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Scavengers Assemble

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Scavengers Assemble

Quest giver
Quick-witted Scavenger
Amh Araeng (X:12.9, Y:16.9)
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 825
Previous quest
Side QuestOn Track
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Side QuestTown Haul

The quick-witted scavenger is concerned for his friends' safety.

— In-game description





  • The quick-witted scavenger is concerned for his friends' safety.


Quest Acceptance

Quick-witted Scavenger: Oh, my poor friends! Left to be eaten by horrid beasts! I feel terrible about running away, but what choice did I have? No point in us all being killed, now is there? Finding someone to go in and retrieve the bodies─I mean, rescue them would absolve me of the blame, yes? If you could go to the ruins of Kelk to look for two Mord scavengers, I would be very grateful!

Aid the seasoned scavenger

Seasoned Scavenger: I am...alive!? Can it be true!? But it is too early to celebrate. The youngest of our group is still missing. Please, you must find him! I will wait for you outside the ruins in case you need help carrying whatever is left of the poor boy.

Aid the fledgling scavenger

Fledgling Scavenger: Phew... Does that count as a “near-death experience”? I cannot wait to tell my friends! But first, we should make a hasty retreat, yes?

Speak with the seasoned scavenger

Seasoned Scavenger: I cannot thank you enough for saving us. But how did you know we were here?
Warrior of Light motions
Seasoned Scavenger: Hmm... Running away turned out to be the best choice. Not only did he escape, but he sent for help, too. If he had tried to rescue us himself, we would probably all be dead by now. “Better to run and scavenge another day,” yes? I must remember to thank him.