Blitzing the Beacons

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Beast Tribe QuestsAmalj'aa Daily Quests Template:Quest


"Kill three Bonfire Torches around Zan'Rak. Each is also defended by 1-2 mobs. Pretty quick, with plentiful spawn locations."

In-game Description

Fibubb Gah wishes to entrust you with a new task.

Fibubb Gah has bid you strike out at the unholy altars of the Brotherhood's hated kin. Locate and destroy the flaming beacons in the west of Zahar'ak.

You have destroyed the flaming beacons. Return to the Ring of Ash and report to Fibubb Gah.

Fibubb Gah praises your worthy display of courage. Though the warrior exults at the blow you have struck for the Brotherhood, he warns that the fallen Amalj'aa will not be so easily dissuaded from their mad pursuit for power.