- See also: The Forbidden Land, Eureka, The Baldesion Arsenal and Replica Eurekan Weapons
Eurekan Weapons are the level 70 Relic Weapons for Stormblood. First released in patch 4.25, players do not need to complete any Zodiac Weapons or Anima Weapons to unlock the Eurekan Weapons. Unlike with the Anima Weapon questline players who have obtained the Zodiac Zeta Weapons or the Lux Anima Weapons will not have an advantage with any step of the Eurekan Weapons. However, to start the Eurekan Weapon quest chain, players must have cleared their job's Level 70 job quest, since the Eurekan Weapons are upgraded from the weapon rewarded by the job quest. As their name implies, all the upgrading activity for these relic weapons is done inside
The Forbidden Land, Eureka.
Alongside Eurekan Weapons players can also obtain Eurekan Armor. Replicas of completed Eurekan Weapons can be purchased from Staelhundr once players have finished the Anemos Weapons phase.
Relic weapons from past expansions are not intended for combat use, but for cosmetic, achievements, and collection purposes. Weapons of similar power, for the same player level, that are much more easily obtainable and are intended for character progression can be bought with
Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
The final-stage Physeos Weapons are an exception to this rule: they provide a significant Elemental Bonus within Eureka zones, making them the best-in-slot weapons for Eureka battle content.
Deep in the Glass Ocean, the great expanse of the Far East, lies an island recorded on no navigational charts. An island that seemingly appeared one day─an island that should not be. Recognizing its potential as a trading post, the brave and ambitious ventured forth to explore and claim it, only to discover an untamed land teeming with strange, monstrous beasts...
— FFXIV Patch 4.2 Special Site
Antiquated Weapons
Antiquated weapons are acquired by completing the Stormblood job quest line for your given job, up through the level 70 quest. They serve as the starting tier relic weapons for Stormblood, and are upgraded in the Eureka zones. If you misplaced or discarded your Antiquated weapon, you can purchase a replacement for
1,000 from the Calamity Salvager in any of the three starting cities.
Note: If you can't find your Antiquated weapon and are not sure if you discarded it, you can type /isearch Antiquated
to search for any Antiquated weapons across all of your inventory containers (Including bags, chocobo saddlebag, armoury, retainers, etc.).
Antiquated Weapons (IL 290)
Weapon Tier |
IL |
Items needed
Antiquated |
290 |
Acquired from level 70 job quest If lost, replacement available at Calamity Salvager for 1,000
Anemos Weapons
- See also: The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos
To unlock the quest chain, players need to be level 70 and complete the Main Scenario Quest
Stormblood. Additionally they need to complete the quest
And We Shall Call it Eureka.
Item Quick Reference
Total for every weapon
How to acquire items to upgrade
Note that you must be on the matching job in order to augment your +2 weapon to an Anemos weapon, otherwise the menu option will not appear when speaking with Gerolt.
Elemental Weapons
- See also: The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos
An upgrade to Anemos weapons. Weapons will have a new model.
Item Quick Reference
Total for every weapon
Elemental Weapons (IL 370)
How to acquire items to upgrade
Frosted Protean Crystal: Collect vitiated aether by killing Notorious Monsters and level-appropriate trash mobs in Eureka Pagos, then turn it in at the Crystal Forge in Eureka Pagos (6.0, 21.5). You will receive one
Frosted Protean Crystal for each full charge of vitiated aether.
- You must have acquired the vitiated aether kettle from Gerolt by completing the level 25 quest in Eureka Pagos before you can receive vitiated aether. However, you do not need to have the weapon of interest equipped to obtain vitiated aether.
- The kettle can hold a maximum of 9 charges of vitiated aether. If it starts to get full, be sure to turn it in so none gets wasted!
Pagos Crystal: These are acquired by killing Notorious Monsters in Eureka Pagos. The higher level the Notorious Monster, the more crystals it will drop.
Louhi's Ice: 2 chunks will drop each time you complete the FATE
Louhi on Ice with gold medal credit in Eureka Pagos, which requires you to kill the notorious monster Louhi. Louhi's Ice can also be purchased from the Expedition Birdwatcher for 50
Pagos Crystals each.
Pyros Weapons
- See also: The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros
An upgrade to Elemental weapons. Weapons will have a white-blue flame particle effect.
Item Quick Reference
Total for every weapon
How to acquire items to upgrade
Eureka Weapons
- See also: The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos
An upgrade to Hydatos weapons. Weapons will have a new model and swirling particle effects. This step grants the weapon's final appearance and maxes out its stats, excluding elemental stats that are effective in Eureka zones only. If you only care about the earning the glamour and don't care about the elemental stats, you can stop after completing this step.
Item Quick Reference
Total for every weapon
How to acquire items to upgrade
Hydatos Crystal: These are acquired by killing Notorious Monsters in Eureka Hydatos. The higher level the Notorious Monster, the more crystals it will drop.
