungeons, trials, FATEs, Treasure Hunt, Alexandrite Maps, The Wolves' Den and Frontlines. After gaining enough "light", the Novus weapon will transform into Nexus weapon.

Different activities give different amounts of "light". "Light" earned will appear in the chat log after completing the activity. Light levels are Feeble Light (least "light"), Gentle Light, Blinding Light, Brilliant Light and Newborn Star (most "light").

  • Each type of Light has a secret value that advances your Novus into Nexus. Players will need to reach 2000 "light" points.

Light Points

Light Levels Light Values
Feeble 2 points
Gentle 4 points
Bright 8 points
Brilliant 12 points
Blinding 24 points
Newborn Star 32 points

Light Tiers

  • Players need to reach 2000 points of light to upgrade Novus into Nexus
Light Indicator Light Points
No Activity 0 – 199
Indistinct Activity 200-399
Faint Activity 400-599
Slight Activity 600-799
Modest Activity 800-999
Distinct Activity 1000-1199
Robust Activity 1200-1399
Vigorous Activity 1400-1599
Intense Activity 1600-1799
Extreme Activity 1800-1999
Bursting Activity 2000+

Upgrading Nexus to Zodiac Braves

First complete Wherefore Art Thou, Zodiac.

Next complete A Ponze of Flesh, Labor of Love, Method in His Malice, A Treasured Mother.

Finally finish His Dark Materia.

All the Materials Needed

To obtain all of the items, players need: over 400k gil, 80k Company Seals, 6400 Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery, drops from 16 dungeons, 8 3-star HQ crafted items, many desynthesis items and some miscellaneous items.

Purchased Mats

Item Cost Where
4 Bombard Core 80,000 Company Seals (20,000 each) Grand Company Quartermaster
4 Sacred Spring Water 6,400 Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery (1,600 each) Auriana in Mor Dhona (x22,y6)
1 Bronze Lake Crystal 100,000 Gil Junkmonger in Upper La Noscea (x26,y26)
1 Allagan Resin 100,000 Gil Merchant in Southern Thanalan (x15,y29)
1 Furite Sands 100,000 Gil Merchant in Coerthas Central Highlands (x13,y16)
1 Brass Kettle 100,000 Gil Vendor in North Shroud (x29,y19)

Crafted Mats

Item Class Level
Furnace Ring (HQ) Goldsmith ?
Basilisk Whetstone Goldsmith 40
Perfect Firewood (HQ) Carpenter ?
Mahogany Lumber Carpenter 39
Perfect Mortar (HQ) Armorer ?
Perfect Pestle (HQ) Blacksmith ?
Perfect Vellum (HQ) Leatherworker ?
Peiste Leather Leatherworker 38
Perfect Pounce (HQ) Alchemist ?
Shark Oil Alchemist 41
Tailor-made Eel Pie (HQ) Culinarian ?
Pie Dough Culinarian 14
Perfect Cloth (HQ) Weaver ?
Linen Yarn Weaver 32

Desynthesized Mats

Item Class From
Aged Eye of Fire Goldsmith ?
Aged Spear Shaft Carpenter ?
Aged Mortar Pieces Armorer ?
Aged Pestle Pieces Blacksmith ?
Aged Vellum Leatherworker ?
Dried Ether Alchemist ?
Vintage Cooking Sherry Culinarian ?
Stained Cloth Weaver ?

