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==Zodiac Braves Weapons (iLvl 125)==
==Zodiac Braves Weapons (iLvl 125)==
{{See also|Zodiac Braves Weapons/Quest}}
{{See also|Zodiac Braves Weapons/Quest}}
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Introduced in Patch 2.45, the Zodiac Braves Weapons (item level 125) are the fifth stage of the Zodiac Weapons and the first to be referred to in game as "legendary Zodiac Braves weapons". When upgraded, Zodiac Braves Weapons will change in looks and no longer glow.
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Revision as of 16:40, 24 May 2015

(Lv. 50) Zodiac Weapons: Base (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zenith (Feature Quest icon.png) → Atma (Feature Quest icon.png) → Animus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Novus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Nexus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zodiac (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zeta (Feature Quest icon.png)
(Lv. 60) Anima Weapons: HW.png Animated (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Awoken (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Anima (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Hyperconductive (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Reconditioned (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Sharpened (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Complete (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lux (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 70) Eurekan Weapons: SB.png AntiquatedBase (Otherquest.png) → Base +1Base +2AnemosPagos (Otherquest.png) → Pagos +1ElementalElemental +1 (Otherquest.png) → Elemental +2PyrosHydatos (Otherquest.png) → Hydatos +1Base EurekaEurekaPhyseos (Otherquest.png)
(Lv. 80) Resistance Weapons: SHB.png Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Recollection (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Blade's (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Manderville Weapons: EW.png Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Amazing Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Majestic Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Mandervillous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Phantom Weapons: DT.png

(Lv. 70) Eurekan Armor: SB.png Antiquated ArtifactBase RelicBase +1Base +2AnemosElementalElemental +1Elemental +2
(Lv. 80) Resistance Armor: SHB.png ResistanceAugmented ResistanceLaw's OrderAugmented Law's OrderBlade's

(Lv. 50) Mastercraft Tools: Mastercraft (Feature Quest icon.png) → Supra ToolsLucis Tools
(Lv. 80) Skysteel Tools: SHB.png Skysteel (Feature Quest icon.png) → Skysteel +1 (Feature Quest icon.png) → Dragonsung (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skysung (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skybuilders' (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Splendorous Tools: EW.png Splendorous (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented Splendorous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Chora-Zoi's Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Brilliant (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Vrandtic Visionary's (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lodestar (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Cosmic Tools: DT.png
See also: Relic Weapons

Zodiac Weapons are upgraded versions of Relic Weapons which are special fabled weapons that repeatedly appear in the Final Fantasy series. Each weapon is designed specifically and restricted to a certain job. Zodiac Weapons and Relic Weapons either play a significant part in the lore for that job; or are the most powerful weapons for that job in previous Final Fantasy games. Zodiac Weapons can be upgraded through a series of difficult tasks, quests or rare items to potentially come the most powerful weapons in the game. The four stages between Atma Zodiac Weapons and Nexus Zodiac Weapons are labeled as "fabled relic weapons" officially in-game; however most players will refer to these as Zodiac Weapons. The last two stages (iLvl 125+) are referred to as "legendary Zodiac Braves" in-game; but again are called Zodiac Weapons by players.


"Legend tells of heroes known as the Zodiac Braves who saved the world from certain destruction. Bearing arms that shone with the light of a thousand stars, they arose to banish the gathering darkness. Inspired by this legend, a Near Eastern alchemist named Jalzahn has journeyed to Eorzea. His sole objective: the creation of mighty weapons that would rival even those wielded by the heroes of eld." — [FFXIV Lodestone Patch 2.28 Notes]

Atma Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 100)

See also: Atma Zodiac Weapons/Quest

Introduced in Patch 2.28, the Atma Zodiac Weapons (item level 100) are the first of the Zodiac Weapons. Atma Zodiac Weapons share exactly the same stats as Zenith Relic Weapons; however it prepares the weapon and the player for the challenging tasks ahead. Jalzahn takes over from Gerolt as your new guide and weaponsmith. Your task for the quest Side Quest Up in Arms is to grind FATEs in various zones of Eorzea for items known as Atmas - which drop randomly upon successful completion of a FATE. When upgraded, Atma Zodiac Weapons will no longer glow when unsheathed and will have a minor color change.

