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| {{Gil|1800}} & {{Company seal|238}}
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| [[Duty_Roulette#Duty_Roulette:_Alliance_Raid|Alliance Raid]]
| [[Duty_Roulette#Duty_Roulette:_Alliance_Raids|Alliance Raid]]
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Revision as of 01:47, 28 February 2024

Duty Roulette in the Duty Finder

Duty Roulette is a feature for the Duty Finder first introduced in the patch 2.1. Duty Roulette allows the player to participate in randomized duties. Since patch 2.1, various additional roulette modes have been added or changed to reflect the changing state of the game.

Duty Roulette is divided into several categories: Expert, Level 90 Dungeons, Level 50/60/70/80, Leveling, Trials, Main Scenario, Guildhests, Normal Raids, Alliance Raids, Mentor, and Frontline.

Players must use the default Duty Finder settings to queue for a Duty Roulette, with the exception of "Join Party in Progress" and "Limited Leveling Roulette", which are allowed to be enabled. If role requirements are met, Trials, Normal Raids and Alliance Raids roulettes allow one to eight players to queue as a group, and all other roulettes allow one to four players to queue as a group. Players must queue alone for Mentor roulette.


The Duty Roulette offers a daily reward that give the players a combination of experience, Grand Company Seals, Cracked Anthoclusters, Cracked Dendroclusters, and Gil, depending on the type of duty, your job depending on what is currently needed, and the level of job when entering the queue. The type of Allagan Tomestones available for each roulette changes with even-numbered major patches (.0 .2 and .4).

Type Daily Poetics Daily Causality Daily Comedy Daily Gil Daily Seals "In Need" Bonus
Expert Allagan Tomestone of Poetics - Allagan Tomestone of Causality 60 Allagan Tomestone of Comedy 40 Gil 7,200 - Gil 7,200
Level 90 Dungeons Allagan Tomestone of Poetics - Allagan Tomestone of Causality 100 Allagan Tomestone of Comedy 15 Gil 7,050 - Gil 7,110
Level 50/60/70/80 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Allagan Tomestone of Causality 120 Allagan Tomestone of Comedy - Gil 7,050 - Gil 7,200
Leveling Allagan Tomestone of Poetics - Allagan Tomestone of Causality 100 Allagan Tomestone of Comedy 20 Gil 7,770 Company seal 755 Gil 12,000 & Company seal 3,780 & 1 Cracked anthocluster icon1.png  Cracked Anthocluster & 2 Cracked dendrocluster icon1.png  Cracked Dendrocluster
Trials Allagan Tomestone of Poetics - Allagan Tomestone of Causality 60 Allagan Tomestone of Comedy 15 Gil 12,000 - Gil 4,320
Main Scenario Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 350 Allagan Tomestone of Causality 100 Allagan Tomestone of Comedy 50 Gil 9,000 - Gil 7,200
Guildhests Allagan Tomestone of Poetics - Allagan Tomestone of Causality - Allagan Tomestone of Comedy - Gil 1,120 Company seal 477 Gil 1,800 & Company seal 238
Alliance Raid Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 120 Allagan Tomestone of Causality 120 Allagan Tomestone of Comedy 50 Gil 12,000 - Gil 7,200 & 1 Cracked anthocluster icon1.png  Cracked Anthocluster & 2 Cracked dendrocluster icon1.png  Cracked Dendrocluster
Normal Raid Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 80 Allagan Tomestone of Causality 60 Allagan Tomestone of Comedy 20 Gil 12,000 - Gil 1,440
Mentor Allagan Tomestone of Poetics - Allagan Tomestone of Causality 30 Allagan Tomestone of Comedy 10 Gil 7,050 - Gil 5,400
Daily Challenges
Frontline Allagan Tomestone of Poetics - Allagan Tomestone of Causality 50 Allagan Tomestone of Comedy 20 Gil - - -
  • The daily reset is 3PM GMT. This is 10AM Eastern, 9AM Central, 8AM Mountain, and 7AM Pacific.
  • Allagan Tomestones of Poetics are only given to players who are at least level 50.
  • End-game tomestone rewards are only given to players who are at the level cap.
  • Clusters are only awarded if you are within 9 levels of the current level cap.
  • The Gil amounts and Company Seals given are based on a level 90 class. Lower level players will receive a smaller bonus than those listed.
  • The "In Need" Bonus is given to the party role (Tank role.png Tank, Healer role.png Healer, or DPS role.png DPS) that is most needed for the Duties in that category. The bonus stacks with the daily rewards, and is received every time a player completes a roulette while meeting the requirements, even if they have already earned the daily reward.
    • The "In Need" Bonus role is locked in once the player queues. If it changes roles before the duty starts, the player will still receive the "In Need" Bonus.
  • Daily Challenge: Frontline also awards 600 PvP PvP Experience points and Wolf Mark 1,000 Wolf Mark once per day.

