Acquisition Type
Acquired By
2B Automaton |
Raids |
Level 80 raid The Puppets' Bunker |
2P Automaton |
Raids |
Level 80 raid The Puppets' Bunker |
9S Automaton |
Raids |
Dropped in level 80 raid The Tower at Paradigm's Breach |
Lvl. 80
Abroader Otter |
Submarine |
Collected from Deep-sea Site 7 in Subaquatic Voyages |
Craft a Submersible
Accompaniment Node |
Quest Reward |
Complete the Level 60 sidequest Do It for Gilly. |
Lvl. 60
Adventure Basket |
Crafting |
Crafted by level 90★ Weaver |
Allagan Melon |
Gardening |
Obtained in gardening with Allagan Melon Seeds |
Amaro Hatchling |
Purchased |
Purchased from Gramsol in The Crystarium (x11.1,y13.6) for 400 |
Ancient One |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in level 80 dungeon Anamnesis Anyder. |
Angel of Mercy |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired during Valentione's Day (2017). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Anima |
Quest Reward |
Acquired from completing Body and Soul of Complete Anima Weapons/Quest. |
Anteater |
Purchased |
Purchased from Faux Commander in Idyllshire (x5.7,y6.1) for 400 |
Armadillo Bowler |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops from level 77 Dungeon Malikah's Well |
Assassin Fry |
Crafted |
Obtained from Desynthesizing of Ninja Betta. |
Fishing Lvl.50
Atrophied Atomos |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 60★ Alchemist. Requires Master Alchemist III and 620 Craftsmanship. |
Attendee #777 |
Purchased |
Purchased from Gyosho for 7 in The Azim Steppe (5.8, 23.4). |
Aurelia Polyp |
Submarine |
Collected from submarine missions. |
Axolotl Eft |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained from Waterside Exploration XXII and Fisher Quick Exploration. |
Baby Bat |
Purchased |
Purchased from Junkmonger Nonoroon for 2,400 in Poor Maid's Mill, Upper La Noscea (x11.8,y24.7). |
Baby Brachiosaur |
Purchased |
Purchased from Enie in The Firmament (x12.0,y14.0) for 800 |
Baby Bun |
FATE Reward |
Complete the FATE Lazy for You with Gold Medal rating in East Shroud (23x y29). |
Baby Opo-opo |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of Brayflox's Longstop (Hard). |
Lvl.50 iLvl.55
Baby Raptor |
Purchased |
Purchased from Boughberry Trader for 2,400 in Redbelly Hive, South Shroud (x22,y17). |
Vendor appears after the successful completion of the FATE chain Clearing the Hive.
Bacon Bits |
Retainer Ventures |
Acquired from Woodland Exploration XXV and Quick Exploration (Botanist) |
Beady Eye |
Achievements |
Obtained from Jonathas in Old Gridania ( X:10.6 Y:6.3) for 2 Achievement Certificates. |
The Behatted Serpent of Ronka |
Purchased |
Purchased from Yuqurl Manl in The Rak'tika Greatwood (x37.3,y17.1) for 8 |
(Rank 6)
The Behelmeted Serpent of Ronka |
Purchased |
Purchased from Yuqurl Manl in The Rak'tika Greatwood (x37.3,y17.1) for 8 |
(Rank 6)
Behemoth Heir |
Purchased |
Purchased from Ardolain for 400 in The Forgotten Knight, Foundation (x12,y11). |
Benben Stone |
Submarine |
Subaquatic Voyages - The Devil's Crypt, Magos Trench |
Bite-sized Pudding |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops from chest in The Wanderer's Palace. |
Lvl.50 iLvl.45
Bitty Duckbill |
Purchased |
Purchased at The Crystarium (x9.4, y9.5) or Eulmore (x11.0, y10.8) for 800. |
Black Coeurl |
Purchased |
Purchased from Gold Saucer Attendant for 20,000 in Gold Saucer. |
Black Chocobo Chick |
Achievements |
Obtained from Jonathas in Old Gridania ( X:10.6 Y:6.3) for 2 Achievement Certificates. |
Black Hayate |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops from level 71 Dungeon Holminster Switch |
Blizzaria |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!. |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Bluebird |
Treasure Hunt |
Obtained from Timeworn Peisteskin Map. |
Blue-footed Booby |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained from Waterside Exploration XXVIII |
Bom Boko |
Retainer Ventures |
Acquired from Field Exploration XX. |
Bombfish |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in the final chest of Shisui of the Violet Tides |
Lvl.63 iLvl.245
Brave New Urianger |
Purchased |
Purchased via Wondrous Tails - 1 Khloe's Silver Certificate of Commendation |
Brave New Y'shtola |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired via Seasonal Event The Rising (2019). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Bridesmoogle |
Other |
Attend an Eternal Bond ceremony. |
Brina |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of The Antitower. |
Lvl.60 iLvl.180
Buffalo Calf |
Quest Reward |
Complete You're Gonna Carry That. |
Bullpup |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of Baelsar's Wall. |
Lvl.60 iLvl.230
Butterfly Effect |
Purchased |
Purchased at the Gemstone Trader in The Rak'tika Greatwood for 400 after getting Rank 3 with FATEs in The Rak'tika Greatwood. |
Byakko Cub |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 70★★★ Alchemist. Requires Master Weaver VI. |
Cactuar Cutting |
Quest Reward |
Complete the Level 47 quest Zombies Are People Too from Hab in Sagolii Desert, Southern Thanalan (x24,y40). |
Caduceus |
Dungeons |
Drops level 87 Dungeon Ktisis Hyperboreia |
Calamari |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of Hullbreaker Isle (Hard). |
Lvl.60 iLvl.200
Calca |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of The Antitower. |
Lvl.60 iLvl.180
Capybara Pup |
Treasure Hunt |
Obtained from Timeworn Gazelleskin Map |
Castaway Chocobo Chick |
Fishing |
Gathered by Fisher at level 50 Fishing hole North Isle of Endless Summer in Eastern La Noscea (x36,y26) by double Mooch from Merlthor Goby to Wahoo. |
Cerberpup |
Purchased |
Purchased from Enie in The Firmament (x12.0,y14.0) for 1,200 |
Chewy |
Retainer Ventures |
Acquired from Woodland Exploration XXVIII |
Chameleon |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops from level 75 Dungeon The Qitana Ravel |
Cherry Bomb |
Purchased |
Purchased for 2,400 at the following: New Gridania from Maisenta <Black Raddit Traders> (x11,y11) Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks from Bango Zango <Brugaire Consortium> (X9, Y11) Ul'dah - Steps of Nald from Roarich <Independent Importer> (X10, Y9) |
Chigoe Larva |
Quest Reward |
Complete the Level 22 quest Occupational Hazards from Yoenne in Buscarron's Druthers, South Shroud (x18,y20). |
Clionid Larva |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops from level 80 Dungeon Akadaemia Anyder. |
Clockwork Barrow |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 60★ Carpenter. Requires Master Carpenter III and 620 Craftsmanship. |
Clockwork Cerulean Chaser |
PvP |
Crystalline Conflict - Series 2 - Level 15 |
Clockwork Crimson Chaser |
PvP |
Crystalline Conflict - Series 2 - Level 16 |
Clockwork Lantern |
Purchased |
Purchased from Storm Sergeant for 15,000 in Wolves' Den Pier. |
Clockwork Novus D |
Retainer Ventures |
Acquired from Field Exploration XXVIII |
Clockwork Solus |
Seasonal Event |
Aquired during The Rising (2022) Seasonal Event |
Clockwork Twintania |
Achievements |
Complete the Challenge Accepted achievement from Lord of Verminion. |
Coblyn Larva |
Mining |
Gathered by Miner. Found in Blue Fog, Northern Thanalan. |
Coeurl Kitten |
Quest Reward |
Complete the Level 15 sidequest Curiosity Killed the Coeurl from Skribyld in Aleport, Western La Noscea (26, 26). |
Conditional Virtue |
Dungeons |
Found in chest at The Baldesion Arsenal in The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos. |
Construct 8 |
Raids |
Drops from the final boss of The Ridorana Lighthouse. |
Continental Eye |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from All Saints' Wake (2016). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Copycat Bulb |
FATE Reward |
Drops randomly from Pagos Lockbox from FATEs in Eureka Pagos. |
Crabe de la Crabe |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained from Waterside Exploration XXVI - XXVII |
Cute Justice |
Purchased |
Purchased from Maudlin Latool Ja in Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x12.5,y13.0) for 400 |
Blue Mage Lvl 50
Dainsleif F1 |
Field Operations |
Acquired from Southern Front Lockbox dropped in The Bozjan Southern Front. |
Damona |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired in Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Demon Box |
Other |
Attending an Eternal Bond ceremony of Gold or Platinum tier. |
Demon Brick |
Dungeons |
Found in first chest of Amdapor Keep.(always drops) |
Dhalmel Calf |
Dungeons |
Drops randomly from Pyros Lockbox from FATEs in Eureka Pyros. |
Dolphin Calf |
Achievement |
Complete Double-backwards Somersault |
Domakin |
Retainer Ventures |
Acquired from Waterside Exploration XXV and Quick Exploration (Fisher) |
Dress-up Alisaie |
Other |
Offered as randomized 2-Line reward choice for Wondrous Tails. |
Dress-up Estinien |
Purchased |
Purchased from Enie in The Firmament (x12,y14) for 1,200. |
Dress-up Raubahn |
Quest Reward |
Complete MSQ Return of the Bull. |
Dress-up Thancred |
Other |
Offered as randomized 2-Line reward choice for Wondrous Tails. |
Dress-up Yugiri |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in the final chest of Kugane Castle |
Dress-up Y'shtola |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from The Rising (2016). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Drippy |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in the level 80 dungeon Matoya's Relict |
Dust Bunny |
Purchased |
Purchased from Auriana for 3 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics in Revenant's Toll, Mor Dhona (x22,y8) |
Dwarf Rabbit |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in The Aquapolis. |
Eden Minor |
Raids |
Acquired from Eden's Gate: Sepulture (guaranteed drop) |
Eggplant Knight |
Gardening |
Obtained in Gardening by intercrossing: Krakka Root with Star Anise OR Wizard Eggplant with Mandrake |
Enkidu |
Trials |
Randomly dropped from Battle in the Big Keep. |
lvl 50 Hildibrand Quests
Ephemeral Necromancer |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in the level 80 dungeon The Heroes' Gauntlet |
Faepup |
PvP |
PvP How Can I Help III "Record 300 assists in the Feast." |
Fat Cat |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained in Waterside Exploration XIV, XV and XVI. |
Faustlet |
Dungeons |
Obtained from Alexander - The Burden of the Son (Savage) (guaranteed drop) |
Felicitous Fuzzball |
Purchased |
Purchased from Horrendous Hoarder for 4,000 |
Fenrir Pup |
PvP |
Randomly dropped after The Feast matches. |
Flag |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained from Field Exploration XXVI |
Flame Hatchling |
Purchased |
Purchased from The Immortal Flames Grand Company vendor for 20,000. |
Fledgling Apkallu |
Achievements |
Complete the Out of Sight Out of Mind achievement by completing 80 entries in the player's Sightseeing Log. |
Fledgling Dodo |
Purchased |
Purchased from Auriana for 3 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics in Revenant's Toll, Mor Dhona (x22,y8) |
Forgiven Hate |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops from Level 79 Dungeon Mt. Gulg |
Fox Kit |
FATE Reward |
Purchased form Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (x13.8,y11.7) with 3 Sassho-seki Fragment acquired from Foxy Lady and Outfoxed FATEs in Yanxia. |
Frilled Dragon |
Dungeons |
Purchased from Confederate Custodian in The Ruby Sea (x21.2,y9.2) for 10 Empyrean Potsherd. Empyrean Potsherd is acquired from Deep Dungeon Heaven-on-High. |
Gaelikitten |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of Sohm Al. |
Garlic Jester |
Gardening |
Obtained in Gardening by intercrossing: Garlic Clove with Mandrake |
Gestahl |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained in Waterside Exploration XVIII. |
Ghido |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in the final chest of The Sirensong Sea |
Giant Beaver |
Purchased |
Purchased from Giant Beaver in Phisor Lran (20.6-36.3) with Dancing Wing dropped from level 80 Trial The Dancing Plague (Extreme) |
Gigantpole |
Fishing |
Gathered by Fisher. Very rare catch from The Burning Wall, Eastern Thanalan (x30,y25) using Topwater Frog as bait. |
Gigi |
Quest Reward |
Complete the Further Hildibrand Adventures Quest If I Could Turn Back Time. |
Gold Rush Minecart |
FATE Reward |
Completing the Level 57 FATE On Dangerous Ground in The Blue Window, The Sea of Clouds with Gold Medal rating. |
The Gold Whisker |
Treasure Hunt |
Obtained randomly from Timeworn Thief's Map |
Golden Beaver |
Treasure Hunt |
Randomly dropped in The Shifting Oubliettes of Lyhe Ghiah |
Golden Dhyata |
Quest Reward |
Complete the level 90 quest The Meeting of Minds |
Goobbue Sproutling |
Quest Reward |
Complete MSQ It Was a Very Good Year. |
Gravel Golem |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 50 Goldsmith. |
The Great Serpent of Ronka |
Quest Reward |
Drops from Protectors of the Wood in The Rak'tika Greatwood. |
Greener Gleaner |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained in Woodland Exploration XXVI. |
Griffin Hatchling |
Purchased |
Purchased from Ardolain for 400 in The Forgotten Knight, Foundation (x12,y11). |
Gull |
Achievements |
Complete Mine, Mine, Mine |
Hatching Bunny |
Seasonal Event |
Reward from Hippity, Hoppity, Happily from the seasonal event Hatching-tide (2022). |
Heavy Hatchling |
Purchased |
Purchased from Gold Saucer Attendant for 20,000 in Gold Saucer. |
Hecteye |
Purchased |
Purchased from E-Una-Kotor for 3 Gelmorran Potsherd in Quarrymill,South Shroud (x25,y20.6). Gelmorran Potsherds are obtained from Palace of the Dead. |
Hedgehoglet |
Treasure Hunt |
Randomly drops from Hidden Canals of Uznair and The Shifting Altars of Uznair |
Hellpup |
PvP |
PvP Mama Said Knock You Out III "Record 300 KOs in the Feast." |
Hippo Calf |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops from level 85 Dungeon Vanaspati |
Hoary the Snowman |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from the Starlight Celebration (2014). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Hovernyan |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!. |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Hunting Hawk |
Dungeons |
Purchased from Enie in The Firmament (x12.0,y14.0) for 800 |
Infant Imp |
FATE Reward |
Complete the FATE Go, Go, Gorgimera with a Gold Medal rating in Northern Thanalan (x17, y14). |
Iron Dwarf |
Crafted |
Crafted by level 60★ Armorer. Requires Master Armorer III and 620 Craftsmanship. |
Ironfrog Ambler |
Purchased |
Purchased from Fathard in Eulmore Aetheryte Plaza (10.1, 11.7) with 6 Formidable Cog from FATE Chain in Kholusia |
Ivon Coeurlfist Doll |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of Temple of the Fist. |
Jibanyan |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!. |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Kidragora |
Botany |
Gathered by Botanist. Log Entry in East Shroud (x13,y23) at 9PM. |
Lvl 46-50 Log Entry
Koala Joey |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained from Highland Exploration XXII and Miner Quick Exploration. |
Komainu |
Achievement |
Purchased from Jonathas in Old Gridania (x10.6,y6.3) for 2 Achievement Certificate (each certificate is 50 Achievement points). |
Any Achievements for Points
Komajiro |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!. |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Komasan |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!. |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Korpokkur Kid |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of Saint Mocianne's Arboretum. |
Kyubi |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!. |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Laladile |
Achievement |
Acquire the achievement Crafting in the Air by earning 50,000 points toward your skyward score as a Disciple of the Hand. |
Lalinator 5.H0 |
Purchased |
Purchased from Mizutt in Lakeland (x9.4,y13.1) for 8 |
Little Leafman |
Purchased |
Purchased from Sul Lad in Il Mheg (x16.4,y30.8) for 400 |
Little Leannan |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped from the level 80 dungeon The Grand Cosmos |
Little Yin |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired during All Saints' Wake (2018). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Little Yang |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired during All Saints' Wake (2018). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Littlefoot |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained in Woodland Exploration XV. |
Lesser Panda |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of The Aery. |
Lord Ananta |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired in Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Lord Enma |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired in Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Magic Broom |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 50★★★ Carpenter. |
Magic Bucket |
Fishing |
Gathered by Fisher. Found in South Banepool with Snagging On and Brute Leech as bait. |
Magitek Avenger F1 |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in the level 69 dungeon Castrum Abania. |
Magitek Helldiver F1 |
Field Operations |
Dropped in Castrum Lacus Litore of the The Bozjan Southern Front |
Magitek Predator F1 |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in level 80 dungeon Paglth'an |
The Major-General |
Achievement |
Complete the achievement No More Fish in the Sea I by scoring at least 5,000 points during a single ocean fishing voyage. |
Malone |
Achievement |
Acquire the achievement Gathering in the Air by earning 50,000 points toward your skyward score as a Disciple of the Land. |
Mameshiba |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained from Highland Exploration XXII and Miner Quick Exploration. |
Mammet #001 |
Purchased |
Purchased for 2,400 at the following: New Gridania from Maisenta <Black Raddit Traders> (x11,y11) Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks from Bango Zango <Brugaire Consortium> (X9, Y11) Ul'dah - Steps of Nald from Roarich <Independent Importer> (X10, Y9)) |
Mammet #003G |
Achievements |
Complete the Bump on a Log: Order of the Twin Adder achievement for completing the Order of the Twin Adder Hunting Log. |
Mammet #003L |
Achievements |
Complete the Bump on a Log: Maelstrom achievement for completing the Maelstrom Hunting Log. |
Mammet #003U |
Achievements |
Complete the Bump on a Log: Immortal Flames achievement for completing the Immortal Flames Hunting Log. |
Manjimutt |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!. |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Mandragora Queen |
Gardening |
Obtained in Gardening by intercrossing: Mandrake with Nymeia Lily |
Meerkat |
Submarine |
Collected from Coldtoe Isle Sector in Subaquatic Voyages |
Micro Gigantender |
Purchased |
Purchased at the Gemstone Trader in Amh Araeng for 400 after getting Rank 3 with FATEs in Amh Araeng. |
Midgardsormr |
Quest Reward |
Complete the MSQ The Rising Chorus. |
Mini Mole |
Quest Reward |
Complete the Delivery Moogle Quests Thwack-a-Mole. |
Miniature Minecart |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained from Highland Exploration XIV. |
Miniature White Knight |
Purchased |
Purchased from Enie in The Firmament (x12,y14) for 1,200. |
Minion of Light |
Achievements |
Obtained from Jonathas in Old Gridania ( X:10.6 Y:6.3) for 2 Achievement Certificates. |
Minitek Conveyor |
Purchased |
Purchased from Storm Sergeant for 15,000 in Wolves' Den Pier. |
Minute Mindflayer |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained from Field Exploration XIII. |
Mock-up Grynewaht |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in the level 67 dungeon Doma Castle. |
Model Magitek Bit |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 50★★★★ Blacksmith. |
Model Vanguard |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 50 Goldsmith. |
Monkey King |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops after the final boss of The Swallow's Compass |
Morbol Seedling |
Dungeons |
Found in third chest of The Aurum Vale. (Guaranteed drop) |
Morpho |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard). |
Motley Egg |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired during Hatching-tide (2018). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Much-coveted Mora |
Achievement |
Acquire On a Boat IV by earning a cumulative 1,000,000 points while Ocean Fishing |
Mudpie |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss in Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard). |
Mummy's Little Mummy |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard). |
Mystic Weapon |
Retainer Ventures |
Acquired from Field Exploration XXV and Quick Exploration (DoW/DoM) |
Nagxian Cat |
Purchased |
Purchased for 800 |
Nana Bear |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 50★★★★ Weaver. |
Naughty Nanka |
Dungeons |
Found in last chest before final boss of Hullbreaker Isle at (x5,y10). |
Noko |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!. |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Nosferatu |
Raid |
Acquired from Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle. |
Nutkin |
Treasure Hunt |
Obtained from Unhidden Leather Map. |
Odder Otter |
Retainer Ventures |
Acquired from Field Exploration XIX - XXI, Highland Exploration XIX - XXI, Woodland Exploration XIX - XXI. |
Raids |
Found in chest after final boss of Alphascape V4.0 |
Onion Prince |
Gardening |
Obtained in gardening by intercrossing: Azeyma Rose with Krakka Root OR Krakka Root with mandrake |
Optimus Omicron |
Dungeons |
Drops in level 90 dungeon The Stigma Dreamscape |
Owlet |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of The Fractal Continuum. |
Page 63 |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of The Great Gubal Library. |
Paissa Brat |
Treasure Hunt |
Rare drop from Dragonskin Maps. |
Paissa Patissier |
Mini-games |
Acquired in Kupo of Fortune of Ishgard Restoration |
Paissa Threadpuller |
Mini-games |
Acquired in Kupo of Fortune of Ishgard Restoration |
Palico |
Seasonal Event |
Complete The New King on the Block from The Hunt For Rathalos Event. |
Penguin Prince |
Achievements |
Complete the The Road of Verminion I achievement by completing 4 different Lord of Verminion tournaments with double digit victories. |
Pegasus Colt |
Purchased |
Purchased from Enie in The Firmament (x12.0,y14.0) for 800 |
Petit Pteranodon |
Mini-games |
Acquired in Kupo of Fortune of Ishgard Restoration |
Piggy |
Purchased |
Purchased from Gold Saucer Attendant for 30,000 in Gold Saucer. |
Plush Cushion |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 50★★★ Weaver. |
Pod 054 |
Raids |
Dropped from level 80 Alliance Raid The Copied Factory |
Pod 316 |
Raids |
Dropped from level 80 Alliance Raid The Copied Factory |
Poogie |
Trials |
Randomly drops from The Great Hunt (Extreme) Trial. |
Poro Roggo |
Quest Reward |
Complete MSQ The Word of the Mother. |
The Prince of Anemos |
FATE Reward |
Acquired from completing the FATE The Shadow over Anemos in Eureka Anemos and drops randomly from Anemos Lockbox from Anemos FATEs. |
Prince Lunatender |
Dungeons |
Drops from level 90 dungeon Smileton |
Princely Hatchling |
Achievements |
Complete the Leaving a Good Impression II achievement by receiving 50 Player Commendation. |
Protonaught |
Purchased |
Purchased from Crystal Quartermaster for 1,000 |
Private Moai |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 70★★ Blacksmith with Colossus Slab, Royal Fern and Chromite Ingot. |
Pterosquirrel |
Purchased |
Purchased from Faux Commander for 400 |
Pudgy Puk |
FATE Reward |
Complete the FATE The Eyes Have It with a Gold Medal rating in Coerthas Central Highlands (X16,Y20). |
Puff of Darkness |
Raids |
Found in chest after Cloud Of Darkness in World of Darkness. |
Pumpkin Butler |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from the All Saints' Wake (2015). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Road Sparrow |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped after completing Bardam's Mettle. |
Royal Lunatender |
Treasure Hunt |
Random chest drop in treasure dungeon The Excitatron 6000. |
Robonyan F-type |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!. |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Salt & Pepper Seal |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in The Drowned City of Skalla |
Sand Fox |
Purchased |
Purchased from Faux Commander in Idyllshire (x5.7,y6.1) for 400 |
Save the Princess |
Dungeons |
Drops from the lvl 80 duty Delubrum Reginae (Savage) |
Scarlet Peacock |
Crafted |
Craftable by Level 70★★★★ Weaver using Scarlet Tailfeather from Hells' Kier (Extreme) |
Seitei |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 70★★★★ Weaver (Master Weaver VI) using Seiryu's Scale dropped from The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme). |
Senorita Sabotender |
Purchased |
The Make It Rain Campaign 2021 - 21,000 |
Serpent Hatchling |
Purchased |
Purchased from The Order of the Twin Adder Grand Company vendor for 20,000. |
Shalloweye |
Achievements |
Complete the A Load of Verminion II achievement by winning 50 player (RP) matches in Lord of Verminion. |
Shaggy Shoat |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of Xelphatol. |
Sharksucker-class Insubmersible |
Submarine |
Collected from The Central Charnel Trench and The Southern Charnel Trench sectors in Subaquatic Voyages. |
Shoebill |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops from level 80 Dungeon Amaurot |
Shogunyan |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!. |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Silver Dasher |
Submarine |
Collected from The Open Robe sector in Subaquatic Voyages. |
Slime Puddle |
Dungeons |
Drops from chest in Copperbell Mines (Hard). (Guaranteed drop) |
Smaller Stubby |
Raids |
Dropped in level 80 raid The Tower at Paradigm's Breach |
Smallshell |
FATE Reward |
Complete the FATE It's Not Lupus with a Gold Medal rating in Eastern La Noscea (x31,y34). |
Squirrel Emperor |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Starlight Celebration (2021) |
Starbird |
Dungeons |
Drops from level 90 dungeon The Dead Ends |
Steam-powered Gobwalker G-VII |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 60★ Armorer. |
Storm Hatchling |
Purchased |
Purchased from The Maelstrom Grand Company vendor for 20,000. |
Sungold Talos |
Treasure Hunt |
Randomly drops in The Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah |
Syldrion-class Insubmersible |
Exploratory Voyages |
Subaquatic Voyages - Sea of Jade 4 |
Taoist Moogle |
Other |
Obtained from Itinerant Moogle during Fall 2018 and again in Summer 2021. |
Teacup Kapikulu |
Dungeon |
Alzadaal's Legacy |
Tender Lamb |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Heavensturn (2015). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Tengu Doll |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained from Field Exploration XXII and DoW/DoM Quick Exploration. |
Tight-beaked Parrot |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops from chest in Sastasha (Hard). |
Tinker's Bell |
Purchased |
Purchase for 6 Archaeotania's Horn at the Fathard in Eulmore (x 10.2, 11.7). |
Tiny Bulb |
Treasure Hunt |
Obtained from Toadskin Maps. |
Tiny Echevore |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops from level 73 Dungeon Dohn Mheg |
Tiny Rat |
Purchased |
Purchased from a vendor for 2,400 in Highbridge, Eastern Thanalan (x22,y21). |
Vendor appears after the completion of the FATE chain: Attack on Highbridge.
Tiny Tapir |
Retainer Ventures |
Obtained from Field Exploration XIV. |
Tiny Tatsunoko |
Fishing |
Spearfished from Swimming Shadows in Kobayashi Maru in the Ruby Sea. Spearfish for Bashful Batfish using a small gig. When the Swimming Shadows appear, use a large gig. Nature's Bounty helps. |
Tiny Tortoise |
Fishing |
Gathered by Fisher. Rare catch in the Salt Strand, Lower La Noscea (x17,y36). |
Tiny Troll |
Dungeons |
Randomly obtained from level 89 dungeon The Aitiascope |
Tomato King |
Gardening |
Obtained in Gardening by intercrossing: Dzemael Tomato with Mandrake OR Krakka Root with Broombush OR Jute with Krakka Root |
Tora-jiro |
Purchased |
Purchased for 800 from Estrild in Kugane |
Toy Alexander |
Dungeons |
Obtained from Alexander - The Soul of the Creator or Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage) (Guaranteed drop). |
Treasure Box |
Purchased |
Purchased from Grand Company's Hunt Billmaster for 440. |
Trike |
Mini-games |
Acquired in Kupo of Fortune of Ishgard Restoration |
Ugly Duckling |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of Neverreap. |
Unicolt |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped in chest after final boss of The Vault. |
Unlucky Rabbit |
Purchased |
Purchased from Gold Saucer Attendant in The Gold Saucer (x5.1,y6.6) for 30,000. Purchased from Minion Trader in Chocobo Square (x7.7,y7.0) for 30,000. |
USApyon |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!. |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Venoct |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!. |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Wanderer's Campfire |
Crafted |
Crafted by level 80 Alchemist |
Water Imp |
Purchased |
Purchased from Gold Saucer Attendant for 10,000 in Gold Saucer. |
Wayward Hatchling |
Purchased |
Purchased for 2,400 at the following: New Gridania from Maisenta <Black Raddit Traders> (x11,y11) Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks from Bango Zango <Brugaire Consortium> (X9, Y11) Ul'dah - Steps of Nald from Roarich <Independent Importer> (X10, Y9) |
Weatherproof Gaelicat |
Mini-games |
Acquired in Kupo of Fortune of Ishgard Restoration |
Wee Ea |
Purchased |
Purchased from N-1499 in Ultima Thule (x30.9,y28) for 500 after getting Rank 3 with FATEs in Ultima Thule. |
Whisper |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!. |
Possible event reruns in the future.
White Whittret |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops from the final boss of Hells' Lid. |
Wide-eyed Fawn |
Purchased |
Purchased from Auriana for 3 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics in Revenant's Toll, Mor Dhona (x22,y8). |
Wind-up Airship |
Quest Reward |
Complete the Level 15 Main Scenario Quest where you complete the Envoy mission and receive your airship pass. |
Wind-up Aldgoat |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 50 Weaver. |
Wind-up Alpha |
Quest Reward |
Complete the Omega Quest To Kweh under Distant Skies. |
Wind-up Alphinaud |
Quest Reward |
Complete MSQ In Search of Iceheart. |
Wind-up Amalj'aa |
Purchased |
Purchased from Amalj'aa Vendor for 25,000 in Southern Thanalan. Must obtain Trusted (Rank 4) with Amalj'aa Tribe. |
Wind-up Ananta |
Purchased |
Achieve Respected reputation with Ananta Daily Quests. |
Wind-up Anima |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops from level 83 Dungeon The Tower of Babil |
Wind-up Ardbert |
Seasonal Event |
Aquired during The Rising (2020) Seasonal Event Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Wind-up Arkasodara |
Purchased |
Achieve Trusted reputation with Arkasodara Daily Quests. |
Wind-up Aymeric |
Quest Reward |
Complete MSQ Litany of Peace. |
Wind-up Azeyma |
Raids |
Drops in Aglaia raid. |
Wind-up Bismarck |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 60★ Weaver. Requires Master Weaver III. Requires Blood Pepper, Chimerical Felt, Crawler Silk, Expanse Baleen. Expanse Baleen is dropped from The Limitless Blue (Extreme). |
Wind-up Brickman |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from the Final Fantasy XI / Dragon Quest X / Final Fantasy XIV Collaboration Event (January - February 2014). |
Wind-up Calofisteri |
Dungeons |
Found in chest after final boss of The Weeping City of Mhach. (Guaranteed drop) |
Wind-up Cheerleader |
Purchased |
Purchased from Storm Sergeant for 15,000 in Wolves' Den Pier. |
Wind-up Chimera |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 70★ Weaver. Requires Master Weaver V. Requires Twinsilk, Steppe Serge, Chimerical Felt, Sewing Thread, Allagan Catalyst |
Wind-up Kefka |
Raids |
Drops in Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage) |
Wind-up Khloe |
Other |
Offered as randomized 2-Line reward choice for Wondrous Tails. |
Wind-up Cid |
Quest Reward |
Complete MSQ A Difference of Opinion. |
Wind-up Cirina |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired during The Rising (2018). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Wind-up Cursor |
Achievements |
Obtained from Jonathas in Old Gridania ( X:10.6 Y:6.3) for 2 Achievement Certificates. |
Wind-up Daivadipa |
Purchased |
Purchased from Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (x11,y10) for 5 Daivadipa's Bead |
Wind-up Dezul Qualan |
Purchased |
Purchased from Ixali Vendor for 25,000 in North Shroud. Must obtain Allied (Rank 8) with Ixali Daily Quests. |
Wind-up Dragonet |
Purchased |
Purchased from Mogmul Mogbelly for 30,000 in The Churning Mists (x16,y29). Must obtain Sworn (Rank 7) with Moogle Daily Quests. |
Wind-up Dullahan |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 50 Armorer. |
Wind-up Echidna |
Dungeons |
Found in chest after final boss of The Void Ark. (Guaranteed drop) |
Wind-up Edda |
Dungeons |
Randomly dropped from Trimmed Sacks found in Palace of the Dead. |
Wind-up Edvya |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Little Ladies' Day (2014). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Wind-up Elvaan |
FATE Reward |
Acquired from level 47 FATE You Do Know Jack in East Flamerock |
Wind-up Erichthonios |
Raids |
Acquired in Abyssos: The Eighth Circle and Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage).
Wind-up Estinien |
Other |
Offered as randomized 2-Line reward choice for Wondrous Tails. |
Wind-up Exdeath |
Raids |
Found in chest after final boss of Deltascape V4.0. |
Wind-up Fafnir |
FATE Reward |
Acquired from completing the FATE Wine and Honey in Eureka Anemos and drops randomly from Anemos Lockbox from Anemos FATEs. |
Wind-up Firion |
Achievements |
Obtained from Jonathas in Old Gridania ( X:10.6 Y:6.3) for 2 Achievement Certificates. |
Wind-up Founder |
Purchased |
Purchased from Amalj'aa Vendor for 25,000 in Southern Thanalan. Must obtain Allied (Rank 8) with Amalj'aa Tribe. |
Wind-up Fuath |
Treasure Hunt |
Randomly drops in The Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah |
Wind-up G'raha Tia |
Quest Reward |
Reward for completing MSQ Shadowbringers. |
Wind-up Gaia |
Raids |
Randomly dropped in Eden's Promise: Eternity |
Lvl.80 iLvl.485
Wind-up Garuda |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 60★ Weaver. Garuda's Feather drops from The Howling Eye (Hard). |
Wind-up Gilgamesh |
Achievements |
Obtained from Jonathas in Old Gridania ( X:10.6 Y:6.3) for 2 Achievement Certificates. |
Wind-up Gentleman |
Quest Reward |
Complete the Level 50 Hildibrand questline Her Last Vow. |
Wind-up Gnath |
Purchased |
Purchased from Vath Stickpeddler for 30,000 in Dravanian Forelands. Must obtain Sworn (Rank 7) with Vath Tribe. |
Wind-up Goblin |
Achievements |
Obtained from Jonathas in Old Gridania ( X:10.6 Y:6.3) for 2 Achievement Certificates. |
Wind-up Gosetsu |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from The Rising (2017) Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Wind-up Grebuloff |
Retainer Ventures |
Randomly obtained from Highland Exploration XXVI |
(Lv 81)
Wind-up Gundu Warrior |
Purchased |
Purchased from Luna Vanu for 30,000 in The Sea of Clouds. Must obtain Trusted (Rank 4) with Vanu Vanu Tribe. |
Wind-up Gunnhildr |
Purchased |
Purchased from Resistance Quartermaster in Bozjan Southern Front (x14.2,y29.6) for 100 Bozjan Cluster |
Wind-up Haurchefant |
Quest Reward |
Complete MSQ As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness. |
Wind-up Herois |
Quest Reward |
Complete the level 90 Main Scenario Quest Endwalker (Quest) |
Wind-up Hien |
Other |
Offered as randomized 2-Line reward choice for Wondrous Tails. |
Wind-up Hobgoblin |
Retainer Ventures |
Acquired from Highland Exploration XXV and Quick Exploration (Miner) |
Wind-up Iceheart |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from The Rising (2015). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Wind-up Ifrit |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 60★ Weaver. Requires Master Weaver III. |
Wind-up Illuminatus |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 60★ Weaver. Requires Master Weaver III. |
Wind-up Ixal |
Purchased |
Purchased from Ixali Vendor for 25,000 in North Shroud. Must obtain Sworn (Rank 7) with Ixali Daily Quests. |
Wind-up Ixion |
FATE Reward |
Trade 5 Ixion Horn acquired from A Horse Outside to Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (x13.8,y11.7). |
Wind-up Kangaroo |
Retainer Ventures |
Acquired from Highland Exploration XXVIII |
Wind-up Kobold |
Purchased |
Purchased from Kobold Vendor for 25,000 in Outer La Noscea. Must obtain Trusted (Rank 4) with Kobold Daily Quests. |
Wind-up Kobolder |
Purchased |
Purchased from Kobold Vendor for 25,000 in Outer La Noscea. Must obtain Allied (Rank 8) with Kobold Daily Quests. |
Wind-up Kojin |
Purchased |
Purchased from Shikitahe in The Ruby Sea (x29.3,y16.8) for 5 after reaching Sworn reputation with Kojin. |
Wind-up Krile |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from The Rising (2016). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Wind-up Lakshmi |
Crafted |
Crafted by level 70★ Weaver. Blissful Shroud drops in Emanation (Extreme). |
Wind-up Leader |
Achievements |
Obtained from Jonathas in Old Gridania ( X:10.6 Y:6.3) for 2 Achievement Certificates. |
Wind-up Leviathan |
Crafted |
Crafted by level 60★ Weaver. Leviathan's Barb drops in The Whorleater (Hard) and The Whorleater (Extreme). |
Wind-up Louisoix |
Achievements |
Complete the Out of a Bind I achievement by completing The Final Coil of Bahamut. |
Wind-up Lyse |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from The Rising (2017) Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Wind-up Magus Sisters |
Dungeons |
Drops from level 81 Dungeon The Tower of Zot |
Wind-up Magnai |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 70★★ Weaver with Oroniri Cloth, Royal Fern Twinsilk and Worsted Yarn. |
Wind-up Matanga |
Treasure Hunt |
Randomly dropped in Hidden Canals of Uznair. |
Wind-up Meateater |
Purchased |
Purchased from Estrild in Kugane with 800. |
Wind-up Minfilia |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from The Rising (2014). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Wind-up Mithra |
FATE Reward |
Acquired from completing the FATE Short Serket 2 in Eureka Anemos and drops randomly from Anemos Lockbox from Anemos FATEs. |
Wind-up Moenbryda |
Quest Reward |
Complete MSQ An Ending to Mark a New Beginning. |
Wind-up Moon |
Other |
Trading an Hi-Elixir to the Magic Pot on The Isles of Umbra in Western La Noscea (x12,y36). |
Wind-up Mystel |
Quest |
Complete MSQ Unto the Morrow. |
Wind-up Namazu |
Treasure Hunt |
Randomly dropped in The Lost Canals of Uznair. |
Wind-up Nanamo |
Achievements |
Obtained from Jonathas in Old Gridania ( X:10.6 Y:6.3) for 2 Achievement Certificates. |
Wind-up Nero tol Scaeva |
Purchased |
Purchased from Gold Saucer Attendant for 30,000 in Gold Saucer. |
Wind-up Nu Mou |
Purchased |
Purchased at The Crystarium (x9.4, y9.5) or Eulmore (x11.0, y10.8) for 800. |
Wind-up Odin |
Achievements |
Obtained from Jonathas in Old Gridania ( X:10.6 Y:6.3) for 2 Achievement Certificates. |
Wind-up Ohl Deeh |
Purchased |
Purchased from Mogmul Mogbelly in Bahrr Lehs (x15.9,y28.5) for 30,000 after completing Heavensward Allied Tribal Quests. |
Wind-up Omega-F |
Other |
Offered as randomized 2-Line reward choice for Wondrous Tails. |
Wind-up Omega-M |
Other |
Offered as randomized 2-Line reward choice for Wondrous Tails. |
Wind-up Onion Knight |
Raids |
Found in chest after final boss of Syrcus Tower. (Guaranteed drop) |
Wind-up Pixie |
Purchased |
Purchased from Jul Oul in Il Mheg (x12.4,y32.9) for 7. |
Reach Honored reputation (Rank 6)
Wind-up Qalyana |
Purchased |
Purchased from Madhura in Castellum Velodyna (x20.9,y26.1) for 7 after reaching Allied reputation with Ananta. |
Wind-up Qiqirn |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 50 Weaver. |
Wind-up Ramuh |
Crafted |
Crafted by level 60★ Weaver. Levin Orb drops in The Striking Tree (Hard) and The Striking Tree (Extreme). |
Wind-up Ramza |
Raids |
Drops from level 70 raid The Orbonne Monastery |
Wind-up Ravana |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 60★ Weaver. Requires Master Weaver III. Requires Ravana's Forewing dropped in Thok ast Thok (Extreme) |
Wind-up Redback |
Purchased |
Purchased from Shikitahe (x29.3,y16.8) in the Kojin village of Tamamizu, located in The Ruby Sea for 5 after reaching Allied reputation with Kojin. |
Wind-up Rudy |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from Starlight Celebration (2021) |
Wind-up Ryne |
Raids |
Drops in Eden's Verse: Refulgence |
Lvl.80 iLvl.455
Wind-up Sadu |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 70★ Weaver. Requires Master Weaver VI. Requires Dotharli Cloth, Twinsilk, Royal Fern, Worsted Yarn. |
Wind-up Scarmiglione |
Dungeon |
The Fell Court Of Troia |
Wind-up Shantotto |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from the Final Fantasy XI Collaboration Event Burgeoning Dread. Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Wind-up Shinryu |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 70★ Weaver. Requires Master Weaver V. Requires Royal Fern, Twinsilk, Worsted Yarn, Shinryu's Scale |
Wind-up Shiva |
Crafted |
Crafted by level 60★ Weaver. Ice Tear drops in The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard) and The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme). |
Wind-up Sahagin |
Purchased |
Purchased from Sahagin Vendor for 25,000 in Western La Noscea. Must obtain Trusted (Rank 4) with Sahagin Daily Quests. |
Wind-up Sasquatch |
Purchased |
Purchased from E-Una-Kotor for 3 Gelmorran Potsherd in Quarrymill,South Shroud (x25,y20.6). Gelmorran Potsherds are obtained from Palace of the Dead. |
Wind-up Scathach |
Dungeons |
Drops at the end of Dun Scaith |
Wind-up Sea Devil |
Purchased |
Purchased from Sahagin Vendor for 25,000 in Western La Noscea. Must obtain Allied (Rank 8) with Sahagin Daily Quests. |
Wind-up Succubus |
Purchased |
Purchased from Grand Company's Hunt Billmaster for 500. |
Wind-up Sun |
Purchased |
Trading an Elixir to the Magic Pot on The Isles of Umbra, Western La Noscea at (x12,y36). |
Wind-up Susano |
Crafted |
Crafted by level 70★ Weaver. Blade of Revelry drops in The Pool of Tribute (Extreme). |
Wind-up Sylph |
Purchased |
Purchased from Sylph Vendor for 25,000 in East Shroud. Must obtain Trusted (Rank 4) with Sylph Tribal Quests. |
Wind-up Tarutaru |
FATE Reward |
Drops randomly from Pagos Lockbox from FATEs in Eureka Pagos. |
Wind-up Thancred |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from The Rising (2014). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Wind-up Titan |
Crafted |
Crafted by Level 60★ Weaver. Requires Master Weaver III. |
Wind-up Tonberry |
Treasure Hunt |
Obtained from Timeworn Boarskin Map. Also Obtained from Bronze Sack from Palace of the Dead. |
Wind-up Ultros |
Trials |
Obtained from The Dragon's Neck. |
Wind-up Vath |
Purchased |
Purchased from Vath Stickpeddler for 30,000 in Dravanian Forelands. Must obtain Trusted (Rank 4) with Vath Tribe. |
Wind-up Violet |
Purchased |
Purchased from Sylph Vendor for 25,000 in East Shroud. Must obtain Allied (Rank 8) with Sylph Tribal Quests. |
Wind-up Warrior of Light |
Achievements |
Obtained from Jonathas in Old Gridania ( X:10.6 Y:6.3) for 2 Achievement Certificates. |
Wind-up Weapon |
Dungeons |
Randomly drops from level 70 Dungeon The Ghimlyt Dark. |
Wind-up Yugiri |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired from The Rising (2015). Final Fantasy Online Store: 5 USD / 3.5 EUR / 2.88 GBP |
Wind-up Zhloe |
Other |
Offered as randomized 2-Line reward choice for Wondrous Tails. |
Wind-up Zundu Warrior |
Purchased |
Purchased from Luna Vanu for 30,000 in The Sea of Clouds. Must obtain Sworn (Rank 7) with Vanu Vanu Tribe. |
Wolf Pup |
Quest Reward |
Complete the Level 15 sidequest Man's Best Fiend from Skribyld in Aleport, Western La Noscea (x26,y26). |
Yukinko Snowflake |
FATE Reward |
Obtained from Eureka Hydatos |
Zazel |
Seasonal Event |
Acquired in Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! from August 19, 2020 to December 8, 2020 |
Possible event reruns in the future.
Zephyrous Zabuton |
Purchased |
Purchased from Shikitahe (x29.3,y16.8) in the Kojin village of Tamamizu, located in The Ruby Sea for 5 after reaching Allied reputation with Kojin. |
Zu Hatchling |
Purchased |
Purchased from Gold Saucer Attendant for 10,000 in Gold Saucer. |