Siblings Rising
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Siblings Rising
- Quest giver
- Kipih Jakkya
- Location
- Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:10.1, Y:8.7)
- Quest line
- The Rising (2023)
- Level
- 15
- Experience
- Gil
- Next quest
What Drives Us
- Patch
- 6.48
“Kipih Jakkya is looking a worried sister.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.— In-game description
- Gather information at the Ruby Road Exchange. 0/3
- Speak with the wandering minstrel at the Gold Court.
- Speak with Kipih Jakkya in front of the Quicksand.
- Speak with Kipih Jakkya at Black Brush Station.
- Speak with the wandering minstrel at the Gold Court.
- Speak with Kipih Jakkya.
- Kipih Jakkya is looking a worried sister.
- ※This quest is available for a limited time only.
- Kipih Jakkya, a reporter for The Raven, was meant to meet her brother Nhagi'a during the Rising celebration, but the appointed hour has come and gone without him appearing. You are tasked with helping to find the lad, beginning by making inquiries at the Ruby Road Exchange.
- ※Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, please check the Lodestone.
- You learn from the locals that Nhagi'a is performing some manner of work for the wandering minstrel. Thus informed, you make your way to the Gold Court to find the musician.
- The wandering minstrel tells you that he is hosting an exhibit called the letter forest, which displays anonymously penned letters of gratitude and encouragement. In order to collect letters from outside of Ul'dah, the man has dispatched a chocobo carriage with Nhagi'a as an escort. However, the carriage is late to return, and the minstrel apologetically asks you to conduct a search. Having thus found a likely lead, you bear the news to Kipih, who awaits you near the Quicksand.
- You apprise Kipih of your findings. As the wandering minstrel suggested, you take yourselves to Black Brush Station to look for the carriage and Nhagi'a.
- No sooner do you arrive at Black Brush Station than you learn from a traveling merchant that bandits have fallen upon a carriage over by the Clutch. Wasting no time, you and Kipih rush to the scene and scare the highwaymen away before they can overwhelm Nhagi'a. Thus are the siblings reunited─although Nhagi'a's utterance that he needs to grow stronger to gain Kipih's approval appears to give her pause. Nhagi'a then continues on to Ul'dah with the carriage to complete his delivery, and you and Kipih likewise head back to join the wandering minstrel at the Gold Court.
- Reporting to the minstrel, Nhagi'a is critical of himself for needing your help to complete his task. His obsession with doing everything alone does not sit well with Kipih, who declares that she can't consent to his being an adventurer any longer. If he wishes to remain one, he must win her over─and it begins with pondering why he first embarked upon this path. Though saddened, Nhagi'a agrees to think on the matter and goes off, leaving you with the minstrel and a grim-faced Kipih.
- Despite how it may have appeared, Kipih assures you that she wants her brother to succeed and be happy. However, she is worried that unless he changes his ways, he is likely to meet an early demise, or at best know an arduous life.
Kipih Jakkya: Oh, if it isn't [Forename]! It's been too long, my friend. Kipih Jakkya: Oh, if it isn't [Forename]! It's always a pleasure, my friend. Kipih Jakkya: And how fortuitous that you should appear now, just when I'm in need of help again. Pray hear me out. Kipih Jakkya: Hm? You're an adventurer, by the looks of you... Perhaps you could assist me. Kipih Jakkya: I am Kipih Jakkya, reporter for Gridania's leading tabloid, The Raven, and I'm in need of help. Pray hear me out. Kipih Jakkya: You see, my brother recently wrote saying that he wished to meet me in Ul'dah during the Rising celebration. However, the appointed hour has come and gone, but I've seen neither hide nor hair of him. Kipih Jakkya: I've checked all the likely places in the city to no avail, and am beginning to worry. If it isn't too much trouble, may I ask you to help me find him? Kipih Jakkya: I'm in your debt! Kipih Jakkya: Now, my brother is a youth of sixteen by the name of Nhagi. He recently became an adventurer─something he had aspired to since he was little. Kipih Jakkya: Being an adventurer yourself, perhaps you know of him if not crossed paths?
Q1: What will you say?
A1: I'm not familiar with the name, alas. Kipih Jakkya: Aye, well, it would be too much of a coincidence, I suppose... At any rate, if he isn't in the city, chances are he went outside on some business.
A1: I've never heard of him. Kipih Jakkya: Aye, well, it would be too much of a coincidence, I suppose... At any rate, if he isn't in the city, chances are he went outside on some business.
A1: We met at the previous Rising. Kipih Jakkya: Not only did you meet him, you helped him on his way, you say? What an amazing coincidence! Kipih Jakkya: That being said, it doesn't necessarily mean you would know where he is now... If he isn't in the city, though, chances are he went outside on some business.
Kipih Jakkya: To begin with, I propose we split up and make inquiries in case someone has seen him. Kipih Jakkya: If you could focus on this area, I shall speak with those in the Quicksand. Kipih Jakkya: Afterwards, let us reconvene by the entrance to the tavern.
