┣┨̈//̈ No┨ΦounΔ•••
┣┨̈//̈ No┨ΦounΔ•••
- Quest giver
- G'raha Tia
- Location
- Ultima Thule (X:32.3, Y:27.5)
- Quest line
- Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 90
- Gil
- Previous quest
Vic┨οry ̈ ̈ ̈╳, │̆││ε Lost
- Next quest
Hello, World
- Patch
- 6.0
“G'raha Tia is ready to set forth.
— In-game description
- Speak with G'raha Tia.
- Examine the console.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Observe activity at Base Omicron.
- Speak with G'raha Tia.
- Search for the errant Omicron.
G'raha Tia:
- So, the console we seek lies on the far side of this isle.
- Given the nature of the ground, the route may not be entirely direct as it seems.
- Let us all watch our step as we make our way.
- This appears to be the console.
G'raha Tia:
- But it seems...unresponsive.
- Would you care to take a look at it?
- No luck, I see.
- But there must be a way to activate it. There must...
- Well, I'm out of ideas...
- As am I. Operating such consoles is trying enough, but if we can't even activate it...
G'raha Tia:
- Perhaps there is a way.
- First, consider the world that has been recreated here.
- Its inhabitants were machines who gathered combat data to enhance themselves. And among the many wars they waged, the most notable was that against the dragons.
- As you've doubtless surmised, I believe this was the home world of Omega.
If you have not done Omega, you get this script fork:
- Aye, I speak of the ancient weapon. The one which the Alliance unleashed upon Shinryu.
- I will spare you the long story, but according to the records I read in the future, it possessed a single weakness: lightning.
If you have done Omega, you get this script fork:
- Cid built a jamming device to defeat it. A device which generated massive bursts of lightning, its sole weakness.
Script forks converge:
- That's all well and good, but what does that─ ...Wait, you're not thinking to strike the console with lightning, are you?
G'raha Tia:
- As a matter of fact, I am. Ask yourselves this: why would an entity as puissant as Omega not be designed to suppress the effects of lightning?
- Because it relies upon it─or something akin to it─as a source of energy.
G'raha Tia:
- My thoughts exactly. And there is a good chance the same is true of the Omicrons and their devices.
- So, shall I cast caution to the wind and try something reckless and dramatic?
If you have done Omega, you'll get the following two lines:
- You still have it!? Cid and Nero's legendary device, which brought low the superweapon Omega!?
- Wait... The actual device was much too big to lug around, so you must have only the control module. And there I was getting all excited...
- Never mind. An old-fashioned spell will suffice.
G'raha Tia casts Thunder regardless, and the script forks converge once more:
- It...it worked!
- Opening connection to Communications Module I... Connection established.
- Transmission: strategic Matrix Stigma-1 now online. As the primary strategic matrix, you may address me as “Sir.”
- Checking for new communications... None found. All units, please maintain current state.
- End transmission. Closing connection...
G'raha Tia:
- Wait! We have questions for you!
- Of late, no mission orders have been issued. Why not? Has there been some manner of trouble?
- Reply: the extended operations unit has yet to determine guidelines for future assignments.
- All strategies are calculated, devised, and actioned in accordance with said guidelines.
- In the interim, all citizens are directed to maintain a state of combat readiness. End reply. Awaiting query.
- Can you tell us why the extended operations unit hasn't yet determined the guidelines?
- Unable to comply. Information unavailable or access restricted.
- In that case, is it possible for us to communicate directly with the unit?
- ...Access denied. Unable to establish connection.
- Is there anything you can tell us? Have there been any abnormalities, like a threat to the star or widespread unrest?
- Reply: negative. All citizens continue to operate at maximum efficiency.
- If your operations are suboptimal, please proceed to a maintenance facility for evaluation. Otherwise, standby at your designated post. End reply.
- End transmission. Closing connection...
G'raha Tia:
- I could activate it again, but I doubt it would be productive. What do you think?
- If all the Omicrons really were running as efficiently as it claimed, then I doubt they were hoping for life here to end.
- As this Sir told us, there just haven't been any new instructions, and everyone is standing by.
- Should be standing by, at any rate. If there are those that are neglecting their duties, perhaps we can glean a clue from them.
- I propose we take another look around, and also try to find the operations unit.
- Let us focus our search on the outpost.
- Alisaie and I will try speaking with the Omicrons this time, in the hopes we might learn something new.
- Meanwhile, perhaps you and G'raha could observe them from a distance.
- These beings are systematic and routine by nature. If there are any that aren't, it shouldn't be too difficult to spot them.
- If there are no questions, then let us begin at once!
G'raha Tia:
- As we came this way, I believe I spied a promising vantage point. Follow me.
- An Omicron wandering aimlessly? Where!?
- Aha, I see it!
- It's left the base. Let's follow it!
- It's not here, but it definitely came this way. It must have used the portal.
- Time to go through and see what we find...
- Bzzzt... What is your query?
G'raha Tia:
- Ah, you found it!
- What are you doing here?
- ...I am looking at the tree.
G'raha Tia:
- Quite an unusual specimen... What is the device attached to it?
- The tree is a sample collected from another star. As it cannot survive in our environment, however, it requires life support. That is the function of the device.
G'raha Tia:
- To go to such lengths to sustain it... Is there something special about this tree?
- Being foreign matter, protocol requires that we study it. As this task has been completed, the specimen may be discarded.
- However, when I behold the tree, I am made to feel as though...there is a problem.
- In order to become strong, we have continued to enhance ourselves. Like we did countless others, we conquered the star whence this tree came.
- It is the last remnant of a dead world, and there is nothing towards which it may aspire. Yet it grows. Extends its branches. Sprouts leaves. Produces seeds.
- Why does it seek to continue?
- Why was it made to behave in such a way, and to what end? I do not understand.
G'raha Tia:
- ...I see. Out of curiosity, does this pertain to your duty?
- ...No, it does not. My apologies, I shall return to my designated post and assume a state of combat readiness.
G'raha Tia:
- So, it was acting outside of orders...
- Perhaps it is simply a malfunctioning Omicron. These are by no means uncommon.
- But it may also be a unit possessed of the ability to make decisions. One not unlike Sir...
- I believe this bears further investigation.
- To endeavor to live even if we must depend on forces beyond our control...
- Tell me, Player. One day, when this adventure becomes a part of your epic, do you think I will be mentioned in it?
- You truly think so? That would be a...
- Nay, I shouldn't say such things until the moment comes to pass. Never mind the embarrassment...
- ...Well, we had best get on with our task.
- Tracking down Sir, and understanding the nature of the emotion which bars our way!