The Light of Hope

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Feature Quest icon.png

The Light of Hope

The Light of Hope.png
Quest giver
Mor Dhona (X:30, Y:12)
Quest line
Crystal Tower
Experience 0
Gil 658
Previous quest
Feature QuestThe World of Darkness

With a look of finality upon him, Rammbroes seems intent upon sealing the Crystal Tower once and for all.

— In-game description




This is the end of the MSQ requirement.



  • With a look of finality upon him, Rammbroes seems intent upon sealing the Crystal Tower once and for all.
  • You tell Cid and Rammbroes of what occurred in the World of Darkness. Suddenly, a researcher dashes up, and tells you in panicked tones that G'raha Tia is ordering researchers out of the Crystal Tower. Hasten back to the Eight Sentinels, and speak with the son of Saint Coinach to discover what is happening.
  • You rush to the Crystal Tower. Before you can enter the Crystal Tower to discover what is afoot, G'raha bids you stop. It seems he has a mind to seal the gates with himself inside. He reveals that the survivors of the Fourth Umbral Calamity prayed the tower would become a beacon of hope in the future. To make that a reality, Princess Salina-the only remaining royal Allagan- gave her blood and memories to her most trusted advisor. That man was G'raha's ancestor. Now, to ensure the wish of the ancients comes true, the historian has decided to put the Crystal Tower once again into a long slumber. He leaves you with a task: build a bright future. His farewells fade with the closing of the Crystal Tower. It would be best to return to Rammbroes and discuss all that has transpired.
  • Though the tower is silent and Cid has left to pursue new ventures, Rammbroes vows that NOAH will not disband. He promises to continue onwards-in honor of the wish passed down from ancient Allag, in honor of Unei and Doga's sacrifice, and in honor of G'raha's future. Now, a new dawn has come to Eorzea.