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Red Mage frame icon.png RDM (traits)

Grants the effect of Dualcast upon casting any spell with a cast time. While under the effect of Dualcast, your next spell will require no time to cast. Effect is canceled upon execution of any action other than an ability. Auto-attacks do not cancel effect.

— In-game description

Dualcast is a trait unlocked at level 1. It is available for Red Mage.


  • If a spell was cast with the effect active, it cannot grant the effect.
  • This effect is key to the Red Mage playstyle. Some Red Mage spells have an unusually long cast time of 5 sec, but these are generally not intended to be hard-cast without the effect of Dualcast. The idea is generally to cast a shorter spell such as Jolt.png  Jolt first (about 2 sec cast) to generate the Dualcast effect, and then get the longer cast (eg Verthunder.png  Verthunder) as the instant cast. However, other variations are possible (eg casting a long spell before combat starts, and gaining the Dualcast effect immediately afterwards).
  • The instant-cast effect is not limited to damage spells; for instance, it can also be used on Verraise.png  Verraise. This means Red Mage can be very effective at raising multiple dead players in quick succession, earning it the nickname "Rez Mage" among some players.


  • Using Sprint icon1.png  Sprint or calling a Mount will cancel Dualcast, despite Sprint being classified as an ability.
  • If Acceleration.png  Acceleration, Dualcast, and Swiftcast.png  Swiftcast are active at the same time, then Acceleration will be consumed first, followed by Dualcast, and finally Swiftcast.
    • Acceleration and Swiftcast are also abilities, so using them will not cancel Dualcast.