Atma Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 100)
Curtana Atma Curtana Atma (PLD) Holy Shield Atma Holy Shield Atma (PLD) Sphairai Atma Sphairai Atma (MNK)
Bravura Atma Bravura Atma (WAR) Gae Bolg Atma Gae Bolg Atma (DRG) Artemis Bow Atma Artemis Bow Atma (BRD)
Stardust Rod Atma Stardust Rod Atma (BLM) The Veil of Wiyu Atma The Veil of Wiyu Atma (SMN) Omnilex Atma Omnilex Atma (SCH)
Thyrus Atma Thyrus Atma (WHM) Yoshimitsu Atma Yoshimitsu Atma (NIN)

Animus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 100)

See also: Animus Zodiac Weapons/Quest

Introduced in Patch 2.28, the Animus Zodiac Weapons (also item level 100) are the second of the Zodiac Weapons and the first with upgraded stats from Zenith Relic Weapons. Jalzahn wants you must recreate the valorous deeds of the Zodiac Braves, revered heroes in Thavnairian legend. This involves the quest Side Quest Trials of the Braves and has you completing specific dungeons, FATEs and levequests and killing specific monsters from nine "Trials of the Braves" Books. When upgraded, Animus Zodiac Weapons will get a bright coloured glow (colour varies depending on weapon) when unsheathed.

Animus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 100)
Curtana Animus Curtana Animus (PLD) Holy Shield Animus Holy Shield Animus (PLD) Sphairai Animus Sphairai Animus (MNK)
Bravura Animus Bravura Animus (WAR) Gae Bolg Animus Gae Bolg Animus (DRG) Artemis Bow Animus Artemis Bow Animus (BRD)
Stardust Rod Animus Stardust Rod Animus (BLM) The Veil of Wiyu Animus The Veil of Wiyu Animus (SMN) Omnilex Animus Omnilex Animus (SCH)
Thyrus Animus Thyrus Animus (WHM) Yoshimitsu Animus Yoshimitsu Animus (NIN)

Novus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 110)

See also: Novus Zodiac Weapons/Quest

Introduced in Patch 2.28, the Novus Zodiac Weapons (item level 110) are the third stage of the Zodiac Weapons and is unique for allowing players to customize their weapon. Jalzahn believes that your weapon may yet grow stronger through the power of materia but that that conventional melding will not work due to the preclusive presence of soul energy. Hubairtin is able to overcome this in the first quest Side Quest Celestial Radiance by converting the power of materia into a form of light energy. This leads you to the quest Side Quest Star Light, Star Bright where you are able to customize your weapon by melding 75 different materias with Alexandrite onto a Sphere Scroll. When upgraded, Novus Zodiac Weapons will glow bright yellow / gold when unsheathed.

Novus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 110)
Curtana Novus Curtana Novus (PLD) Holy Shield Novus Holy Shield Novus (PLD) Sphairai Novus Sphairai Novus (MNK)
Bravura Novus Bravura Novus (WAR) Gae Bolg Novus Gae Bolg Novus (DRG) Artemis Bow Novus Artemis Bow Novus (BRD)
Stardust Rod Novus Stardust Rod Novus (BLM) The Veil of Wiyu Novus The Veil of Wiyu Novus (SMN) Omnilex Novus Omnilex Novus (SCH)
Thyrus Novus Thyrus Novus (WHM) Yoshimitsu Novus Yoshimitsu Novus (NIN)

Nexus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 115)

See also: Nexus Zodiac Weapons/Quest

Introduced in Patch 2.38, the Nexus Zodiac Weapons (item level 115) are the fourth stage of the Zodiac Weapons. Jalzahn believes that the unattuned state of soul energy in your weapon is holding back it's full potential. This time Jalzahn teams up with Gerolt to guide on your next step. In the quest Side Quest Mmmmmm, Soulglazed Relics you must seal aethertight your weapon and attune its soul energy through normal use in dungeons, trials, FATEs, Treasure Hunts, Mysterious Maps, The Wolves' Den and Frontlines. When upgraded, Nexus Zodiac Weapons will glow bright white when unsheathed.