Gathered Mats

Item Class
4 Cypress Log Botanist
1 Aetherlouse Fisher
1 Worm of Nym Fisher
1 Effervescent Water Miner
1 Eletrum Sand Miner
4 Pumice Miner
6 Wind Cluster Miner
3 Ice Cluster Miner
5 Fire Cluster Miner
4 Earth Cluster Miner
4 Water Cluster Miner
3 Lightning Cluster Miner

Other Mats

Item Acquired By
2 Belah'dian Silver Treasure Hunt (Boarskin Treasure Maps
Peisteskin Treasure Maps, and Unhidden Leather Treasure Maps
1 Grenade Ash Purchased from NPC
1 Black Pepper Purchased from NPC
1 Cloves Purchased from NPC

Dungeon Mats

Item Where
Horn of the Beast Dzemael Darkhold
Gobmachine Bangplate Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)
Narashima Hida Halatali (Hard)
Sickle Fang Snowcloak
Vale Bubo Aurum Vale
Voidweave Haukke Manor (Hard)
Amdapor Vellum The Lost City of Amdapor
Indigo pearl Sastasha (Hard)
Tonberry King Blood The Wanderer's Palace
Royal Gigant Blood Copperbell Mines (Hard)
Kraken Blood Hullbreaker Isle
Vicegerent Blood The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard)
Lost Treasure AK Amdapor Keep
Lost Treasure PS Pharos Sirius
Lost Treasure TTD Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)
Lost Treasure SV Stone Vigil (Hard)

Upgrading Zodiac Braves to Zodiac Zeta

(From the 4.51 Patch Notes)
Once your Zodiac weapon has been affixed with mahatma, you may increase its soul resonance level by equipping it and completing certain activities. Once you have achieved full soul resonance and your Zodiac weapon has sufficiently awakened, present it to Jalzahn, and you will be rewarded with a Zodiac weapon zeta of item level 135 that retains all the upgrades made to the original Zodiac weapon.

A weapon’s soul resonance level will rise by a set value determined by the activity being undertaken. There may be times when a bonus is applied to the soul resonance value ordinarily granted. By sharing information with other players, you will be able to level up your Zodiac Weapon more efficiently.

Resonance progress can be verified through the use of the Zodiac glass. (Appears to function almost exactly in nature as the Light Farming from Novus to Nexus phase.)

Weapon Types


Name Icon Physical DMG Magic DMG Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats
Bravura Atma Zodiac bravura icon1.png 46 35 3.44 52.75 15.33 Strength 31, Vitality 35, Parry 37, Skill Speed 26
Bravura Animus Zodiac bravura icon1.png 49 36 3.44 56.19 16.33 Strength 37, Vitality 42, Parry 40, Skill Speed 28
Bravura Novus Zodiac bravura icon1.png 51 38 3.44 58.48 17 Strength 42, Vitality 49, 75 points in additional stats
Bravura Nexus Bravura nexus icon1.png 53 39 3.44 60.77 0 Strength +45, Vitality +53, Additional stats
Ragnarok Ragnarok icon1.png 56 ?? 3.44 64.21 ?? Strength +51, Vitality +60, Additional stats


Name Icon Physical DMG Magic DMG Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats
Curtana Atma Zodiac curtana icon1.png 46 35 2.32 35.57 15.33 Strength 22, Vitality 25, Accuracy 26, Parry 18
Curtana Animus Zodiac curtana icon1.png 49 36 2.32 37.89 16.33 Strength 26, Vitality 30, Accuracy 29, Parry 20
Curtana Novus Zodiac curtana icon1.png 51 38 2.32 39.44 17 Strength 30, Vitality 35, 50 points in additional stats
Curtana Nexus Curtana nexus icon1.png 53 39 2.32 40.98 ?? Strength +32, Vitality +38, Additional stats
Excalibur Excalibur icon1.png 56 ?? 2.32 43.30 ?? Strength +36, Vitality +43, Additional Stats
Name Icon Block Rate Block Strength Stats
Holy Shield Atma Zodiac holy shield icon1.png 181 181 Strength 9, Vitality 10, Skill Speed 7, Parry 11
Holy Shield Animus Zodiac holy shield icon1.png 193 193 Strength 11, Vitality 12, Skill Speed 8, Parry 12
Holy Shield Novus Zodiac holy shield icon1.png 205 205 Strength 12, Vitality 14, 25 points in additional stats
Holy Shield Nexus Holy shield nexus icon1.png 211 211 Strength +13, Vitality +15, Additional stats
Aegis Shield Aegis shield icon1.png 222 222 Strength +15, Vitality +17, Additional stats


