Difference between revisions of "Level 60 Gear Progression"

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==Disciple of Hand==
===Discple of Hand===
===Main hand/Off hand===
====Main hand/Off hand====
150                  crafted gear from mastery 3 tomes/purchasable in Azys lla
150                  crafted gear from mastery 3 tomes/purchasable in Azys lla
170  master crafter set    crafted from mastery 3 tomes (Two star crafting)
170  master crafter set    crafted from mastery 3 tomes (Two star crafting)
180  Keep crafter set        purchasable with blue scrips and crafting counterfoils in idylshire
180  Keep crafter set        purchasable with blue scrips and crafting counterfoils in idylshire
195  eikon crafter set      crafted from mastery 4 tomes (Three star crafting)
195  eikon crafter set      crafted from mastery 4 tomes (Three star crafting)
200 augumented keep crafter set  ugraded keep gear using goblin cups in idylshire
200 Augumented keep crafter set  ugraded keep gear using goblin cups in idylshire


150 chimerical crafting set  crafted from mastery 3 tomes
150 chimerical crafting set  crafted from mastery 3 tomes
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200 augumented keep crafter set ugraded keep gear using goblin cups in idylshire
200 augumented keep crafter set ugraded keep gear using goblin cups in idylshire

===Disciple of Land===
==Disciple of Land==
====Main hand / Off hand====
===Main hand / Off hand===
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Revision as of 00:59, 16 March 2017

See also: Content Unlock

Updated up to patch 3.55



Gearset iLvl Obtained
Crafted (Lv 60) 150 Unlocked with Crafting Mastery 3 tomes
Baldur Weapons 160 Drops in Neverreap and The Fractal Continuum
Doman Arms 170 140 x Centurio Seals - Yolaine (Foundation 13-11)
Animus (Tier 1) Obtained from quest Soul Without Life
Expanse Weapons 175 Drops in Bismarck (Extreme)
Doman Arms (Upgraded) 180 Doman Whetstone (60 x Centurio Seals) - Seika (Idyllshire 6-7)
PVP (i180) 2,750 x Wolf Marks - Storm Private (Wolves' Den Pier 6-6)
Endless Expanse Weapons Unlocked with Crafting Mastery 4 tomes
Hive Weapons 190 Drops in Ravana (Extreme)
Artifact Weapons (Antiquated) 200 140 x Centurio Seals - Yolaine (Foundation 13-11)
Animus (Tier 2) Obtained from quest Toughening Up
PVP (i205) 205 12,375 x Wolf Marks - Storm Sergeant (Wolves' Den Pier 6-6)
Arms of the Heavens Drops in Thordan (Extreme)
Gordian Arms 210 Drops in A4 (Savage)
Artifact Weapons (Repaired) Illuminati Gobdip (1x Mhachi Farthing -or- 4x Gordian Manifesto - Page 4) - Seika (Idyllshire 6-7)
Animus (Tier 3) Obtained from quest Coming into Its Own
Arms of the Sephirot 220 Drops in Sephirot (Extreme)
Eikon Arms 230 10x Rowena's Token (Lore) + 1x High-capacity Tomestone - Bertana (Idyllshire 6-5)
Animus (Tier 4) Obtained from quest Finding Your Voice
Horde Arms 235 Drops in Nidhogg (Extreme)
Padjali Arms Obtained from turning in +30 Aetherpool Gear (Palace of the Dead) - E-Una-Kotor (South Shroud 25-20)
Augmented Eikon Arms 240 Illuminati Deep Gobdip (Drops in A7 (Savage)) - Seika (Idyllshire 6-7)
Animus (Tier 5) Obtained from quest A Dream Fulfilled
Midan Weapons 245 Drops in A8 (Savage)
Heavy Metal / Teak / Hemiskin Weapons 250 Crafted by Blacksmith, Carpenter, Alchemist Level 60****
Sophic Weapons 255 Drops in Sophia (Extreme)
Kinna Weapons From Palace of the Dead
Shire Weapons 260 10x Rowena's Token (Scripture) + 1x Micro Tomestone - Bertana (Idyllshire 6-5)
Sharpened Anima Weapons Sharpened Anima Weapons/Quest
Zurvanite Weapons 265 Dropped in Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme) or trade 10 Demon Totems to Bertana in Idyllshire.
Augmented Shire Weapons 270 Exchanged 1 Shire Weapon and 1 Illuminati Deepest Gobdip at Seika in Idyllshire (x6.7,y7.3)
Complete Anima Weapons Complete Anima Weapons/Quest
Alexandrian Weapons 275 Dropped in Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage) / A12S
Lux Anima Weapons Lux Anima Weapons/Quest
Coven Weapons 280 The Diadem


