What Drives Us
Revision as of 20:44, 27 August 2023 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
What Drives Us
- Quest giver
- Kipih Jakkya
- Location
- Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:11.2, Y:11.4)
- Quest line
- The Rising (2023)
- Level
- 15
- Required items
- 1 Letter with a Blue Chocobo Drawing
- Gil
- Previous quest
Siblings Rising
- Patch
- 6.48
“Kipih Jakkya is again looking a worried sister.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Nhagi'a Jakkya at the Sapphire Avenue Exchange.
- Speak with Nhagi'a Jakkya at the Quicksand.
- Speak with Nhagi'a Jakkya again.
- Speak with the wandering minstrel at the Gold Court.
- Find the letter with a blue chocobo drawing.
- Deliver the letter with a blue chocobo drawing to Nhagi'a Jakkya.
- Speak with Nhagi'a Jakkya.
- Speak with the wandering minstrel at the Ruby Road Exchange.
- Kipih Jakkya is again looking a worried sister.
- ※This quest is available for a limited time only.
- While Nhagi'a ponders matters, Kipih asks that you watch over him, and the wandering minstrel adds his voice to her request. Thus do you set off after the young adventurer, who went in the direction of the Sapphire Avenue Exchange.
- ※Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, please check the Lodestone.
- You find Nhagi'a in the midst of rumination. He explains to you that he was a burden to Kipih in the past, and he doesn't wish to be a burden again. That is his motivation for wanting to become a capable adventurer who doesn't need to depend on others, and he struggles to see why that is wrong. In his search for an answer, he decides to consult Momodi, and makes his way to the Quicksand.
- The chat with Momodi works wonders, and Nhagi'a comes to the realization that, at some point, his desire to prove himself to his sister had displaced his own motive for being an adventurer. Back outside the Quicksand, you turn to Nhagi'a to see what he intends to do next.
- Nhagi'a tells you that he now has an answer for Kipih, and when they speak, he wants to show her one of the letters he collected. To that end, he asks you to help him find the letter in the Gold Court, and together you go to rejoin the wandering minstrel.
- The wandering minstrel is happy for Nhagi'a to borrow the letter in question. The three of you then proceed to search for the missive, which is identifiable by the drawing of a blue chocobo that adorns it.
- A brief search yields what appears to be the letter you seek, and you take it over to Nhagi'a.
- Nhagi'a confirms that this is indeed the letter he wishes to show to Kipih, and he promptly heads over to the Weavers' Guild, where she had indicated that she had business. Wishing to know how events unfold, the wandering minstrel bids you accompany the young adventurer for his meeting with his sister.
- At the Weavers' Guild, you watch on as the siblings bare their hearts to one another. Nhagi'a declares that he will no longer obsess over doing everything alone, having remembered why he became an adventurer in the first place. Relieved, Kipih takes the opportunity to remind him of how, as a young boy, he had told her that he wanted to simply be a free-spirited adventurer who traveled the world and lent a helping hand to those in need. Saddened to see that boy lose his way, Kipih had spoken sternly, but it was never her intent to deny him his calling, and she wholeheartedly supports him now as he continues on his path. Thus does the tale come to a happy conclusion, and you bid the two a fond farewell as they return to walking their respective paths.
- You report back to the wandering minstrel, who expresses his gladness for the siblings. Inspired by these events, he conceives of a verse and proceeds to perform it. Even as the first chord resounds in your ear, you find yourself hurtling through unknown skies aboard an airship, where you meet with the mysterious Naoki Yoshida. The man thanks you for your enduring support, and shares his excitement for what yet lies ahead, before sending you back to reality. After you return to yourself on the streets of Ul'dah, the minstrel performs for you another song─one imbued with the hope that you will never forget whence you came, for therein lies the strength to forge on in the face of adversity.
Wandering Minstrel: It appears Kipih wants her brother to rethink what adventuring is to him. Had the question been posed to you, what answer you would arrive at, I wonder...