Name Icon Physical DMG Magic DMG Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats
Gae Bolg Atma Zodiac gae bolg icon1.png 46 35 3.12 47.84 15.33 Strength 31, Vitality 35, Accuracy 37, Critical Hit Rate 26
Gae Bolg Animus Zodiac gae bolg icon1.png 49 36 3.12 50.96 16.33 Strength 37, Vitality 42, Accuracy 40, Critical Hit Rate 28
Gae Bolg Novus Zodiac gae bolg icon1.png 51 38 3.12 53.04 17 Strength 42, Vitality 49, 75 additional stat points
Gae Bolg Nexus Gae bolg nexus icon1.png 53 39 3.12 55.12 0 Strength +45, Vitality +53, Additional stats
Longinus Longinus icon1.png 56 ?? 2.96 55.25 ?? Strength +51, Vitality +60, Additional stats


Name Icon Physical DMG Magic DMG Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats
Sphairai Atma Zodiac sphairai icon1.png 46 35 2.72 41.71 15.33 Strength 31, Vitality 35, Accuracy 37, Skill Speed 26
Sphairai Animus Zodiac sphairai icon1.png 49 36 2.72 44.43 16.33 Strength 37, Vitality 42, Accuracy 40, Skill Speed 28
Sphairai Novus Zodiac sphairai icon1.png 51 38 2.72 46.24 17 Strength 42, Vitality 49, 75 additional stat points
Sphairai Nexus Sphairai nexus icon1.png 53 39 2.72 48.05 ?? Strength +45, Vitality +53, Additional stats
Kaiser Knuckles Kaiser knuckles icon1.png 56 ?? 2.64 49.28 ?? Strength +51, Vitality +60, Additional stats


Name Icon Physical DMG Magic DMG Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats
Artemis Bow Atma Zodiac artemis bow icon1.png 41 35 3.28 44.83 13.67 Dexterity 31, Vitality 35, Accuracy 37, Skill Speed 26
Artemis Bow Animus Zodiac artemis bow icon1.png 44 36 3.28 48.11 14.67 Dexterity 37, Vitality 42, Accuracy 40, Skill Speed 28
Artemis Bow Novus Zodiac artemis bow icon1.png 46 38 3.28 50.29 15.33 Dexterity 42, Vitality 49, 75 additional stat points
Artemis Bow Nexus Artemis bow nexus icon1.png 48 39 3.28 52.48 0 Dexterity +45, Vitality +53, Additional stats
Yoichi Bow Yoichi bow icon1.png 50 ?? 3.04 50.66 0 Dexterity +51, Vitality +60, Additional stats

White Mage

Name Icon Physical DMG Magic DMG Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats
Thyrus Atma Zodiac thyrus icon1.png 46 69 3.44 52.75 15.33 Vitality 32, Mind 31, Spell Speed 26, Determination 26
Thyrus Animus Zodiac thyrus icon1.png 49 72 3.44 56.19 16.33 Vitality 38, Mind 37, Spell Speed 28, Determination 29, Accuracy 8
Thyrus Novus Zodiac thyrus icon1.png 51 75 3.44 58.48 17 Vitality 44, Mind 42, Accuracy 9, 75 additional points
Thyrus Nexus Thyrus nexus icon1.png 53 77 3.44 60.77 0 Vitality +47, Mind +45, Accuracy +9, Additional stats
Nirvana Nirvana icon1.png ?? 80 3.36 62.72 ?? Vitality +54, Mind +51, Accuracy +10, Additional stats