Nexus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 115)
Curtana Nexus Curtana Nexus (PLD) Holy Shield Nexus Holy Shield Nexus (PLD) Sphairai Nexus Sphairai Nexus (MNK)
Bravura Nexus Bravura Nexus (WAR) Gae Bolg Nexus Gae Bolg Nexus (DRG) Artemis Bow Nexus Artemis Bow Nexus (BRD)
Stardust Rod Nexus Stardust Rod Nexus (BLM) The Veil of Wiyu Nexus The Veil of Wiyu Nexus (SMN) Omnilex Nexus Omnilex Nexus (SCH)
Thyrus Nexus Thyrus Nexus (WHM) Yoshimitsu Nexus Yoshimitsu Nexus (NIN)

Zodiac Braves Weapons (iLvl 125)

See also: Zodiac Braves Weapons/Quest

Introduced in Patch 2.45, the Zodiac Braves Weapons (item level 125) are the fifth stage of the Zodiac Weapons and the first to be referred to in game as "legendary Zodiac Braves weapons". When upgraded, Zodiac Braves Weapons will change in looks and no longer glow.

Zodiac Braves Weapons (iLvl 125)
Excalibur Excalibur (PLD) Aegis Shield Aegis Shield (PLD) Kaiser Knuckles Kaiser Knuckles (MNK)
Ragnarok Ragnarok (WAR) Longinus Longinus (DRG) Yoichi Bow Yoichi Bow (BRD)
Lilith Rod Lilith Rod (BLM) Apocalypse Apocalypse (SMN) Last Resort Last Resort (SCH)
Nirvana Nirvana (WHM) Sasuke's Blades Sasuke's Blades (NIN)

Zodiac Zeta Weapons (iLvl 135)

See also: Zodiac Zeta Weapons/Quest

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Zodiac Zeta Weapons (iLvl 135)
Excalibur Zeta Excalibur Zeta (PLD) Aegis Shield Zeta Aegis Shield Zeta (PLD) Kaiser Knuckles Zeta Kaiser Knuckles Zeta (MNK)
Ragnarok Zeta Ragnarok Zeta (WAR) Longinus Zeta Longinus Zeta (DRG) Yoichi Bow Zeta Yoichi Bow Zeta (BRD)
Lilith Rod Zeta Lilith Rod Zeta (BLM) Apocalypse Zeta Apocalypse Zeta (SMN) Last Resort Zeta Last Resort Zeta (SCH)
Nirvana Zeta Nirvana Zeta (WHM) Sasuke's Blades Zeta Sasuke's Blades Zeta (NIN)