Highlander Adventurer: Whenever the Rising comes around, I feel that little bit more thankful for what I've got. I'm goin' to do someone a good turn today, yes I will.
Midlander Rising Attendant: The Rising is in full swing in Ul'dah. Please join us in remembering those who left us in the Calamity, and looking forward to a brighter future together.
Kipih Jakkya: Excuse me, but I'm looking for an adventurer named Nhagi'a Jakkya...
Highlander Adventurer: Hm? Somethin' you need? Highlander Adventurer: Oh, Nhagi. Aye, I know the sprightly lad. Couldn't say where he is now, but last I saw him, he mentioned takin' on some delivery work. Highlander Adventurer: He's a curious one, he is. Gets along with everyone well enough, but doesn't seem to like workin' in a team. What with talk of bandits prowlin' the road of late, I can't help but worry. Highlander Adventurer: As I said, I couldn't say where Nhagi is now, but he mentioned takin' on some delivery work. Might be as that's what he's out doin'.
Bran: Well, slap me silly with a harbor herring! If it isn't the adventurer who gave this gaz a story for the ages by bringin' that letter in a bottle way back when. Bran: So, what can Bran do for you this fine morn/day/evening? Bran: Something I can do for you, adventurer? If you've business with Bran, best state it quickly. This gaz has leads to follow and incidents to investigate for the Harbor Herald. Bran: I see... With apologies, I haven't seen this Nhagi. As a matter of fact, I've been rather busy workin' on my upcomin' piece on the Rising. Bran: Why, just earlier I was interviewin' the ever-enigmatic wandering minstrel, who's got another unusual venture in the offin'. The letter forest, he calls it. Bran: If that piques your interest, I recommend you go and see the man. He's at the Gold Court, over on the Steps of Thal. Bran: If you're interested in the letter forest, I recommend you go and see the wandering minstrel. He's at the Gold Court, over on the Steps of Thal.
Midlander Rising Attendant: Greetings, adventurer. How may I assist you? Midlander Rising Attendant: Oh, Nhagi. I understand he is doing some work for the wandering minstrel. Midlander Rising Attendant: I daresay his client can point you in the right direction...if you can track the man down, that is. I'm afraid I don't know his whereabouts at present. Midlander Rising Attendant: I understand Nhagi is doing some work for the wandering minstrel. If you can track the man down, I daresay he can point you in the right direction.
System: It appears Nhagi is carrying out some work for the wandering minstrel. If you talk to the man at the Gold Court, you should be able to learn more.
Wandering Minstrel: Ah, my dear friend, what a pleasant surprise this is! I trust you have been keeping well. Now then, how might this minstrel be of service? Wandering Minstrel: So Nhagi's sister wishes to find him... Indeed, I have entrusted him with a task, and have an inkling as to where he might be. Wandering Minstrel: Greetings, friend. By your dauntless bearing, I assume you are an adventurer. How might this minstrel be of service? Wandering Minstrel: So Nhagi's sister wishes to find him... Indeed, I have entrusted him with a task, and have an inkling as to where he might be. Wandering Minstrel: As you may have heard, on the occasion of this Rising celebration, I am hosting an exhibit called the letter forest. Wandering Minstrel: All are invited to anonymously submit letters to this forest and express their gratitude and encouragement for another, and all may peruse the letters at their leisure. Wandering Minstrel: Now, in order to collect missives from outside of Ul'dah, I have dispatched a chocobo carriage. Nhagi is escorting said carriage. Wandering Minstrel: When he contacted me on linkpearl a while ago, he said that they had emerged from the Twelveswood on their way back to Ul'dah. Given the hour, they should have already arrived... Wandering Minstrel: I know not what is causing the delay, but might I trouble you to look for them? I would go myself, except I am needed here at present. Wandering Minstrel: I'm truly grateful. In case it helps, the carriage was meant to pass through Black Brush Station, so perhaps you could take your search to that area. I pray that nothing has befallen them. Wandering Minstrel: As I mentioned, the carriage was meant to pass through Black Brush Station. That may be a sound place for you to begin your search.
Kipih Jakkya: There you are. Were you able to learn aught of Nhagi? Kipih Jakkya: Escorting a carriage for the minstrel, so that is the way of it... Kipih Jakkya: As suggested, let us take ourselves to Black Brush Station and try searching in the vicinity!
Midlander Merchant: <huff> Need to get help...
Kipih Jakkya: [Forename]! No sooner did I arrive than this man came running, out of breath...
(-Midlander Merchant-): You're an adventurer? Thank the Twelve! (-Midlander Merchant-): It's the bandits from the Quiveron Manse─they've fallen on a chocobo carriage over by the Clutch! Midlander Merchant: The carriage only had one guard, and he was sorely outnumbered. Please, you must help him!
Kipih Jakkya: That has to be Nhagi... With me, [Forename]!
Nhagi'a Jakkya: Damn it... There's no end to them...
Quiveron Retainer: We have you now, you stubborn little shite!
Kipih Jakkya: Enough! Leave my little brother alone, or Twelve as my witness, you'll receive such a thrashing as you've never known! Kipih Jakkya: ...From this fearsome adventurer here, that is!
