Eureka Elemental Armor
Revision as of 21:49, 23 January 2023 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
- See also: Level 70 Gear Guide, Eurekan Armor and The Forbidden Land
Acquired in The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros for 40 Pyros Crystal + 50 Logos Actions unlocked. The Anemos Armor is NOT required.
Item | Icon | Level | Item Level | Requirement | Slot | Defense | Magic Defense | Materia Slots | Stats and Attributes |
Elemental Helm of Fending | 70 | 380 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Head | 405 | 405 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Determination +83 Tenacity +58 | |
Elemental Helm of Maiming | 70 | 380 | LNC DRG RPR | Head | 284 | 223 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +58 Determination +83 | |
Elemental Hat of Striking | 70 | 380 | PGL MNK SAM | Head | 223 | 223 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +83 Determination +58 | |
Elemental Circlet of Scouting | 70 | 380 | ROG NIN VPR | Head | 223 | 223 | 5 | Dexterity +85 Vitality +88 Determination +83 Direct Hit Rate +58 | |
Elemental Hat of Aiming | 70 | 380 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Head | 223 | 223 | 5 | Dexterity +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +58 Direct Hit Rate +83 | |
Elemental Circlet of Casting | 70 | 380 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Head | 162 | 284 | 5 | Intelligence +85 Vitality +79 Critical Hit +58 Direct Hit Rate +83 | |
Elemental Circlet of Healing | 70 | 380 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Head | 162 | 284 | 5 | Mind +85 Vitality +79 Determination +58 Spell Speed +83 | |
Elemental Armor of Fending | 70 | 380 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Body | 543 | 543 | 5 | Strength +135 Vitality +140 Determination +132 Skill Speed +92 | |
Elemental Armor of Maiming | 70 | 380 | LNC DRG RPR | Body | 380 | 299 | 5 | Strength +135 Vitality +140 Direct Hit Rate +132 Skill Speed +92 | |
Elemental Jacket of Striking | 70 | 380 | PGL MNK SAM | Body | 299 | 299 | 5 | Strength +135 Vitality +140 Direct Hit Rate +92 Skill Speed +132 | |
Elemental Jacket of Scouting | 70 | 380 | ROG NIN VPR | Body | 299 | 299 | 5 | Dexterity +135 Vitality +140 Critical Hit +92 Determination +132 | |
Elemental Jacket of Aiming | 70 | 380 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Body | 299 | 299 | 5 | Dexterity +135 Vitality +140 Direct Hit Rate +132 Skill Speed +92 | |
Elemental Coat of Casting | 70 | 380 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Body | 217 | 380 | 5 | Intelligence +135 Vitality +126 Critical Hit +132 Direct Hit Rate +92 | |
Elemental Coat of Healing | 70 | 380 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Body | 217 | 380 | 5 | Mind +135 Vitality +126 Critical Hit +132 Determination +92 | |
Elemental Gauntlets of Fending | 70 | 380 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Hands | 405 | 405 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +83 Skill Speed +58 | |
Elemental Gauntlets of Maiming | 70 | 380 | LNC DRG RPR | Hands | 284 | 223 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Determination +83 Skill Speed +58 | |
Elemental Gloves of Striking | 70 | 380 | PGL MNK SAM | Hands | 223 | 223 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +83 Skill Speed +58 | |
Elemental Gloves of Scouting | 70 | 380 | ROG NIN VPR | Hands | 223 | 223 | 5 | Dexterity +85 Vitality +88 Determination +58 Direct Hit Rate +83 | |
Elemental Gloves of Aiming | 70 | 380 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Hands | 223 | 223 | 5 | Dexterity +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +58 Direct Hit Rate +83 | |
Elemental Gloves of Casting | 70 | 380 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Hands | 162 | 284 | 5 | Intelligence +85 Vitality +79 Determination +83 Spell Speed +58 | |
Elemental Gloves of Healing | 70 | 380 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Hands | 162 | 284 | 5 | Mind +85 Vitality +79 Determination +83 Piety +58 | |
Elemental Trousers of Fending | 70 | 380 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Legs | 543 | 543 | 5 | Strength +135 Vitality +140 Critical Hit +132 Determination +92 | |
Elemental Trousers of Maiming | 70 | 380 | LNC DRG RPR | Legs | 380 | 299 | 5 | Strength +135 Vitality +140 Critical Hit +132 Direct Hit Rate +92 | |
Elemental Breeches of Striking | 70 | 380 | PGL MNK SAM | Legs | 299 | 299 | 5 | Strength +135 Vitality +140 Determination +132 Skill Speed +92 | |
Elemental Breeches of Scouting | 70 | 380 | ROG NIN VPR | Legs | 299 | 299 | 5 | Dexterity +135 Vitality +140 Direct Hit Rate +92 Skill Speed +132 | |
Elemental Breeches of Aiming | 70 | 380 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Legs | 299 | 299 | 5 | Dexterity +135 Vitality +140 Critical Hit +92 Determination +132 | |
Elemental Bottoms of Casting | 70 | 380 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Legs | 217 | 380 | 5 | Intelligence +135 Vitality +126 Critical Hit +132 Determination +92 | |
Elemental Bottoms of Healing | 70 | 380 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Legs | 217 | 380 | 5 | Mind +135 Vitality +126 Determination +92 Piety +132 | |
Elemental Shoes of Fending | 70 | 380 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Feet | 405 | 405 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Determination +58 Tenacity +83 | |
Elemental Shoes of Maiming | 70 | 380 | LNC DRG RPR | Feet | 284 | 223 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Direct Hit Rate +58 Skill Speed +83 | |
Elemental Boots of Striking | 70 | 380 | PGL MNK SAM | Feet | 223 | 223 | 5 | Strength +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +58 Determination +83 | |
Elemental Boots of Scouting | 70 | 380 | ROG NIN VPR | Feet | 223 | 223 | 5 | Dexterity +85 Vitality +88 Direct Hit Rate +58 Skill Speed +83 | |
Elemental Boots of Aiming | 70 | 380 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Feet | 223 | 223 | 5 | Dexterity +85 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +58 Skill Speed +83 | |
Elemental Shoes of Casting | 70 | 380 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Feet | 162 | 284 | 5 | Intelligence +85 Vitality +79 Determination +58 Direct Hit Rate +83 | |
Elemental Shoes of Healing | 70 | 380 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Feet | 162 | 284 | 5 | Mind +85 Vitality +79 Critical Hit +83 Determination +58 |