All Good Things

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

All Good Things

All Good Things Image.png

Y'shtola is keen to discuss your next task.

— In-game description




  • Search for survivors.


  • High Commander Rhiki thanks you for your efforts on behalf of Limsa Lominsa, and bids you send her regards to your fellow Scions. Shortly afterwards, Minfilia contacts you via linkpearl to offer her congratulations on your victory and request your presence at the Waking Sands.
  • Upon your return to the Waking Sands, you are greeted by a sight to make your blood run cold. The bodies of your allies lie strewn about -- victims of what must have been a desperate struggle. Would that you had been there to protect them. Search for survivors and offer them what succor you can.
  • While searching for signs of life, you come upon Noraxia. To your dismay, the sylph is mortally wounded. Using the power of the Echo, you learn from her that the Waking Sands was raided by imperial forces, who slaughtered countless Scions before departing -- with prisoners. Minfilia is among them. With her dying breath, Noraxia implores you to seek shelter at the Church of Saint Adama Landama in eastern Thanalan. The thought of leaving her and the others fills you with anguish... but if you are to rescue the prisoners and avenge the dead, you must first survive.
  • Suspecting that Father Iliud is a friend, you wave the Scions' password into a humble request, much as you did on the day you joined the order. Recognizing you as an associate of Minfilia, the priest offers you sanctuary while you consider how to proceed in the wake of this terrible tragedy.