Kipih Jakkya: If truth be told, no matter what Nhagi wants to do, it is my intent to support him. Kipih Jakkya: It's his life, after all, and no one else's. It isn't my place to interfere. Kipih Jakkya: Be that as it may, if he is sabotaging his own aspirations with his obsession for my approval, I can't simply stand idly by and watch. Kipih Jakkya: Loath though I am to impose, until my brother has found his answer, might I trouble you to keep an eye on him?
Wandering Minstrel: Please take it as a request from me as well. Ever has adventuring been dangerous, and it is more dangerous still for one who spurns help. Wandering Minstrel: Like Kipih, I do not wish for Nhagi to continue on his current path. As a fellow adventurer, please help him find a better way.
Kipih Jakkya: Thank you. Kipih Jakkya: Now then, on a related matter, I must pay a visit to the Weavers' Guild, but I will see you again anon. If you'll excuse me...
Wandering Minstrel: Nhagi set off this way, so you may find him at the Sapphire Avenue Exchange. We leave him in your capable hands, my friend. Wandering Minstrel: Be it gratitude or encouragement or sympathy, each of these letters bears the wishes of one soul for another. Wandering Minstrel: For Nhagi to work so hard to see them delivered, at heart, I do not believe he rejects connections with others. Nay, something drives him to believe and behave as he does.
Kipih Jakkya: I do not agree with Nhagi's belief that, if he is to be an adventurer worth his salt, he can't rely on others. Kipih Jakkya: Lest we forget, adventurers help others through the work they accept. To refuse to accept help in turn not only defies logic─it is saddening.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: Oh, it's you, [Forename]. What is it? Nhagi'a Jakkya: Is that so... I'm sorry. This is really something I should be doing alone. Still, it's nice to have someone to talk to. Nhagi'a Jakkya: Like my sister bade me, I'm pondering why I chose to become an adventurer in the first place. Nhagi'a Jakkya: Kipih has looked after me since I was no more than ten, after our parents passed away. Nhagi'a Jakkya: She was already a reporter by then, and her work took her to various places. From her I heard tales about adventurers and came to admire them. Nhagi'a Jakkya: Upon learning of the full extent of the impending Calamity, she took us to a village in the mountains, where our aunt lived. Nhagi'a Jakkya: “It's desperate times like these that people need stories of hope,” she used to say, and I believe she had wanted to remain in Gridania and continue her work. But she left─in order to keep me safe. Nhagi'a Jakkya: I was a burden to her then. I don't want to be a burden to her again. For that, I need to show her that I don't need to depend on others. That I'm a capable adventurer who can handle anything by himself. Nhagi'a Jakkya: Ponder as I might, I can't understand what's wrong with that. Nhagi'a Jakkya: Well, when it doubt, I suppose I should do what adventurers do and gather information. It would be good, I think, to speak with people like my sister─people who aren't adventurers, but are familiar with them. Nhagi'a Jakkya: Hmmm, who in Ul'dah would fit that description...?
Q1: What will you say?
A1: How about the face of the Adventurers' Guild? Nhagi'a Jakkya: Of course, who else but Miss Momodi! Nhagi'a Jakkya: In her capacity as guild representative, she's bound to have some valuable insights. I'll seek her out at once!
A1: How about the local purveyor of information? Nhagi'a Jakkya: You mean Wymond? While he's certainly knowledgeable, the kind of information he deals in isn't exactly what I need. Nhagi'a Jakkya: Instead, how about Miss Momodi, the face of the Adventurers' Guild? Nhagi'a Jakkya: In her capacity as guild representative, she's bound to have some valuable insights. I'll seek her out at once!
A1: How about a business with extensive dealings with adventurers? Nhagi'a Jakkya: You mean the House of Splendors, the place that offers quality gear in exchange for services? Nhagi'a Jakkya: I had better not... Horror stories are rife of people who make the mistake of indebting themselves to the House, becoming forever indentured... Nhagi'a Jakkya: Instead, how about Miss Momodi, the face of the Adventurers' Guild? Nhagi'a Jakkya: In her capacity as guild representative, she's bound to have some valuable insights. I'll seek her out at once!
