Eureka Elemental Armor
Revision as of 07:05, 23 June 2024 by Coredumperror2 (talk | contribs) (Added Elemental Weapon prerequisite)
- See also: Level 70 Gear Guide, Eurekan Armor and The Forbidden Land, Eureka
Acquired in The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros for 40 Pyros Crystal each from the Expedition Artisan. The vendor only appears once you've unlocked 50 Logos Actions AND acquired at least one Elemental Weapon. The Anemos Armor is NOT required.
Item | Icon | Level | Item Level | Requirement | Slot | Defense | Magic Defense | Materia Slots | Stats and Attributes |
Elemental Helm of Fending | 70 | 380 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Head | 405 | 405 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Determination +83 Tenacity +58 | |
Elemental Helm of Maiming | 70 | 380 | LNC DRG RPR | Head | 284 | 223 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +58 Determination +83 | |
Elemental Hat of Striking | 70 | 380 | PGL MNK SAM | Head | 223 | 223 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +83 Determination +58 | |
Elemental Circlet of Scouting | 70 | 380 | ROG NIN VPR | Head | 223 | 223 | 5 | Dexterity +85 Vitality +88 Determination +83 Direct Hit Rate +58 | |
Elemental Hat of Aiming | 70 | 380 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Head | 223 | 223 | 5 | Dexterity +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +58 Direct Hit Rate +83 | |
Elemental Circlet of Casting | 70 | 380 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Head | 162 | 284 | 5 | Intelligence +85 Vitality +79 Critical Hit +58 Direct Hit Rate +83 | |
Elemental Circlet of Healing | 70 | 380 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Head | 162 | 284 | 5 | Mind +85 Vitality +79 Determination +58 Spell Speed +83 | |
Elemental Armor of Fending | 70 | 380 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Body | 543 | 543 | 5 | Strength +135 Vitality +140 Determination +132 Skill Speed +92 | |
Elemental Armor of Maiming | 70 | 380 | LNC DRG RPR | Body | 380 | 299 | 5 | Strength +135 Vitality +140 Direct Hit Rate +132 Skill Speed +92 | |
Elemental Jacket of Striking | 70 | 380 | PGL MNK SAM | Body | 299 | 299 | 5 | Strength +135 Vitality +140 Direct Hit Rate +92 Skill Speed +132 | |
Elemental Jacket of Scouting | 70 | 380 | ROG NIN VPR | Body | 299 | 299 | 5 | Dexterity +135 Vitality +140 Critical Hit +92 Determination +132 | |
Elemental Jacket of Aiming | 70 | 380 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Body | 299 | 299 | 5 | Dexterity +135 Vitality +140 Direct Hit Rate +132 Skill Speed +92 | |
Elemental Coat of Casting | 70 | 380 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Body | 217 | 380 | 5 | Intelligence +135 Vitality +126 Critical Hit +132 Direct Hit Rate +92 | |
Elemental Coat of Healing | 70 | 380 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Body | 217 | 380 | 5 | Mind +135 Vitality +126 Critical Hit +132 Determination +92 | |
Elemental Gauntlets of Fending | 70 | 380 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Hands | 405 | 405 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +83 Skill Speed +58 | |
Elemental Gauntlets of Maiming | 70 | 380 | LNC DRG RPR | Hands | 284 | 223 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Determination +83 Skill Speed +58 | |
Elemental Gloves of Striking | 70 | 380 | PGL MNK SAM | Hands | 223 | 223 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +83 Skill Speed +58 | |
Elemental Gloves of Scouting | 70 | 380 | ROG NIN VPR | Hands | 223 | 223 | 5 | Dexterity +85 Vitality +88 Determination +58 Direct Hit Rate +83 | |
Elemental Gloves of Aiming | 70 | 380 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Hands | 223 | 223 | 5 | Dexterity +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +58 Direct Hit Rate +83 | |
Elemental Gloves of Casting | 70 | 380 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Hands | 162 | 284 | 5 | Intelligence +85 Vitality +79 Determination +83 Spell Speed +58 | |
Elemental Gloves of Healing | 70 | 380 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Hands | 162 | 284 | 5 | Mind +85 Vitality +79 Determination +83 Piety +58 | |
Elemental Trousers of Fending | 70 | 380 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Legs | 543 | 543 | 5 | Strength +135 Vitality +140 Critical Hit +132 Determination +92 | |
Elemental Trousers of Maiming | 70 | 380 | LNC DRG RPR | Legs | 380 | 299 | 5 | Strength +135 Vitality +140 Critical Hit +132 Direct Hit Rate +92 | |
Elemental Breeches of Striking | 70 | 380 | PGL MNK SAM | Legs | 299 | 299 | 5 | Strength +135 Vitality +140 Determination +132 Skill Speed +92 | |
Elemental Breeches of Scouting | 70 | 380 | ROG NIN VPR | Legs | 299 | 299 | 5 | Dexterity +135 Vitality +140 Direct Hit Rate +92 Skill Speed +132 | |
Elemental Breeches of Aiming | 70 | 380 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Legs | 299 | 299 | 5 | Dexterity +135 Vitality +140 Critical Hit +92 Determination +132 | |
Elemental Bottoms of Casting | 70 | 380 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Legs | 217 | 380 | 5 | Intelligence +135 Vitality +126 Critical Hit +132 Determination +92 | |
Elemental Bottoms of Healing | 70 | 380 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Legs | 217 | 380 | 5 | Mind +135 Vitality +126 Determination +92 Piety +132 | |
Elemental Shoes of Fending | 70 | 380 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Feet | 405 | 405 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Determination +58 Tenacity +83 | |
Elemental Shoes of Maiming | 70 | 380 | LNC DRG RPR | Feet | 284 | 223 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Direct Hit Rate +58 Skill Speed +83 | |
Elemental Boots of Striking | 70 | 380 | PGL MNK SAM | Feet | 223 | 223 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +58 Determination +83 | |
Elemental Boots of Scouting | 70 | 380 | ROG NIN VPR | Feet | 223 | 223 | 5 | Dexterity +85 Vitality +88 Direct Hit Rate +58 Skill Speed +83 | |
Elemental Boots of Aiming | 70 | 380 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Feet | 223 | 223 | 5 | Dexterity +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +58 Skill Speed +83 | |
Elemental Shoes of Casting | 70 | 380 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Feet | 162 | 284 | 5 | Intelligence +85 Vitality +79 Determination +58 Direct Hit Rate +83 | |
Elemental Shoes of Healing | 70 | 380 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Feet | 162 | 284 | 5 | Mind +85 Vitality +79 Critical Hit +83 Determination +58 |