Surpassing the Samurai
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Surpassing the Samurai
- Quest giver
- Bunchin
- Location
- The Ruby Sea (X:27.8, Y:16.4)
- Quest line
- The Four Lords
- Level
- 70
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Fire-bird Down Below
- Next quest
The Fifth Lord
- Patch
- 4.5
“Bunchin holds in his hand an urgent missive addressed to you.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Genbu in Reisen Temple.
- Speak with Seiryu in the Ruby Sea.
- Confront Seiryu in the Wreath of Snakes.
- Speak with Seiryu.
- Bunchin holds in his hand an urgent missive addressed to you.
- The ancient wards holding the mad auspice Koryu in his prison are on the verge of failure, and Genbu of the Four Lords would have you return to Reisen Temple at once. Tataru too is needed, but it seems the collective has already taken the initiative and summoned her themselves...
- As feared, the mad auspice that could single-handedly transform the Ruby Sea into a fiery hellscape is poised to return at any moment. The only means by which this calamity might possibly be averted is through the combined powers of the Four Lords, and to that end, you must quell the aramitama of the fourth and arguably most powerful member: Seiryu. The serpentine dragon, who appears to be in full possession of his faculties, agrees to face you in mortal combat, albeit on a distant island he calls home. To that end, you must first journey to the Isle of Bekko in the Ruby Sea, and from there set forth to the chosen battleground with the aid of Genbu.
- Before you depart for his island, Seiryu reflects on the fallen samurai Tenzen, who bested him in single combat long ago. On that fateful day, he vowed to train tirelessly that he might claim victory in a future rematch, but was denied the opportunity to do so. And so he found a new purpose in striving to destroy the fiend that robbed the Four Lords of Tenzen: Koryu. Alas, in order to do so, he intends to embrace the aramitama and become a demon to destroy another. Though deeply troubling, your objective is unchanged─you and your adventurer comrades must band together and defeat the legendary auspice.
- ※The Wreath of Snakes can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
- Dangerous and deadly though he was, Seiryu was ultimately no match for you and yours. His soul now at peace, the auspice appears to be in a rather more contemplative mood than before...
- Long, long ago, Seiryu was regarded as a great kami by the people of an island, who offered him gifts. When visited by calamity, however, they mistook him as the cause and began to offer their own children as sacrifices, who Seiryu would spirit away to other lands and set free in secret. And so, over the years, his worshipers slowly became his decriers, believing him less a guardian spirit and more a malevolent demon. Accordingly, they turned to sellswords, whom they plied with coin to come and slay the serpent, until Tenzen came and defeated him in single combat, only to then offer him a place at his side, along with three other fantastic beasts who would comprise the remainder of the Four Lords. As he thinks on those halcyon days, Seiryu recalls that he was not so much driven to surpass Tenzen, but rather to become an auspice worthy of man's worship─a magnificent dragon that would safeguard his chosen. A noble aspiration briefly forgotten, perhaps due to the influence of the aramitama...
Accepting the Quest
Bunchin: Passing through, or here for another reason? Regardless, I have tidings from our friends beneath Hells' Lid. Bunchin: Another missive delivered by one of the auspices─a raccoon dog, I believe. It was rather agitated, too. I fear matters may be coming to a head...
Genbu's Missive: Koryu's wards are on the verge of failure. Return to Reisen Temple at once, brave warrior. Worry not for the urchin─I have sent a messenger to her as well.
Bunchin: Straight to the point, was it? Do not let me keep you, then.
Bunchin: As much as I do enjoy your company, should you not be with Genbu and the others averting a calamity or some such?
Nue: I tell you, I've got a bad feeling about this...
Inugami: There are few in whom I would place my faith without question. I count the Four Lords among these. They will not fail.
Qitian Dasheng: I don't know why everyone's so worried. I mean, we've got the whole gang back together, right? The Four Lords! What could possibly go wrong?
Komainu: So it has come to this...
Senri: You'll be putting a stop to this Koryu business, aye? You damn well better. If he breaks free, it's not just the temple that's done for, but the Ruby Sea and everyone in it...