Nhagi'a Jakkya: I still remember when I first came here to sign up. I was a nervous wreck then, but now this place feels like a second home, and I come all the time for crumpets. They make them so springy, and serve them drowning in butter and honey... Nhagi'a Jakkya: ...S-Sorry, now isn't the time for that. Come, let's have a chat with Miss Momodi.
Momodi: Well now, if it isn't [Forename] and Nhagi. To what do I owe the pleasure of both your companies today?
Momodi: Well now, if it isn't young Nhagi...and in the company of another adventurer besides. Strange things do happen. What can I do for you today?
Nhagi'a Jakkya: I was hoping to get your advice on a certain matter...
Momodi: The misconception you've developed about being an adventurer... That's an interestin' one, I have to admit.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: Try as I might to figure it out, I keep going around in circles. I thought you might be able to offer some insights.
Momodi: Hmmm... Momodi: This is just a gut feeling...but I reckon I understand what your sister's tryin' to say. Momodi: Tell me, Nhagi. Suppose you fail to get your sister's approval, would you simply give up being an adventurer? Would it all become meaningless? Momodi: From this here counter, I've indeed seen off many an adventurer. Each and every one unique, with dreams and destinations all their own. Momodi: But in spite of their differences, they all share something in common─a reason for first embarking upon their journey. Momodi: [Forename]─would you mind tellin' us why you chose the adventurin' life?
Q2: What will you say?
A2: I wanted to see the world. Momodi: Hehe, how very like you. Keep that reason close to your heart now, you hear?
A2: It seemed exciting. Momodi: Hehe, I see.
A2: A friend recommended it to me. Momodi: Is that right? Hehe, how sweet. Keep that friend close now, you hear?
A2: It's a secret. Momodi: If you're disinclined to share, then I won't pry. To look at you, though, it's plain you've got a proper reason. Keep it close to your heart now, you hear?
Momodi: And you, Nhagi? What inspired you to become an adventurer?
Nhagi'a Jakkya: It's simple, really. I heard about adventurers from my sister, and became infatuated with the lives they led. Nhagi'a Jakkya: Like them, I wanted to be able to see the world while helping those in need.
Momodi: Then isn't that enough? Your sister's approval or no, you have a reason all your own.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: By the Twelve, I see now... At some point, my desire to prove myself to Kipih had displaced my own motive for being an adventurer... Nhagi'a Jakkya: That's the misconception Kipih wanted me to recognize... What a fool I've been...
Momodi: Wanting someone's approval isn't wrong in and of itself, mind. But it's got nothin' to do with why you're an adventurer. Momodi: It shouldn't force you to do things you wouldn't otherwise do, like tryin' to handle everything alone. Momodi: Well, that's enough from me for today. I've said my piece─what you do now is up to you, Nhagi.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: Thank you for helping me realize, Miss Momodi.
Momodi: Think nothing of it. It's my job to watch over you all. Nothing makes me happier than to see you happy, doing what you do.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: Thank you too, [Forename], for accompanying me. I think I know what to say to Kipih now. Nhagi'a Jakkya: And loath though I am to trouble you again, there's something else I'd like your help with. Nhagi'a Jakkya: You see, of the letters we collected in Limsa Lominsa, one was from an explorer who was seeking an escort for an expedition. Nhagi'a Jakkya: By now, that letter should be on display at the Gold Court. I want to show it to my sister, and I'd be grateful if you could help me find it. Come, let's rejoin the minstrel. Nhagi'a Jakkya: Now where is that letter...?
Wandering Minstrel: Ah, welcome back. Dare I hope you were able to find the answer?
Nhagi'a Jakkya: Yes, I'm happy to say. Miss Momodi helped me to come to a realization. And when I go to speak with my sister...
Wandering Minstrel: I see, I see. By all means, feel free to borrow the letter. Does it have any distinguishing characteristics?
Nhagi'a Jakkya: As I recall, there was a large drawing of a blue chocobo on it...
