Red Mage

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On the eastern edge of Abalathia's Spine lies the mountainous region of Gyr Abania.

It is in these elevated lands that people took shelter, when a burning star guided them away from the Sixth Umbral Calamity's treacherous floodwaters. The survivors gathered from near and far, and amongst them were refugees of the sorcerous cities of Mhach and Amdapor.

These sworn enemies buried their history for the sake of the future, and cast aside their vestments of black and white. Upon the remnants of their arts a new discipline was built, and the first red mages stepped forward with rapiers in hand to fight back against the rising tides of destruction.

General Information

Red Mage is a Ranged DPS job that wields a Rapier and a Magicked Crystal Medium as its weapons. The job does not have a base class and starts at level 50. It will be available in Final Fantasy XIV's second expansion, Stormblood.

Play Style

Red Mage's main stat is INT and it will share gear with Black Mage and Summoner.

Red Mage is able to perform melee attacks with the Rapier and ranged attacks with magic. Red Mage casts spells by attaching Magicked Crystal Medium to the hilt of the Rapier and uses the entire device like a staff. The magic used by Red Mage is Red Magic, which is a combination of Black Magic and White Magic. Overall, Red Mage has a hybrid range and melee style achieved through rapid positioning. They are able to deal massive amount of damage by linking multiple spells with Chainspell and following them up with melee attacks.


