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Ophioneus is a Rank S Elite Mark found in Elpis.

Killing the Elite Mark will reward the player up to Sack of Nuts 100 Sacks of Nuts, Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics, Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 30 Allagan Tomestones of Aesthetics, 1 Cracked anthocluster icon1.png  Cracked Anthocluster and 1 Cracked dendrocluster icon1.png  Cracked Dendrocluster.



(x7.1, y29.5), (x12.8, y9.8), (x13.0, y31.4), (x20.5, y13.2), (x19.3, y24.2), (x21.7, y6.8), (x30.0, y27.0), (x32.8, y18.4), (x33.1, y11.2)

Spawn Conditions



84 to 132 hours after it's been killed; or alternatively 50 to 80 hours after maintenance has ended.

Tips and Tricks

  • ??? ??


Comparative mythology is a field founded upon the close examination of myths of different cultures, with the aim of identifying any common traits they may share. Amongst these commonalities, one in particular has fascinated me─the multi-headed snake or dragon.Ophioneus is just such a creature─a divine serpent found in several of the oldest legends that remain extant today. Initially, I believed it to be inspired by the hydra─a draconic creature bred artificially by the Allagans─until I discovered legends that predate even the Allagan Empire! There is a distinct possibility that a multi-headed serpent─this multi-headed serpent─once lived. Also, it likely ate cloudkin eggs. Write that down.

— ???
