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==[[File:Sidequest.png|30px|link=|Side Quest]] Cut from a Different Cloth==
==[[File:Sidequest.png|30px|link=|Side Quest]] Cut from a Different Cloth==
{| style="text-align:left; border: 1px solid #4B0082; width:100%; background-color:#FFFFF0; cellpadding:1em; padding-top:0.5em; padding-right:0.5em; padding-left:0.5em; padding-bottom:0.5em;"
| bgcolor="#D8BFD8" width="120px"| Starting NPC:
| bgcolor="#f5ffff"| [[Angelet]]
| bgcolor="#D8BFD8" width="120px"|Starting Location:
| bgcolor="#f5ffff"| [[Idyllshire]] (x7.9,y5.8)

==[[File:Sidequest.png|30px|link=|Side Quest]] Seeking Inspiration==
==[[File:Sidequest.png|30px|link=|Side Quest]] Seeking Inspiration==

Revision as of 22:28, 18 January 2017

(Lv. 50) Zodiac Weapons: Base (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zenith (Feature Quest icon.png) → Atma (Feature Quest icon.png) → Animus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Novus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Nexus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zodiac (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zeta (Feature Quest icon.png)
(Lv. 60) Anima Weapons: HW.png Animated (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Awoken (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Anima (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Hyperconductive (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Reconditioned (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Sharpened (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Complete (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lux (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 70) Eurekan Weapons: SB.png AntiquatedBase (Otherquest.png) → Base +1Base +2AnemosPagos (Otherquest.png) → Pagos +1ElementalElemental +1 (Otherquest.png) → Elemental +2PyrosHydatos (Otherquest.png) → Hydatos +1Base EurekaEurekaPhyseos (Otherquest.png)
(Lv. 80) Resistance Weapons: SHB.png Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Recollection (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Blade's (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Manderville Weapons: EW.png Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Amazing Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Majestic Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Mandervillous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Phantom Weapons: DT.png

(Lv. 70) Eurekan Armor: SB.png Antiquated ArtifactBase RelicBase +1Base +2AnemosElementalElemental +1Elemental +2
(Lv. 80) Resistance Armor: SHB.png ResistanceAugmented ResistanceLaw's OrderAugmented Law's OrderBlade's

(Lv. 50) Mastercraft Tools: Mastercraft (Feature Quest icon.png) → Supra ToolsLucis Tools
(Lv. 80) Skysteel Tools: SHB.png Skysteel (Feature Quest icon.png) → Skysteel +1 (Feature Quest icon.png) → Dragonsung (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skysung (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skybuilders' (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Splendorous Tools: EW.png Splendorous (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented Splendorous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Chora-Zoi's Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Brilliant (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Vrandtic Visionary's (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lodestar (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Cosmic Tools: DT.png

Reconditioned Anima
iLvl 230
Reconditioned Anima Weapons
Item Level 260 Patch 3.45
Notable NPCs Ardashir - Alpha Quadrant, Azys Lla (x7,y11)
Reward Sharpened Sword of the Twin Thegns Sharpened Shield of the Twin Thegns Sharpened Sultan's Fists Sharpened Axe of the Blood Emperor Sharpened Trident of the Overlord Sharpened Bow of the Autarch Sharpened Rod of the Black Khan Sharpened Book of the Mad Queen Sharpened Word of the Magnate Sharpened Cane of the White Tsar Sharpened Spurs of the Thorn Prince Sharpened Guillotine of the Tyrant Sharpened Sphere of the Last Heir Sharpened Flame of the Dynast


Before begin to create your Sharpened Anima Weapon, you must:

Side Quest Future Proof

Starting NPC: Ardashir
Starting Location: Helix, Azys Lla (x7.4,y11.5)

Side Quest Cut from a Different Cloth

Starting NPC: Angelet
Starting Location: Idyllshire (x7.9,y5.8)

Side Quest Seeking Inspiration

Reallocate Stats