Duty Roulette: Expert

Duty complete check mark (added in patch 3.5)

Duty Roulette: Expert places the player into one of the newest light party dungeons that are at the current level cap. Dungeons are added and removed to this roulette as the game is updated; only dungeons released in the current patch and last major patch are in this roulette. There will always be at least two dungeons in total. This roulette will only become available after unlocking and completing all of the dungeons in the roulette. You can verify which duties have been completed with a green check mark at the top right of the duty image (see screenshot).

Players must also have an average item level of 620 or greater to register.

Duty Roulette: Expert currently consists of the following dungeons:

Duty Roulette: Level 90 Dungeons

Duty Roulette: Level 90 Dungeons will put the player into one of the dungeons at level 90 that have been rotated out of the Expert Roulette. Similar to Expert Roulette, Level 90 Dungeon Roulette only becomes available after unlocking all dungeons in the current roulette.

Players must also have an average item level of 590 or greater to register.

Duty Roulette: Level 90 Dungeons currently consists of the following dungeons:

Duty Roulette: Level 50/60/70/80

Duty Roulette: Level 50/60/70/80 will put the player into a random level 50, level 60, level 70 , or level 80 light party dungeon. As of patch 3.1, experience is now also awarded on the defeat of bosses and for completion of the duty if the player is not at level cap, and with patch 4.0, access to this Duty Roulette requires unlocking a minimum of 2 of the included dungeons.

Players must also have an average item level of 45 or greater to register.

The following dungeons make up the Level 50/60/70/80 Duty Roulette:

Level 50 Dungeons

Level 60 Dungeons

Level 70 Dungeons

Level 80 Dungeons

Duty Roulette: Leveling

The Duty Roulette: Leveling will put the player into a random light party dungeon or light party trial that the player has unlocked which are not included in Duty Roulette: Level 50/60/70/80. Level 16 is the minimum level to use Duty Roulette: Leveling.

To unlock Duty Roulette: Leveling players must have completed both Sastasha and The Tam-Tara Deepcroft dungeons in the A Realm Reborn Main Scenario.

The daily reward for Duty Roulette depends on your character's level at the time of signing up. Players not at level cap will receive experience points along with Company Seals and Gil. These players will also receive additional experience based on the difference between their actual level and the level of the dungeon or trial completed, with a further amount given based on the character's actual level.

Players who are at the level cap will receive a daily amount of Allagan Tomestones. For those whose level cap is 70 (i.e. free trial or Starter Edition players), Allagan Tomestone of Poetics are awarded.
As of patch 6.0, the following dungeons and trials make up this roulette:

