Hatching-tide (2016)

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Hatching-tide (2016)
Hatching-tide banner art 2016.png
Event Start
March 15, 2016
Event Finish
March 28, 2016
Event Chain
Event Page
Hatching-tide (2015)
Hatching-tide (2017)

Hatching-tide (2016) is a seasonal event that took place from March 15, 2016 to March 28, 2016.

Spring: that wonderful season of renewal and rebirth. A time when buds blossom into flowers and dreams blossom into reality. What then will become of the realm's biggest dreamer─Jihli Aliapoh of Gridania─as she prepares for the spring festival of Hatching-tide? Blessed with a vision from the Twelve Archons, she now seeks adventurers from all corners of the realm who would take part in the festivities, and rejoice in the return of these legendary heroes.

— Event description


To begin the event start the quest Jihli Dreams of Egg Hunts by speaking to Jihli Aliapoh in Old Gridania (x10.2,y9.4).

The event consists of 2 standard quests, 3 repeatable quests and the FATE Eggtract and Eggspedite which spawns briefly in one several watery locations around Old Gridania. You will be awarded with Fortune Eggs for your participation. Players must complete each repeatable quest at least once to unlock the final quest, Eggsaltation of a Lark, and obtain the Egg Hunter Barding.


  • Eggtract and Eggspedite FATE


Jihli Aliapoh has been blessed with a vision from the Twelve Archons, and now seeks adventurers who would share in the wonder that is Hatching-tide.




Players that have completed the sidequest Smells Like Team Spirit in Tailfeather will see an additional cutscene after turning in Eggsaltation of a Lark.