Wandering Minstrel: Very well. Let us all search together, the more swiftly to find it.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: “Dear kindly Miqo'te adventurer, Nhagi'a Jakkya: Thank you for helping me to find my mother. I was scared at first, but you made me feel brave. Nhagi'a Jakkya: “I had lots of fun at the Gold Saucer, and it was even more fun because of you. I hope to see you again. Please take care.” Nhagi'a Jakkya: Why, it's the lost child from the Gold Saucer! The staff were tied up, so I helped to track down the mother. Hehe, what a fine feeling this is.
Wandering Minstrel: A great many of these letters bear words of thanks for adventurers─a testament to the good that you and yours do out in the world.
(-Letter with a Blue Chocobo Drawing-): Dear adventurer, (-Letter with a Blue Chocobo Drawing-): How fares your journey? Mine continues, and I wake up to the sound of birdsong and lie down to sleep beneath the moonlight as I seek unblazed trails. (-Letter with a Blue Chocobo Drawing-): Long ago, when an adventurer aided me, I was made to realize how alike we are. Deep down, we are simply travelers who thrill to make new discoveries. Thus do I write this letter now, in hopes of recruiting such like-minded souls to join me on an expedition. (-Letter with a Blue Chocobo Drawing-): If you at all share in my desire to make the uncharted charted, then I invite you to seek me out at the Drowning Wench in Limsa Lominsa. Eagerly do I await your coming.
System: This letter recruiting adventurers bears a drawing of a blue chocobo. It must be the missive Nhagi is looking for.
(-Letter with a Chocobo Carriage Drawing-): Dear not-so-new adventurer, (-Letter with a Chocobo Carriage Drawing-): As a traveling merchant, I've had my fair share of happy encounters, but sharing a carriage with you stands out above them all. (-Letter with a Chocobo Carriage Drawing-): For you see, I went on to sell veritable crate-loads of the ring I gave you, and turned enough of a profit to buy my own carriage. You shared with me your adventurer's luck, and I count my blessings every day. (-Letter with a Chocobo Carriage Drawing-): My only regret is that I neglected to ask you your name, so I don't know your doings. If my instincts are on the mark, though, you've surely made a name for yourself. Wherever you are now, my friend, I pray for your continued safety and success. (-Letter with a Chocobo Carriage Drawing-): No matter where I go, I often hear tell of your exploits, and it makes me inordinately proud to have met you. Till we meet again, my friend, I pray for your continued safety and success.
System: While the contents ring a bell, this letter wasn't written by an explorer, nor does it bear a drawing of a blue chocobo. It isn't the missive Nhagi is looking for.
(-Letter with a Shield Drawing-): As someone charged with the city's peace, I cannot overstate how much of a boon adventurers are to our efforts. Some folk had expressed concern that an increase in drifters would see a corresponding rise in crimes, but on the contrary, they are steadily declining. (-Letter with a Shield Drawing-): Soldiers like ourselves are somewhat limited in the scope of our duties, and we are not always available to lend our citizens what assistance they need. Thus would I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to adventurers, who step up to fill the void.
(-Letter with a Quill Drawing-): Esteemed adventurer, (-Letter with a Quill Drawing-): Should you chance to read this letter, I pray it finds you well. Much time has passed since you helped us to rebuild in the wake of that terrible disaster, but we still remember you most fondly. (-Letter with a Quill Drawing-): Our lives continue to be hard, and every day brings new challenges. Nonetheless, we have regained a semblance of what we once had, and smiles are beginning to return to faces. (-Letter with a Quill Drawing-): The morrow will be brighter than today─this we dare to believe now thanks to you. And should you yourself face hardship, I pray that you believe the same.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: No luck over here so far... How about you? Nhagi'a Jakkya: A blue chocobo! Yes, this is the one! Nhagi'a Jakkya: All that's left, then, is to talk to Kipih. Do you know where she is?
Wandering Minstrel: She went to the Weavers' Guild, saying that she had business there.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: Hm, perhaps she's buying clothes... Nhagi'a Jakkya: At any rate, I'll look for her there. Thank you!