iLvl Acquired By
160 Dropped in Neverreap and The Fractal Continuum
170 Purchased from Yolaine in Foundation (x13,y11) for Centurio Seals
180 PvP Armor purchased from Storm Sergeant for Wolf Marks
Deepmist set dropped in The Diadem (has random stats)
185 Dropped in Saint Mocianne's Arboretum and Pharos Sirius (Hard)
190 Exchange tokens obtained in Alexander: Gordias at Sabina in Idyllshire (x5,y5)
195 Dropped in The Antitower and The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard)
200 Purchased from Yolaine in Foundation (x13,y11) for Centurio Seals
Dropped in Void Ark
210 Upgraded from i200 armor by bringing Illuminati Gobtwine to Seika in Idyllshire (x6,y7). (Received in return for Mhachi Farthing from Void Ark)
Mistbreak set dropped in The Diadem (has random stats)
215 Dropped from Sohr Khai and Hullbreaker Isle (Hard)
220 Exchange tokens obtained in Alexander: Midas at Sabina in Idyllshire (x5,y5)
Crafted Eikon set
225 Valkyrie Armor - Dropped in Xelphatol and The Great Gubal Library (Hard)
230 Purchased from Hismena in Idyllshire (x5,y5) with Allagan Tomestone of Lore
Dropped from The Weeping City of Mhach
235 Sunstreak Armor -
240 Upgraded from i230 armor by bringing Illuminati Taut Gobtwine to Seika in Idyllshire (x6,y7)
Dropped in Alexander: Midas (Savage)
250 Prototype Alexandrian Armor - Exchange tokens dropped from Alexander: The Creator to Sabina in Idyllshire (x5,y5).
Heavy Metal / Star Velvet Armor - Crafted by Armorer / Weaver Level 60****
Star Velvet / Ornate / Filibuster Armor - Wondrous Tails
255 Sky Rat Harness Armor - crafted by Leatherworker Level 60****
260 Shire Armor - Allagan Tomestone of Scripture
Diabolic Armor - Dun Scaith
265 Sunburst Armor - The Diadem
270 Alexandrian Armor - Drops in Alexander (Savage)
Augmented Shire Armor - Exchange Shire Armor and Illuminati Tautest Gobtwine at Seika in Idyllshire (x6.7,y7.3).


iLvl Acquired By
160 Dropped in Neverreap and The Fractal Continuum
170 Purchased from Yolaine in Foundation (x13,y11) for Centurio Seals
180 PvP Accessories purchased from Storm Sergeant for Wolf Marks
Deepmist set dropped in The Diadem (has random stats)
185 Dropped in Saint Mocianne's Arboretum and Pharos Sirius (Hard)
190 Exchange tokens obtained in Alexander: Gordias at Sabina in Idyllshire (x5,y5)
200 55 x Centurio Seals - Yolaine (Foundation 13-11)
210 Upgraded from i200 accessory by bringing Illuminati Gobcoat to Seika in Idyllshire (x6,y7)
Dropped in Alexander: Gordias (Savage)
Mistbreak set dropped in The Diadem (has random stats)
215 Dropped from Sohr Khai and Hullbreaker Isle (Hard)
220 Exchange tokens obtained in Alexander: Midas at Sabina in Idyllshire (x5,y5)
Crafted Eikon set
225 Valkyrie Accessories - Dropped in Xelphatol and The Great Gubal Library (Hard)
230 Purchased from Hismena in Idyllshire (x5,y5) with Allagan Tomestone of Lore
235 Sunstreak Accessories -
240 Upgraded from i230 accessories by bringing Illuminati Dark Gobcoat to Seika in Idyllshire (x6,y7)
Dropped in Alexander: Midas (Savage)
250 Prototype Alexandrian Accessories - Exchange tokens obtained in Alexander: The Creator at Sabina in Idyllshire (x5,y5)
Teak Accessories Crafted by Carpenter Level 60****
Filibuster Accessories - Wondrous Tails
260 Shire Accessories - Purchased from Hismena in Idyllshire (x5,y5) with Allagan Tomestone of Scripture
265 Sunburst Accessories - The Diadem
270 Alexandrian Accessories - Drops in Alexander (Savage)
Augmented Shire Accessories - Exchange Shire Armor and Illuminati Darkest Gobcoat at Seika in Idyllshire (x6.7,y7.3).

Disciple of Hand

Main hand/Off hand

150 crafted gear from mastery 3 tomes/purchasable in Azys lla 170 master crafter set crafted from mastery 3 tomes (Two star crafting) 180 Keep crafter set purchasable with blue scrips and crafting counterfoils in idylshire 195 eikon crafter set crafted from mastery 4 tomes (Three star crafting) 200 Augumented keep crafter set ugraded keep gear using goblin cups in idylshire


150 chimerical crafting set crafted from mastery 3 tomes 170 carbonweave crafting set crafted from mastery 3 tomes (two star crafting) 170 master crafter set crafted from mastery 3 tomes (two star crafting) 180 keep crafter purchasable with blue scrips and crafting counterfoils in idylshire 190 ironworks crafter set crafted from mastery 4 tomes (three star crafting) 200 augumented keep crafter set ugraded keep gear using goblin cups in idylshire

Disciple of Land

Main hand / Off hand

Gearset iLvl Obtained


Gearset iLvl Obtained
Dhalmelskin Gathering Set 100 Bought
Trailblazer's 130 Crafted
Serpentskin Gathering Set 150 Crafted
Carbonweave Gathering Set 170 Crafted
Fieldkeep Set 180 Botany - Bought with Scripts
Tacklekeep Set Fishing - Bought with Scripts
Minekeep Set Mining - Bought with Scripts
Ironworks Gathering Set 190 Crafted
Augmented Fieldkeep Set 200 Botany - Bought with Scripts
Augmented Tacklekeep Set Fishing - Bought with Scripts
Augmented Minekeep Set Mining - Bought with Scripts
