Freedom for Our Skies
Freedom for Our Skies
- Quest giver
- Leofard
- Location
- The Parrock (X:7.0, Y:6.9)
- Quest line
- Shadow of Mhach
- Level
- 60
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Weeping City
- Next quest
Where Shadows Reign
Unidentified Flying Object
- Patch
- 3.3
“— In-game description
- Speak with Leofard in his chambers.
- Leofard wishes you to join him in his questioning of Radlia.
- Leofard has asked you to accompany him in his interrogation of Radlia. Join the Redbill captain in his chambers, and wait for Radlia to regain consciousness.
- Scarcely has Radlia had time to digest the fate of her crew when Leofard questions her motives for exploring the ruins of Mhach. The Talon captain reveals her discovery of an ancient book that details the existence of both the Void Ark and the Nullstone─the knowledge of which fueled her ultimately disastrous ambition. After rejecting Cait Sith's offer to join the Redbills in their quest to defeat the voidsent, Radlia leaves the tattered tome with Leofard. The Redbill captain immediately urges Cait Sith to learn more of the Mhachi relic in his possession, adamant that the freedom of the skies will be threatened no more...
Speak with Leofard
Leofard: We might be waitin' a while before Radlia finally decides to wake up. But not so long that you've got time to flit away on some other adventure. Come join me in my quarters, and we can ask her a few questions as soon as she's ready to talk.
Speak with Leofard in his chambers
Leofard: Ho there, [Forename]. Might as well make yourself comfortable while we wait on Radlia. Besides, after fightin' through them ruins, I'll wager you could use the rest.
Radlia: Where is the rest of my crew? Surely there were other survivors? (Stacia shakes her head). Leofard: Tell me, Radlia. What drove you to risk explorin' old Mhach? The compass sent you there, aye, but you were after the Void Ark. You knew somethin', didn't you? Radlia: I found a book. We were looting these strange ruins in the Sea of Clouds, and one of the lads dug up a tome. It had passages that described the Void Ark...and a powerful relic called the "Nullstone." Cait Sith: A tome scribed by a Mhachi sorcerer, mayhap? ...Captain, would you happen to know the author of this work? Radlia: (shakes her head). The words are muddled by obscuring magicks, and fifteen hundred years have faded its pages. There is much that remains illegible, but what little my darling cutthroats and I could decipher suggests it was written by a mage of exceptional status. (Radlia throws the book on the table). See for yourself. If what the book says is true, the ark is a source of immeasurable power. With that ship under my command and the mysteries of Mhach in my possession, I had thought to crown myself queen of the skies... ... And look how well that turned out. What manner of sky pirate - what manner of queen - can't even keep her own crew alive? Cait Sith: Ahem. Radlia, is it not? Would I be correct in assuming that you seek revenge against the voidsent who slaughtered your comrades? Radlia: (Radlia slams the table). Of course I want revenge! That hells-spawned shite-gobbler killed my crew! If he were here right now, I'd gouge out his hands and choke him to death with my bare, bloody hands! Cait Sith: You are not alone in your desire to bring an end to these abominations, Captain. Will you not join us in our endeavor to secure peace for the skies? Will you not join the Talons' strength to ours? Radlia: ...What strength? The way things are right now, I doubt I could keep the peace in a monastery. This has naught to do with personal grudges, either. I just don't have the men. All my best fighters died in the ruins, and the dregs that are left are scarce sharp enough to be called Talons. Leofard: Did you leave your spine back in them ruins, Radlia? You've had your wings clipped, and no mistake, but that's no reason to give up the life. I thought we'd rescued a sky pirate - not some cur that turns tail when her pack ain't there to bite for her. Radlia: ...I know what you're trying to do, Redbill, but I've lost my taste for glory. You can have that cursed book. Just be sure to make that bastard pay. (Radlia walks out, Cait goes to examine the book). Leofard: ...Hey, furball. How quickly do you think you can decipher that old tome? I need you to figure out exactly how your relic works. Aye, you sent one fiend squealin' in fear, but that ain't enough. From what you've told me, we'll need to aim for some of that "obliteration" if we're goin' to take on the Shadow Queen. The rest of you, put everythin' you've got into what you do best, be that research or bladework. Overdoin'; it is doin' it just right, if you get my meanin'. (everyone leaves except Leofard). I'll decorate my walls with voidsent heads if I have to. The skies should belong to no one...
Cutscene, elsewhere
Diabolos: ...The Nullstone hath fallen into mortal hands. Ferdiad: A thousand apologies, Lord Diabolos! I shall personally wring each and every one of their scrawny necks! Diabolos: The time for skulking in shadows hath ended. I am grown weary of these meddling vermin...The power of the Shadow Queen waxeth full! Soon, mine ardent desire shall pass from dream into dark reality!