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Lord of Verminion
- Special
- Tweezer
- Special Type
- Disarming
- Area effect
- Special Desc
- Removes all beneficial effects from all enemies within range.
- Points
- 20
“Summon your smallshell minion. The mere sight of this wee wavekin may cause severe psychological trauma to those who spent years of their lives on faraway shores culling his relatives.
— In-game description
“As is implied by its name, the smallshell's shell is small. What is not widely known is that unlike normal crabs whose shells grow thicker and, hence, larger as the crabs age, smallshell carapaces actually reduce in size due to erosion over the wavekin's lifespan, until nothing is left but legs.
— In-game journal description
“Got naught but a sea lion's share of crab offal 'twixt them ears, I reckon. - Ighii Moui
— In-game tooltip description
“<click> <munch>
— Island Sanctuary dialogue
Smallshell is a monster minion.
It's Not Lupus (Gold Medal rating required) Eastern La Noscea, south of Costa del Sol (x31,y34)