Yadovv Gah

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Yadovv Gah is a Spoken in Southern Thanalan. They are often found facing west, keeping a close watch for friends or foes who might approach the camp.

You think it strange to find a Miqo'te among our ranks? Loonh Gah has trained with us since she was scarce more than a hatchling, and earned her place with fire and steel!

— Yadovv Gah

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Martial Perfection Feature quest 48 Yadovv Gah
Elite Beating Daily quest 48 Yadovv Gah
Unholier than Thou Daily quest 48 Yadovv Gah
Raiding the Cache Daily quest 48 Yadovv Gah
Pulling Fangs Daily quest 48 Yadovv Gah
Demolition Drake Daily quest 48 Yadovv Gah
Fire-spitting Image Daily quest 48 Yadovv Gah
Nothing Sacred Daily quest 48 Yadovv Gah
Fodder for the Flamefangs Daily quest 48 Yadovv Gah
Hatchling Humiliation Daily quest 48 Yadovv Gah
The Beacon That Burns You Daily quest 48 Yadovv Gah

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Ash Not What Your Brotherhood Can Do for You Sidequest 50 Tataramu
Friends Forever Sidequest 50 Hamujj Gah

Additional Information