Zodiac Weapon Types


Zodiac Weapons
Item Icon Stage iLvl Job Physical Damage Magical Damage Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats and Attributes
Curtana Atma Curtana Atma Atma Zodiac 100 PLD
Level 50
2.32 35.57 15.33 Strength +22, Vitality +25
Accuracy +26, Parry +18
Curtana Animus Curtana Animus Animus Zodiac 100 PLD
Level 50
2.32 37.89 16.33 Strength +26, Vitality +30
Accuracy +29, Parry +20
Curtana Novus Curtana Novus Novus Zodiac 110 PLD
Level 50
2.32 39.44 17 Strength +30, Vitality +35
Additional Player Chosen Stats +50
Curtana Nexus Curtana Nexus Nexus Zodiac 115 PLD
Level 50
2.32 40.98 17.67 Strength +32, Vitality +38
Additional Player Chosen Stats +50
Excalibur Excalibur Zodiac Braves 125 PLD
Level 50
2.32 43.30 18.67 Strength +36, Vitality +43
Additional Player Chosen Stats +50
Excalibur Zeta Excalibur Zeta Zodiac Zeta 135 PLD
Level 50
2.32 44.85 19.33 Strength +41, Vitality +48
Additional Player Chosen Stats +50
Zodiac Shields
Item Icon Stage iLvl Job Block Rate Block Strength Stats and Attributes
Holy Shield Atma Holy Shield Atma Atma Zodiac 100 PLD
Level 50
181 181 Strength +9, Vitality +10
Parry +11, Skill Speed +7
Holy Shield Animus Holy Shield Animus Animus Zodiac 100 PLD
Level 50
193 193 Strength +11, Vitality +12
Parry +12, Skill Speed +8
Holy Shield Novus Holy Shield Novus Novus Zodiac 110 PLD
Level 50
205 205 Strength +12, Vitality +14
Additional Player Chosen Stats +25
Holy Shield Nexus Holy Shield Nexus Nexus Zodiac 115 PLD
Level 50
211 211 Strength +13, Vitality +15
Additional Player Chosen Stats +25
Aegis Shield Aegis Shield Zodiac Braves 125 PLD
Level 50
222 222 Strength +15, Vitality +17
Additional Player Chosen Stats +25
Aegis Shield Zeta Aegis Shield Zeta Zodiac Zeta 135 PLD
Level 50
234 234 Strength +16, Vitality +19
Additional Player Chosen Stats +25


Item Icon Stage iLvl Job Physical Damage Magical Damage Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats and Attributes
Sphairai Atma Sphairai Atma Atma Zodiac 100 MNK
Level 50
2.72 41.70 15.33 Strength +31, Vitality +35
Accuracy +37, Skill Speed +26
Sphairai Animus Sphairai Animus Animus Zodiac 100 MNK
Level 50
2.72 44.42 16.33 Strength +37, Vitality +42
Accuracy +40, Skill Speed +28
Sphairai Novus Sphairai Novus Novus Zodiac 110 MNK
Level 50
2.72 46.24 17 Strength +42, Vitality +49
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Sphairai Nexus Sphairai Nexus Nexus Zodiac 115 MNK
Level 50
2.72 48.05 17.67 Strength +45, Vitality +53
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Kaiser Knuckles Kaiser Knuckles Zodiac Braves 125 MNK
Level 50
2.64 49.28 18.67 Strength +51, Vitality +60
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Kaiser Knuckles Zeta Kaiser Knuckles Zeta Zodiac Zeta 135 MNK
Level 50
2.64 51.04 19.33 Strength +57, Vitality +67
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75


Item Icon Stage iLvl Job Physical Damage Magical Damage Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats and Attributes
Bravura Atma Bravura Atma Atma Zodiac 100 WAR
Level 50
3.44 52.75 15.33 Strength +31, Vitality +35
Parry +37, Skill Speed +26
Bravura Animus Bravura Animus Animus Zodiac 100 WAR
Level 50
3.44 56.19 16.33 Strength +37, Vitality +42
Parry +40, Skill Speed +28
Bravura Novus Sphairai Novus Novus Zodiac 110 WAR
Level 50
3.44 58.48 17 Strength +42, Vitality +49
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Bravura Nexus Sphairai Nexus Nexus Zodiac 115 WAR
Level 50
3.44 60.77 17.67 Strength +45, Vitality +53
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Ragnarok Ragnarok Zodiac Braves 125 WAR
Level 50
3.44 64.21 18.67 Strength +51, Vitality +60
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Ragnarok Zeta Ragnarok Zeta Zodiac Zeta 135 WAR
Level 50
3.44 66.50 19.33 Strength +57, Vitality +67
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75


