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If you have any concerns about the MSQ page, please bring them up with the head of the wiki, Valento. I originally changed it being a new wiki user not knowing the repercussions and I sincerely apologize for that, but Velento has made the decision to keep it for now. I will not be making any more significant changes to it and am not the person to go to for that. Again, sorry for all of the issues. All opinions on the matter are being considered by Valento, so please feel free to keep the discussion going with him on his page.

The old layout can be found at Main Scenario Quests/Historical.

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posted 2307 days ago

You removed a bunch of useful information when you edited the Book of Netherfire I and Book of Netherfall I. I left the new formatting but I put the content back.

posted 2513 days ago

Why did you have to change the individual expansion pages? Just stare at Stormblood before and after you touched it. It's missing the rewards, where there's solo duty, where flight gets unlocked, where mount speed is increased. All very useful pieces of information that you and Valento (whoever that is) stripped out. Making something prettier at the cost of information is bad design. You would think people who have worked on wikis before should at least know that. This isn't an issue of usability or preference for aesthetics, you stripped out MOST of the useful information.

I made an account just because you annoyed me sufficiently over the last few days. I keep loading from history because your version is a useless mess. The pages are not even linked to categories properly anymore either.

posted 2517 days ago

Thanks both of you for supplying a link to the way it was displayed before. I think the new way looks nice and I thank you for your work on the pages, but the old way was definitely of greater use to me as a new player haha. Not to discredit your work at all.

Thanks again for linking to the old one!

posted 2517 days ago

Ok, I added a link to the historical lists in the main MSQ page.

posted 2517 days ago

I hope so - but either way, a small piece of advice - one of the most basic principles of design is not to make what's called a breaking change. You're not moving forward if you've made the situation worse than it was when you started - which you definitely did. There's ways to develop these changes without pushing them to the main page and actually removing info people came to the page to see in the first place.

posted 2517 days ago

We're still transitioning so these info will take some time. The style will keep moving forward and we will not revert it for the foreseeable future.

posted 2517 days ago

Can you please change the board back to the way it was? It's missing: Whether there were trials or dungeons coming up, what quest number it was, the levels are missing...

posted 2517 days ago

Like Ami, I made an account just to ask if you could fix the MSQ Quests page by reverting it to its older state.

It's obvious a lot of work went into the new formatting, but it contains a lot of unnecessary information that can be (and is already!) contained on individual quest pages. Meanwhile, it's very clunky to parse with a quick skim and contains spoilers for new players.

At the very least, archive the old version on a separate page so that people can actually utilize the information on the page without having to wade through a lot of unnecessary fluff.

posted 2518 days ago

I had to make an account just to ask: Please return the MSQ page to the way it was before or at least make a NEW page that is a copy of the old page. it was really helpful for me as a new player to see all the MSQ quests listed side by side and numbered... This new way looks nice but doesn't do me any good and as of this moment I'm not sure why I'd ever use the page again. :(

Maybe you could at least like...Take a screenshot of the way the page was before and send me a link?

posted 2519 days ago

Was the changes on the FFXIV quest really necessary? The old page was more reader friendly and easier to navigate. This new one is just pretty badly done. Yes, it looks fancier but why fix something that was already well done.