Quiveron Retainer: Th-That's no ordinary man/woman! Retreat!
Kipih Jakkya: Are you all right, Nhagi!?
Nhagi'a Jakkya: Sister...and [Forename] too!? That you should be the one to come to my aid... Thank you.
Q2: What will you say?
A2: How have you been, Nhagi? Nhagi'a Jakkya: Y-You remembered! I've been well! More than well!
A2: Um... Nhagi'a Jakkya: So you don't remember me... You can hardly be expected to, I suppose...
Nhagi'a Jakkya: I'm sorry I didn't come when I said I would, Sister... Rest assured I'm not too badly hurt.
Kipih Jakkya: That's a relief. I'll take a proper look at your wounds back in the city. Kipih Jakkya: I must say, I was quite surprised to learn that you had met [Forename]...
Nhagi'a Jakkya: He/She helped me when I first arrived in Ul'dah. From registering as an adventurer to completing my first task, he/she kindly showed me the ropes. Nhagi'a Jakkya: Now, I had suspected that you were a great adventurer, but to send your foes running without even drawing your weapon... That's just incredible! Nhagi'a Jakkya: I'm sorry I didn't come when I said I would, Sister... Rest assured I'm not too badly hurt.
Kipih Jakkya: That's a relief. I'll take a proper look at your wounds back in the city.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: It seems you're an adventurer too. Thank you for your help. What's your name, if I may ask? Nhagi'a Jakkya: [Forename] [Surname]... I'll remember it. To send your foes running without even drawing your weapon, you're clearly a great adventurer! Nhagi'a Jakkya: I still have a long way to go, embarrassing myself like I did... If I want Sister's approval, I need to grow stronger and be able to fight on my own...
Kipih Jakkya: My approval...?
Nhagi'a Jakkya: Ah, but first things first: Brendt/Bremondt/Brennan and I have a delivery to make for the Rising. Nhagi'a Jakkya: If you'll excuse us, we will hurry back to Ul'dah.
Kipih Jakkya: Let us head back as well. I had a mind to pay the minstrel a visit in any case. Kipih Jakkya: Thanks to you, Nhagi is safe. Kipih Jakkya: Still, what he said about making it on his own weighs on my mind...
Nhagi'a Jakkya: Sister was none too gentle dressing my wounds... Perhaps she's annoyed I didn't show up as promised.
Wandering Minstrel: Welcome back, my friends. Pleased am I to see that Nhagi is safe and well. Wandering Minstrel: Rising attendants inform me they now have all the letters. With this, we may proceed with the letter forest as planned. Thank you, Nhagi.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: I'm so sorry I'm late. You see... Nhagi'a Jakkya: Were it not for [Forename], there's no telling what might have become of the letters and Brendt/Bremondt/Brennan. In the end, I was utterly useless...
Wandering Minstrel: So that is how it happened... Wandering Minstrel: As Nhagi's client, allow me to thank you as well for coming to his aid. Wandering Minstrel: That being said, my boy, you were far from useless. Nay, you bravely defended the carriage until help arrived. There is no need to belittle yourself so.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: Well, [Forename] didn't need to rely on anyone. No, he/she drove off the bandits with nary more than a stern look. I couldn't hold a candle to him/her. Nhagi'a Jakkya: Like him/her, I want to be able to deal with any problem without help. Otherwise I can't claim to be an adventurer worth his salt.
Kipih Jakkya: Without help... Kipih Jakkya: Tell me, Nhagi. All this time, have you been working alone? Even for dangerous tasks?
Nhagi'a Jakkya: That's right. A worthy adventurer doesn't rely on others. If I'm to be the kind of adventurer you approve of, I must be able to handle anything by myself.
Kipih Jakkya: I see... Kipih Jakkya: If that is what you believe, then I can't consent to you being an adventurer any longer. Return to our village and start over.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: What? But...you were so happy for me when I became an adventurer! Nhagi'a Jakkya: I'm working so hard to succeed. To prove to you that I have what it takes. But now...
Kipih Jakkya: You've developed a grave misconception. Until you recognize what it is, I can't in good conscience approve of your calling. Kipih Jakkya: If you can't accept this─if you wish to remain an adventurer─then you must win me over. And it begins with pondering why you first embarked upon this path.
Nhagi'a Jakkya: ...All right, Sister. I'll think on this.
Wandering Minstrel: It appears Kipih wants her brother to rethink what adventuring is to him. Had the question been posed to you, what answer would you arrive at, I wonder...
Kipih Jakkya: I'm sorry you had to see that, [Forename]... Kipih Jakkya: Despite how it may have appeared, no one wants my brother to succeed more than I do. To succeed and be happy. After all, I know better than any how hard he works. Kipih Jakkya: Unless he changes his ways, however, he is like to die somewhere out there. And even if he manages to stay alive, he would only know an arduous life. That's why I didn't go out of my way to be gentle when dressing his wounds. Kipih Jakkya: If he could just focus on what actually matters... Instead, he obsesses about gaining my approval and compares himself to others... <sigh>