The Hunt

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General Information

Example of a daily Mark Bill.
Garlock, an S Ranked Mark.
The Maelstrom Tank Gear Reward
The Immortal Flames Caster Gear Reward
See also: Clan Hunt, Nutsy Clan Hunt and Guildship Hunt

The Hunt is an initiative established by the Eorzean Alliance, offering a bounty to adventurers who aid in quelling the threat posed by notably dangerous monsters that prowl the lands of Eorzea. Players can kill Elite Marks all over Eorzea and receive various rewards or participate in Mark Bills and kill specific regular monsters. The Hunt was first introduced in patch 2.3.


The Hunt (A Realm Reborn)

To retrieve mark bills from the Hunt board, players must first reach rank Second Lieutenant in their Grand Company and complete one of the following quests:

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks
Let the Hunt Begin (Maelstrom) Feature quest 50 Trachraet The Hunt
Let the Hunt Begin (Twin Adder) Feature quest 50 Scarlet The Hunt
Let the Hunt Begin (Immortal Flames) Feature quest 50 Mimio Mio The Hunt

Clan Hunt (Heavensward)

To unlock all the clan hunt bills in Foundation you must complete the following quests.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks
Let the Clan Hunt Begin Feature quest 53 Aytienne Clan Hunt
Better Bill Hunting Feature quest 56 Eustacia Level 2 Clan marks
Top Marks Feature quest 59 Yloise Level 3 Clan marks
Elite and Dangerous Feature quest 60 Ardolain Heavensward Elite Marks

Veteran Clan Hunt (Stormblood)

Unlocked with the following quests in Kugane starting at level 61. Cannot be started until Elite and Dangerous is completed.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks
One-star Veteran Clan Hunt Feature quest 61 Estrild Veteran Clan Hunt
Two-star Veteran Clan Hunt Feature quest 63 Estrild Two-star Veteran Clan mark bills
Three-star Veteran Clan Hunt Feature quest 66 Estrild Three-star Veteran Clan mark bills
Elite Veteran Clan Hunt Feature quest 70 Estrild Stormblood Elite Marks

Nutsy Clan Hunt (Shadowbringers)

All previous hunt boards must be unlocked. Cannot be started until Elite and Dangerous is completed.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks
Nuts to You Feature quest 70 Hume Lout Nutsy Clan Hunt
Two Nuts Too Nutty Feature quest 73 Halldor Two-nut Clan mark bills
How Do You Like Three Nuts Feature quest 76 Halldor Three-nut Clan mark bills
Too Many Nutters Feature quest 80 Halldor Shadowbringers Elite Marks

Guildship Hunt (Endwalker)

All previous hunt boards must be unlocked. Cannot be started until Elite and Dangerous is completed.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks
The Hunt for Specimens Feature quest 80 Diminutive Gleaner Guildship Hunt
That Specimen Came from the Moon Feature quest 83 Northota Associate guildship mark bills
A Hunt for the Ages Feature quest 89 Northota Senior guildship mark bills
Perfect Specimens Feature quest 90 Northota Endwalker Elite Marks

Mark Bills

Players will find a Hunt Board at each Grand Company headquarters, upon which Mark Bills have been posted listing bounties for various enemies. There are two types of mark bills: Regular Mark Bills, which are posted once per day, and Elite Mark Bills, which are posted once per week. These bills list the name and number of targets to be hunted, their location, and the reward being offered for their defeat.

  • The targets listed on regular and elite marked bills will differ from player to player.

Elite Mark Bills task the players to kill a Rank B Elite Mark. By killing the B mark, a player is awarded Gil 5,000 gil and Allied Seal 100 Allied Seals.

Regular and Elite Marks

See also: Elite Marks

While Regular Marks denote enemies commonly found in the wilds of Eorzea, Elite Marks denote powerful enemies that only appear under certain conditions. They are ranked according to the risk they pose: B Rank (lowest risk), A Rank, and S Rank (highest risk).

New marks are posted on the Hunt board at the following times:

  • Regular Mark Bills: Daily at 11:00 AM (EST) or 8:00 AM (PDT)
  • B Rank Elite Mark Bills: Weekly on Tuesday at 4:00 AM (EST) or 1:00 AM (PDT)
  • A Rank and S Rank: None (Kill on sight)

Clan Marks & Veteran Clan Marks

Nutsy Clan Marks

Nutsy Clan Hunt is the new Mark Bills system introduced in Shadowbringers (5.0). Players can receive Nutsy Clan Mark Bills from the Clan Hunt Board in The Crystarium (x9.5,y9.4) or in Eulmore, The Understory. These Marks are divided into 4 types: One-nut, Two-nut, Three-nut, and Elite (B-rank). They task the players to hunt down various enemies in Shadowbringers areas. Players are awarded with Sack of Nuts Sacks of Nuts, Gil gil, and Experience EXP by completing them. The One-nut, Two-nut and Three-nut marks refresh daily, while the Elite (B-rank) mark bill is once per week.

Guildship Marks

Guildship Hunt is the new Mark Bills system introduced in Endwalker (6.0). Players can receive Guildship Mark Bills from the Clan Hunt Board in Old Sharlayan (x11.8,y13.2) or in Radz-at-Han (x10.5,y7.3). These Marks are divided into 4 types: Junior, Associate, Senior, and Elite (B-rank). They task the players to hunt down various enemies in Endwalker areas. Players are awarded with Sack of Nuts Sacks of Nuts, Gil gil, and Experience EXP by completing them. The Junior, Associate and Senior marks refresh daily, while the Elite (B-rank) mark bill is once per week.

Mark Identification


Respawn Time ARR # Per Map HW+ # Per Map
5 Seconds 1 2

B-Ranks offer no direct reward. Players can hunt them for the Weekly Elite Mark Bill, which will reward 100 Allied Seals and 5,000 gil. B-Ranks have a blue symbol next to their name to identify them.


Respawn Time ARR Respawn Time HW+ ARR # Per Map HW+ # Per Map
3.5 - 4.5 Hours 4 - 6 Hours 1 2

A-Ranks offer rewards to players if they have completed the appropriate side quests to unlock the hunt. They do not reward experience. The respawn time will start when the hunt is killed. A-Ranks have a red triangle next to their name to identify them.


Respawn Time ARR # Per Map HW+ # Per Map
Varies 1 1

S Ranks require specific conditions to occur to spawn. To view a list of conditions check the Elite Marks page. S-Ranks can be identified by the same red mark as A-ranks and a message in chat that says You sense the presence of a powerful mark....

When an S-Rank is killed in ShadowBringers it has the potential to spawn an SS-Rank


SS-Ranks have the same symbol as S-Rank as well as You sense the presence of a powerful mark... in the chat, but are only spawned after an S-Rank in Shadow Bringers expansion is killed. There is an RNG chance when a Shadow Bringers S-Rank is killed that it will spawn minions. These will appear in 4 corners of the map the S-Rank died in: North-East, North-West, South-East, South-West. If the minions are all killed within 5 minutes, an SS-rank will spawn, which offers more rewards than an S-Rank

Spawn Points

There are a limited number of spawn points a Hunt Mark can spawn on a map. A spawn point cannot be shared between marks. The spawn point of a mark is pre-selected on death of the mark. Therefore, even if a specific rank is down, another mark will not be able to spawn in the selected spot. IE: If an S-Rank is not currently alive, a B-rank will not be able to select it's pre-selected spawn point to spawn in.


Receiving Rewards

Hunt mark rewards are based on Enmity of the player, not damage dealt. To receive rewards players must complete the quests for Let the Hunt Begin (Allied Seals), Let the Clan Hunt Begin (Centurio Seals), and Nuts to You (Sacks of Nuts).

A Realm Reborn

Both regular and elite bills list a bounty for their indicated marks. This bounty will be paid in full once the marks have been slain.

B Rank A Rank S Rank
Allied Seals * 40 100
Centurio Seals * 20 50
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics * 30 100
Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism * 10 30


B Rank A Rank S Rank
Centurio Seals * 40 100
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics * 30 100
Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism * 10 30


B Rank A Rank S Rank
Centurio Seals * 40 100
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics * 30 100
Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism * 10 30


B Rank A Rank S Rank SS Rank
Sack of Nuts * 40 100 400
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics * 30 100 200
Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism * 10 30 50


B Rank A Rank S Rank SS Rank
Sack of Nuts * 40 100 400
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics * 30 100 200
Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism * 20 80 100
Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy * 10 30 50

Orchestrion Rolls

See also: Orchestrion Rolls
Location Possible Orchestrion Roll Drop
Faded copy of against the wind icon1.png  Faded Copy of Against the Wind Coerthas Western Highlands
Faded copy of landlords icon1.png  Faded Copy of Landlords The Churning Mists
Faded copy of missing pages icon1.png  Faded Copy of Missing Pages The Dravanian Hinterlands


Most datacenters maintain a Discord server for coordinating and announcing what the players call "Hunt trains" as well as relaying S-rank sightings. During a train, players will party up (usually via Party Finder) and teleport from zone to zone killing all of the A-rank marks in a given expansion in rapid succession. This will earn 120/240 of the current Allagan Tomestones, Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 360 Poetics, and 480 of that expansion's hunt currency... if all twelve marks are available.


Centurio Hunts (FFXIV)

North America

