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Forgiven Obscenity

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Forgiven Obscenity

Forgiven Obscenity.jpg

Consort of Sin
Female ♀
Sin Eater
Aggression level 6
Mt. Gulg

Of the myriad sin eaters Lord Vauthry kept at his beck and call, this was said to be among his favorites. In another life, she was rumored to be a songstress of the Beehive who would ultimately find a higher calling at his side. One can but imagine how it came to be known by such a sinful moniker.

Forgiven Obscenity Card description

Forgiven Obscenity is a boss in Mt. Gulg.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Paladins forgiven arms (il 418) icon1.png  Paladin's Forgiven Arms (IL 418) Other N/A BGreen 1
Labrys of the forgiven icon1.png  Labrys of the Forgiven Marauder's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Greatsword of the forgiven icon1.png  Greatsword of the Forgiven Dark Knight's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Manatrigger of the forgiven icon1.png  Manatrigger of the Forgiven Gunbreaker's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Trident of the forgiven icon1.png  Trident of the Forgiven Lancer's Arm 418 BGreen 1
War scythe of the forgiven icon1.png  War Scythe of the Forgiven Reaper's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Claws of the forgiven icon1.png  Claws of the Forgiven Pugilist's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Blade of the forgiven icon1.png  Blade of the Forgiven Samurai's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Daggers of the forgiven icon1.png  Daggers of the Forgiven Rogue's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Longbow of the forgiven icon1.png  Longbow of the Forgiven Archer's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Revolver of the forgiven icon1.png  Revolver of the Forgiven Machinist's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Chakrams of the forgiven icon1.png  Chakrams of the Forgiven Dancer's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Rod of the forgiven icon1.png  Rod of the Forgiven Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Grimoire of the forgiven icon1.png  Grimoire of the Forgiven Arcanist's Grimoire 418 BGreen 1
Foil of the forgiven icon1.png  Foil of the Forgiven Red Mage's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Cane of the forgiven icon1.png  Cane of the Forgiven Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Codex of the forgiven icon1.png  Codex of the Forgiven Scholar's Arm 418 BGreen 1
The forgivens pendulums icon1.png  The Forgiven's Pendulums Sage's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Planisphere of the forgiven icon1.png  Planisphere of the Forgiven Astrologian's Arm 418 BGreen 1
Gulg planter icon1.png  Gulg Planter Other N/A ABasic 1
Forgiven hate icon2.png  Forgiven Hate Minion N/A ABasic 1
In the belly of the beast orchestrion roll icon1.png  In the Belly of the Beast Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Mt. Gulg Unknown 79


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Extinguishing the Last Light Main Scenario quest 79 Chai-Nuzz

Additional Information

Uses the Blue Mage frame icon.png Blue Mage spell Conviction Marcato.png  Conviction Marcato.