Item Icon Stage iLvl Job Physical Damage Magical Damage Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats and Attributes
Gae Bolg Atma Gae Bolg Atma Atma Zodiac 100 DRG
Level 50
3.12 47.84 15.33 Strength +31, Vitality +35
Accuracy +37, Critical Hit Rate +26
Gae Bolg Animus Gae Bolg Animus Animus Zodiac 100 DRG
Level 50
3.12 50.96 16.33 Strength +37, Vitality +42
Accuracy +40, Critical Hit Rate +28
Gae Bolg Novus Gae Bolg Novus Novus Zodiac 110 DRG
Level 50
3.12 53.04 17 Strength +42, Vitality +49
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Gae Bolg Nexus Gae Bolg Nexus Nexus Zodiac 115 DRG
Level 50
3.12 55.12 17.67 Strength +45, Vitality +53
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Longinus Longinus Zodiac Braves 125 DRG
Level 50
2.96 55.25 18.67 Strength +51, Vitality +60
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Longinus Zeta Longinus Zeta Zodiac Zeta 135 DRG
Level 50
2.96 57.22 19.33 Strength +57, Vitality +67
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75


Item Icon Stage iLvl Job Physical Damage Magical Damage Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats and Attributes
Artemis Bow Atma Artemis Bow Atma Atma Zodiac 100 BRD
Level 50
3.28 44.83 13.67 Dexterity +31, Vitality +35
Accuracy +37, Skill Speed +26
Artemis Bow Animus Artemis Bow Animus Animus Zodiac 100 BRD
Level 50
3.28 48.11 14.67 Dexterity +37, Vitality +42
Accuracy +40, Skill Speed +28
Artemis Bow Novus Artemis Bow Novus Novus Zodiac 110 BRD
Level 50
3.28 50.29 15.33 Dexterity +42, Vitality +49
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Artemis Bow Nexus Artemis Bow Nexus Nexus Zodiac 115 BRD
Level 50
3.28 52.48 16 Dexterity +45, Vitality +53
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Yoichi Bow Yoichi Bow Zodiac Braves 125 BRD
Level 50
3.04 50.66 16.67 Dexterity +51, Vitality +60
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Yoichi Bow Zeta Yoichi Bow Zeta Zodiac Zeta 135 BRD
Level 50
3.04 52.69 17.33 Dexterity +57, Vitality +67
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75

Black Mage

Item Icon Stage iLvl Job Physical Damage Magical Damage Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats and Attributes
Stardust Rod Atma Stardust Rod Atma Atma Zodiac 100 BLM
Level 50
3.44 52.75 15.33 Intelligence +31, Vitality +32
Spell Speed +37, Determination +18
Stardust Rod Animus Stardust Rod Animus Animus Zodiac 100 BLM
Level 50
3.44 56.19 16.33 Intelligence +37, Vitality +38
Spell Speed +40, Determination +20
Stardust Rod Novus Stardust Rod Novus Novus Zodiac 110 BLM
Level 50
3.44 58.48 17 Intelligence +42, Vitality +44
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Stardust Rod Nexus Stardust Rod Nexus Nexus Zodiac 115 BLM
Level 50
3.44 60.77 17.67 Intelligence +45, Vitality +47
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Lilith Rod Lilith Rod Zodiac Braves 125 BLM
Level 50
3.28 61.22 18.67 Intelligence +51, Vitality +54
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Lilith Rod Zeta Lilith Rod Zeta Zodiac Zeta 135 BLM
Level 50
3.28 63.41 19.33 Intelligence +57, Vitality +60
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75


Item Icon Stage iLvl Job Physical Damage Magical Damage Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats and Attributes
The Veil of Wiyu Atma The Veil of Wiyu Atma Atma Zodiac 100 SMN
Level 50
3.12 47.84 15.33 Intelligence +31, Vitality +32
Spell Speed +37, Determination +18
The Veil of Wiyu Animus The Veil of Wiyu Animus Animus Zodiac 100 SMN
Level 50
3.12 50.96 16.33 Intelligence +37, Vitality +38
Spell Speed +40, Determination +20
The Veil of Wiyu Novus The Veil of Wiyu Novus Novus Zodiac 110 SMN
Level 50
3.12 58.48 17 Intelligence +42, Vitality +44
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
The Veil of Wiyu Nexus The Veil of Wiyu Nexus Nexus Zodiac 115 SMN
Level 50
3.12 55.12 17.67 Intelligence +45, Vitality +47
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Apocalypse Apocalypse Zodiac Braves 125 SMN
Level 50
3.12 58.24 18.67 Intelligence +51, Vitality +54
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Apocalypse Zeta Apocalypse Zeta Zodiac Zeta 135 SMN
Level 50
3.12 60.32 19.33 Intelligence +57, Vitality +60
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75


