Hatchling Humiliation

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Daily Quest icon.png

Hatchling Humiliation

Quest giver
Yadovv Gah
Southern Thanalan (X:23.1, Y:14.3)
Quest line
Amalj'aa Daily
Required quest
Feature QuestAn Eye on the Inside
Friendly Relations
Experience 10,473
Gil 780

Yadovv Gah has no use for fair-weather allies.

— In-game description


In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:


Lie in wait for Zahar'ak hatchlings and douse them in water upon their defeat.

In-game Description

Yadovv Gah has no use for fair-weather allies.

The rising reputation of the Brotherhood has instilled doubt in the hearts of young Flamefangs, some of whom have made overtures. However, Yadovv Gah believes these hatchlings to be naught more than opportunists. The warrior bids you beat the would-be turncloaks senseless and douse them with water, thus subjecting them to the ultimate insult.

You faithfully carry out Yadovv Gah's instructions, leaving the naive hatchlings alive but shamed. Return and report that the deed is done.

Upon hearing how the hatchlings cried out in horror, Yadovv Gah makes no effort to conceal his delight. Though the experience has likely scarred the young Amalj'aa for life, the old warrior believes it to be a well-deserved punishment for their vacillation.