Duty Level Range Unlocked Via
A Realm Reborn
Dungeon Sastasha 15-18 Main Scenario QuestIt's Probably Pirates
Dungeon The Tam-Tara Deepcroft 16-19 Main Scenario QuestFire in the Gloom
Dungeon Copperbell Mines 17-20 Main Scenario QuestInto a Copper Hell
Trial The Bowl of Embers 20-22 Main Scenario QuestLord of the Inferno
Dungeon Halatali 20-23 Feature QuestHallo Halatali
Dungeon The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak 24-27 Main Scenario QuestInto the Beast's Maw
Dungeon Haukke Manor 28-31 Main Scenario QuestSkeletons in Her Closet
Dungeon Brayflox's Longstop 32-34 Main Scenario QuestThe Things We Do for Cheese
Trial The Navel 34-36 Main Scenario QuestLord of Crags
Dungeon The Sunken Temple of Qarn 35-37 Feature QuestBraving New Depths
Dungeon Cutter's Cry 38-40 Feature QuestDishonor Before Death
Dungeon The Stone Vigil 41-43 Main Scenario QuestIn Pursuit of the Past
Trial The Howling Eye 44-46 Main Scenario QuestLady of the Vortex
Dungeon Dzemael Darkhold 44-46 Feature QuestFort of Fear
Dungeon The Aurum Vale 47-49 Feature QuestGoing for Gold
Dungeon The Dusk Vigil 51-52 Feature QuestFor All the Nights to Come
Dungeon Sohm Al 53-54 Main Scenario QuestMourn in Passing
Dungeon The Aery 55-56 Main Scenario QuestInto the Aery
Dungeon The Vault 57-58 Main Scenario QuestA Knight's Calling
Dungeon The Great Gubal Library 59 Main Scenario QuestForbidden Knowledge
Dungeon The Sirensong Sea 61-62 Main Scenario QuestNot without Incident
Dungeon Shisui of the Violet Tides 63-64 Feature QuestThe Palace of Lost Souls
Dungeon Bardam's Mettle 65-66 Main Scenario QuestIn the Footsteps of Bardam the Brave
Dungeon Doma Castle 67-68 Main Scenario QuestThe Die Is Cast
Dungeon Castrum Abania 69 Main Scenario QuestThe Price of Freedom
Dungeon Holminster Switch 71-72 Main Scenario QuestThe Lightwardens
Dungeon Dohn Mheg 73-74 Main Scenario QuestThe Key to the Castle
Dungeon The Qitana Ravel 75-76 Main Scenario QuestThe Burden of Knowledge
Dungeon Malikah's Well 77-78 Main Scenario QuestA Fresh Start
Dungeon Mt. Gulg 79 Main Scenario QuestExtinguishing the Last Light
Dungeon The Tower of Zot 81-82 Main Scenario QuestIn the Dark of the Tower
Dungeon The Tower of Babil 83-84 Main Scenario QuestGateway of the Gods
Dungeon Vanaspati 85-86 Main Scenario QuestSkies Aflame
Dungeon Ktisis Hyperboreia 87-88 Main Scenario QuestCaging the Messenger
Dungeon The Aitiascope 89 Main Scenario QuestHer Children, One and All

Duty Roulette: Trials

Duty Roulette: Trials will put the player into a random trial that they have unlocked. It is unlocked on completion of two or more trials in the roulette.

As of patch 6.5, the following trials make up this roulette:

