Mt. Gulg
Mt. Gulg
- Level
- 79 (Sync: 80)
- Item Level
- 390 (Sync: 420)
- Difficulty
- Normal
- Party size
- Light Party
4 man • 11
- Unsyncing
- Allowed
- Time limit
- 90 minutes
- Duty Finder
- Dungeons (Shadowbringers)
- Roulette
- Leveling
- Req. quest
Extinguishing the Last Light
- Entrance
- Kholusia (X:18, Y:4.6)
- Modes
- Duty Support, Trust, Explorer
- Trust EXP
- 5,439,000 (below Lv. 80)
2,175,600 (above Lv. 81) - Patch
- 5.0
“Toppled from his seat of power, Vauthry, the final Lightwarden, has fled to Mt. Gulg, whose fiery summit now hangs in the firmament, beyond his enemies' reach. However, with the aid of the myriad peoples of Norvrandt, you succeed in building a gigantic Talos that rises to take the volcano in its grasp. Using the golem's rocky body as a bridge, you begin the arduous ascent to your quarry's newly built paradise, there to put an end to the tyranny of Light.
— In-game description
Mt. Gulg is a level 79 dungeon introduced in patch 5.0 with Shadowbringers.
- Arrive on the Perished Path.
- Clear the Perished Path.
- Arrive at the White Gate.
- Clear the White Gate.
- Arrive at the Winding Flare.
- Defeat the forgiven obscenity.
Forgiven Cruelty
- Rake: Tankbuster
- Lumen Infinitum: Frontal line AOE attach with no ground marker, move away from boss' face when he starts to cast
- Cyclone Wing: Room-wide AOE
- Typhoon Wing: Don't stand in front of green orbs around boss to avoid triangular AOE attack
- Typoon Wing: Further into the fight he will add aether current-looking AOE puddles as well as his orbs around him - dodge both to avoid damage
Forgiven Whimsy
- Sacrament of Penance: Room-wide AOE
- Catechism: Tankbuster
- Judgement Day: 2 meteor puddle - 1 person will be enough to soak damage
- Exegesis: The boss's face is a map of the platform, with the bottom corresponding to the front of the platform (toward the boss). Stand on a square without a face.
- Shiny Orbs: Occurs same time as Exegesis and spawns large donot AOEs on the ground - avoid both for no damage
Consort of Sin: Forgiven Obscenity
- Orison Fortissimo: Room-wide AOE
- Divine Diminuendo: Puddle AOE around boss, after 1st time, 2 more AOE rings around the boss will occur quickly and with little time to spare to dodge
- Conviction Marcato: Avoid the large yellow discs surrounding the boss as they will cast a line AOE from each
- Penance Pianissimo: Tightens the map into a circle
- Feather marionette: Makes 4 copies of herself around the room
All 4 copies and the boss will cast another Divine Diminuendo - one of the copies will have a ring around them head to this copy and stay close to avoid damage
The position of the copies and boss will then change and she will cast Conviction Marcato again - stay out of line AOEs from the copies and avoid her golden disc line AOEs too
- Solitaire Ring: Stand on the path of the last ring to spawn, wait for others to go off and then run out of the way of the last one to avoid
- Sacrament Sforzando: Tankbuster
Forgiven Cruelty
Forgiven Whimsy
Consort of Sin: Forgiven Obscenity
Treasure Coffers
Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 14.3 Y: 4.2)
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
The Forgiven's Sabatons of Fending | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Greaves of Maiming | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Caligae of Striking | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Caligae of Scouting | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Boots of Aiming | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Sandals of Casting | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Sandals of Healing | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Fending | Bracelets | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Slaying | Bracelets | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Aiming | Bracelets | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Casting | Bracelets | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Healing | Bracelets | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Ring of Fending | Ring | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Ring of Slaying | Ring | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Ring of Aiming | Ring | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Ring of Casting | Ring | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Ring of Healing | Ring | 418 | Green | 1 |
Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 11.2 Y: 7.2)
Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 10.2 Y: 10.9)
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
The Forgiven's Sabatons of Fending | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Greaves of Maiming | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Caligae of Striking | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Caligae of Scouting | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Boots of Aiming | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Sandals of Casting | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Sandals of Healing | Feet | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Fending | Bracelets | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Slaying | Bracelets | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Aiming | Bracelets | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Casting | Bracelets | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Healing | Bracelets | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Ring of Fending | Ring | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Ring of Slaying | Ring | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Ring of Aiming | Ring | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Ring of Casting | Ring | 418 | Green | 1 |
The Forgiven's Ring of Healing | Ring | 418 | Green | 1 |