Leech King

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Leech King


Leech King is a Rank B Elite Mark in Mor Dhona.

Map of Spawn Points

Killing the Elite Mark will reward the player Gil 5,000 gil and Allied Seal 100 Allied Seals if the mob is the weekly Elite Mark Bill.


Mor Dhona

(x19,y8) (x15,y10) (x14,y10) (x16,y12) (x14,y12) (x14,y14) (x12,y12) (x13,y14) (x9,y14) (x11,y15) (x12,y17) (x23,y11) (x24,y12) (x26,y13) (x25,y10) (x27,y10) (x27,y9) (x29,y8) (x28,y6) (x27,y13) (x30,y6) (x32,y7) (x33,y9) (x32,y10) (x32,y11) (x34,y12) (x32,y14) (x30,y15) (x29,y15) (x28,y14)

Spawn Conditions


Normal Spawn


5 seconds after death

Tips and Tricks

  • Acid Mist is a dodgable circle AoE around Leech King that inflicts those hit with a cleansable Dropsy icon1.png Dropsy Damage-over-Time.
  • Suction is a weak hitting attack.


Leech King of Silvertear Falls, so dubbed by the Sons of Saint Coinach for its enormous size rather than any perceived system of sovereignty.
Those who make mock of its grossness soon repent, for the Leech King is nimble where a meal of blood is concerned.

Hunter-scholar (Revenant's Toll)