Trial Level Range Unlocked Via
A Realm Reborn
Trial The Bowl of Embers (Hard) 50 Feature QuestIfrit Bleeds, We Can Kill It
Trial The Howling Eye (Hard) 50 Feature QuestIn for Garuda Awakening
Trial The Navel (Hard) 50 Feature QuestIn a Titan Spot
Trial Thornmarch (Hard) 50 Main Scenario QuestYou Have Selected Regicide
Trial A Relic Reborn: The Chimera 50 Feature QuestA Relic Reborn
Trial A Relic Reborn: The Hydra 50 Feature QuestA Relic Reborn
Trial The Whorleater (Hard) 50 Main Scenario QuestLord of the Whorl
Trial Battle on the Big Bridge 50 Feature QuestThe Three Collectors
Trial The Striking Tree (Hard) 50 Main Scenario QuestLevin an Impression
Trial The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard) 50 Main Scenario QuestThe Instruments of Our Deliverance
Trial The Dragon's Neck 50 Feature QuestThe Coliseum Conundrum
Trial The Chrysalis 50 Main Scenario QuestAn Uninvited Ascian
Trial Battle in the Big Keep 50 Feature QuestHer Last Vow
Trial Thok ast Thok (Hard) 53-54 Main Scenario QuestLord of the Hive
Trial The Limitless Blue (Hard) 57-58 Main Scenario QuestBolt, Chain, and Island
Trial The Singularity Reactor 60 Main Scenario QuestHeavensward
Trial The Final Steps of Faith 60 Main Scenario QuestAn End to the Song
Trial Containment Bay S1T7 60 Feature QuestWhen the Bough Wakes
Trial Containment Bay P1T6 60 Feature QuestBalance unto All
Trial Containment Bay Z1T9 60 Feature QuestThe Last Pillar to Fall
Trial The Pool of Tribute 63-64 Main Scenario QuestThe Lord of the Revel
Trial Emanation 67-68 Main Scenario QuestThe Lady of Bliss
Trial The Royal Menagerie 70 Main Scenario QuestStormblood
Trial The Jade Stoa 70 Feature QuestAn Auspicious Encounter
Trial Castrum Fluminis 70 Main Scenario QuestThe Primary Agreement
Trial The Great Hunt 70 Feature QuestThe New King on the Block
Trial Hells' Kier 70 Feature QuestThe Fire-bird Down Below
Trial The Wreath of Snakes 70 Feature QuestSurpassing the Samurai
Trial Kugane Ohashi 70 Feature QuestThe Past Is Never Past
Trial The Dancing Plague 73-74 Main Scenario QuestAcht-la Ormh Inn
Trial The Crown of the Immaculate 79-80 Main Scenario QuestExtinguishing the Last Light
Trial The Dying Gasp 80 Main Scenario QuestShadowbringers
Trial Cinder Drift 80 Feature QuestRuby Doomsday
Trial The Seat of Sacrifice 80 Main Scenario QuestHope's Confluence
Trial Castrum Marinum 80 Feature QuestBlood of Emerald
Trial The Cloud Deck 80 Feature QuestDuty in the Sky with Diamond
Trial The Dark Inside 83-84 Main Scenario QuestThe Martyr
Trial The Mothercrystal 89-90 Main Scenario QuestHer Children, One and All
Trial The Final Day 90 Main Scenario QuestEndwalker
Trial Storm's Crown 90 Main Scenario QuestThe Wind Rises
Trial Mount Ordeals 90 Main Scenario QuestDesires Untold
Trial The Voidcast Dais 90 Main Scenario QuestAbyssal Dark
Trial The Abyssal Fracture 90 Main Scenario QuestDown in the Dark
Trial The Gilded Araya 90 Feature QuestGentlemen at Heart

Duty Roulette: Main Scenario

As of patch 6.1, the following duties make up this roulette:



Unlocking all three duties is necessary to unlock this roulette. Characters must be level 50 and have an average item level of 42 to join. Some cutscenes cannot be skipped in these duties.

Duty Roulette: Guildhests

Duty Roulette: Guildhests places the player into a random guildhest the player has unlocked. Players can begin to participate in this Duty Roulette at level 10 or higher. The Roulette unlocks automatically when you unlock at least two Guildhests.
Higher level guildhests are unlocked when players complete the previous set and are at least the same level as the next set, in increments of 5 levels until level 40.

Duty Roulette: Normal Raids

Added in patch 4.3, an 8-man normal-mode raid will be selected at random from among those you have unlocked.
This notably does NOT include The Coils of Bahamut

Alexander Omega Eden Pandæmonium
Raid Alexander - The Fist of the Father Raid Deltascape V1.0 Raid Eden's Gate: Resurrection Raid Asphodelos: The First Circle
Raid Alexander - The Cuff of the Father Raid Deltascape V2.0 Raid Eden's Gate: Descent Raid Asphodelos: The Second Circle
Raid Alexander - The Arm of the Father Raid Deltascape V3.0 Raid Eden's Gate: Inundation Raid Asphodelos: The Third Circle
Raid Alexander - The Burden of the Father Raid Deltascape V4.0 Raid Eden's Gate: Sepulture Raid Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle
Raid Alexander - The Fist of the Son Raid Sigmascape V1.0 Raid Eden's Verse: Fulmination Raid Abyssos: The Fifth Circle
Raid Alexander - The Cuff of the Son Raid Sigmascape V2.0 Raid Eden's Verse: Furor Raid Abyssos: The Sixth Circle
Raid Alexander - The Arm of the Son Raid Sigmascape V3.0 Raid Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm Raid Abyssos: The Seventh Circle
Raid Alexander - The Burden of the Son Raid Sigmascape V4.0 Raid Eden's Verse: Refulgence Raid Abyssos: The Eighth Circle
Raid Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator Raid Alphascape V1.0 Raid Eden's Promise: Umbra Raid Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle
Raid Alexander - The Breath of the Creator Raid Alphascape V2.0 Raid Eden's Promise: Litany Raid Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle
Raid Alexander - The Heart of the Creator Raid Alphascape V3.0 Raid Eden's Promise: Anamorphosis Raid Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle
Raid Alexander - The Soul of the Creator Raid Alphascape V4.0 Raid Eden's Promise: Eternity Raid Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle

Duty Roulette: Alliance Raids

Duty Roulette: Alliance Raids places the player into one of the 24-player alliance raids. It is available once at least two such raids have been unlocked.

Raid Level Unlocking Questline
Alliance Raid The Labyrinth of the Ancients 50 Feature QuestCrystal Tower
Alliance Raid Syrcus Tower
Alliance Raid The World of Darkness
Alliance Raid The Void Ark 60 Feature QuestShadow of Mhach
Alliance Raid The Weeping City of Mhach
Alliance Raid Dun Scaith
Alliance Raid The Royal City of Rabanastre 70 Feature QuestReturn to Ivalice
Alliance Raid The Ridorana Lighthouse
Alliance Raid The Orbonne Monastery
Alliance Raid The Copied Factory 80 Feature QuestYoRHa: Dark Apocalypse
Alliance Raid The Puppets' Bunker
Alliance Raid The Tower at Paradigm's Breach
Alliance Raid Aglaia 90 Feature QuestMyths of the Realm
Alliance Raid Euphrosyne
Alliance Raid Thaleia

The minimum item level (IL) required to register varies depending on the player's level:

  • Level 50-59: IL 70
  • Level 60-69: IL 175
  • Level 70-79: IL 305
  • Level 80-89: IL 435
  • Level 90: IL 565


Due to its lack of an ilvl sync, the Crystal Tower alliance raids (the third to a lesser extent) have become tediously easy duties that are often completed with little difficulty, to the point where mechanics on several bosses are ignored or skipped. As a result the guides includes mechanics that players will normally not experience unless on Minimum ilvl mode. Because of this, players often deliberately lowered their ilvl in the Alliance Roulette, so that a Crystal Tower raids would have been the most commonly selected duty. As a result, ilvl restrictions for the Duty Roulette Duty Roulette: Alliance Raids were introduced in Patch 6.5 to increase its diversity.

Duty Roulette: Mentor

See also: Mentor System

Introduced in patch 3.2, Mentor Roulette allows mentors to join duties that are struggling to find members. This roulette does not necessarily prioritize matching with players who are new to a duty. Rather, it prioritizes queues that have been waiting the longest for a match. Players can earn exclusive achievements from clearing duties using this roulette.

As of Patch 6.5, players using this Roulette must be level 90 and have at least an average item level of 625. Similar to Duty Roulette: Expert, the required level and item level increase with the release of new content. Players also have to be qualified as Battle Mentors. Unlike other roulettes, Duty Roulette: Mentor only allows solo queuing. Players who queue into a duty through Duty Roulette: Mentor will have the Battle Mentor icon Battle mentor status icon1.png displayed next to their name even if they previously had it disabled.

To access the roulette, players must clear the following content. This is essentially everything except (Extreme)s from the current expansion, (Savage)s, (Ultimate)s, and The Coils of Bahamut. In other words, everything that is listed in all the previous roulettes may appear, plus all (Extreme) trials from previous expansions.





Daily Challenge: Frontline

Daily Challenge: Frontline places the player into one of the Frontline PvP maps. As there is only one Frontline map available each day, it is not truly a roulette, but grants daily rewards in a similar fashion. Players must be equipped with a Soul Crystal to enter this challenge.

Possible duties in this challenge: