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See also: Hatching-tide Quests

Among the myriad festivals that decorate the Eorzean calendar, Hatching-tide is a relatively recent one. In the year 1572 of the Sixth Astral Era, with the Seventh Umbral Calamity looming on the horizon, a young woman residing in Gridania named Jihli Aliapoh had a vision in which twelve wise sages descended from the heavens, each sitting astride a large egg. These sages were none other than the Twelve Archons, heroes of legend who guided the realm safely through the Sixty Umbral Calamity.

In Jihli's dream, the Archons announced themselves with these words: "Rise, young Dreamer, and make ready the vessel for our return." As the moon Dalamud loomed overhead and news of this vision spread, the people wondered if it was a prophecy—a message that the Archons would once again rescue them from certain doom.

From within the murky depths of rumor arose a group of people who attested to having a similar dream to Jihli's, alongside many who professed their belief in her cause. There "Dreamers" decorated eggs in a dazzling fashion to match those upon which the Archons supposedly descended and distributed them to all and sundry, creating a festival the likes of which the realm had never seen.

Although the Archons of Jihli's vision ultimately did not appear when the Calamity beset the realm, the Dreamers were not met with scorn after it subsided. Prophecy aside, the people had found comfort in Hatching-tide and the sense of community it created, and would continue to do so for years to come. Not in the least discouraged, Jihli and her fellow Dreamers play a pivotal role in the celebration even now.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 58

List of events

Name Event Period Notable rewards
Little Ladies' Day & Hatching-tide (2024) March 14 - April 1, 2024 Peatie icon2.png  Peatie
Hatching-tide (2023) March 27 - April 10, 2023 Tonberry head icon1.png  Tonberry Head, Tonberry body icon1.png  Tonberry Body, Tonberry hands icon1.png  Tonberry Hands, Tonberry culottes icon1.png  Tonberry Culottes, Tonberry boots icon1.png  Tonberry Boots, Frighten.png  Frighten, Hippity-hoppity hatching-tide advertisement icon1.png  Hippity-hoppity Hatching-tide Advertisement, Pa-paya demastered orchestrion roll icon1.png  Pa-Paya Demastered Orchestrion Roll
Hatching-tide (2022) April 13 - 27, 2022 Hatching bunny icon2.png  Hatching Bunny, Eat Egg.png  Eat Egg, Eggsemplary Basket icon1.png  Eggsemplary Basket, Hatching-tide mobile icon1.png  Hatching-tide Mobile
Hatching-tide (2021) April 14 - 28, 2021 Chicken Head.png  Chicken Head, Chicken Suit.png  Chicken Suit, Hatching-tide Confections.png  Hatching-tide Confections, Archon Egg Pouch.png  Archon Egg Pouch
Hatching-tide (2020) March 30 - April 13, 2020 Rabbit head icon1.png  Rabbit Head, Rabbit suit icon1.png  Rabbit Suit, Dapper rabbit suit icon1.png  Dapper Rabbit Suit, Stuffed rabbit icon1.png  Stuffed Rabbit, Hatching-tide advertisement icon1.png  Hatching-tide Advertisement
Hatching-tide (2019) April 9 - 22, 2019 Spriggan jacket icon1.png  Spriggan Jacket, Spriggan bottoms icon1.png  Spriggan Bottoms, Spriggan boots icon1.png  Spriggan Boots, Eggcentric crown roast icon1.png  Eggcentric Crown Roast, Eggcentric chocolate cake icon1.png  Eggcentric Chocolate Cake, Archon egg pile icon1.png  Archon Egg Pile
Hatching-tide (2018) March 20 - April 2, 2018 Hatching-tide banner icon1.png  Hatching-tide Banner, Magicked Prism (Hatching-tide).png  Magicked Prism (Hatching-tide), Motley egg icon2.png  Motley Egg, Spriggan chocolate icon1.png  Spriggan Chocolate
Hatching-tide (2017) April 4 - 17, 2017 Eggshilaration system icon1.png  Eggshilaration System, Eggstravagant interior wall icon1.png  Eggstravagant Interior Wall
Hatching-tide (2016) March 15 - 28, 2016 Archon egg tower icon1.png  Archon Egg Tower, Pa-paya orchestrion roll icon1.png  Pa-Paya Orchestrion Roll, Egg hunter barding icon1.png  Egg Hunter Barding, Spriggan cap icon1.png  Spriggan Cap, Dust bunny icon2.png  Dust Bunny
Hatching-tide (2015) April 2 - 15, 2015 Egg earrings icon1.png  Egg Earrings, Brilliant egg earrings icon1.png  Brilliant Egg Earrings, Vibrant egg earrings icon1.png  Vibrant Egg Earrings, Midnight egg earrings icon1.png  Midnight Egg Earrings, Egg floor lamp icon1.png  Egg Floor Lamp
Hatching-tide (2014) April 9 - 22, 2014 Egg harness icon1.png  Egg Harness

Legacy events

Name Event Period Notable rewards
Hatching-tide (2012) March 28 - April 10, 2012 Brilliant egg ring icon1.png  Brilliant Egg Ring, Chocobo egg ring icon1.png  Chocobo Egg Ring, Midnight egg ring icon1.png  Midnight Egg Ring, Pristine egg ring icon1.png  Pristine Egg Ring, Vibrant egg ring icon1.png  Vibrant Egg Ring
Hatching-tide (2011) April 15 - May 9, 2011 Brilliant egg cap icon1.png  Brilliant Egg Cap, Chocobo egg cap icon1.png  Chocobo Egg Cap, Midnight egg cap icon1.png  Midnight Egg Cap, Pristine egg cap icon1.png  Pristine Egg Cap, Vibrant egg cap icon1.png  Vibrant Egg Cap