Speaking with Genbu in Reisen Temple (Cutscene)
Genbu: Good, good. Then let us proceed.
Tataru: You weren't exaggerating, were you? About Koryu's wards?
Genbu: Would that I were. Soroban and my comrades are doing their utmost to maintain them for now, but I fear Koryu will not be denied. Genbu: Even now I do not understand. I was certain we had more time to prepare... Genbu: Bah! Worrying over my mistake will avail us nothing. Only the strength of the Four Lords united will see us through this crisis. Only together can we hope to renew the wards and keep Koryu in his prison! Genbu: It falls to you, [Forename], to quell the aramitama of our comrade Seiryu. Will you do this for us, brave warrior? Genbu: I doubted not that you would agree, but am nevertheless relieved. Genbu: The last of our quartet is perhaps the most formidable among us, for in battle he commands a great host of shiki. You will see this yourself soon enough, but for now we must wait patiently...
???: Nay, Genbu. You need wait no longer.
Genbu: You are come sooner than expected, comrade. I trust our messenger informed you of the dire circumstances. Genbu: Then you know what must be done. This warrior, [Forename], will face you in battle, as he did Suzaku and Byakko before you.
Seiryu: ...Very well. But not here, for this is a temple, not a battlefield. Seiryu: To the east of Hingashi is an island I have claimed as my own. There we may wreak havoc to our hearts' content. 'Tis far from this place, but a warrior such as you would not balk at a lengthy swim, I trust.
Genbu: Perhaps not, but it would needlessly tire [her/him] before the trial. I will use my command of the flowing waters to speed [her/his] way.
Seiryu: If it means I am spared the burden of looking after him, then I am all for it. We shall gather at the Isle of Bekko first, and from there begin our journey.
Genbu: Urchin! While I am away, I leave you in charge!
Tataru: Yes sir, tiny turtle, sir! I'll keep a close eye on the others while they work their magicks or whatever it is they're doing!
Tataru:Don't you worry! This urchin has everything under control!
Genbu: This seems a secluded enough place for us to speak. Excellent.
Speaking with Seiryu in the Ruby Sea (Cutscene)
Seiryu: ...Hmm. [Forename], was it? Seiryu: I see why Genbu favors you. You are...not unlike him. That much is plain. Seiryu: Tenzen too was possessed of a quiet confidence─a well-deserved one at that. When he met his foes in battle, blade in hand, he was...magnificent...
Genbu: As well you should know, having been bested by him in single combat. Which was why you chose to join us, was it not?
Seiryu: Aye. I vowed to surpass him, and from that day forward trained tirelessly to hone my skills that I might claim victory in a rematch, only to be forever denied the chance when Koryu struck him down. Seiryu: By the time I had become a full-fledged auspice worthy of the Four Lords, there was no one left to fight. My vow was broken; my purpose lost.
Genbu: Seiryu...
Seiryu: But the whispers within told me of another. They promised me redemption─vengeance!─by destroying the fiend that robbed us all of Tenzen long ago.
Genbu: ...Whispers? Brother, no! You mustn't!
Seiryu: "The strength to lay Koryu low can be yours if you but give voice to me. If you but let me lead the way.“ And so I have, Brother. I have embraced the aramitama!
Genbu: Folly. All know not to trust its honeyed words and false promises. And yet you would surrender to it, body and soul, perchance forevermore? Genbu: Turn back, Brother, I beg of you! Before it is too late and you fall to the primal rage and become a broken shell! Like Koryu!
Seiryu: Think you I know not what is at stake!? If I must become a demon to slay another, then I do so gladly! My vow demands it! Seiryu: Only by embracing the aramitama will we ever rid ourselves of Koryu. This I know. You will not sway me from this path, warrior.
< What will you say? > < I will quell your aramitama, one way or another. > < ... >
(Both) Seiryu: I see you too are committed to your course. Hardly surprising, given that you fought Byakko and Suzaku. Seiryu: Then we shall forgo further debate, and let the battle determine who is right...and who is dead.
