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Keheniheyamewi is a Rank A Elite Mark in Shaaloani.


Killing the Elite Mark will reward the player up to Sack of Nuts 40 Sacks of Nuts, Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics, Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry 20 Allagan Tomestones of Heliometry and Allagan Tomestone of Mathematics 10 Allagan Tomestones of Mathematics. Players will also have a chance of obtaining 1 Cracked novacluster icon1.png  Cracked Novacluster, 1 Cracked prismaticluster icon1.png  Cracked Prismaticluster or both.


Zone Coordinates Level range
Shaaloani (X:34.5, Y:6.5) 100
Shaaloani (X:31, Y:22) 100
Shaaloani (X:24.8, Y:23.0) 100
Shaaloani (X:22.0, Y:28.0) 100
Shaaloani (X:9.3, Y:15.7) 100

Spawn Conditions


Normal Spawn


4 to 6 hours after killed.

Tips and Tricks


If you keep traveling north of here, you'll come to a mountain range where the air is thick with noxious fumes. That's the hunting ground of the Keheniheyamewi: the “mouth that breathes poison.”
In case you hadn't guessed, it's this poison that makes it so dangerous. The miasma it brews up in its belly plays on the nerves, you see. Makes you lose all sense of direction, and wander right into that same, putrid maw.
If the danger it poses to any folk foolish enough to stray into its territory wasn't enough reason to see it slain, just think of its effect on the environment.

— Elenyate, Hhusatahwi, Shaaloani

