The Hunt for Specimens
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The Hunt for Specimens
- Quest giver
- Diminutive Gleaner
- Location
- Old Sharlayan (X:11.2, Y:12.0)
- Level
- 80
- Required quest
Old Sharlayan, New to You
Elite and Dangerous
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Too Many Nutters
- Next quest
That Specimen Came from the Moon
- Patch
- 6.0
“The diminutive gleaner is on the lookout for an able-bodied adventurer.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
Junior/Associate/Senior Guildship Marks can be done daily, and reward 1,000−1,500 Gil,
3−15 Sack of Nuts, and up to
216,810 Experience Points.
- Speak with Northota.
- The diminutive gleaner is on the lookout for an able-bodied adventurer.
Diminutive Gleaner: ...Do my eyes deceive me, or are you Forename Surname? Diminutive Gleaner: Well, as I live and breathe, it is you. Ha! I knew I'd be the first to track you down. Who's the guildship's top hunter now, eh!? Diminutive Gleaner: Wait─you have heard of guildship hunts, yes? They are not so different from the hunts you're familiar with in Eorzea, as I understand it. I'd wager they're rather more challenging, but an adventurer of your caliber would never turn down a challenge, would you? Diminutive Gleaner: No, no you would not! Pray speak with Northota at the peristyle to register your interest at your earliest convenience.
Northota: Aye, I'm Northota. Have you come to place a bounty on an unruly beast? Northota: By the Scholar! You're Forename? I was half-convinced I'd set the others an impossible task, asking them to find you. Northota: The gleaners' guildship has begun posting hunt bills, you see, in the hopes that capable individuals will take up arms to lighten our ever-increasing load... Northota: Unfortunately, “capable individuals” remain the sticking point. Few hailing from our fair polis are willing to take up arms─let alone able to stand against the more fearsome specimens. Northota: You, however, have the experience and the grit that we need. When I heard that you had arrived on our shores, it was music to my ears! Northota: You needn't work for free, of course─we've done our research, and the rewards we offer are as fine as any you'll find abroad. The currency we employ is a relic of times when “gleaner” was a great deal less figurative, so you may find it somewhat...eccentric, but it's as good as gil here! Northota: ...Speaking of eccentric, it should be noted that the majority of our clients are scholars. You probably won't have heard of half the creatures they send you after, but I find it's best not to worry about that overmuch. Northota: Slay beasts, collect samples─try not to think about the long-term effects of touching said samples─and get paid. Simple, no? Northota: That being said, I wouldn't dream of throwing you in the deep end just yet. Let's have you start off with some junior marks so you can get your feet wet.
System: You are now permitted to take bills for junior marks from guildship hunt boards in Old Sharlayan and Radz-at-Han. System: Defeat the monsters described on the bills and you will be rewarded with tokens that can be exchanged for exclusive items. System: To exchange tokens for exclusive items, speak with either J'lakshai in Old Sharlayan, or with Wilmetta in Radz-at-Han. System: New quests and associate marks will become available from Northota in Old Sharlayan upon reaching level 83.