Genbu: This is indeed a troubling development. In embracing the aramitama, the shiki he commands may pose a far greater threat... Genbu: Nevertheless, our purpose is unchanged. You must show him the error of his ways, [Forename], and save him from his primal rage!
(Optional) Genbu: Whenever you are ready, I will deliver you and your fellow adventurers to Seiryu's lair. You did remember to gather your fellow adventurers, did you not?
Confronting Seiryu in the Wreath of Snakes
Seiryu: Prove me wrong, mortals! Make me submit—or die for your insolence!
Seiryu: If I must forsake myself to keep mine oath, then so be it! Seiryu: Beg not for mercy! Seiryu: You've nowhere to run! Seiryu: Tremble before true power! Seiryu: Impudent mortals! Seiryu: Grant me the strength to smite mine enemies! Seiryu: Bah! Stubborn fools! This is far from over! Seiryu: Flesh of my flesh, show them their folly! Seiryu: None can match my might!
Yama-no-shiki: RISE WE, THE LAND, THE LAND! Yama-no-shiki: FALL YOU, CRUSH YOU, OUR DUTY! Yama-no-shiki: THE LAND, THE LAND, THE LAND...
Seiryu: You've nowhere to run! Seiryu: How it burns! Seiryu: No, I will not lose! I cannot! Seiryu: You've nowhere to run! Seiryu: More! I must have more! O aramitama!
Seiryu: No, I will not lose! I cannot!
Yama-no-shiki: THE LAND, THE LAND, THE LAND...
(Optional) Seiryu: Only once before have I bowed my head low...
Speaking with Seiryu (Cutscene)
Seiryu: You are every bit Tenzen's successor, warrior, for you are but the second child of man to have bested me in battle... Seiryu: Once, I would have never thought it possible. When I was no more than a mere serpent blessed with the good fortune to be born on an island where the people held us in the highest. To them, I was as kami, and I was foolish enough to share in their belief. Seiryu: But when I had lived some few centuries, and first began to manifest true powers, my worshipers came to view me in a different light... Seiryu: When they were visited by calamity, they mistook me as the cause. And so, in place of traditional offerings, they brought me the flesh of their flesh. Seiryu: Though I had no hand in it, their fortunes improved. To them, the answer was clear: only greater sacrifice would satisfy the guardian serpent. Little did they know I had spared the maiden and spirited her away to another land, in secret, as I would the others that would follow... Seiryu: Nevertheless, the belief lingered...and soon the guardian serpent came to be regarded as a malevolent demon, and my worshipers became my decriers. Seiryu: They tempted sellswords with koban to come and slay me, the poor fools. So began my days as a hunted kami. Seiryu: I dispatched them every time, though I took little joy in it. And then, one day, a man unlike all the others appeared before me. A samurai in the company of beasts. Seiryu: Tenzen and I fought. He won. The fallen kami had at last been bested by a fortune-seeking hunter. I could not help but chuckle as I closed my eyes and awaited the inevitable blow... Seiryu: "Join me. Let us begin anew.“ Saying this, he extended his hand to me. Seiryu: All that I was, all that I had ever been was no more. I had nothing...yet not only did he see fit to spare me, but offer me a new home. Seiryu: But even a fallen kami has his pride, and I could not readily accept such kindness, even if I yearned for it. Seeing this, Tenzen laughed... Seiryu: "Then earn it by growing stronger and in turn using that strength to help others, as you have been helped. Become more than you are─and more than me.“ Seiryu: Thus did I vow to devote myself to becoming an auspice worthy of man's worship and admiration. To become a magnificent dragon that would safeguard his chosen. Seiryu: Strange...my recollection now is not as it was before. Details once indistinct are now vivid and clear. Perhaps the aramitama clouded my judgment... Seiryu: Thank you, [Forename]. Had you not helped me to remember my vow, I might have lost the chance to honor Tenzen's memory forever. Seiryu: Wait─where is Genbu? Has he returned to the temple without us? This bodes ill.