Wandering Minstrel: For this, too, might I trouble you to accompany Nhagi? Afterwards, I ask that you tell me how events unfold. I shall await you at the Ruby Road Exchange. Wandering Minstrel: If you are willing, please accompany Nhagi when he speaks with his sister. I am most eager to know what lies ahead for our young adventurer.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: You're here too, [Forename]? I must confess, I'm feeling rather nervous, so I appreciate your presence.
Kipih Jakkya: Oh dear, you came to find me? My apologies for taking so long. Kipih Jakkya: So, Nhagi. Were you able to find the answer?
Nhagi'a Jakkya: Aye. To begin with, I want you to look at this.
Kipih Jakkya: An explorer is assembling an escort for an expedition? Certainly sounds exciting.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: In wanting your approval, I was determined not to rely on others. But a part of me dearly wanted to be part of the expedition. To go where I dare not set foot alone. So I've decided that I will answer the invitation.
Kipih Jakkya: Then...this means you've given up on trying to do everything alone?
Nhagi'a Jakkya: I had wanted to prove to you that I'm capable─that I'm no longer a burden. And in my obsession, I lost sight of why I became an adventurer in the first place. Nhagi'a Jakkya: To see what lies beyond the horizon and lend a helping hand to those I meet... That's what drives me, and I was able to remember this thanks to Miss Momodi and [Forename]. Nhagi'a Jakkya: And whether or not you approve, I want to continue adventuring for my own reasons. Is...is that all right with you?
Kipih Jakkya: Didn't you just say you didn't need my approval? But to be clear, I never actually intended to stop you. Kipih Jakkya: Do you remember what you once told me, Nhagi? Shortly before the Calamity struck.
(-Young Nhagi-): Did you interview adventurers again today? What were they like? What kind of places have they been to?
Kipih Jakkya: Heh, you never get sick of hearing about adventurers, do you?
(-Young Nhagi-): Never, ever! When I grow up, I want to be an adventurer too!
Kipih Jakkya: Well, that's as fine an aspiration as any, but do you know what kind of adventurer you wish to become? A hero like in the tales, perhaps?
(-Young Nhagi-): Oh, no, Sister, not a hero. Adventurers are free spirits, and I want to be the freest spirit of all! Oh yes, I'll travel the world and meet lots of people, and when I visit home, you can interview me as much as you like!
Kipih Jakkya: For that boy to spurn help for want of my approval... I couldn't bear to see it, and in order to bring you to your senses, I may have spoken a little sternly. Kipih Jakkya: As an adventurer, you'll experience no small amount of hardships, but you chose your path because you wanted to be free. Kipih Jakkya: So don't let yourself be shackled by expectation, be it your own or that of others, and instead take things as they come. Kipih Jakkya: So long as you are true to yourself and recognize your limits, you'll surely find a way forward. And remember: not even heroes can accomplish everything alone. Kipih Jakkya: Relying on others doesn't make you a lesser adventurer. If anything, the freer we are, the more we need to look out for one another. And that, I believe, is the essence─and beauty─of adventuring. Wouldn't you agree, [Forename]?
Q3: What will you say?
A3: Wholeheartedly.
A3: A hero needs friends as much as anyone.
A3: An adventurer is never alone.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: Understood, Kipih. I won't ever forget this.
Kipih Jakkya: Knowing you, I expect you're raring to answer the explorer's petition in Limsa Lominsa. You'll be taking an airship, yes? Kipih Jakkya: In which case, I shall give these garments to you now. Kipih Jakkya: I had them made for you, thinking it was past time you had something better.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: For me!? Thank you so much, Sister! Nhagi'a Jakkya: I must thank you too, [Forename]. You're the kind of adventurer I admire, and I'll keep on working hard to be like you.
Kipih Jakkya: I couldn't have asked for a better person to watch over my little brother. I appreciate everything you've done for him, and look forward to meeting you again, be it for a story or something else. Kipih Jakkya: With that, we take our leave of you. (-Kipih and Nhagi-): Till next time!
System: You see the siblings off, safe in the knowledge that all will be well. Time to rejoin the wandering minstrel and relay to him the tale's happy conclusion.