Name Icon Physical DMG Magic DMG Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats
Omnilex Atma Zodiac omnilex icon1.png 46 69 3.12 47.84 15.33 Vitality 32, Mind 31, Spell Speed 37, Determination 18
Omnilex Animus Zodiac omnilex icon1.png 49 72 3.12 50.96 16.33 Vitality 38, Mind 37, Spell Speed 40, Determination 20, Accuracy 8
Omnilex Novus Zodiac omnilex icon1.png 51 75 3.12 53.04 17 Vitality 44, Mind 42, Accuracy 8, 75 additional stat points
Omnilex Nexus Omnilex nexus icon1.png 53 77 3.12 55.12 ?? Vitality +47, Mind +45, Accuracy +9, Additional stats
Last Resort Last resort icon1.png ?? 80 3.12 58.24 ?? Vitality +54, Mind +51, Accuracy +10, Additional stats

Black Mage

Name Icon Physical DMG Magic DMG Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats
Stardust Rod Atma Zodiac stardust rod icon1.png 46 69 3.44 52.75 15.33 Vitality 32, Intelligence 31, Spell Speed 37, Determination 18
Stardust Rod Animus Zodiac stardust rod icon1.png 49 72 3.44 56.19 16.33 Vitality 38, Intelligence 37, Spell Speed 40, Determination 20
Stardust Rod Novus Zodiac stardust rod icon1.png 51 75 3.44 58.48 17 Vitality 44, Intelligence 42, 75 additional stat points
Stardust Rod Nexus Stardust rod nexus icon1.png 53 77 3.44 60.77 ?? Vitality +47, Intelligence +45, Additional stats
Lilith Rod Lilith rod icon1.png ?? 80 3.28 61.22 ?? Vitality +54, Intelligence +51, Additional stats


Name Icon Physical DMG Magic DMG Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats
The Veil of Wiyu Atma Zodiac the veil of wiyu icon1.png 46 69 3.12 47.84 15.33 Vitality 32, Intelligence 31, Spell Speed 37, Determination 18
The Veil of Wiyu Animus Zodiac the veil of wiyu icon1.png 49 72 3.12 50.96 16.33 Vitality 38, Intelligence 37, Spell Speed 40, Determination 20
The Veil of Wiyu Novus Zodiac the veil of wiyu icon1.png 51 75 3.12 53.04 17 Vitality 44, Intelligence 42, 75 additional stat points
The Veil of Wiyu Nexus The veil of wiyu nexus icon1.png 53 77 3.12 55.12 ?? Vitality +47, Intelligence +45, Additional stats
Apocalypse Apocalypse icon1.png ?? 80 3.12 58.24 ?? Vitality +54, Intelligence +51, Additional Stats


Name Icon iLevel Physical DMG Magic DMG Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats
Yoshimitsu Atma Yoshimitsu atma icon1.png 100 46 35 2.48 38.02 15.33 Dexterity +31, Vitality +35, Accuracy +26, Critical Hit Rate +37
Yoshimitsu Animus Yoshimitsu animus icon1.png 100 49 36 2.48 40.50 16.33 Dexterity +37, Vitality +42, Accuracy +28, Critical Hit Rate +40
Yoshimitsu Novus Yoshimitsu novus icon1.png 110 51 38 2.48 42.16 17 Dexterity +42, Vitality +49, 75 Additional Stats
Yoshimitsu Nexus Yoshimitsu nexus icon1.png 115 53 39 2.48 43.81 17.67 Dexterity +45, Vitality +53, Additional Stats
Sasuke's Blades Sasukes blades icon1.png 125 56 ?? 2.40 44.80 ?? Dexterity +51, Vitality +60, Additional Stats


Up in Arms

Any FATE from a zone has a chance of dropping the Atma item for that zone. Might take a few FATEs to get the item to drop.

Trials of the Braves

Celestial Radiance

Star Light, Star Bright

Mmmmmm, Soulglazed Relics

Wherefore Art Thou, Zodiac

A Ponze of Flesh

Labor of Love

Method in His Malice

A Treasured Mother

His Dark Materia

Rise and Shine

The Vital Title