Item Icon Stage iLvl Job Physical Damage Magical Damage Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats and Attributes
Omnilex Atma Omnilex Atma Atma Zodiac 100 SCH
Level 50
3.12 47.84 15.33 Mind +31, Vitality +32
Spell Speed +37, Determination +18
Omnilex Animus Omnilex Animus Animus Zodiac 100 SCH
Level 50
3.12 50.96 16.33 Mind +37, Vitality +38, Accuracy +8
Spell Speed +40, Determination +20
Omnilex Novus Omnilex Novus Novus Zodiac 110 SCH
Level 50
3.12 53.04 17 Mind +42, Vitality +44, Accuracy +8
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Omnilex Nexus Omnilex Nexus Nexus Zodiac 115 SCH
Level 50
3.12 55.12 17.67 Mind +45, Vitality +47, Accuracy +9
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Last Resort Last Resort Zodiac Braves 125 SCH
Level 50
3.12 58.24 18.67 Mind +51, Vitality +54, Accuracy +10
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Last Resort Zeta Last Resort Zeta Zodiac Zeta 135 SCH
Level 50
3.12 60.32 19.33 Mind +57, Vitality +60, Accuracy +11
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75

White Mage

Item Icon Stage iLvl Job Physical Damage Magical Damage Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats and Attributes
Thyrus Atma Thyrus Atma Atma Zodiac 100 WHM
Level 50
3.44 52.75 15.33 Mind +31, Vitality +32
Determination +26, Spell Speed +26
Thyrus Animus Thyrus Animus Animus Zodiac 100 WHM
Level 50
3.44 56.19 16.33 Mind +37, Vitality +38, Accuracy +8
Determination +29, Spell Speed +28
Thyrus Novus Thyrus Novus Novus Zodiac 110 WHM
Level 50
3.44 58.58 17 Mind +42, Vitality +44, Accuracy +9
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Thyrus Nexus Thyrus Novus Nexus Zodiac 115 WHM
Level 50
3.44 60.77 17.67 Mind +45, Vitality +47, Accuracy +9
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Nirvana Nirvana Zodiac Braves 125 WHM
Level 50
3.36 62.72 18.67 Mind +51, Vitality +54, Accuracy +10
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Nirvana Zeta Nirvana Zeta Zodiac Zeta 135 WHM
Level 50
3.36 64.96 19.33 Mind +57, Vitality +60, Accuracy +11
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75


Item Icon Stage iLvl Job Physical Damage Magical Damage Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats and Attributes
Yoshimitsu Atma Yoshimitsu Atma Atma Zodiac 100 NIN
Level 50
2.48 38.02 15.33 Dexterity +31, Vitality +35
Critical Hit Rate +37, Accuracy +26
Yoshimitsu Animus Yoshimitsu Animus Animus Zodiac 100 NIN
Level 50
2.48 40.50 16.33 Dexterity +37, Vitality +42
Critical Hit Rate +40, Accuracy +28
Yoshimitsu Novus Yoshimitsu Novus Novus Zodiac 110 NIN
Level 50
2.48 42.16 17 Dexterity +42, Vitality +49
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Yoshimitsu Nexus Yoshimitsu Nexus Nexus Zodiac 115 NIN
Level 50
2.48 43.81 17.67 Dexterity +45, Vitality +53
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Sasuke's Blades Sasuke's Blades Zodiac Braves 125 NIN
Level 50
2.40 44.80 18.67 Dexterity +51, Vitality +60
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
Sasuke's Blades Zeta Sasuke's Blades Zeta Zodiac Zeta 135 NIN
Level 50
2.40 46.40 19.33 Dexterity +57, Vitality +67
Additional Player Chosen Stats +75