Wandering Minstrel: Welcome back, my friend. Judging by your expression, I take it all is well with Nhagi and Kipih. Wandering Minstrel: I see. Pleased am I to hear that. Wandering Minstrel: When we first set out on our journeys, 'tis usually for the simplest of reasons. Yet as we make our way, those reasons may become lost in a haze of motives, causing us to lose sight of what truly matters. Wandering Minstrel: In such a time, if we can but remember what prompted us to take our first step, we will always find the strength to take the next. Nhagi shall be fine, I am certain of it. My thanks for keeping an eye on him. Wandering Minstrel: These events have inspired a new verse in me. A verse about the dreams of those who seek new worlds, and the hopes of those who see them off...
(-???-): Greetings, Warrior of Light. (-???-): This is a world that exists outside your reality. Could it be a dream? A flight of fancy conjured by your weary mind? Perhaps...or perhaps not.
Naoki Yoshida: 'Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Naoki Yoshida, and I have beckoned you here that I might express my gratitude.
Naoki Yoshida: 'Tis a pleasure to meet you again. As I have in the past, I have beckoned you here that I might express my gratitude.
Naoki Yoshida: Ten years have now passed since the world was reborn from its ashes. Since we set forth upon this journey. Naoki Yoshida: Countless things have happened during that time, and I've had the pleasure of meeting many an adventurer along the way. Naoki Yoshida: If truth be told, it hasn't always been easy. There are moments when I wonder why I must struggle so. Days when I'm tempted to cast it all aside. Naoki Yoshida: But in spite of this, I always manage to carry on, and it is thanks to my wonderful comrades─and to you, our esteemed adventurers. Naoki Yoshida: By now, I must have been regaled with tens of thousands of your tales. You usually share them with a smile, but even when it is with a frown, you tell me that you're still enjoying yourself. Naoki Yoshida: 'Tis no exaggeration to say that I derive all of my driving force from you all. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Naoki Yoshida: Ours is an unending journey, and nothing would make me happier than if we could keep walking it together. Naoki Yoshida: As you make your way, we promise that we will ever be at your side, matching you step for step. Naoki Yoshida: ...Now, the time has come for this vision to end; time for your eyes to open from this waking dream. Naoki Yoshida: Much time has passed since the world was reborn from its ashes. Countless souls have made this place their home; every single one has left an indelible mark upon it. Naoki Yoshida: Together we have built this world, and it is our sincerest hope that we shall continue to do so for many years to come. Naoki Yoshida: So please be safe and well. May you ever walk in the Light of the Crystal.
Wandering Minstrel: I daresay Nhagi is aboard the airship by now. I pray that he and Kipih will find happiness upon their respective paths. Wandering Minstrel: I hope you do so as well, my friend. If you would lend me an ear, I would dedicate these verses to your future. Wandering Minstrel: By morning light the journey starts, Wandering Minstrel: A trill of hope within our hearts.♪ Wandering Minstrel: On westerly wind, to river song, Wandering Minstrel: Into the world, where we belong.♪ Wandering Minstrel: 'Bove fields of white an azure sky, Wandering Minstrel: Sunset's storm a crimson fire.♪ Wandering Minstrel: Jewels aglitter on pitch-black veil, Wandering Minstrel: A new day dawns, so goes the tale.♪ Wandering Minstrel: By eternal wind we carry on, Wandering Minstrel: Boldly towards a golden morn.♪ Wandering Minstrel: With mem'ries as a guiding star, Wandering Minstrel: Shining our steps both near and far.♪ Wandering Minstrel: Where you will go, whom you will meet, what you will see... There is no telling what the future holds for anyone. Wandering Minstrel: Yet come what may, I bid you never forget this: the bonds you forge, the memories you make, and the footprints you leave behind─they shall one day spur you forward. Wandering Minstrel: So pray continue walking your own path. Wherever your journey leads, I shall be praying for your happiness.
System: You now have access to the letter forest at the Gold Court. Speak with the tender stationed there to read the letters. System: Additionally, you have also unlocked the Kupo Kupo Adventure mini-game on the Steps of Nald. Speak with Nonora at the Ruby Road Exchange to play. System: This along with other mini-games may also be played by opening the toy chest in any inn room.