Actions Preview

Action Icon Level Cost Cast Time Cooldown Range Radius Description
Riposte Riposte.png 1 100 TP Instant 2.5s 3y 0 Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 130.
Action upgraded to Enchanted Riposte if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 30 or more.
Enchanted Riposte Enchanted Riposte.png 1 100 TP Instant 1.5s 3y 0 Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 210.
Balance Gauge Cost: 30 Black Mana
Balance Gauge Cost: 30 White Mana
Jolt Jolt.png 2 360 MP 2s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 180.
Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 3
Verthunder Verthunder.png 4 600 MP 5s 2.5s 25y 0 Deals lightning damage with a potency of 300.
Additional Effect: Increases Black Mana by 11
Additional Effect: 50% chance of becoming Verfire Ready
Duration: 30s
Corps-a-corps Corps-a-corps.png 6 0 Instant 40s 25y 0 Rushes target and delivers unaspected damage with a potency of 130.
Cannot be executed while bound.
Veraero Veraero.png 10 600 MP 5s 2.5s 25y 0 Deals wind damage with a potency of 300.
Additional Effect: Increases White Mana by 11
Additional Effect: 50% chance of becoming Verstone Ready
Duration: 30s
Tether Tether.png 15 1200 MP 2.5s 2.5s 30y 5y Binds target and all nearby enemies.
Duration: 20s
Scatter Scatter.png 18 840 MP 2s 2.5s 25y 5y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 3
Additional Effect: Grants Enhanced Scatter
Duration: 10s
Enhanced Scatter Bonus: Increases Black Mana and White Mana by 8 instead of 3
Verfire Verfire.png 26 360 MP 2s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals fire damage with a potency of 270.
Additional Effect: Increases Black Mana by 9
Can only be executed Verfire Ready is active.
Verstone Verstone.png 30 360 MP 2s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals earth damage with a potency of 270.
Additional Effect: Increases White Mana by 9
Can only be executed while Verstone Ready is active.
Zwerchhau Zwercchau.png 35 100 TP Instant 2.5s 3y 0 Deals an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Riposte or Enchanted Riposte
Combo Potency: 150
Action upgraded to Enchanted Zwercchau if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 25 or more.
Enchanted Zwerchhau Enchanted Zwercchau.png 35 100 TP Instant 1.5s 3y 0 Deals an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Riposte or Enchanted Riposte
Combo Potency: 290
Balance Gauge Cost: 25 Black Mana
Balance Gauge Cost: 25 White Mana
Displacement Displacement.png 40 0 Instant 35s 5y 0y Delivers an attack with a potency of 130.
Additional Effect: 10-yalm backstep
Cannot be executed while bound.
Fleche Fleche.png 45 0 Instant 25s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 420.
Redoublement Redoublement.png 50 100 TP Instant 2.5s 3y 0 Deals an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Zwerchhau or Enchanted Zwerchhau
Combo Potency: 230
Action upgraded to Enchanted Zwercchau if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 25 or more.
Enchanted Redoublement Enchanted Redoublement.png 50 100 TP Instant 1.5s* 3y 0 Deals an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Zwerchhau or Enchanted Zwerchhau
Combo Potency: 470
Balance Gauge Cost: 25 Black Mana
Balance Gauge Cost: 25 White Mana
Acceleration Acceleration.png 50 0 Instant 35s 0y 0y Ensures the next Verthunder or Veraero spell cast will, for the first hit, trigger Verfire Ready, or Verstone Ready respectively.
Duration: 10s
Moulinet Moulinet.png 52 200 TP Instant 2.5s 6y 6y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 60 to all enemies in a cone before you. Action upgraded to Enchanted Moulinet if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 30 or more.
Enchanted Moulinet* Enchanted Moulinet.png 52 200 TP Instant 2s 8y 8y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 200 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Balance Gauge Cost: 30 Black Mana
Balance Gauge Cost: 30 White Mana
Vercure Vercure.png 54 600 MP 2s 2.5s 30y 0y Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 350
Contre Sixte Contre Sixte.png 56 0 Instant 45s 25y 6y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 300 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Embolden Embolden.png 58 0 Instant 120s 0y 15y Increases own magic damage dealt by 20% and physical damage dealt by nearby party members by 10%. Both effects are reduced by 20% every 4s.
Duration: 20s
Manafication Manafication.png 60 0 Instant 120s 0y 0y Doubles rate at which Balance Gauge increases.
Additional Effect: Resets Corps-a-corps and Deplacement recast timers
All combos are canceled upon execution of Manafication.
Jolt II Jolt II.png 62 360 MP 2s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 240.
Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 3
Verraise Verraise.png 64 3600 MP 10s 2.5s 30y 0y Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Impact Impact.png 66 360 MP 2s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 270.
Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 4.*
Can only be executed while under the effects of "Impactful".*
Verflare Verflare.png 68 840 MP Instant 2.5s 25y 0y Deals fire damage with a potency of 550.
Combo Action: Enchanted Redoublement
Additional Effect: Increases Black Mana by 21
Additional Effect: 30% chance of becoming Verfire Ready
Duration 30s
Chance to become Verfire Ready increases to 100% if White Mana is higher than Black Mana at time of execution.
Verholy Verholy.png 70 840 MP Instant 2.5s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 550.
Combo Action: Enchanted Redoublement
Additional Effect: Increases White Mana by 21
Additional Effect: 30% chance of becoming Verstone Ready
Duration 30s
Chance to become Verstone Ready increases to 100% if Black Mana is higher than White Mana at time of execution.

Skills with * are speculation based on the stream, job preview and speculation, not tooltips


Trait Icon Level Description
Dualcast Dualcast.png 1 Grants the effect of Dualcast upon casting any spell with a cast time. While under the effect of Dualcast next spell will require no time to cast. Effect is cancelled upon auto-attack or execution of any action other than a spell.
Enhanced Intelligence Enhanced Intelligence.png 20 Increases Intelligence by 8.
Maim and Mend Maimed and mend.png 20 Increases action based damage and HP restoration by 10%.
Enhanced Intelligence II Enhanced Intelligence II.png 40 Increases Intelligence by 16.
Maim and Mend II Maimed and mend ii.png 40 Increases action based damage and HP restoration by 30%.
Enhanced Intelligence III Enhanced intelligence iii.png 60 Increases Intelligence by 24.
Enhanced Jolt Enhanced jolt.png 62 Upgrades Jolt to Jolt II.
Enhanced Jolt II Enhanced jolt ii.png 66 Grants the effect of Impactful upon casting of Jolt II.

Cross-Class Actions

Cross-Discipline Actions

PvP Actions


Red Mage Guide

Endgame Rotations

Red Mage Macros


Red Mage concept art.png 400px

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