Crystalline Scale: 3 scales will drop each time you complete the FATE
Crystalline Provenance with gold medal credit in Eureka Hydatos, which requires you to kill the notorious monster Provenance Watcher. This is the only way to obtain the item as they are not sold by the Expedition Birdwatcher.
Physeos Weapons
- See also: The Baldesion Arsenal
An upgrade to Eureka weapons. Stats and appearances are identical to Eureka weapons, except that they have extra Elemental Bonus stats that increase the weapons' power in Eureka zones only (including
The Baldesion Arsenal).
Item Quick Reference
Total for every weapon
Weapon Tier |
IL |
Items needed
Physeos |
405 |
How to acquire items to upgrade
Eureka Fragment: These are exclusively acquired inside
The Baldesion Arsenal. A complete clear yields 28 fragments total, with each boss defeated dropping a portion of that total amount. It requires a total of four runs, assuming all of them are successful, to obtain enough fragments for one weapon.
Additional Stats
Eurekan Weapons at the Pyros, Eureka, or Physeos stages can have their stats upgraded at the Mnemeworks Station, near Gerolt in Pyros. These stats are rolled randomly, at the cost of 2
Smoldering Protean Crystals. Each weapon starts with one "line" of stats that it can randomly roll, and a total of 5 can be unlocked by repeatedly using the Mnemeworks Station. Each time the station is used, all unlocked lines reroll, and if 5 lines are not unlocked, an additional line may be unlocked and rolled as well. The reroll can be canceled, leaving the weapon with its stats unmodified, but the 2
Smoldering Protean Crystals spent will not be refunded, and if the reroll unlocked an additional line the weapon will not retain it.
As of the patch 6.0 stat squish:[1]
- Each line can give up to 84 of a stat.
- Paladin swords and shields are limited to 60, and 24 respectively.
- The same stat can be randomly rolled on multiple lines. For example, if line 1 gives 48 Critical Hit, line 2 gives 30 Critical Hit, and line 3 gives 54 Skill Speed, the total stat bonuses are 78 Critical Hit and 54 Skill Speed.
- Any stat bonuses totaling above 114 will be synced down to 114 inside of Eureka zones. These limits are 81 and 33 for paladin swords and shields, respectively. This means that bonuses larger than 114 will be partially "wasted".
- There are 10 possible values for a given line, depending on the type of weapon:
Two-handed weapon
30 |
36 |
42 |
48 |
54 |
60 |
66 |
72 |
78 |
PLD sword
24 |
28 |
32 |
36 |
40 |
44 |
48 |
52 |
56 |
PLD shield
6 |
8 |
10 |
12 |
14 |
16 |
18 |
20 |
22 |
- The available substats depend on the job the weapon is for:
How to acquire items to upgrade
Smoldering Protean Crystal: Collect vitiated aether by killing Notorious Monsters and level-appropriate trash mobs in Eureka Pyros, then turn it in at the Mark II Crystal Forge in Eureka Pyros (22.3, 6.0). You will receive one
Smoldering Protean Crystal for each full charge of vitiated aether.
- You must have acquired a Pyros Weapon before you can receive vitiated aether. You do not need to have the weapon equipped to obtain it.
- The kettle can hold a maximum of 9 charges of vitiated aether. If it starts to get full, be sure to turn it in so none gets wasted!
- Similar to materia melding, the most desirable substats to prioritize are generally: Critical Hit > Direct Hit Rate/Determination > Skill Speed/Spell Speed > Tenacity/Piety, although this varies depending on the job.
- For example, a "perfect" roll for Melee DPS would be Critical Hit ≥ 114 (2 lines), Determination + 84, Direct Hit + 84, Skill Speed +84.
- A good but not perfect roll could be Critical Hit ≥ 114 (2 lines), any Determination bonus (2 lines), any Direct Hit bonus (1 line).
- Due to the random nature of substat rolls, achieving an optimal set of rolls can be very time-consuming. These substats are only useful for slightly increasing player power within Eureka zones and is marginal compared to Elemental Bonus derived from Physeos Weapons, Elemental Armor +2, and Kirin's Osode Armor.
Eureka Weapon Types
Weapon Tier |
iLvl |
Antiquated Starter |
290 |
Starter |
335 |
Starter +1 |
340 |
Starter +2 |
345 |
Anemos |
355 |
Pagos |
360 |
Pagos +1 |
365 |
Elemental |
370 |
Elemental +1 |
375 |
Elemental +2 |
380 |
Pyros |
385 |
Hydatos |
390 |
Hydatos +1 |
395 |
Base Eureka |
400 |
Eureka |
405 |
Physeos |
405 |
Video presentation of all Eurekan weapons
Main article: Eureka Weapons Achievements
Eurekan Weapons are associated with several achievements.